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Courage (1986 TV Movie)
Great drama
16 April 2004
Based on a true story and what a story that is!

Sophia Loren stars as the mother in a family of four. One of her two sons are a drug addict -more and more Loren is drawn into a world completely different from what she known. Suddenly she is in the middle of the drug trade in New York. Loren acts beautifully and believable and together with a great supporting cast with actors as Hector Elizondo "Courage" comes out as a very realistic drama. Director Kagan handles the story with respect. As it is a true story it also should be this way, and in the end "Courage" is a great drama about courage, a drama about an ordinary family caught up in a grim reality.

Great acting, great story. Recommended!
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Great actors but no great movie!
10 March 2003
Marianne Linner, daughter of police chief Linner, tries to catch a thief in the building where she lives. Mistaken identity, double jeopardy and love are the main parts in this movie. Even though "Bruden kom genom taket" stars great swedish actors like Stig Järrel, Karl-Arne Holmsten, Annalisa Ericson and the superb Gunnar Björnstrand the movie is neither funny nor exciting.
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A stirring account of of a women in Iran
1 February 2003
A truly stirring account of a girl and her struggles told through Taraneh Alidoosti.

This rich drama tells us a story of love, humor, joy and despair in a marvelous way. Director Rasul Sadrameli paints a simple yet profound picture of Taraneh and the world around her. The characters are very well acted and Taraneh Alidoosti is truly fantastic. A unpretentiousness imagery puts the focus on the story itself, a drama which is so strong and absorbing that "Man, taraneh, panzdah sal daram" leaves no one left untouched.

A fascinating film!
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Boat Trip (2002)
Roger Moore is great but the rest...
7 December 2002
What shall one say? "Boat Trip" is both a disaster and comedy that works. The idea of Cuba Gooding and his friend getting aboard on a gay cruise is fun, it also works that Cuba falls in love with a women and so on, but the rest, except Roger Moore who really is great, is bad, really bad. The worst part is the Swedish sunbathing team.

The movie is not good at all but could have been, worth seeing though for the part with Roger.

4/10 (close to 3/10)
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Worst Bond ever!
27 November 2002
Worst titlesong, worst directing, worst story, worst gadgets... I could go on, the list is long. is there anything good about "Die another day"? Yes, but those exceptions are made up by scenes borrowed from other Bond films. I really don´t know what "die another day" is about, the story is that messed up.

John Cleese is good in the role as "R", but the rest is better left alone. This movie is an insult to the work done by the people behind every other Bond film, and the sad part is that this is not just a bad Bond film it´s a really bad film!

Please don´t make an insult like this again!

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Never really gets to you
15 July 2002
The story itself is good, based on a novel, but this adaption for the screen does not cope in keeping the tense, the dramatics, the love that are ingredients in the story. "Sins of Rachel Cade" plays for two hours -but feels like an eternity. Overall the acting is good but something is missing and the movie ends up as a flat, little interesting and almost boring movie. This is a shame because the story itself is interesting and should have been handled better.
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The Gathering Storm (1974 TV Movie)
Fascinating epic
19 March 2002
Made for television in 1974 but non the less rather well-made and supported by great actors. Richard Burton stars as Sir Winston Churchill in this epic which spans the pre-war years of 1936-40. Following Churchill from being both ignored and ridiculed to the point where he is asked to lead the British nation, The gathering storm is interesting, fascinating and a great document of history. Richard Burton gives a powerful and fully believable performance, one of his better in the 1970s. 6/10
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Great fun
11 February 2002
One of the better movies in the Jönssonligan series. This 1984 adventure is the third movie and great fun. The plot is alright and the acting (as always) great. Jönssonligan får guldfeber is mostly recommended for its thrilling scene at the city hall in Stockholm. High up in the tall building Jönssonligan is trapped climbing on to the large clock outside the tower. I rate it 5/10 close to 6/10.
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Nice little spy flick!
16 January 2002
The movie is based on a true story. Rommel has planted two German spies in Cairo. They are his "ears and eyes" in the British eight army. Rommel is looking for information which can help him plan an attack on Cairo. The plot is good and interesting and the film holds the story together. It is quite clear that the budget is low, most of the scenes are shot in studios. The story is told in a slow pace, sometimes to slow- it never gets exciting! The acting is quite good all over, despite a few minor roles. Actor Michael Caine acts in a minor role as a German; Hans. Foxhole in Cairo is a nice little film, nothing more, and add up to 4/10
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Assassination of a story
15 January 2002
For the major part Assassination of Trotsky moves with a very slow pace and makes the movie even boring from time to time. Some scenes are over dramatized and creates an uneven tempo. Richard Burton:s character Leon Trotsky is minimized an old man walking around his villa speaking monologues, not enough to save the movie. Alain Delon acts Frank Jacson, the assassin, with bad judgment. The character is overplayed and not convincing. You even have trouble hearing what the man says when English not is his native tung! The story is very interesting and with burton in the lead one suspect that Assassination of Trotsky is a good film. Sadly this is not the case and the movie cannot be recommended. This is not a bad film but it suffers to much from an uneven tempo, bad direction and bad acting. It adds up to 3/10
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Realistic thriller
14 January 2002
This 1986 spy thriller is a realistic thriller. Michael Caine gives a great performance as Frank, the father of a son that has died during mysterious circumstances. Frank embarks on his own investigation into his son´s death only to discover a British society that not is what it seems to be, under the surface. His investigation leads to the government and what they would do to protect it´s secret activities. The whistle blower is told in a slow yet thrilling pace. The plot is good, even though it is hard to follow from time to time, and the acting great. The production is very simple which makes the film realistic. The whistle blower is one of Caine´s better spy thrillers and is recommended for anyone into the spy genre. 7/10
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Hidden in America (1996 TV Movie)
Shows how sick the US system is
19 December 2001
Great film that shows what happens to many people in America, but what the rest of the population wont see. This movie maybe get some thinking going for those who turn their heads or say "get a job" when someone "fail". There isn´t always a choice between being rich or poor, not everyone can succeed despite how hard they try, this movie shows that. Recommended for it´s story and the acting is good. It adds up to 5/10
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17 December 2001
Even though you can predict half of this movie, and even though the story isn´t that original "The glass house" works! The characters is somewhat one dimensional but the acting is great. The story is thrilling and keeps you tied at the sofa through out the movie!
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a very bad film
17 December 2001
This crap should never have been made! The story is bad and not realistic what so ever. The script rewrites history and changes it around so that what is left is not linked to any real event taken place ever. It is a mystery why Hackman is in this movie, maybe he too late realized that this movie is the worst he`s made. the acting is bad, especially Owen Wilson in the lead. I cannot figure out why this movie was made and I think it´s sad that money should be made out of a script so onedimensional, saying whats good and bad. And why are always Americans so good and why is always the bad shown as unshaved, mean soldiers with a non English language? Please don´t see this movie, but if you do-bare in mind that not all non Americans are evil!
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84C MoPic (1989)
rip off
14 November 2001
A 1989 Vietnam War drama that does not work at all. With a story and dialog quite similar to the one found in Full Metal Jacket this movie seems meaningless. The acting is OK, but the lack of impressive acting is too great. Only minor scenes are exciting but mostly the movie is slow and uninteresting. Not recommended at all, not even if you are in to Vietnam movies. 2/10.
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Quite silly
14 November 2001
This World War 2 drama do not succeed in almost anything.The story is set in 1945, Americans and English are situated as prisoners at a Japanese POW camp at the river Kwai in Thailand. They are ordered to transfer to Japan. Can they escape before they reach Japan?

Edward Fox is good as usual and so are many of the supporting actors but this is no use when Christopher Penn massacre the movie with real bad acting. The manuscript is full with flaws and most of the Japanese soldiers are pictured as stereotype as usual. Some parts is amusing or exciting but not enough to help this film. I cannot recommend it at all.
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Steel Sharks (1997)
Bad movie
8 November 2001
Full of flaws, stiff acting, bad effects, bad plot and very silly stereotypes of non-american soldiers. This is a bad movie but somewhat exciting a second or two with Gary Busey, excellent as always, in one role but this does not save this silly movie. Not even watchable for a laugh. Not recommended; 3/10.
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Ordeal in the Arctic (1993 TV Movie)
Exciting-but not gripping
8 November 2001
With only a minor flaws this movie is rather well-made, exciting and enjoyable. Richard Chamberlain plays the leading character well. Sad is that the movie doesn´t work all the way. Something is lacking. It is noticeable that the budget is quite low, but it all adds up to a good film. 5/10
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Suffers from its lenght
30 August 2001
It is the end of WWII. Van Johnson, a reporter in the military, celebrates together with all of Paris. At a café he meets a friend and his girlfriend. The girl, played by Donna Reed, immediatly fells in love with Van Johnsson. Unfortenatly for Donna Reed, Van Johnsson is bound to meet her sister, a young beautiful girl played by Elisabeth Taylor. There is love at first sight, They get married and their marriage has its ups and downs but results in a baby girl. In the most troubled period in their marriage, Van Johnsson no longer works as a reporter but as a novelist. All he gets is rejections and this affect both of them to that he moves back to the states. After a year he understands where he went wrong and goes back to France for his daughter.

The movie features good actors, especially Walter Pidgeon as the father of the two sisters. We also get to see a young Roger Moore in his first American movie. sadly the movie suffers from its lenght, almost two hours. At times it seems dull and uninteresting. 4/10
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The Island (1980)
What could had been a great adventure
3 August 2001
In this 1980 adventure we follow Michael Caine as reporter Blair Maynard searching for the answer of the missing boats in the Bermuda triangle. With him he has his son, Justin, who he plans to take to Disneyworld. Blair has to get on with his work before he can spend time with his son, what was planned to be a day trip to an Island is the beginning of the adventure. A plain carrying Blair and his son crash-lands on an island and they are forced to stay a couple of days. One day they rent a boat and goes on a fishingtrip but gets kidnaped by pirates who have survived from the 1600 century.

This could have been a a great adventure for children but the movie is trying to reach out for adults´. We see closeups of killings and massacres. Michael Caine acts somewhat reserved and the film does not get out of bad manuscript, acting and direction. Only recommended for adults with a sense of humour and the child within.
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Rather sad and gripping
8 July 2001
This 1973 rather sad and gripping World War2 story takes place in former Yugoslavia. Though close to being too "patriotic", showing the people of Yugoslavia:s sacrifices and struggle against diabolic Germans, the movie is quite realistic. We follow supremecommander Tito, rather well-played by Richard Burton, who leads the Yugoslav forces. Tito is shown as a peoples man who fights together with his people and helps the wounded. As usual the story base upon the not to original "good guy/bad guy" idea. In this story the good thing is that it is not the US or English army that act as good guys - but the partisan army. The film is not the greatest I have seen, and as a WW2 drama I can only recommend it for the rare opportunity of following another army than the US or English.
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Superb acting
27 September 2000
You are in for a first really slow 30 minutes. Then it goes on the rest 56 in just a slow pace. But except from that the movie is really great. The story is fascinating and keeps you awake despite the slow tempo. Roger Moore does his best effort as an actor and he really plays marvelous. Just to see his acting is enough for seeing this movie.
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Mostly clips
26 September 2000
Well, It`s good that its hosted by Mr Moore. But what else? No behind the scenes, nothing about the making, nothing about the actors. I could go on. The story is thin; You get to follow Mr Moore in different situations which is fit in to a Bond sequence. For example Moore walks into a train looking for a train compartment. Looking into those you get to see scenes cut from different Bond films containing scenes from train compartments, and so it goes on. it does not add anything new. So therefore I cannot recommend it.
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Great thriller
26 September 2000
In this 1985 step away of the bond era Moore finally gets to make a great movie. This is probably his best movie, maybe not in acting, but the script is hard to beat. The naked face origins from a novel by Sidney Sheldon. The story is good and it differs from many other in the genre. It is not easy to predict the ending. That alone makes this film worth seeing. There are also other facts that makes this well worth seeing. Rod Steiger plays more than well, making his character disgusting from time to time. Moore acts well and so does all roles. To this one ads good music and you cannot get anything but a great film. I say not it is excellent, but it comes close enough to be more than recommended.
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26 September 2000
There is no reason to see this movie. It is not good, but worst of all it is not really bad either. That is the problem with this movie. Nothing happens in it except a few good scenes you could cut out and make a 15 minute short movie of. The rest is pointless. David Niven acts good and Moore acts OK, one scene though is excellent. (For you who have seen the movie it is during the show set up by the American) Please don`t see this movie, you will get disappointed
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