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It is what it is. (possible spoilers) but really how can you spoil this movie.
19 August 2006
The summary says it all.

This movie will not win an academy award. It won't win best horror, best comedy or best suspense movie. The razzies may even be all over this one.

But let me say that this is the most fun I have had at a movie in a long time. The title is the plot and pretty much that is all that matters. Somehow, someway there are snakes on a plane and somebody has to take care of them.

The movie can be summarized as such. Man is a witness to a murder. Sam Jackson takes him into custody to testify. Man and Sam Jackson board a plane to LA. Snakes are on the plane. After that insanity ensues. Every snake and/or plane movie cliché you can imagine will possibly happen.

After it is all over you will have had a good time for 105 minutes.

Please go see this movie and go knowing you are getting exactly what the title tells you.
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Dreamcatcher (2003)
30 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
As I read some of the user comments I see people blaming Stephen King for this piece of drivel. Don't blame him. The move follows the book loosely and many details that would explain the actions of the characters are left out. While Dreamcatcher is not one of King's best books, it isn't the worst. All I could say to my wife while I was watching this was "The book was better."

If you must blame anyone blame the screen writers who took a book with lots of internal dialog and tried to turn it into a movie. Think "Dune."

~~~~~BOOK SPOILER~~~~~ Duddits wasn't an alien. Kurtz/Curtis was crazier. Owen was a bigger turncoat. Duddits was more developed. And a plethora of other scenes were left out.

Once again, take this movie as you will, but don't blame King.
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Panic Room (2002)
29 October 2002
This is the worst thriller I have ever seen. While the plot made sense, the actions in the movie did not.

This movie should be a fantasy movie as it was unbelievable.

STAY AWAY from Panic Room.

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It's hilarious!
28 August 2000
As I sat down to watch the Kings of Comedy, I was taken back. All of these guys are my uncles. Steve Harvey is the old school player. D.L Hughley is that uncle who's always talking about some one. Cedric is the laid back uncle, and Bernie is that uncle who everybody only invites because he's family. You know the one.

This movie or rather concert/documentary is hilarious. All four comedians have been in the game longer than many may believe. In my opinion Bernie Mac was the funniest of the three if only in his style of delivery. It's like your right there and holding a conversation with him.

Bernie is next on my list. He is as funny as Steve Harvey but I connected with him better. His delivery is like that of someone that you hang with every weekend.

Steve Harvey is third on my list. He was the MC for the night and he smoothed out the seams between breaks. His routines were funny and paced perfectly. He does a routine with a audience member that is not to be forgotten.

And last but not least poor D.L. I like D.L., but I feel he was thrown into the mix here. He lacks the old school qualities of the previous three performers and some of the jokes the he told I've heard before. His set was funny enough to get me by, but I could have done without.

Spike tried to film this as a Docu-comedy, but failed. I only say this because we could have gotten a better insight to the comedians and their travails. Instead we were given mini skits with the comedians being funny. Hey save it for the stage.

All in all as I said the film is enjoyable and hilarious. It deserves 3 out of 4 stars.

And on a side note. For all of the people who were "offended" there was nothing too offensive racially within the movie. You must understand that black comedians, with the exception of Bill Cosby, have been doing it for years. It is nothing new. There is a lot of sexual comedy, but that is to be expected also.
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Carmen Jones (1954)
This was made in 1954???
11 May 2000
This is a wonderful movie. It's hard to believe that this was made in 1954 when it was hard for african americans to get non-stereotypical roles.

The movie basically revoles around Carmen and Joe. It begins with Carmen persuing Joe even though he has a love interest. By the end of the movie thing have changed. It was very interesting to watch.

I was impressed that people of color were not made to look stereotypical. I was fascinated to know that even back in 1954 some women still flocked towards certain guys only because they were rich and famous.

This is indeed a classic.
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The Best of Them All
13 October 1999
Well I watched the whole trilogy over the weekend just to get a better feel for things. I must say that this was the best of the three. Lucas touched on every subject and more within the Star Wars universe. This story actually leads directly into The Return of the Jedi. Unlike Star Wars which basically could have stood alone and gotten its point across. The movie needs Jedi as a follow up or it just doesn't work. But that doesn't diminish from the quality of the movie. And I must also say that even though I was watching the Special Edition. The ORIGINAL effects were superb. So to sum up, if you want to see the best out of the four Star Wars movies, please watch this one. It's definately(sp?) worth it.
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Saturday Night Live (1975– )
A comedy that has been running for 25 years!
8 October 1999
Ok name one comedy that has been on the air for more than ten years. Its a short list right? Now how about 15 years. Hmmm only one right. Better shows have come and gone but SNL is still around and probally will be around until TV is no more. I have been watching since the 8th grade. I'm 24 now and I still watch. I will admit like everyone else the current cast isnt the best, but SNL goes in cycles. Some years are better than others. We all know this. SNL also has it's weeks. Some nights you will find that rare skit that stays in your mind for the rest of the weeks and prompt you to watch it again just so you can see it.

I will admit that the recent SNL movies have been some pure garbage, but i belive the cast members are getting their feet wet in the movie business so that when they leave the show they are familiar with the territory. Lorne Michaels is setting these people up to be bigger stars. That is probally why the movies look as if not too much work has been put into them.

All in all SNL is an American icon along with Baseball and Apple Pie. And lets admit even if your home team is batting .123 and the pitching staff has a 6.54 ERA you will continue to watch because your a fan. So give SNL its bad season. And who know maybe Will Ferrel is the next Eddie Murphy. Then agian I hope not. But you get the point. I wish SNL another 25 years.
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Varsity Blues (1999)
Small Town Football Huh...
10 August 1999
I recently watch this movie and I have to say that I liked it. This is exactly that small town football that you hear about. The story was very well told and the key acting was on point. There were some parts that could have been left out and the movie would have made the same point. Maybe they were looking for some filler. But all in all it was enjoyable.
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The Faculty (1998)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
3 August 1999
I think that this movie was worth the 3.75 I paid to rent it. It was it was enjoyable even though it reminded me of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." Aliens decend on and take over a small town with the exception of a few people who see through it. I found it to be interesting and thrilling. The high schoolers for whom this movie was targeted would enjoy it.
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9 out of 10
3 August 1999
Ok let me be honest. When I saw this in the theatre I wasn't impressed. But I couldn't stop going back to see it. And then it dawned on me that this movie is indeed a great movie.

Compared to all of the other "hood" movies this is the best. It contains a message that indeed hits home. Your actions will come back to haunt you. Tyrin Turner and Larenze Tate played great and believable roles.

Of course everyone won't get this movie. But for those who do watch it I hope you get the message.
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