
3 Reviews
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The Musketeer (2001)
A messy patchwork
23 September 2001
Why do they do this? Take a great story and make such a poor movie out of it. It looks like someone put it together in an afternoon. You think Hollywood would know how to make a decent movie by now. The camera shots look like they were made from a cam-corder at times, because the scenes were either shot from too far away or too close. They are edited together in a very choppy manner and we can't really appreciate the work of the stunt people. (Watch The Mask of Zorro if you want to see how it's done)

However, I found myself really hoping that it would get better. Come On! it's the Muskateer's! They had some good casting, but no direction. And what was with that final duel? Where's the witty repartee? The drawn out battle through many rooms and locales? It was anti-climactic to say the least.

It honestly looked like they sat down at a table and took five great stunts and tried to put some kind of a story around them. And WHAT! was with the opening credits? It look like a bad tv version of the old Wild, Wild West intro.
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The Mountain (1956)
A beautiful picture
14 July 1999
Here is Spencer Tracy doing what Spencer Tracy does best; live the part. He is one of only a few actors that engage you with almost no dialogue. The story is simple; Indian plane crashes on a mountain and two brothers climb to reach the wreckage; both for very different reasons.

The movie is filled with spectacular climbing footage, and incredible vistas. (It was filmed in VISTA-VISION you know) It's a journey between two brothers and the guilt that one carries for what he perceives to be his failings in raising the younger. Robert Wagner plays the young brother who only cares for money and greed. (he has no redeeming qualities whatsoever) Spencer is the elder who embodies all that is good and just. The Mountain serves as the grand reminder of how small we really are, but also the great feats we can accomplish.

Rent it. Watch it. I guarantee you'll enjoy it.
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An enjoyable Sunday matinee
11 July 1999
Sure, this isn't a film that rocked the movie theater, but it is a nice little picture; an enjoyable Sunday TV matinee. The premise is a little hokey, "time travelers frozen". But this is not Science Fiction here, it is only the vehicle for the story. The theme is Love: and what love it should aspire to be, something that prevails over time and the physical.

The performances, such as Peter Berg's lovable uncle, are endearing as they create this strong, believable family. In short, I cared about these people and I wanted to see them make this great love work.

To really enjoy this movie you need to suspend your disbelief a little. If you look beyond the premise and focus on the characters, you'll be pleasantly surprised.
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