
7 Reviews
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One of the greatest movies ever
16 November 1999
After I read some of these comments, I got mad. How can you not like this movie. How could you think something was scarier than this. In someone's comment they said that they wished he would've seen Deep Blue See. That looks like the worst movie ever made. How could you compare that with The Blair Witch. The Blair Witch Project was the most original idea in years. It shows us in a time where movies can have any special effects that they want, the things that really scare us is the things that we can't see. A great movie that is full of depth and originality. I remember seeing it opening night. I traveled an hour to the nearest showing and I was scared for days after that. If you haven't seen it yet. Stop reading about it. The more you know the less you will like it.
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24 August 1999
If you haven't seen the T.V series yet...Don't see the movie!! Even after you find out the murder of Laura Palmer, still don't watch it. There is so much to this movie. Not all just about Laura Palmer. The main person in this whole series and movie, is Agent Cooper. Most people just think that this whole series is just about a small town murder. It's not! There's more to it, much more. It's Cooper's story. The whole reason that Laura was killed was to get Cooper into Twin Peaks. You find much more about that in the final episode in the series. There's the thing called the 25 year cycle. Notice how they always speak of 25 years in the show. Like when Cooper talks to Laura in his dream 25 years later in Episode 3. Anyways, there's a 25 year cylce that has someone new come into a small town and get possessed. That may sound kind of crazy but when you think about it, it all makes sense. Wyndom Earl was possessed 25 years ago by Bob, Cooper became his partner a couple years before the series started, Cooper fell in love with his wife, Wyndom Earl found out and killed his wife and wanted to find Cooper. So the same thing is going to happen. As we saw in the final episode, Cooper was possessed by Bob. Cooper will later marry Annie, get a young partner, the partner will fall in love with Annie, Cooper will kill Annie and he will track his partner doen to a small town, and the same thing will happen to his partner. We saw in the final episode Bob sucking out Wyndom Earl's soul, that was Bob's soul. It may sound crazy, but it really does make sense if you think about it. So everything that happened was all for Cooper. The whole murder, everything. That is the unbelieveable! It's all for Cooper. Bob's character is the character that represents the evil in all of us. And now he's in Cooper. I think the movie lacted a little from the show, but it was still good. The whole beggining investigating Teresa Banks was really cool and mysterious. David Lynch's best work came from the T.V series. You'll never see anything like that on T.V anymore. First of all the violence, second of all for some strange reason the producers think that we'd rather see Luke Perry return on 90210. New's flash! We could watch 90210 in any other show. It's the same exact thing. But Peaks is the most original thing that I have ever seen. Recommened to everyone who has an imagination.
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great movie
29 July 1999
When you go and watch this movie for the first time, you think that it'll just be another action movie with some plot that just has people shooting each other. But this movie was different. It had everything. There was even some growing of age scenes. Well there was alot of those between John and the terminator. That's why the movie was so good. The terminator was like John's father that he never had. Directed by James Cameron from Titanic. Way better than Titanic. Titanic was alright, but nothing great. So check out this movie sometime.
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The Wild Life (1984)
25 July 1999
One of those movies where you don't have to expect an award or anything from it, but just want to watch it and have a good time. A feel good movie about basically nothing just makes you laugh at how much this movie's characters are just looking for some fun and not an Academy Award. The whole thing with Eric Stoltz brother...why was that in there. It was still funny and I enjoyed but it had no point. There'll never be another movie like this. Now a days the movies try to have to much story and it turns out terriable. We need another pointless movie like the Wild Life!
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One of the best of the decade
14 July 1999
Good Will Hunting was a movie that had everything in it. Everything that makes a movie good. Matt Damon and Ben Affleck do the greatest script ever wrote. By far the best dialouge in any movie I've seen. Well this and "Pulp Fiction". The acting was great also. It was an all around good movie with alot of meaning to it. It's almost even a coming of age sort of film. The whole friendship between Matt and Ben really paid off. You could tell in the movie that they were friends even off screen. Great acting by both of them and not to forget Robin Williams who does his best acting job yet. Even Will and Chuckie's friends were good actors. Ben's brother Casey did a great job and that other guy, I don't know his name, but he was in "Dazed and Confused", did a great job also. So if you're in the mood for a good movie about friendship and relationships, I highly recommend this movie.
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Pretty Good
29 June 1999
A couple weeks before it opened, I got so excited just like everyone else so when I went to see it three days after it opened, I wondered if it was going to be a let-down. I forgot all about that after I got in there and people were haveing light saber fights and starting cheers and stuff. I knew that this was going to be good. When the opening credits came on, you felt just like watching Star Wars. It sent a chill down my spine. So I started watching it and it was turning out to be pretty good. It wasn't exactly like the originals, but it still had the good old Star Wars feeling. The light saber battle at the end was great, the whole movie was basically great. Except of course for Jar Jar. I would've given anything for that thing to die. It would have made the movie ten times better. Well that's enough about Jar Jar. Let's just pray he's not in the next one. I liked how the movie set up everything for the next two. That was the best thing about it. I think the next one is going to be great. George Lucas won't really have to try to impress people with it and just do what he does. But all in all, it was a great movie and can't wait for the next one.
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The best movie ever made!!
29 June 1999
By far the best movie ever made. Without a doubt. I'm a huge fan of all the 80's teen movies, but this one is unbelievable. John Hughs does a great job with the script and the directing. The cover shots that used were great. You don't really see that many cover shots in a movie. But this one has tons and it shows you how the other kids are reacting. I'm only a freshman in highschool right now, but I can still relate to it. I remember watching this movie in 6th grade and I related to it back then. I've seen this movie so many times that I memorized it. And I'm still not bored of it. The more I see it, the more I like it. Here's a few things of my perspective of the characters. I'll try to make it short, but I could probably write a book about this movie.

John-A toubled kid who cracks some funny lines to impress his classmates. He has his problems at home, with getting beaten by his dad and he has his problems at school with basically everyone. They all think that he's a big joke and is just clowning his ways through highschool. The predictable thing would be to show that this kid is very emotional and bunch of other junk that's hiding behind his image. But in the end he's just a big as a jerk as he was in the beginning, except with a couple more friends. But do you really think that they all stayed friends? There's no chance. All in all his character makes you think that the bad people in school are just trying to show off.

Andrew-The average jock who is being pressured by his dad to do everything right. His character is a pretty cool though. He's probly the nicest guy out of the group besides Brian, but he is always hiding behind his dad. We think at the beginning of the movie that he loves playing his sports and being a jock, but we find out that he isn't what everyone thinks that he is. I think one cool thing in there was on his jacket it has a State championship patch on it. All the students were probly so proud of him and he was treated like a celebrity but inside he really didn't care. All in all his character makes you think that not everyone wants to go through the things the go through.

Brian-The brain of the group. One of the nicest and kindest. He is pressured by his parents just like Andy but not for sports. He's pressured by his grades. We find out that he got an F in shop class and he can't take it. Some of the other kids think that is pretty dumb to hate yourself for failing shop. But the he might think that it's pretty dumb for Andy to hate himself because he didn't win his wrestling match. He is having a tough time dealing with his grades, parents, and getting ripped on by his other classmates, such as John. All in all his character makes you think that some kids have a tougher time and makes you think about treating people badly.

Claire-She is probably my least favorite character. I mean I love Molly Ringwald but the character is a snob and is very conceited. She does have her normal teenage problems like everyone, but that's about it. I mean she's popular, she's not getting beaten by her dad, she's not being pressure by her dad, and she's not being ignored by her parents. She tries to get other people to feel sorry for her and thinks that she's the only one with problems. All in all her character is one who learns that other peolpe have different problems too.

Allison-The basketcase. She doesn't talk for the first half of the movie and she starts talking after all the other kids are all high. She starts lying about all kinds of sexual themes and trying to get people to think that she's some crazy girl. We find out that she has a tough homelife, being ignored by her parents and find out that she's a good girl and just tries to get a rise out of people. One of my favorite parts of the movie is when she dumps her purse out on the couch. Andrew says "At least I didn't dump my problems out on the couch!" That was likea cry for help, but she wasn't sure if she wanted it. All in in all her character makes you think what kind of people you never talk to at school could be. They could turn out to be one of your best friends.

Well that's what I gotta say about the characters. I could've written more. Much more, but I don't think anyone would've read it. If you haven't seen this're missing out on your highschool days. It teaches you so much. You really do learn more from this than out of some book you have to learn for some school project.
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