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Trog (1970)
Absolute Classic unintentionally funny Bad Film for the Ages
13 February 2023
Do I give it 1 or 10 stars when it deserves both? With a stiff British upper lip, everyone acts 100% serious in this unentionally funny, absolute clasic bad film for the ages. If you enjoy bad films that are meant to be serious but are inept and hystrical, then you must see Trog! To begin with, Joan Crawford "get me my hypo gun" stars as a "famous" Anthroplogist whose students discover the "missing link" in a conviently located cave nearby. Crawford studies the man, known as "Trog." They feed him rubber snakes and he wears little Trog shoes and sits in a square straw lined "Trog box" in a prison cell in her lab. Sometimes Trog is nice but he gets very angry when the music is changed from classical music to Rock and Roll! The great Michael Gough gives it his best as an annoying citizen who hates Trog but then is killed by him when Trog goes on his rampage. Before that, Crawford and some other "scientists" tap into Trog's brain which then plays stock footage of dinosaurs from another movie (despite the fact that dinosaurs and Trog lived hundreds of millions years apart). Crawford was involved with Pepsi through her husband, so there are Pepsi product placements at Trog's cave. Joan Crawford's acting is very professional here. If she was drunk, as some claim, you absolutely can't tell, but much of her dialog is hysterical. The Trog costume is laughable. The movie's "science" is some of absolute worst ever! Everyone is completely serious! In other words, THIS FILM IS GREAT! A classic bad film for the ages. Something you absolutely must see if you enjoy this sort of film.
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A Top 10 of all time "so bad it's good" films
24 January 2023
God bless the Vinegar Syndrome people for restoring this classic bad masterpiece from the original negative (under the theatrical release title Hell Island) and releasing it on Blu Ray (so I can finally retire my greatly inferior commercial VHS copy). If the Library of Congress was collecting and preserving the world's greatest "So bad they are good" films, this one would be in the permanent collection. I have studied bad film all my life and this is one of the greatest examples ever made because it's NOT CAMP, the film and everyone in it are COMPLETELY SERIOUS! You can't make a bad film like this on purpose. They tried to make a scary monster attack film but failed miserably and wonderfully at the same time. But unlike boring bad films, Attack of the Beast Creatures is thoroughly entertaining. The film was made on a small budget, but with a lot of heart. There is a shipwreck in the "North Atlantic" and surivors in a life boat think they have found "Greenland" but it's warm! There are deadly pools of acid on the island and then there are the "Beast Creatures" which are hilarious puppets with little moving feet that make a distinct noise. The Beast Creatures worship a carved wooden idol! They eat people too and can strip a man and turn him into a classroom sketon. With the exception of the "jerk" character Morgan, the acting is absolutely awful but in a wonderful sort of way because the actors are trying their best. I strongly recommend the new Blu Ray release. Again, this is an absolute, top 10 of all time "So Bad it's Good" films. I can't recommend it highly enough!
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Farscape (1999–2003)
Top Shelf, superbly written and acted science fiction TV show
15 December 2022
I write this 20 years after the last episode was made and this top quality science fiction show has stood the test of time and is as fresh and interesting to watch now as the day it was first broadcast. The show's #1 strength was great writing and story telling. It's never boring and the plot moves along nicely. The chacters are interesting, complex and often flawed. The acting is great and the cast really works well together. The show is beautifully photographed and visually interesting. Yes, the show has some puppets from the Henson folks, but they are so well executed, and wonderfully voiced (Jonathan Hardy is especially good as Rygel) that they almost seem real. To be honest, the puppets seem MORE real than most of the bad computer generated stuff you normally see now. This is just a great, classic, and timeless science fiction TV show. I feel certain people will still watch Farscape 50 years from now and enjoy it just as much.
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Has all the elements of a classic bad film
3 May 2022
When Conan the Barbarian became a hit in 1982, the Italians where superbly equipped to exploit that fad with a vengeance given their long history of producing bad Hercules and Hercules rip off films. Directed by Italian schlockmaster, Bruno Mattei (Rats Night of Terror, Robowar, Cruel Jaws), it features terrible dubbing, some nice actual Roman ruins for outdoor sets (they already existed and were likely free), the incomparable bad acting team of Lou Ferrigno AND Sybil Danning (who were also both in the Italian 1983 Hercules film), and it has a women's wresting scene where the competitors wear some very non-Roman tiny gold bikinis. The plot is pretty straight forward. Good guy (Ferrigno) gets a magic sword, recruits a team of gladiators, which includes sword & sandal veteran Brad Harris, and kills of a bunch of bad guys terrorizing a group of women. My personal favorite scene is when the "Emperor" tries to wield the magic sword, gets burned since he is not "divine" like Ferrigno. As the Emperor is wildly over acting getting "burned" by the magic sword handle, his cheap plastic crown falls off his head and bounces down a bunch of steps making very audible noises which clearly indicate the crown is very much made of plastic. The film does drag in places, but overall it's an entertaining piece of garbage for bad film fans and fans of director Bruno Mattei's work.
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Classic bad has great footage of a lost Los Angeles
24 September 2021
There are many reasons to watch this odd, creepy, strange, bad little film, but one of them is it contains some amazing color images of a lost Los Angeles circa 1963-64. There is lots of great footage of an amusement park called The Pike in Long Beach which was opened in 1902, but had seen better days by the time this movie was filmed. However, the worn, slightly sleezy quality of the Pike by this time works well for the film, especially the vintage creepy 1930's animatronic characters that were at the Pike and show up in this film. The Pike was completely destroyed in the late 1960's and nothing exists except a few items in a museum. It's neat to see this nice color footage which actually tries to show some of the seedier elements there. Then at 54:25 into the film, there is great footage of Steckler (aka Cash Flagg) wondering around and under the Angels Flight cable railway in it's original location going up to the Bunker Hill nighborhood in what is now downtown L. A. You can see a couple of old homes and some seedy looking apartment/boarding houses in the film. That entire area was demolished in the late 60's and about 100 feet was removed from the hill to provide more land to build office buildings etc., so nothing is now recognizable. So its neat to have that historic footage regardless of the rest of the film. The best copy, to date, of this film is contained in the 4 DVD "Ray Dennis Steckler Collection" box set. Since the film didn't look so great to begin with, you need the best copy possible to make sure you get to see the "Shook Out of Shape" music and dance number as clearly as possible. You can look at this movie multiple ways, both as awful and sort of brilliant in a strange offbeat way. But if you like vintage bad films, you must see this. It's essential. Steckler's Wild Guitar is another must see as well.
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Incredibly, this an excellent Gamera the flying turtle movie
22 August 2021
I've only seen the subtitled Japanese version, but against all odds, this is an excellent film! A classic of the Kaiju genre and a beautifuly made film. It's a tough task to take the Gamera, the jet powered flying turtle character, and make a serious and highly watchable film out of it, but here it is. A film that fans of the original, often silly, 60's-70's Gamera movies will very much enjoy but also something a much wider audience would also appreciate. They accomplish this near impossible task by getting everything exactly right. You still have guys in rubber suits destroying actual miniature buildings, which will please legacy fans of this genre, but the film also deftly uses some CGI technology in places, but smartly blends them together almost seamlessly. The film has an actual plot which is interesting enough to keep you watching. The acting, music and photography are all fantastic. A much higher quality production than any of the original Gamera movies.

The 2 sequels are also excellent.
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The Crawlers (1990)
Hilariously Bad, wonderful treat for bad film collectors
15 August 2020
If you enjoy serious, but so bad they are funny films, you need to watch this Italian masterpiece. I don't know if I should give this 1 star for being awful or 10 starts for being genius. I had this forever on VHS (under the tile The Crawlers) but just purchased the stunning new Shoutfactory-MGM Bluray (under the another of the film's titles, Contamination .7). The Blu Ray looks and sounds incredible and really shows off the fact the cinematographor did a great job of making this piece of garbage look pretty. The plot involves a "nuclear" power plant that dumps their "waste" (conveniently packaged in bright yellow 55 gallon steel drums that one person can lift by themselves) into a nearby stream and that somehow creates killer tree roots that look like rubber hoses that make loud whip crack noises as they strange people (and at least one dog). But the "nuclear" plant is obviously a coal fired power plant with long ramps and conveyor belts to load the coal to be burned and has a large smoke stack feautured prominently in the background. A plant worker/scientist/alcoholic, Dr. Taylor, discovers the radiation poisoning in the forest and then leaves a detailed map with the sex worker (after a visit) and she then passes it on to someone who gives it to a "big city" reporter who happens to be visiting after his grandfather was killed by the tree roots. The scientist later emerges and flies around in a helicopter and finds the radiation spill site. Being an expert on radiation, he immediately demands the helicopter land right in the middle of the spill so he can touch the radtioactive waste up close wearing no protective gear of any kind. Of course the tree roots soon kill him and then make the helicopter explode when the pilot tries to leave. In response, the whole town, complete with all their youg children and the local sex worker, none with protective gear, immediately drive directly into the middle of the radiation spill so their kids can soak up a nice high dose. The neighbors seem to have a plan. Some of them easily pick up the barrels of "nuclear waste" and load them in their pickup trucks, presumably to take home and use as fertilizer. Others, decide to sort of throw some dirt and tree limbs over the leaking barrels as that will surely stop the waste from leaking into the ground and creating more killer tree roots. The roots then start to attack but the "big city" reporter shows back up with people in bull dozers to push and break open the waste barrels (which will obviously stop the spill). A laugh riot as everyone in the film is completely serious. The ending sets us up for a sequel that apparenly never happened. At one time the film was released as Troll 3!
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Best Mexican film ever made
12 November 2007
OK, maybe I'm a little biased, but this film may be the greatest cultural achievements of Mexican art ever created. It takes to you a totally different universe, a unique reality, a magical moment in time in space in the mid 1960's that has long gone by. A world of bold color, great optimism, and cute, happy, hyper-active women doing Go Go Dances in cages. The sets this movie are shot on, mostly in a make believe Go Go Club are works of mid century art on par with the best America ever had to offer. Although in a different genre, I would put the set design on par with the 1950's movie Invaders from Mars or the 1960's masterpiece Creation of the Humanoids or maybe even the Wizard of Oz. The music, the fashion, the attitude of this movie are infectious. One viewing and you will be hooked. Unfortunately, its hard to find this movie and some of the bootleg copies being sold are of poor quality.

There is a plot, which centers around a girl named Lupe. She is being pursued by a suave older guy (who has some issues with the hyper dance style favored by Lupe) and another guy who is a driving instructor who is in business with a guy that looks like Sadam Hussein. Most of the action takes place in the Go Go Club with its constantly changing backdrops and loads of bands like the Los Rocking Devils and Los Hooligans who play Mexican versions of US rock hits like Wooly Bully and Hang on Lupe (not Sloopy). But the plot is not important, its the INCREDIBLE VISUALS and the cool time period music. If you love SCOPITONES, Shindig, Go Go Films, the mid 1960's, or if you want a study on how another culture (Mexico) adapts mid 1960's U.S. culture, there is no finer example on this earth. I have an original Mexican one sheet movie poster for this film on my wall.

Its too bad this film is so obscure. It would have a HUGE CULT FOLLOWING if it was more available. You don't even have to understand Spanish to be taken in by this masterwork. I could not recommend it more.
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Top quality and a superb chick flick
26 May 2006
I did not know films like this were still being made in 2005. As a dating male, I can also tell you this is the best "chick flick" that you are likely to find at the local rental store. I am normally very cynical about movies and there are almost no recent films that I like, but I was amazed at the overall quality when I watched this recently with a girl at her place. You have the great classic timeless story that will never fail, a really excellent lead and supporting cast, wonderful direction that is as good as anyone in its attention to detail, and some of the best lighting and cinematography that I have ever seen. This is superlative work here.
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Better than Star Wars
5 September 2005
This is a wonderful, thoughtful little film with timeless messages about prejudice and what it is to be human. A lot of people comment on the low budget, but there were some A list Hollywood people involved in making this like the most famous make up man ever, creator of the Universal Frankenstein make up for Boris Karloff, Jack P. Pierce, doing wonderful work near the end of his career. The great and colorful cinematography is done by the famous Hal Mohr who has a star on the Hollwood Walk and a long list of credits. The screenwriter was Jay Simms who went on to fame and a long career in television, so this film is not without talent in the people who made it despite its low budget. The film is also a bit cerebral for some people, and does have a lot of talking in it, but like the best Science Fiction films and T.V. programs, like the Twilight Zone, THE STORY will make you think deep thoughts. You can't say that about most big budget modern Science Fiction. I have a lot more respect for film like this, doing a lot with a little through the WRITING and the STORY than I do virtually any modern film whose story, if there is one, has been dummied down assuming no one in the audience has a working brain.

Much has been made about the fact that Andy Warhol loved this movie. It's easy to see why given the wonderful colors, lighting, and almost pop art looking sets. Despite being cheap, the film is often a wonder to look at. It also has Dudley Manlove of Plan Nine from Outer Space in it. Do your self a favor and watch this film if you can find it.
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Atrocious Paste Up Job
11 December 2003
This film is similar to Al Adamson's Horror of the Blood Monsters or the film They Saved Hitler's Brain in that it uses existing stock footage (presumably found very cheaply but shot years earlier)and then stuck together with new footage shot years later with a completely different cast. Somehow the people in the new film are to interact with the people in the old film. When done seriously (as in these three films) this sort of cheap paste up hatchet job hodge podge mess of a concept can produce amazingly bad results.

Even though the new footage is from the mid 1940's, its obvious the old footage is from a silent movie from the 1920's and does not match. The old footage also seems to have been transferred at the wrong speed in places. The White Gorilla Black Gorilla fight scenes (from the 1945 footage) are hilarious. That is if you do not think too deeply and see this as a visionary prediction of future race riots in the 1960's.

The production values of the old footage (said to be from a Tarzan serial) are really pretty good. However, the 1945 footage is worthy of Ed Wood Jr. and some ideas in these sequences with the Gorillas (and the pretty woman) seem to turn up 13 years later in Ed Wood's The Bride and The Beast. Adrian Weiss was the Producer of both, so there is a connection. And its safe to say fans of Ed Wood films, and serious students of bad films, would want to see movie.
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Nazi Bikers Battle Jesus!
21 July 2003
I had long admired the bad film work of David L. Hewitt ever since seeing The Wizard of Mars, Journey to the Center of Time, and the Mighty Gorga, but I have never heard of this masterwork until checking under his name on this database. Because, then I learned he "Directed" this film under another name, "Boris Eagle" and I suspect he was also the "Director" of photography "Charles Hawk" (bird thing going). I was so happy when I found a used DVD on ebay (it had a limited release in 2001 from a DVD label in Wisconsin). My life has been much richer since I have seen this late 60's masterwork of twisted bad cinema (the box says its from 1971, but given the EXTREME low budgets used by Hewitt it could have set on the shelf for awhile before release, my best guess is that it was shot a couple of years before that in 1969 around the time of the Mighty Gorga). It features cast members also used in the Mighy Gorga including the witchdoctor, Bruce Kimball (aka Kemp)and grade Z star Anthony Eisley (also from 1969).

The plot is world class twisted. A gang of Nazis, lead by "B. Rockwell Kemp" (George Lincoln Rockwell was a famous American Nazi in the 1960')played by Bruce Kimball (aka Kemp). For more cliche effect the Nazis ride motorcycles and rob a bank. They kill a young girl (by strangling her with a Swastika arm band) and her fiance finds out and wants revenge. He goes to a really funny head shop and is told he can find the Nazis hanging out at the local love in (of course, where else?). Also hanging out at the love in is a badly dubbed Jesus character named "The Messiah." He gives some "hip" sermons and the hippies all follow him much to the anger of the Nazis and B. Rockwell Kemp's boss (a drunk looking) James Craig (who was a real actor and must have needed money). He decides the Nazis must kill Jesus because then all the hippies would follow the Nazis instead (makes sense, right?).

The avenging fiance of the girl killed in the Nazi bank roberry joins the Nazis, finds out about the Jesus murder plot and calls his friend at the police. The police arrest Jesus for safekeeping but the Nazis bale him out and kill him on a conveniently located cross. The fiance continues to pose as a Nazi but eventually they find out and the whole thing ends in battle. Meanwhile we are treated to scenes of wild Nazi parties and orgies in their compound which is full of young Nazi babes. Music is by Rudy and The Love Slaves. This film a master piece of its kind. A great find for a bad film lover. Will all the attention going to someone like Ed Wood, remember there were others whose work was on that level and like Wood, Hewitt has a twisted style which can be strangely endearing. If nothing else its worth watching for Bruce Kimball's (aka Kemp)incredible performance as B. Rockwell Kemp. Marvel at his ever changing "German" accent (check him out in the Mighty Gorga and you will be sold). This film is bad classic and should received more attention. It made a significant impression on me.
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Incredible! Dr. Ernst Van Hauser forever!
18 January 2002
This film is incredible! It has everything you could hope for in an enjoyable bad film. An amazing plot, Hitler's director of "scientific warfare" Dr. Ernst Van Hauser (played by Jack Herman, an ex-Yiddish theater player who was a drama coach at a local black college) is living underneath a farmhouse in Dallas, Texas (where the movie was made). He is doing time travel experiments and giving lectures to captured subjects about his theories of "Superspectronic Relativity and the Minus Ray" (while his drawings on the blackboard are redrawn twice during his lecture). He states that his theories are far more advanced than Einstein's. He captures a baton twiller and her sister a bad night club singer ("the girl with the orchid voice" the film lets us know) who sings a funny bad song written by the director Russ Marker (I think). The director was an associate of Texas film maker Larry Buchanan and uses some of his stable of actors like Bill Thurman. Also stars a somewhat over the hill Tim Holt as a police detective who immediately knows when a baton twiller disappears in Texas it must by Nazis and Dr. Ernst Van Hauser. Jack Herman's over the top performance as Dr. Ernst Van Hauser is beyond words (William Shatner looks tame and controlled by comparison). Some amazing bad films, with wonderful low budget charm, came out of Texas in the 1960's and this takes its place as a classic along side such bad films as Manos Hands of Fate or any of the Larry Buchanan epics of the period. Highly recommended for bad film scholars. Needs to come out on DVD!
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Roller Blade (1986)
Nude Nuns on Roller Skates Worship Happy Face
30 June 2000
No question about it, this film is awful. Perhaps the most amazing thing is that it appears to have 4 sequels! The only one I have seen is Roller Blade Warriors: Taken By Force, and its just as bad.

Although a bit boring, I will give the film points for a creative plot. In some kind of post nuclear wasteland type (Mad Max rip off) world, there exists a group of roller skating nuns. They worship a 1970's era happy face icon. Their leader is named Mother Speed. She sits in a wheelchair with her skates on. She endlessly babbles horrible mock-Shakespearian dialogue, her favorite phrase is "Yeah Verily." Several of her nuns are played by actresses who are porn stars. They don't wear much normally and like to strip naked for certain initiation rites which take place in a hot tub (which still somehow works perfectly after everything else has been destroyed). The nuns can heal wounds with special powers which cause the happy face to appear. There is one notable scene with Mother Speed endlessly turning the handle of a pencil sharpener (with an orange happy face on top) which is attached to a Panasonic telephone answering machine. It makes a kind of whining noise while others look on in wonder.

The nuns battle their enemy Dr. Saticoy (which is named after a street in L.A.). A bunch of stupid stuff happens and Saticoy is eventually launched into the air on some kind of rocket powered device. Its real hard to figure out exactly what this is all about as the plot gets hopelessly lost as the film goes on.

Bad as this film is, it might actually be a little better than the director's previous film The Demon Lover from 1976. I'm amazed this director actually has 19 film credits!
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Perhaps the worst giant Ape film ever!
18 June 2000
There are a lot of bad giant ape films. There are also a lot of bad movies which feature less than authentic "African" safaris which are shot on tacky studio back lots with stock footage of wild animals in place of the real thing. Therefore, to stand out in this field is an accomplishment. The Mighty Gorga does. I've seen, and enjoyed, a large number of bad giant ape films and I can assure you they don't come any worse than this one. The only exception might be the Korean made atrocity A*P*E, but its a close call.

This film is absolutely awful in every way! So I was thrilled to tape this off TV one night. The ape costume is among the cheapest ever with plastic eyes which do not move. The Witch Doctor character (who also has a 2nd speaking role as a cashier in a booth at the circus near the start of the film) rants and raves a lot about evil "white men" coming to the ape's territory in "Africa" while he offers up "young maidens" as sacrifices to the Mighty Gorga giant ape. Of course the witch doctor is as white as Pat Boone and "Africa" is a few bits of stock footage and the worst movie back lot set imaginable.

The special effects are among the worst ever. I especially enjoyed the "fire" scene in the animal trader's complex. Grade Z movie leading man Anthony Eisley and 1 dimensional evil "heavy" Scott Brady team up again after being in the same director's awful Journey to the Center of Time a year or so before.

Its hard to convey in words just how awful this movie is. If you enjoy bad films, check this one out! You will be amazed.
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Incredibly Awful!
18 June 2000
Made to rip off Hammer Studios "Gallery of Horrors" this film really stinks. Its a series of short films sort of tied together with John Carradine's narration. Of course John Carradine would appear in anyone's film and did not seem to care how stupid or embarrassing he might look (there is something to be said for that I guess). Poor Lon Chaney, Jr. was said to be drinking a lot by the time he made this and he would need to be to get through this stinker! Drinking a lot might also help if you have to watch this movie!

The director is also responsible for The Mighty Gorga and Journey to the Center of Time, which are also pretty awful. You can torture people making them watch this film (and there is something to be said for that as well).
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Ultra Cheap Disjointed Confusing Mess-But Fun!
18 June 2000
Warning: Spoilers
I love this Ultra-Cheap, confusing, disjointed mess of a film! I especially love the new DVD version (looks a lot better than the old copy I taped off late night TV)! The hilarious "scientists" Abraham Sofaer (who looks a lot like Henry Kissinger) and grade Z film legend Anthony Eisley spend a lot time trying to explain the concept of the "Center of Time" (which makes absolutely no sense) to grade Z film "heavy" Scott Brady and Hugh Beamont look alike Austin Green. Scott Brady's character, Mr. Stanton, is a hilariously one dimensional evil businessman who takes over "Stanton Industries" from his dead father. Exactly why Stanton Industries is doing time travel experiments is explained about as well as the "Center of Time" concept. Marvel at how Stanton sees no value in knowing what the future looks like even 1 day in advance! Guess the great businessman never thought about knowing future stock prices or that sort of thing. Listen to him bark and threaten to carry out the practical plan of converting the time travel lab to "weapons production." Future Carol Burnett Show and Wonderwoman star Lyle Waggoner has a funny part as a space alien from the future. The space alien's ship set is beyond cheap! They are here to warn war loving mankind about the horrors of the "laser weapon" of course.

Parts of the plot are actually interesting as the time travel "vault" (a sort of space ship looking thing with Scott Brady inside) goes back and forth from the future to the past and ends up getting lost in time. To the films credit, things do move along fairly quickly and the film is pretty well paced. But everything is so incredibly cheap and cheesy looking, its beyond belief! I love the "computer" tape reels that never turn! Pay attention to the female bimbos in the lab and their "reactions" to the loss of the time vault. If you miss something the first time in the movie, don't worry, you will see it again and again as the film is padded with lots of annoying flashbacks of earlier scenes!

If you like bad and cheap films loaded with scientific explanations which make no sense, you will love this film! And you thought the Time Tunnel TV show looked cheap! Buy the DVD!
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A Simply Incredible Mind Melting Mess!
20 May 2000
A confusing and mind melting mess of a film. They don't make them like this anymore! Tor Johnson's chance to star! Tor, as you may know, was a professional wrestler who went on to fame in Ed Wood, Jr. films like Bride of the Monster and Plan Nine from Outer Space. His huge build, like a human wall, and his bald head became famous. They still sell Halloween masks with his image!

In this film atrocity, he plays an atomic scientist on the run! Watch how government agents empty their guns shooting at him at close range, but can't hit his huge 400 pound body! If fact people are repeatedly shot in this film without any effect whatsoever. The film is most famous for its near total lack of dialogue, as an off screen narrator tells the audience what is going on and endlessly babbles cryptic philosophical insights on the modern world. Out of nowhere the narrator says things like "Flag on the Moon, how did get there?" "Young boys feed soda to the thirsty pigs."

The "plot" has Tor accidently stumbling into an atomic bomb test (funny how that happens), getting his clothes ripped up in the process, and then becoming a sort of hermit like desert cave dweller with a big stick. He likes to grab women, carry them around, and lick their hair. There are some other plot elements, but they don't make much sense. In fact, nothing in this movie makes much sense. Perhaps its all meant to be "art" and if so, its a lot more fun than any Andy Warhol film ever was. I would love to make serious film students watch and study Beast of Yucca Flats to learn its cinematic techniques and digest its social commentary.

The long version of the movie contains a nude scene at the beginning. Yes, the film drags in places, but its a unique and unforgettable work.
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Blood Freak (1972)
Incredible twisted Christian-Drug-Gore-Turkey Monster film
29 June 1999
Certainly one of the strangest and most incredible films ever produced for human consumption. Mere words can not begin to describe this twisted masterpiece. The fantastic plot involves a guy named Hershel (Steve Hawkes) who rides a chopper and looks a bit like Elvis Presley. He meets up with two sisters, one an extremely straight Bible preaching evangelist named Angel who wants to save the world, the other a drug using slut, named Ann, who has the hots for Hershel. Hershel smokes some kind of super addicting pot which causes him to sc**w Ann. He then goes to work for a man who appears to be their father who owns a poultry farm with a built in laboratory run by some dim witted scientists. Hershel then eats a whole turkey provided by the lab which is laced with experimental drugs. He passes out, wakes up as turkey monster, starts killing a strange assortment of people, and drinks their blood. He also has sex with Ann in his turkey outfit while she voices her concerns about having turkey monster children. All throughout the film, a sleazy narrator interrupts things to give the audience confusing philosophical insights about God. It all works out in the end as Hershel finds sobriety, God, love, and poultry. You could spend your whole life trying to find something as bizarre as this film and not succeed.
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Incredible Bad Al Adamson Masterpiece
29 June 1999
Bad film seekers rejoice! Rent or buy this film on video and marvel at its sloppy tackiness and sheer badness. There have been a lot of Grade Z horror films made over the years, but few are as enjoyably awful as this one! Its one of my all time favorites! Yes, it's sad to see Lon Chaney, Jr. and J. Carrol Nash in their last roles, but what a way to go out! Director Al Adamson's wife, the busty dim witted bleach blonde Regina Carroll is used to great effect in her best role! We are treated to her incredible bad night club song and dance routine which is mind numbing! She's said to be a star in Las Vegas, but we only see one table of people in the audience, and sitting right in the middle is the director Al Adamson himself! Jim Davis, of Dallas, is a silly police detective who endlessly babbles his philosophy about the "freaks and weirdos." Great Grade Z supporting cast. Lots of tacky circa 1970 fashion, language, and situations (like Regina's acid trip). Zandar Vorkov is certainly filmdom's best-worst afro headed Dracula. His voice is processed through an echo device so cheap it makes Mexican radio sound realistic! Some of the Frankenstein effects are 40 year old original Universal props! Wonderful schlock from master crap film maker Al Adamson. Don't miss it!
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A bad film classic for all time. Viva Tor Johnson!
29 June 1999
You know you are a hard core bad film collector when you pay extra to get a more complete copy of this film so you can see the (non-erotic) brief female nude scene at the beginning which is missing from most prints! While many thousands of mediocre films are justly long forgotten, this minor masterpiece continues to confuse and amaze viewers 40 years after its release! It should continue to do so well into the next century. How many films can you say that about? My hope is that long after our civilization disappears, some space alien Archeologist will discover a copy of this film, watch it, and wonder about us.
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Bad Film classic which has it all!
29 June 1999
A great bad film classic! No serious study of schlock film could be complete without watching this masterpiece! See if you can find a print which has the scene, often cut, where the lizard man squeezes the rats to death in the cellar. This film features some of the best bad science ever seen! The lengthly explanation, using a cheap textbook as proof, about mankind evolving from a fish to a reptile and then backwards again ("Its possible!" "That's Fantastic" "So are the isotopes in your atomic laboratory!")is worth the price of admission alone! Also features an incredible bad music sequence with perhaps the worst fake piano playing pantomime ever seen. Robert Clarke's lizard suit alone would make this film noteworthly, but with its other top notch bad elements, its an all time classic!
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Cute babe leaves city for sex with ape men in fake jungle
28 June 1999
One of bad film master Larry Buchanan's best. Features a stupid yet potent mix of sex, bad science, fake jungle sets, horrible makeup, and incredible music ("She used her charms to tame the wild, she thought of everything except what to name the child"). A very cute-sexy blonde babe leaves the city (the "Urban Jungle") for what is said to be Africa after a hospital accident. She finds a tribe of "Near Men" (they only have one female, but it gets killed). The Near Men look like football players with some mud packed on their faces, but they are said to be apes. She learns their grunt language, breast feeds their baby, and, in the interest of science, starts having rampant sex with all of them. Movies don't get much better.
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Fun grade Z junk from director of Astro Zombies
28 June 1999
One of schlock film master Ted Mikels' best bad films. Not as famous or fun as the Astro Zombies, but certainly worth checking out. Mikels is said to have sued TV Mogul Aron Spelling over Doll Squad, claiming Spelling created "Charlie's Angels" based on this film! That gives Spelling way too much credit. Don't know what ever came of the law suit, but I would like to listen to Mikels' legal arguments! Typical Grade Z government actor types program a big secret super computer to choose the ideal squad of secret agents to save the world, and it comes up with 4 fighting bimbos for the job. They use their sex appeal and unconvincing martial art skills to get the bad guy and titilate the audience. Everything in the movie has a very brown-orange shag carpet 1970's look. I'm sure Mikels was the first on his block to get a leisure suit.
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Down on Us (1984)
Schlock Rock Hell
25 June 1999
Schlock master Larry Buchanan combines his love of conspiracy theories with his amazing ability to present unrealistic history in this movie, perhaps the worst rock music related film ever made. The actors only vaguely resemble Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison, and produce amusing sound alike fake music for the soundtrack. All musical performances take place on the same cheap set which is said to be in different places all over the world. Everything has an extreme bargain basement quality about it. A lot more fun to watch than Woodstock.
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