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Night Sky (2022)
Plot Holes and Continuity Errors Added To Tedium
28 May 2022
Night Sky

I persisted in this tedious poorly done series until the final episode in season one because my work was so hectic that I welcomed a show that moved a bit slower than the continents do.

There is so much wrong here. The leads are supposed to be these long marrieds who share a life but instead generate zero passion or interest in each other. They are a repulsive couple who deceive each other at every important turn.

There are plot holes large enough to drive a Star Trek style transporter through as well as continuity failures which ware equally large. The plot often makes zero sense because no sane person would react to events as these characters do. The little tension generated is done by withholding information from the viewer. The entire plot is pointless until the 5th episode and then only wholly comprehensible in the last one. Or should I say apparently comprehensible because we can't be sure.

Unless you are frazzled beyond frazzletown at viewing time, I can't recommend this dud. It worked for me because its tedium offset my overly stimulated life. I do not plan on viewing S2 assuming one is foolishly presented.
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Dog (I) (2022)
Two Stories - One Title
9 March 2022
This is ostensibly a dog movie which takes the usual turns although with some originality in the details. My wife saw a dog movie and since she's a big fan of our German Shepherd and for that matter, all shepherd types, she enjoyed every minute of it.

I liked the dog part too but the other movie was the despair US vets are experiencing in their lives after their service is done. The protagonist is one such vet who, despite severe and permanent wounds longs to sign on as a mercenary despite his manifest unfitness for such duty.

He fit nowhere in civilian life and in many ways was, along with his buddies, very much like Dog who, as a war dog, also had no place in 'civil' society. The presentation is a road trip meeting some expected strange characters along the way most notably Jane Adams as a spiritual healer/psychic.

The movie, once you look away from the sometimes comical bonding of the man and dog to the background faced by vets - both human and canine, the laughing isn't so funny.

I felt the movie a good deal more dramatic and moving than I thought it'd be. This is one of those movies that will work well for all but will hit each viewer differently. Overall, it was surprisingly good.
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Jumped The F-bomb Shark
22 February 2022
Like Mad Men, much of the enjoyment this show once offered stemmed from the 1950s to 1960s look and culture. This started to crumble in S3 with the introduction of current time sensibilities. It took a huge nosedive in S4 with every other word now one of the 7 deadly ones that Lenny Bruce used to say was forbidden particularly the F-bomb.

This not just from the abrasive, annoying Susie character but from everybody. It's as if modern talk where this tedium is expected, suddenly happened in 1960. Hot flash writers. Nobody and I mean nobody spoke this way in 1960. It wasn't scandalous, it was disgusting to people if anybody tried.

Meanwhile, we get the modern interpretation of the self-indulgent supposedly put upon female in a male world. For example, the lead character decides, after wasting all her money on an apartment, that the way to live is to cheat gullible businesses into extending her credit she'll only pay if things go her way. One business declines the con which PROVES that women are oppressed.

Meanwhile one woman, the sister of Dirty Susie, prostitutes herself to defraud a company. That's portrayed as being on the side of the angels. I'm into E2 or S4 and I'm out for good.
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Reacher (2022– )
Easy To Root For The Good Guys
18 February 2022
This is one of those TV dramas that works well due to the ensemble. It starts out as if this will be a single loner against a town but he soon develops allies as the mystery that roped him in grows increasingly deeper and stranger. There are a few instances where the story rolls well into PG-13 or so territory which surprised me.

There is also a welcome lack of wokeness in a story that unfolds believably - at least for a TV drama. I doubt there's much that's realistic even within the story's context. For example, the drifter, Reacher, seems able to take on any number of attackers until it helps the story that he fights to a draw so another player steps in to help.

My wife's favorite TV is calm PBS British costume dramas so when she went binge on this after, as she said, being drawn into the story within 10 minutes, I was curious to see for myself what had gotten her so far off her usual genre. I'm glad I did. I think I was drawn in after 9 minutes.

I'm ready for Season two. Bosch drifted badly in its last season. I hope Reacher stays on track.
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Zero Entertainment Value
26 December 2021
I'm awarding three stars for this flick offering a glimpse into the world of 1940s USA and nothing more. As entertainment, it merits zero stars.

The issue is that the plot's progress depends on all the clichéd players making the stupidest decisions at every inflection point. Here are two examples that, I think, avoid spoilers.

The supposed tension consists of a family member's odd and doubly oddly unquestioned behavior that seems to leave him swimming in money but never questioned about its source. Is he a desperate criminal or fleeing from the police to the sole place in the world the police will look for him because he'd too idiotic to see that obvious flow in his escape plans?

So once at the obvious hideout with an Andy Hardly style family, he sees a newspaper article that would, if he left it alone, would do nothing to create suspicion about him but he makes such a silly fuss that it ends up starting a chain of events that lead to further suspicion.

In another dopey move, the neighborhood's comic relief is played by a 1940s version of an Incel who passes a detached garage clearly on fire where he hears a woman inside screaming and pounding the door hoping someone will hear and aid her escape. What does he do? He wanders into a nearby house and leisurely mentions the fire whereby the group assembles to attempt a rescue that leads to evidence destruction. Had he just opened the blocked door, the movie may have ended right then.

The finale modeled on the Perils of Pauline is beyond an eye roller. Overall zero stars as entertainment and three stars for a worldview.
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Terrific Production Values But...
8 July 2021
I remain surprised that any production company that could put together such an eye filling spectacular didn't leave any budget for a writer. Without going into a spoiler, the plot makes no sense. That is, given the nature of the dire issue facing humanity, the solution was right in front of the fools due to the inclusion of time travel.

Think on it. There you are in, say, 2050 with a problem you need time to solve. You can travel to 2025 to tell those there of the problem

OR you can travel to 2025 and recruit millions to fight in a war that only exists because you don't have time to solve the problem.

Along the way we're treated to various tropes as well as worn out scenes such as a departure happening in 3 minutes but the actors take 5 minutes to say good bye. Humans fighting aliens using weapons that work against humans but not aliens. Humans, knowing a dire threat arrives in a few years doing nothing.

Meanwhile we're once again transported to the Land of the Woke. All the military commanders are female. The only young romance is multi-racial. When the protagonist needs information about volcanoes to save the world, he bypasses all the geologists and volcanologists on Earth to consult with a black teen whose hobby is volcanos.

The worst sin of all - Betty Gilpin is underused.
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Count Me In
2 July 2021 one who either didn't get it or who realized the emperor has no clothes. To me, this was a poorly acted, pathetically directed mess.

I'll give two early on examples. The opening scene is of two old timey knights passed out on a rocky beach. They seem exhausted as if they just washed up after an shipwreck and passed out from swimming in apparently with their horses. IF not a a shipwreck, there's no explanation for why two guys in armor are sleeping on a cobble beach.

Along comes a guy in a hoodie announcing he's death but he agrees to a chess game on a chessboard that JUST HAPPENS to be set up pieces and all waiting for him. In the background, the horses are seen drinking the ocean water - again apparently.

Cut to a few people sleeping in a sheep wagon. A guy wakes up, goes outside, and starts dancing around. Name ONE guy ever who woke up and failed to take a leak. That's what I mean by pathetic directing.

There's an overlay narration about some biblical nonsense that fails to give things context because if Revelation did occur in the middle ages, there's be no cinema for this director to screw up.
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A Complete Failure
1 July 2021
There wasn't a laugh or even a smile in this jerky, disconnected try. It's an astonishing waste of several top personalities such as Goodman, Arkin and Tomei. I find it astonishing that these three, all my faves, managed to fail completely in this misbegotten outing.

A good deal of the problem here is the usual Hollywood detachment from reality. For example, Helms plays a divorced man paying child support for two uninteresting and one offensive (supposedly funny) children. His career consists of various low wage retail style jobs that he can't secure now that he's been replaced in his previous job by a robot. Despite him making maybe $9/hr. And paying all that child support he lives in a large home in suburbia. I suppose that's Hollywood's idea of how the poor masses exist.

Strange looking Oliva Wilde plays the type of woman who you'd meet on a blind date, are first attracted to her looks but as soon as she speaks, you arrange for a rescue call to get you out of there. She's so repulsive that the romance she's supposedly part of doesn't work at all.

Then we have the crippled, demented old lady who grows lucid for most of the movie spouting gobbets of wisdom throughout. Without going into detail, the upshot is not one likeable character or setup. I didn't even warm to Steve Martin playing the dog.

In the end, a failure at every front and an astonishing unlikeable performance from an array of top players.
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Barton Fink (1991)
An Astonishing Accomplishment In Bad
28 June 2021
I'm astounded as to how bad this movie is. It's in a rare category where nothing about it isn't wrong. It's tedious to the point that I watched it from about the 30% mark just to see if something decent would show up. Surprisingly, it went downhill from the point where my common sense said to turn it off and purge it from my memory.

In sum, it's a collection of worn tropes from the writer who thinks he has Big Ideas to the Hollywood types who are all loudmouth pushy clichés to the standard over the top drunken writer to the fakey-doo 1940s hard boiled cops. There is even a Wes Anderson hotel as a feature.

I recommend this ONLY to those who are students of cinema so they can learn how bad something with this much talent can be.
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Oblivion (I) (2013)
Sunglasses Again
24 June 2021
I gave up on this one after a series of events. Tom Cruise's character makes a remarkably bone headed decision that lands him in a dark cave. If he remained intelligent, the plot would not go on. He's in great danger from the apparent bad guys that ate the moon and triggered an atomic war that ruined the Earth.

And who does he meet in this DARK cave on a devastated Earth? Why Morgan Freeman wearing sunglasses and smoking a cigar. I'd say at this point it was 30/70 favoring Morgan that he'd be the one instead of Laurence Fishburne but it had to be one because it'd been too long a white's only show.

Of course he had to look all cool and all.

I'm tired of the idiocy. Despite the stunning visuals, at that point I gave up.
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The Nice Guys (2016)
Genuinely Repulsive
19 June 2021
I'll say that unlike other movies, this one hasn't a single redeeming feature. Ok, I need to make a disclaimer. It may have something decent in it after I abandoned it on the principle that my life is finite so I won't waste it. That was the 50% or so mark.

There is nothing funny or even non-offensive in the entire show aside from the opening scene where a sex starved 12 year old boy gets to see a soon to be dead naked girl. The issue here and throughout is that people do not act as they do in this movie. A 13 year old girl, after being attacked by a grown man who is then defeated, does not immediately grow concerned with his welfare.

I suspect that the editing harmed what little there may have been of the movie. The 'buddy hookup' as well as the goal made no sense. The supposed comedy is Crowe, ballooned to 250 lbs. Lumbering about hitting people. Both he and Gosling look like they spent the previous night sleeping in a sewer.

Given the production values and stars, I'm blown away at how bad this was.
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My Spy (2020)
Only in Hollywood
12 July 2020
A CIA team led by new spy JJ (Bautista) is assigned to watch a mother/daughter family hoping to nab one of their relatives who has Deadly Information. To do so, he and his supposedly comical partner, Bobbi (Schaal) wire the targets' apartment with supernaturally effective spy equipment. Clumsy events lead to JJ, who is clearly trying follow fellow fake wrestler, Rock, into stardom, into contact with 11 year old Sophie (Coleman).

The linchpin of production is the adult/child act put on well, too well really, by Coleman. I'm ok with a child being intelligent beyond the surrounding adults but it gets wearisome when she's also better informed.

From then on it's Coleman's show. She leads the adults around by the nose and in doing so does demonstrate her chops but to the detriment of the movie. Had the director had the spine to reign her in, it'd be a much better show. As it is, it jumps the shark time and again.

Also, as nicely ambling along as Bautista is, he's no Dwayne Johnson. Add that this entire setup has been done before and to do it well again, it takes more than a good look set of female leads. It needs some originality. The wrap-up was so cliched and fumbling that it was embarrassing.

Worth it for Coleman's performance but other than that, pretty flat.
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Repulsive From The Get-Go
8 May 2020
Right at the start of this, David breaks the fourth wall to address the viewers directly. His initial speech goes on to whine on about classes of people he detests. It's a precursor of HRC's 'basket of deplorables' but as a detail listing instead of HRC's general detestation of any and all non-coastals.

At about the dozen mark, he listed me. At that point I turned the thing with him in it off, ejected the DVD and crumbled it.

I got enormous satisfaction doing so. That's the last Larry David production I'll ever even try to view. I wonder how David would react to a production starting out with the producer/star explaining how much he detests whining J's.

I doubt he's smile.
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Unorthodox (2020)
Orthodox Tropes Tramp Reality
3 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Hollywood exists on tropes. Lately the good ones elevate females and disregard or disparage males. For example, a recently expired trope was that if a frowzy virgin female gets laid, she transforms into a hot, confident woman with magically improved hair, makeup and clothes.

The current trope, or at least one, is that any female who finds herself in a traditional family role of housewife can find unlimited good in leaving that role and is not only justified in doing so, but a fool not to leave.

Here we have a woman who did just that. She simply picked up and left her husband who seems like a nice if a bit bewildered fellow. The movie's justification for her having done so is her highly restricted life preventing her from experiencing the world. Funny though - despite this justification, she has no problems navigating in the world she's supposed to have been kept ignorant of.

From the moment she leaves her husband and family, everything breaks her way up to and including her entry in magical Harry Potter sort of school in Germany where German isn't even spoken giving her an especially easy time of it. She also discovers she has a highly trained singing voice she somehow overlooked for all her life. More magic there.

I was expecting as another trope she get into a fight with a black belt 220 lb male and easily defeat him but that one was somehow skipped by the writers. Maybe next installment if there is one.
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Mr. Right (I) (2015)
30 September 2019
This is supposed to be a light rom com but simply fails despite having a cast that others would cut an arm off to employ. Well, three cast members anyway - the headliners.

The direction is heavy handed and persistently annoying. In fact, annoying is the byword for this entire mess. Here's an example: Rockwell is supposed to have such fast reactions that he can move to block a shotgun blast from only a few feet away. Here's another: Rockwell is alone being attacked by 8 or so guys. They line up in two rows in front of him rather than doing a simple surround putting him in the kill sack.

But when the script pathetically calls for tension by having him and Kendrick captured, he suddenly has the reaction time of a sloth.

Kendrick's charm shines through the miserable script which portrays her as the type of person who, in real life, would be stomped time and again on general principles.

The only character I liked was played by Katie Nehra who was Anna's roomie. I felt her sympathetic and beautiful. It seems after being exposed to this mess, she quit the films.

Kendrick has the potential to be this gen's Carole Lombard, but she needs to be choosy about what vehicles she's in. This one made money but it did her no good.
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The Chase (1966)
12 Years A Drunken White Man
29 March 2019
OK, we have it all here. Every white person is a drunken, loud, obnoxious, greedy race baiting piece of filth. Every black person is a paragon of virtue and patience despite being put upon constantly. Clearly, if it were made today, it'd win Best Picture.

No doubt this was a pioneering movie back in its day with this, now worn smooth, thematic material, but it's miserable watching today. It's notable for its famous, if not terribly strong, cast. We get to see a very young Robert Redford do not so much but what do you expect from a guy who established his fame via his mandible? Jane Fonda does do a good job and looks great while doing it.

The rest of the crew are best for pointing at as they enter the stage to show you know who they are and what they went on to do. The exception is Brando who plays Brando like he does in every role except The Godfather where he plays Brando with stuffing in his cheeks.

There's no entertainment here, but it may be worth a watch due to its ice breaking theme or if you are a Hollywood buff interested in seeing seminal roles for some now famous actors.
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Sad Season Two So Far
14 December 2018
I enjoyed Season 1 completely finding it an interesting dip into an American subculture on the cusp of change in what I take to be the late 1950's. At that time there were no laws against women being comics, doctors, lawyers or, I suppose lumberjacks but few were. Today only the lumberjack category remains male only. The change came within a decade of this show's time and picked up speed during the following ten years.

I've just started Season 2 finding it disappointing so far. First, and most annoyingly noticeable, is a nasty sound track that often pointlessly blasts out putting my teeth on edge every time. It's genuinely repulsive. The second issue is that it's turned into a farce. A housewife having no money or skills, moves overseas and exists on nothing much for weeks until her husband notices she's gone (they share a bed). A person is kidnapped by professional killers who are tasked to hand out a beating but the one kidnapped, by gum, ends up making friends with the killers and even sharing a meal at one's house.

I'll give S2E2 another try but if the nonsense coupled with vile 'music' continues, I'm out.
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Game Night (I) (2018)
Sure, it's Stupid - It Needs to Be.
27 October 2018
I think the negative comments here are, in total, a bit over the top. This isn't a comedy to be studied by film students for a hundred years but it's not terrible either. It's a go at that tried and true 1930's format: the screwball or mix up comedy.

Yeah, the people are idiots but they have to be to be drawn into the mix up. We even have a mild virtue signal that nobody in the film seems to have ever seen a firearm before because, you know, even if they'll save the day, guns are evil and must be confiscated except from police and military. A guy gets severely shot but doesn't seem to be all that inconvenienced by it even if it leaks blood at a rate which would end up killing him in a short while.

My point is you simply need to calmly go with it accepting it at face value rather than thinking you'd never do such dopey stuff so it's annoying to see others do it too. If you think on it, smart =/= comedy.
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Black Panther (2018)
14 September 2018
I'm blown away at how disappointed I was when I finally got to watch this one via Netflix. I'll say it out front: it's incoherent. Sure, the sets and people look good. I especially like the edges on the silly spears the female troops use, but all that production value is tossed aside if not hitched to a comprehensible plot. Here, I am now halfway through the flick and have only the vaguest idea of what's going on.

I'll give it another go this evening. I'm unsure if I'll start it again or continue from where I am in hopes something pulls things together for me. I understand the high ratings on this bomb. I too enjoy finally seeing black actors behave like humans instead of caricatures but surely it can be done in a better constructed vehicle.
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Searching (III) (2018)
Should Be Mandatory for Dads
10 September 2018
I'll echo others who've said this is a flick that finally authentic about not only social media, but the power of the current state of the Internet. Yet it's much more.

When the movie ended, my wife commented that this should be mandatory watching in every school. I don't entirely agree although I think that a good idea. To my eye, the lesson is more for the dad who, partly due to social media, has lost touch with his daughter. That unintentional estrangement leads to serious issues when she vanishes.

In sum, this is an exciting and very well-done mystery/thriller with an authenticity rarely seen in movies lately. All dads need to see it.
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Harmlessly Unrealistic
19 August 2018
This turned out to be an inoffensive quick paced rom-com complete with an interesting and appealing cast, clearly defined good guys and some not so good guys. The setup is common: a favored son wishes to marry an outsider who doesn't meet with the rich Chinese matron's approval.

Along the way we get a nice travelogue of Singapore mixed in with a good deal of character actors doing their character often in an exaggerated way. It's really harmless all around and a chance to feel good about things for whatever the run time is.

I was disappointed in the finale finding the solution laughably unrealistic. A similar issue was resolved in a highly thoughtful and intelligent manner in 'The Twilight Samurai'. Well, this isn't a movie for the ages but an Eastern version of a fish out of water. No harm no foul.
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One of the Best from the 80's
5 August 2018
This is an adventure/comedy which works perfectly. Goldblum plays the part of someone strolling around stunned perfectly here and to some extent, in all his parts. The supporting cast is ideal and the concept original.

There's a good deal of similarity here between this and the Melanie Griffith vehicle, 'Something Wild' which came out a year after 'Into the Night'. In both cases, everyday men are drawn into an increasingly bizarre circumstance so both are fish out of water movies.

I rate this more highly than 'Something Wild' which I enjoy too because the Griffith show changes tone from offbeat bizarre to mean and then does another turn at the very end. This maintains its tone throughout and the wrap up, when Goldblum finds out what it's all about is priceless.

I got my copy via Amazon for the cost of a single movie ticket. I view it as well worth the money.
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Maid to Order (1987)
A Relief From Serious
28 July 2018
I caught this movie years ago on TV. Subsequently, it seems to have disappeared from the Earth like some others have. I snagged a copy from eBay and so got to watch it again during an otherwise tedious time in an airport.

I'd say it held up just fine. The reason I enjoy this and similar shows is there's nothing bad happening. I'm uninterested in watching people torn apart or otherwise destroyed, cities laid waste to and the other disasters we're subject to now that CGI has reached a high state of excellence.

This is a terrific ensemble rather shakily directed with a few odd choices in plot details such as the choice of the comeback song performed at the charity event. Still, the whole thing goes down easily.

I've seen it compared to Tootsie and no, it's not anything of that caliber if you care about movie quality. That doesn't decrease how much I enjoy this show. Not every thing needs to be serious and this isn't.
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Great Fun and no Harm
14 July 2018
I don't enjoy when comic book stories take themselves grimly serious as was the case with 2018's Infinity War. I admit to having enjoyed it despite a plot hole that you could sail the Earth through, but my two favorites remain Ant Man and first Guardians.

I'll add Ant Man and the Wasp right up there with those stars of the MCU. It takes a few minutes to set up but then it's off to a purely enjoyable romp which makes utterly no sense, but so what? The science in the flick won't pass a reflective kindergartener. For example, a member of our intrepid team enters the undefined 'quantum state' which is right down there in size with strings. He's attacked by a water bear. Now water bears are hardy animals but how'd they get down to string size?

There's some talk about Paul Rudd getting himself in trouble with Germans which is why he's under house arrest but so little true explanation that I thought I'd missed a transition movie. Not so, advised my wife who watches these things.

We have people zooming about (Ghost Girl) enlarging or reducing all to the beat of extremely fast actions and quick cuts. The cinematography is simply superb to not only show all these state changes but to show them coherently and leaving the audience upbeat rather than fatigued.

Overall, great fun and no harm.
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Newcomer's Perspective
12 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike, it seems, everybody else, I'm still a newcomer to the Marvel Universe. I've seen two previous movies - the ones where the raccoon stars but none other. So I was a bit confused as to who everybody was and why they can do the things that they can.

Putting that aside, I really marveled at the CGI craft here. I won't say it's the best ever since I'm hardly an expert but it sure was better, in some ways, than what I've ever seen in the past except for Avatar - a movie almost a decade old now. The downside of the CGI was the constant fast cuts meaning, at least for me, little comprehension of the action during fights. I only figured out who won a particular fight after it was over. I never had that issue with Avatar.

I'll get right to my issue here. The plot is utterly senseless. The bad guy, who is weirdly the most sympathetic and best developed character, has a plan which is senseless. It can't work even if he achieves his stated goal. However, his ends can be met by other means. I was waiting for a character, any character, to sit down with this guy and together work out a plan which will achieve the bad guy's desires but also cause no misery or destruction.

Then too we have the tired issue of time travel not taken. This pervades any show where time travel exists. There's no reason for a time traveler to experience a bad outcome since he can jump back in time as often as needed to remedy the issue. Here, the good guys get the bad guy under their power and are about to prevail when one of the good guys does something moronic which caused the bad guy to escape. Well, Mr. Time Traveler, go back a few minutes so you can stop this from occurring.

There are other holes too. People have magical powers which wax and wane. One minute some woman is easily defeated by the bad guy and next is able to fend him off using only part of her power. That sort of inconsistency is rampant.

Well, it was a good show even if it bugged me due to it simply doing whatever it wished without attention to what happened previously. I feel I got my money's worth and you'll get more if you also shut your brains off while watching.
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