
24 Reviews
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Great Escapist fun!
31 May 2003
Silly, fluffy, film with mostly great actors. As far as this being a remake, with the exception of the Minis, the main characters name, and gold bars, its barely a remake. I mean, how many movies involve some sort of gold heist? How many were full of exaggerated characters? With elaborate escape plans that need to be changed at the last minute? This one uses the same old cliches as many others do, but, this was well done and very enjoyable. This used the cliches better than most. We want fun and we wanna get wasted on the movie experience. The Italian Job did its job.
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Finding Nemo (2003)
Scariest Pixar yet, but way to fun to miss.
31 May 2003
Going into this film I had some reservations how this would turn out.

>>How can they make it 5 in a row? >>The trailers were not overly enticing except for the animation.

>>I even thought Ellen DeGeneres would drag it down.

Boy was I wrong on all counts. One thing of note is this is easily the scariest of all their movies. Some scenes were either sad or very scary. But beyond all that, this is beautiful to look at. We all knew it would be of course. But what matters most is the story, and this one delivers. Ellen DeGeneres was hilarious and basically stole almost every scene. Great voices as usual and a warm, funny story yet again. The film was bright and colorful and beautiful visually and emotionally. Another homerun by Pixar. That's 5 for 5!
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Timecop (1994)
Goofy Fun
27 December 2002
I love time travel movies. This one is great fun. With the exception of "Hard Target" this is Jean-Claude's only decent film. He is a better actor than Segal, which isn't saying much. But this is pure fun. Decent direction and cool effects. Besides, how can you not like a movie Produced by Raimi and Tapert!
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Mumford (1999)
Unfolding beauty
4 December 2002
This movie like many others by directed by Lawrence Kasdan, (Silverado, Grand Canyon, Big chill), have a wonderful eclectic cast and real characters. He casts wonderfully gifted actors and gives them deep and authentic characters to flesh out. He also blends various story lines into an incredible weave of celluloid bliss. Mumford unfolds into this deep and layered beautiful story of what impact people have on each other. Whether they realize it or not.
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NewsRadio (1995–1999)
a Pox on the neilson ratings
15 October 2002
Brilliant, beautiful and hilarious. Three ingredients that usually lead to early cancelation. Very few shows with those qualities seem to last long. Sadly, this show did not. Ratings hardly ever represent true quality. The death of Phil Hartman was horrible. He fleshed out and brought depth to one of the best characters (Bill McNeal) in tv history. Jon Lovitz did a good job, but he was not able to bring the same richness that Phil Hartman did. The rest of the actors were also incredible.

One thing I love that some may not realize was what great editing it had. I mean, when ever someone got hurt, it was a quick cut to the same shot of an ambulance going down the street. I also like how they had a little continuity carry over to the next few episodes. ex: When Bill is doing the commercial, Catherine tricks him into some new urban slang... then a few episodes later they are doing the space radio station, and the characters use one of the made up words Catherine invented. Brilliant
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Clicked with me!
21 September 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie was well done. Some reviewers, (vivesi-1), thought this movie had "flaws in logic and fact". SPOILERS AHEAD!! FACT: A young couple could be very intimidated by a fifty year old man with a large knife blade. FACT: Sy is portrayed as Sad and endearing makes him even more the creepier. FACT: Not all wives react immediately to finding out about their husbands infidelity. and who cares if the pictures took over an hour to process?

Robin Williams, known for over acting many times in other movies, does a very good job of playing creepy guy beneath the surface of a sad and lonely man. A nice change of pace from all the pseudo realistic Hollywood movie machine. Don't get me wrong, I love a lot of the stuff the Hollywood machine cranks out. Its just nice to see a movie that does not play by those games.
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Glory Days (2001–2002)
from seconds to an Hour
25 March 2002
I was flippin' though the channels one day and found this show on the WB channel. I meant to look for a few seconds, and stayed an hour. Nothing spectacular sticks out by itself, but all the parts together make for a fun show. Good acting, good writing, good direction and even the somewhat far fetched plot in most episodes, combine for a good show. I hope being on the WB will give this show a chance to last a little longer.
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Police Squad! (1982)
25 March 2002
This is probably the funniest TV show I have ever seen. It only lasted 6 episodes and every episode was tight and perfect. What more can you say about a show that has the funniest line in T.V. history..."Who are you and how did you get in here?" "I'm a locksmith. And...I'm a locksmith." or after Leslie Nielson arrived to investigate a murdered husband he says to the wife... "We would have been here sooner but he wasn't dead yet." I am sure the show could not have have maintained this level for a few seasons, but one would have been great, 6 was way to short, almost a crime it was canceled so quick! PLEASE bring it to DVD with hopefully some deleted scenes and commentary! I cannot die until I see something extra on this show and then share it with my great grandkids also!
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For the Birds (2000)
Perfect Brilliance!
24 March 2002
Not one wasted shot! Perfect timing and structure. One of, if not the best animated short I have ever seen. After I saw this, I sat down and thought about it. I thought of how long its been since we had such a Marvelous 5 minutes of animation on the same level of Chuck Jones. How wonderful to have some creative forces to share with us this vision and hopefully more in the future.
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Duck Amuck (1953)
A Hole in My Heart!
24 March 2002
I have always meant to comment on chuck Jones and his animation brilliance. Part of me thought about how timeless his vision and creation was. How no matter how long ago the cartoons were first created, they never seem to lose their originality and utter beauty. This cartoon/movie like so many others of his, are exceptional in more ways than I can put in words. The only fear is that they will be desecrated in the future. How through Liberal political correctness and Religious zealots, we have lost our ability to laugh at ourselves and in the process we will destroy our freedom. If this simple wonderful little movie can not be seen for its pure entertainment value, then we have lost more than we realize.
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Better every year!
5 January 2002
I have always enjoyed this movie, but every time I see it I like it a little more. It is a beautiful and sweet movie that reminds us of how everything we do or say may affect someone else in ways that we can't imagine. The acting of course is superb, and the comic elements are wonderfully done. Easily John Hughes most touching film.
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Not your normal review.
27 March 2001
Ok, This is more of a comment for some of the reviewers. Especially torwell from texas. NEVER trust a person that can't back up their comments with an email addy. He first comments are on the unrealistic nature of the film. It is based on ancient Chinese legends. The flying and wall climbing is part of the ancient mythology. Europeans are not the only ones to have wonderful stories in mythology. The film is in Mandarin, not Japanese or Siberian like he alludes to. torwell's review like so many others, do not seem to grasp what other cultures may have in their legends and history. You do have to suspend your typical Western beliefs and accept their are other cultures with as rich of a history as our western culture. This movie is beautiful and mesmerising on so many layers. I can't say much in here that has not been said in other places. In case torwell and others think they can pigeonhole me in some catagory. I am a Republican, I believe in the right to bear arms. I love Bruce Willis and Arnold movies. I Love Hockey and Football. I Even like country music. And I LOVED "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" You don't have to be a tree hugger or a socialist to enjoy this movie. You just have to be open minded and suspend disbelief for a couple hours.
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Traffic (2000)
Who the Heck voted?
27 March 2001
Don't believe the horrible reviews. I never trust a reviewer that does not have the guts to put their email addys to explain them selves. Whether the review was good or bad, show you are a real person capable of backing up your comments. No, regarding the oscars, I am not saying that Traffic should have been the Academy award winner. But It is far better than Gladiator. The actors are for the most part were top notch. Benico del Toro of course was brilliant. But the performances by Don Cheadle, Luis Guzman, Miguel Ferrer, Albert Finney were also brilliant. In fact, the only weak performance was by Zeta Jones. Maybe because of all the other great performances its unfair to compare her to the others. Director Steven Soderbergh directed this daring film with great courage and determination, and I can hardly wait to see more of his films in the future. I am not a filmaker, so my critiques may be illogical. I did find the story with Michael Douglas a little over acted at times. But thats just my opinion, it has too many other wonderful scenes and performances to not watch it. 9 out of 10
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Pure Bliss!
27 March 2001
This is one of my favorite movies by some of my favorite writers/Directors/Producers. Top 10 in my list of all time. I mean it has Nicholas Cage, Holly Hunter, John Goodman, Frances McDormand and Sam McMurray. Innovative camera work, check out the chase scene. A quirky and original story that Hollywood seems to lack 90% of the time. The trademark Coen bros stamp of loopiness and visual glory. This movie is one of those that you have to go into it and not decide what you think its about. Just go in and watch it. Let the deeply written characters welcome you into their world.
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The Way and the Light!!!!
2 March 2001
This show did not have enough time to showcase what tremendous talents Mark and Brian were on TV. If you are fortunate enough to hear their radio show extravaganza, you will understand why the weasels at NBC denied us a weekly visual treat. However, you can still see them here and there in little bit parts in movies and TV. One of the most memorable parts were the Homosexual scared creatures they played on an episode on Star Trek:TNG.

I was lucky enough to meet them in a run-down drive in the late 80's for a hilarious Halloween parade. Then again at Disneyland for a private Fantasmic party. They are so fluid and relaxed and genuine as partners, you can see and hear that they actually enjoy each other in a surreal and strangely intimate way.
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A two point conversion!
1 August 2000
Just like in football, you know when they are going to do the two point conversion, and as with this movie, you know what the basic plot outline is. But when the two point conversion works in Football, as in this movie, its exciting and fun to watch. You don't expect it to work, but it does.

I saw the premier on the 27th and wanted to wait till a few days later before I write a review. I wanted to let my thoughts on the film settle a little. I loved this movie, it was a lot funnier than I thought it would be. While some of the acting was a little over the top, it usually worked. The acting by Hackman was great. Then again, when is Hackman not great.

The attitude towards the striking players was a little shocking, but I felt it was right on target. The romance was a little lame, but it was kept a little light by some clever comments. Is this the funniest or best sports movie I have ever seen? No! But it is a very entertaining and fun movie that I would pay to see again. I gave this movie an 8 out of a possible 10.
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Please make the bad movie go away!
26 May 2000
I see that those Scientology goofs directed almost 300 from their cult to give this movie a 10. While I can see where some might give it score of 5 or maybe a 6, there is NO way that this trivial, mindless waste of celluloid and energy should ever get a 10. Just like those dolts who gave "Casablanca" a 1, some voters are so discombobulated, their head rolled away years ago. The story is so bad, and the direction so lame and over wrought, that even good and great actors look like hacks from a 60's training film.

This movie had 2 achievements of merit though. One: It makes the first Star Trek movie look like an Oscar contender. Two: Now I can say "Moment to Moment" is his 2nd worst movie
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Jack of all Talent!!!
11 February 2000
I am yet again impressed with the stuff that Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell come up with. This is a silly and immensely entertaining show. It by far has the BEST opening theme song I have ever heard or seen. Bruce is the most entertaining ham to come along in years. His guest appearances on Xena and Hercules were the best episodes they ever made. I can Hardly wait to see a film with Raimi, Campbell and frequent collaborators, the Coen Brothers, working together in another film. Maybe some Briscoe County movies could be in the future!!
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Rent It, don't watch it on TV
14 October 1999
I have seen this movie around 34 times, I have it on tape and it is the only way to watch it. Uncut and raw preserves all the hilarious comedy and jokes intact. They are cruel, mean and kidney loosing funny. This movie is Mel Brook's best movie of all time, and that even counting the awesome "Young Frankenstien" Easily a 10
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Wasteland (1999)
10 October 1999
What a horrible show! How can a man who wrote incredible dialogue for the 2 "Scream" movies, and "The Faculty", put out such a big load of dung? I was so looking forward to seeing "Wasteland" and it is so depressing. The characters were so boring and shallow, maybe the actors are just bad. I know Mr. Williamson has great talent. He should look back at his old movies for the intelligent writing he is capable of. I am looking forward to more things by Mr. Williamson, and I am sure he will be successful. It is the opposite of the David E. Kelley thing. Mr. Kelley writes the best shows on TV, but can't seem to write a movie. Kevin writes great movies, but loses it on TV. I see a partnership possibility.
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Purgatory (1999 TV Movie)
Good fun!
10 October 1999
Why do any movies that have a pro religion or good over evil seem to be sold short as "Fantasy" or "Unrealistic." The movie was very entertaining and well acted, It may or may not be predictable, but it sure is not an "overdone" idea. There is that horrible message though, that guns are sometimes needed, even if it is to protect the innocent. The views of the writer and director seem to upset a few people for saying what a lot of people believe, that the struggle to be good and caring is not easy, but necessary. But that good will win over evil. I will watch this movie again and enjoy it again.
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Wild Wild Waste
10 October 1999
I was looking forward to seeing WWW for several weeks. How could it not be great, it had a great Director, 2 of my favorite actors (Kline and Smith), and a horribly under-used Selma Hayak and a T.V. show that was perfect for movie translation. What a terrible waste of talent. As with so many action flicks, they forget the most important part is still the screen writing. a little deeper character development could make the difference. It could also be it was in need of one actor change. Instead of Kenneth Branagh, how about Alan Rickman! I firmly believe Mr. Rickman could have bumped the enjoyment of this film 2 notches without even a script change.
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A Theatre must see
6 August 1999
The first time I saw this was in L.A. It was at midnight, and the theater was filled with patrons who were dressed in the various characters costumes from the movie. Inside the theater we experienced more fun with the sale of "Virgins". The sale refers to new viewers to Rocky Horror Picture Show. When the movie started there were people in the front next to the screen acting alongside. People in the audience were yelling back in unison to the actors dialogue on the screen. Water, toast, rice and various other inanimate items were used to enhance the experience of the movie. The people with me were laughing as hard as I was through all the stuff going on. I loved it. I had seen it a few more times at various midnight shows throughout the years. Most of the time it was wonderful. But when I saw it at home a year ago I did not have that same feeling, I saw it for the first time with out all the outside enhancements. I finally realized that the movie was really not that good, It had some good songs and some funny characters, but the movie is not that great. It is simple and sometimes almost moronic. In all, This movie MUST be seen with all the extra enhancements to really enjoy it. In the right movie theater, It is a 10. At home it is around a 5.5.
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5 August 1999
This movie came out a few years before I was even born, and I did not see it till decades later. Yet this film has not lost its credibility, importance or originality since its release. This film I believe is about perfect. No wasted scenes, perfect casting and flawless writing and direction. Peter Sellers portrayal of Dr. Strangelove has got to be the best movie character ever seen. George C. Scott was also dead on funny and gives the best acting performance of his career. If you can not tell, I love this movie and it is just about my favorite movie. One of the most treasured movies I own.
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