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3 December 2000
I have just seen Captains And The Kings on video and I thought that was the best mini-series that I have ever seen. Richard Jordan was outstanding as Joseph Armagh. This was probably the best performance of his film career. He put his whole heart and soul into this role. And he certainly deserved the Golden Globe award that he won for this. He had me hooked from his first scene to the end, so much so that I just kept watching it until it was finished. I also thought that Perry King was also excellent as Rory Armagh and I think he should have received something for his performance. Patty Duke was terrific as Bernadette and I am glad that she did win the Emmy for her role, she certainly deserved it. I also thought that Blair Brown, Charles Durning and Jane Seymour were also excellent in this. So I highly recommend this mini-series to anybody that appreciates great talent and a great story and this was a classic with outstanding acting.
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Gettysburg (1993)
One of the best movies ever made.
16 February 1999
One of the best movies ever made in my opinion. The battle scenes are breathtaking, you can't help but get caught up in it. You feel like you have gone back in time. Everybody involved in this were excellent from the lead actors to the reinactors. But the one that was the most outstanding was Richard Jordan. He gave one of the best performances of his career, it just so sad that it turned out to be his last one. But what better movie to go out on but this one. He put his whole heart and soul into this role. The most moving scenes were in the tent where Armistead is remembering his last moments with Hancock before they parted for the war, at the angle where he is mortally wounded, that scene is the most heartrending one of them all, and his scenes during Pickett's Charge. I don't think too many people realize this but he already had the brain tumor when he did this movie, so knowing this and seeing the wonderful job he did in this, you can't help but admire him for putting up with that pain and doing the best job possible at the same time. I firmly believe he should have received something for this, he deserved a posthumous oscar for this role. The other stand outs were Jeff Daniels as Chamberlain and Sam Elliott as Buford. Also, the music was outstanding, Randy Edelman should also have received something for his great work. I also think that the movie should have received some kind of an award because it was movie-making at its best. The scenes, the acting and the music were all top notch.
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Not as exciting as the book but it does have its moments
16 February 1999
This is not as exciting as the book but it does have its moments, like when Dirk discovers the Titanic, that was a great scene, you could feel their excitement as they are approaching it, not knowing they have found the Titanic. When the Titanic is raised to the top, when Dirk meets John Bigelow and the scene where Dirk is walking through the ballroom, the look of reference on his face when he looks up the staircase and around the room, that was the best part of the movie. To say that Richard Jordan and Jason Robards were miscast, I disagree. They did a great job with their parts. I do feel that they were capable of doing a lot more than what they were given. But as far as David Selby goes I do agree, he has to be the worst actor ever and it's a shame that he was given a part in this movie.

But I do think it should have been more exciting than it was. I also would like to know is what happened to Al Giordino? How could they make this movie without him. Also, I didn't like the part where Seagrum was making fun of Dirk Pitt's name, I felt like throwing something at the screen when he kept on putting him down. Also, I like to remind the writers that Dirk Pitt was not a Captain in the Navy, he was a Major with the Air Force. You know can go so far as to saying that Richard Jordan and Jason Robards were the ones that saved this movie from becoming a total flop, because they were excellent, I just wish the movie itself had measured up to their talents. After all they are both award-winning actors, a Golden Globe winner (Jordan) and an Academy Award winner (Robards).
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Les Miserables (1978 TV Movie)
16 February 1999
This is the best version of this classic by far. Richard Jordan gives one of his best performances as Jean Valjean. His scenes in the prison are heartrending. And he certainly knows how to draw you in and make you feel a part of it all, you can feel his suffering, his pain and the scene with the priest as he turns himself around is heartfelt and dramatic, he is definitely by far one of the best character actors that ever was. Anthony Perkins is great as Javert, cold, grim and unforgiving and the two of them together, they are great. Angela Pleasence gives a great performance as Fantine and of course John Gielgud, what can you say about someone that is a living legend, because you know whatever he does you know it will be outstanding. So I would highly recommend this one to anyone that loves the classics and not the version that just came out last year, to think they would try to do this classic again where there was already an outstanding version of this story once before was outrageous.
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A great movie starring two legends and two great character actors
16 February 1999
This movie is a lot of fun to watch. John Wayne and Katharine Hepburn are terrific together. You can see the chemistry between them. Richard Jordan does a terrific job as the villain, he is mean, nasty and downright awful! I definitely wouldn't want to get him mad. The scene between him and Katharine Hepburn at Fort Ruby was awesome, you could see the sparks flying. Then there was the scene where the wheel broke off the wagon and Hawk gets furious with his men, Jordan did a great job with that part, talk about angry, if looks could kill, his would, it gave me shivers. Anthony Zerbe also does a great job as Breed. The two of them, Jordan and Zerbe are great together. Like one scene in the saloon when Hawk learns about the wagon being taken by Rooster, he starts to go out when Breed tells him, that he will never take Rooster and that he had worked with him for three years, you can see the daggers between the two. They are definitely two of the best character actors ever. They don't make movies like this anymore, where it was up to the actors to make a film a success and not rely on special affects. And these four actors did this brilliantly. I wish John Wayne and Richard Jordan were still around today.
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Interiors (1978)
Very moving and very well acted by everyone involved.
15 February 1999
This was a very moving and very well acted by everyone involved. It's a done-to-earth story. The whole cast is excellent. They draw you in and you can feel what they are a feeling. Once again, Richard Jordan gives a brilliant performance as Frederick, the struggling writer and husband of Renata played by Diane Keaton who is also excellent portraying this part and the two of them together are fabulous. You can see the sparks flying whenever they get together. But the one scene I think Allen could have done without was the scene with Frederick and Flyn in the garage, but other than that the film is top notch.
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Les Miserables (1978 TV Movie)
One of Richard Jordan's best performances
12 February 1999
One of Richard Jordan's best performances. He put his all into this role. He really knows how to get to the heart of you. Especially the prison scenes, those are very dramatic and you can see how Valjean suffered just by watching Jordan. He brought this character to life. Anthony Perkins is also does a great job portraying Javert, cold and grim. This is definitely the best version.
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