
33 Reviews
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Vampires (1998)
Dismal and boring rubbish
26 January 2000
Frankly I would have got more enjoyment watching my cat in his litter tray than watching this film. If it was not for the fact that it was a cheap showing at the cinema I would have been more upset at paying to watch this.

I have no problems with films being campy rubbish I think Killer Klowns From Outer Space is wonderful, but this was pitiful. The main problem with this film is the fact that it is not scary. It is gory and there are wonderful moments of gratuitous T&A, but the dead cat (that passed for a hairstyle)on Mrs Voorhees head in the original Friday the 13th was scarier than anything in this film.

The only effective thing in this film is Sheryl Lee, as she is the only one who even looks as though she isn't in a village play. As such she looks out of place in the film where all of the other actors would have been thrown off the set of Sunset Beach for lousy acting.

Next time if the slayer isn't called Buffy I wont bother this is one of the most pathetic things I have ever seen in my life. John Carpenter hasn't made a decent horror film since The Fog and it doesn't look like he will make one in the near future.
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Watchable sequel
15 January 2000
I think this is where the series went down hill. The special effects (which aren't that special) starting taking over the story and Freddy starts making with the crap jokes.

The first film was a classic, though today looks cheaper than the Blair Witch Project and the second one was reasonable though it has no reason for existing as there is no story. This film which brings back Heather Lankenkamp (who acts Robert Englund off the screen every scene they are in, which is not exactly difficult)who though one of the better actors in this film is still pretty wooden.

However the film is entertaining enough and contains just enough horror to offset the lousy "comedy" (something parts 4-6 never managed). This should have finished the series but there was still money to be made.

Watch parts 1-3 and New Nightmare, if your really bored watch parts 4&5, but under NO circumstances put yourself through the hell of watching Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare!!!
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Strangely enjoyable
23 November 1999
Warning: Spoilers
I went into the cinema not expecting much and at the start of the film when you see some crusty old bag paint the inside of her house with red paint I thought this was a mistake.

After the first 10 or 15 minutes the films started to grow on me and I actually enjoyed it. We could have seen less clips of the attractive girl from American Pie jumping of the building which is shown about a trillion times throughout the film. The new "Carrie" got annoying at times but was mostly okay.

***************spoilers ahead

The main thing about this film that made it weird was Amy Irving's surviving character from the first one. She wasn't really given much to do and what happened to her when she went to the house to stop Rachel was really shocking. I though was going to be H20 where she would come to the rescue and stop her not get butchered like the extras.

********************************end spolier

Overall I enjoyed this film much more than the first. Don't expect to much and Carrie 2 is an enjoyable film. If you regard Carrie as a classic chances are you may not like the sequel.
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Effective shocker
20 November 1999
This film has dated quite a bit and looks really cheap but still has the ability to build a chilling sense of dread.

The film stars Linda "Big Stick" Hamilton which is about as big a star as the films ever had.

The differs quite a bit from the short story by Stephen King, but since that wasn't very good the film benefits from this.

I have only seen parts 1-3 and will say that if you want to watch cheap looking but effective horror films - watch one and two, but if you want to see some of the worst special effects in history and laugh at a silly looking monster - watch part 3 - in fact it should be a law that everyone has to see part 3.
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Enjoyable sequel
9 October 1999
Although this film is called "The Final Sacrifice" they made four more so that tells you this series had the quality to survive!!

Although nothing matches the enjoyable awfulness of Part 3 and it's monster hyped in the first two films this and the first one work as more series horror films.

See this if only to see some annoying old biddy crushed under a house and if you enjoyed that great news - she plays a twin sister too!!!!!!

Although not as good as the first or as enjoyably bad as the third this is a enjoyable film that makes Scream 2 look like Killer Klowns From Outer Space
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Great Sequel
7 May 1999
This sequel is really good although it is nowhere near as good as the original.

What makes the film good though is all the actors doing the script is very, very disappointing though thankfully in this case the film survives this.

This film had a lot more action than the first one and some of the things don't make sense. One being that the killers daughter died on the road in South Port but is buried in the Bahamas.

The ending like the first one was slightly disappointing but again the final scene makes up for it.

Jennifer Love Hewitt and Brandy have great chemistry and make the film fun to watch and the fact that they are in the film wearing very cleavage hugging clothes helps as it does with any film.

Don't watch it expecting Scream and you will really enjoy this film - as sequels go it is a lot better than Scream 2 and will almost definitely be better than Urban Legend 2.
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Tedious and Dire
30 April 1999
When I first saw this film about 9 years ago I thought it was OK. Watching it again recently I could see how dire this is. Maybe it is because I'm not 12 years old anymore and can see this film for the rubbish that it is.

This series could have ended with the 3rd and would have been an OK trilogy however Newline just couldn't stop when they could continue to rake in the money.

Lisa Wilcox is the only member of the cast then even tries to act the other actors are as awful as the crap jokes that Freddy Krueger spouts for no reason.

When the producers made this they could have gone two ways - make a small scary movie like the first or continue the "big special effects / "comedy" that almost ruined the third. They made the wrong choice. Avoid at all costs!!
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All time classic
30 April 1999
This has to be without a doubt one of the best most awful films of all time and should be watched by all.

Everything about this film is great from the opening scenes where the circus tent crash lands to the infamous pies. The real stand out is the miserable police chief which all bad films have to have.

This film just begs for a sequel but alas...

Anyone who has not seen it really has missed out on a great experience. Who needs rubbish films about space like The Phantom Menace when you can have Killer Klowns From Outer Space.
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Classic Slasher
30 April 1999
The first in the apparently never ending series of films that featured child killer Freddy Krueger. This unlike most the sequels is a very dark, scary and well written film. The only thing that lets the film down is the way cheesy ending.

The film starts of dark and scary and manages to maintain the tome throughout. The acting is quite good though some of the cast are better than others. Heather Langenkamp is a standout and even the awful Robert Englund manages not to overact in this one.

Wes Craven is one of the all time horror greats with this and the Scream films and Wes Craven's New Nightmare to prove this.
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Urban Legend (1998)
Fairly entertaining slasher film
24 April 1999
This film should NOT be compared to Scream.

Scream was a film that was making fun of slasher films while Urban Legend is a more "serious" slasher. However the film makers do themselves no favors by throwing in a few gratuitous in-jokey references.

The film opens with the pre-credits murder that it seems every horror film now has to have which was effectively done, though it does not work as well as it should have.

The characters are likeable enough though they really aren't given enough personality to be able to care one way or the other which of them lives and dies.

The killer to me was pretty obvious about half way through the film, though others I was with found the revelation a surprise.

Overall a good slasher though nowhere near as scary or gory as it should have been.
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The Faculty (1998)
Under-rated brilliant film
24 April 1999
This film has to be one of the best films that have been released so far this year. I don't know why this was not a bigger hit than it was because it has everything that made Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer great and the comedy in this film is better than anything that Scream and its sequel offered.

The casting is really good especially for the members of the faculty. Piper Laurie gives one of the funniest, chilling performances I've seen for a long while.

This film is absolutely brilliant and is a great way to spend a few hours.
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Scream 2 (1997)
Good Sequel
24 April 1999
While watching Scream 2 it is hard to tell whether or not it is better than the original or not.

The ending of the first film was certainly better and the way that the ending of this film is set up is really disappointing.

The revelation about the killers in the end of the film is sort of disappointing. One of the killers motives is obvious and ties in well with the first film the other killers identity just does not make sense though serves the message of the film about blaming film violence for real acts of violence.

The death scenes are good and the acting mostly is great. The women in this film are hotter in this than the first which always helps. Overall in the Scream series - the first one worked better in the cinema, the second works better on video.
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Scream (1996)
Great Scary Movie
24 April 1999
Scream is a really good film that sort of takes to the next level what Wes Craven started in the much creepier Wes Craven's New Nightmare.

The opening bit of the film would have worked so well if had not been for the fact that just about every film review everywhere gave away the first 10 minutes. However knowing that sort of makes these scene more intense.

Neve Campbell is a megababe and she does sort of look like a young Heather Langenkamp who played the main character in A Nightmare on Elm Street.

The film is good but was not as scary as I expected when I went to see it when it opened. However even though the horror is not up to what you expect the film is so entertaining it doesn't matter. Not just a great horror film, a great film.
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Really Good
22 March 1999
This film was really good although some of the scenes went on for too long or could have been cut altogether.

The ending was a real surprise to say it was a Hollywood film though it fitted in well with the rest of the film.

It should have been obvious that Tim Robbins was the bad guy just by looking at that evil hairdo that almost puts that dead cat on top of Pam Voorhees in Friday the 13th to shame.

In conclusion a really good thriller though the acting does get a tiny bit dodgy at times.
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Okay, but nothing special
20 March 1999
This entry in the Friday the 13th series while improving on the pile of crap that was part 6 does not match up to the first 4 or even the fifth.

The Fridays had by this point had to tone down so much of the sex and violence that they had become boring and had lost something.

The plot to this one was interesting, but the location looked awful and it looked like it was shot on a video camera.

Introducing the girl with the powers meant that they could have had a really good battle at the end however as it was Jason was stopped with the aid of some rather dodgy special effects that makes it look like the effects budget of Children of the Corn 3 was the equivalent of that other awful movie Titanic.
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Jason Lives & bores the viewer to death!
9 March 1999
Apart from Jason Goes To Hell this has to be the biggest pile of crap to have the Friday the 13th title to date.

Ignoring the stupid way that Jason is brought back from the dead the film itself has no plot at all - most of the others in the series had at least a flimsy plot onto which they could make money out of.

It's at this point in the '80s that horror really started to go down the toilet and this film demonstrates why. During the late '80s many of the films tried to use humor however it helps if you are making a horror film for the film to be scary.

Not all the fault for this film lies with the film makers as it was hacked to pieces by the censors - however I can't see that the film would have been any better had they left it alone.
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A classic of epic proportions...
3 March 1999
All right not really but this film almost reaches the dizzy heights of being the most entertainingly awful film ever that is at the moment the reserve of Children of the Corn 3 and it's "monster".

The film may be the pits in so many ways yet it is still one of the most watchable entries of the series - While Jason Goes To Hell is a contender for the worst film ever made Part 6 comes very close behind it.

This is a must see especially for the dyed hair sulky girl and her weird robot dance and Ethel the old bag hick character. This entry also has quite a high level of gore, sex and nudity - All the ingredients of a highly watchable Friday the 13th.
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One of the better later sequels
20 February 1999
Friday the 13th 8 is a huge improvement on the previous three sequels. It still does not match the scares and tone of the first 4 films.

This film really could have ended the series but this was followed by one of the worst films ever made - Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday.

This one sort of ignores the "plot" of the previous sequels in that Jason killed people who went to the camp - this time he just got bored and decided to go on a nice boat ride as there was no other reason for Jason to stalk the boat.

Apparently New York was just too scary for Jason because in the next sequel he is back in Crystal Lake - despite the fact that he turned back into a child at the end of this one which didn't make much sense either.

Surely even the producers of the awful '80's horror films realised that horror films need to be scary. As the censors wouldn't let them get away with the gore of the early films it would make sense to make them more scary as it is the series by part 6 was just a pale shadow of its former self.

Part 8 is not a bad film - it's just not a very good one either.
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Part 2 is better
12 February 1999
Friday the 13th is quite a good slasher film though the first sequel is better.

The film looks really cheap even by the standards of the day, but the location does give the impression that the camp is secluded. The acting like with all of the Friday movies is not very good but that's never been a problem with the Friday the 13th films.

The film is quite scary and the gore doesn't get in the way of the plot (probably because there isn't one).

Unlike the countless sequels that followed it was difficult to tell who would survive.

The killer though not Jason was a bit hard to believe - a sort of old woman mixed with the strength of the Terminator.

Michael Myers had his mask, Fred Krueger had his glove and Pam Voorhees has a dead cat on her head, I don't know which is creepier.

Overall the original Friday the 13th is a really entertaining film that is a zillion times better than the film that is supposed to have ended the series - Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday, but not as good as Friday the 13th Part 2 or The Final Chapter.
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One of the best horror films of recent times...maybe ever
8 February 1999
I Know What You Did Last Summer is ten times more scary than Scream or Scream 2. It does not make the film better than either of the Scream films but it is scarier.

The film starts off like the first Halloween in that not much happens for the first part of the film and then towards the end Mr Fisherman starts hacking people to bits.

One of the two main things that let the film down was the fact that although the Fisherman has a personal grudge against the four main characters why did he feel the need to start hacking people at random. The second thing is the identity of the killer.

The acting in this film was really good except for the rampant overacting by the killer at the end who looks like he went to the Robert Englund subtlety school. The two female leads give the best performances and are more attractive than the women that usually appear in the likes of Elm Street or Friday the 13th.

I saw this film several times at the cinema and not just because of the cleavage. Every time I saw the film the shower scene at the end still made me jump - even though I was expecting it. A brilliant film and much better than what passed for horror in the eighties and early nineties.
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OK, but the worst was yet to come.
8 February 1999
Well the one before the dreaded Freddy's Dead is sort of an improvement of Part 4. The film moves away from the action and comedy that ruined Part 4 and almost ruined the third film. This film tries to meld together Part 4 to the first three films and almost succeeds.

Again Lisa Wilcox gives an OK performance as Alice but she and the rest of the cast look embarrassed all the way through the film. There are fewer special effects set pieces and the film works better for it. The tone of the film is much darker than Part 4 however the writers again forgot to make the film scary.

There are fewer killings in this film which makes more of an impact when one of the characters is killed than the mindless slaughter of the fourth film.

The thing that really lets the film down is the ending - it's just stupid and there is no real reason why the film should end like that.

Unfortunately the film ends with a set up for another film which became one of the worst films ever made.
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Not that Bad
5 February 1999
Halloween 6 is not that bad a film (though it is not exactly good either). So Michael looks like he's been at the burgers (and it was so surprising how the weight just fell of him in the last 15 minutes of the film, perhaps he had an operation while at the hospital) and that mad Doctor still shows up in Haddonfield Spouting on about "pure evil" every five minutes and the actress who plays Jamie looks about 90 when Jamie should be in her mid teens but the film itself is no worse than parts 4&5.

The big fault with the movie was the Tommy Doyle character - he was so annoying he was begging to be slaughtered but alas not. The main problem with the series as a whole has been the Dr Loomis character - each sequel they tease us with the fact that Michael might have finished the old git but he keeps coming back - by this point he is more deranged than the killer he's after.

The best part about the film is the character of Kara Strode. Her's is about the only character that is at all of interest. The plot while stupid is probably the best they could have come up with given the mess the awful part 5 left behind. The gore while a bit excessive adds some interest and the film itself is more exciting than parts 4&5. The plot may seem confusing if you've not seen part 5 but it does not matter that much as this and the other sequels after part 2 were ignored with the best film in the enitre series Halloween: H20
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5 February 1999
Friday the 13th Part 3 is dullest of the first 4 films. However it is the best film ever made when compared to some of the sequels that followed the Final Chapter.

The music in this film is the worst in the entire series it sounds more like a seventies porn film than a horror film. The acting ranges from awful to painful and the actress who plays the main character in this film is soooooo grating that Jason should have ignored everyone else and just focused on her - I've seen better acting on Sunset Beach than the campfire seen where she is explaining how she was attacked by Jason at the camp years earlier.

To say this movie is set about a day after the events in Friday the 13th Part 2 it seems Jason has changed quite a bit. His look is totally different than it was in the first sequel.

While the film is boring for almost its entire running time there are moments within the film every once in a while that keep it watchable. So while it would be better to ignore this and just watch Parts 1,2 & 4 the film is far from unwatchable.
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New Nightmare (1994)
The best of the sequels
4 February 1999
The only real problem with Wes Craven's New Nightmare is that it is not very scary. However as a drama it works well and it is certainly the best Nightmare on Elm Street film since the first.

The thing that saves the film's lack of scares is the fact that the actors work well to create a really creepy tone that goes right through the film. Wes has worked out that the films where better when Freddy was a supporting character and that the main focus should be on the people who are affected by the actions of the killer.

Heather Langenkamp is good though Robert Englund tends to overact, the child playing Heather's kid gives a better performance than he does.

The film within a film angle pulls the series out of the mess created by Freddy's Dead a film that if there was any justice would have gone straight to video as it did not deserve a cinema release.

Overall this is a really good film that was way better than any Part 7 could have expected to be. I just hope that it is not ruined by Freddy Vs Jason.
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The best of the series
4 February 1999
Having only seen the first three films in the series Child's Play 2 is the best. The doll effects are an improvement on the first and Chucky is a lot better used in this film.

However the story itself is better than expected as Chucky was in Part 3 a lot of the film and that film was pants.

The film is funnier and scarier than the first (though none of the films have been that scary) and it was a lot more exciting.

This film uses the gore sparingly and is much more effective than the bloodbath in the third movie which was just dull.

If you're going to watch any of the Child's Play films, make it this one or the first, or if you're having trouble getting to sleep watch Child's Play 3.
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