
17 Reviews
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
You'll be dumb with wonderment
24 June 2001
Since the opening of this movie, I've seen it four times. I own the soundtrack and an original movie poster. To say I like this movie is an understatement. I wanted to see it since I saw the trailer. But being as how movies have really sucked as of late, I had really no expectations except that it looked promising. This movie is more than promising. I'm not going to say it's the best movie ever made, but it's the most creative and beautiful movie I've seen in years. I realize that not everyone will like it. People have different opinions, but I thought it was great. I've never been a fan of Nicole Kidman, but she was absolutely fabulous in this movie. I don't care what anyone says about her performance, because it was OUTSTANDING. As an actress I know how hard emotional scenes are and she handled them with grace and made it seem that she wasn't acting at all. Ewan McGregor also did a commendable job. Both actors have singing voices that could soothe you to sleep. True, the songs weren't original, but as one critic said, it seems the songs were written just for this movie. Every familiar song you hear, every lyric, seems to go right with the storyline.

This is a great movie. Not for everyone, but definately for me.
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Coyote Ugly (2000)
Coyote Crappy
15 August 2000
Have you ever sat in a theater watching a movie so boring that you wanted to scream? Or so cliché and contrived that you wanted to puke? Go see Coyote Ugly and you'll be slapping yourself like I did.

I honestly wasn't expecting anything special, but I definitely thought I would get something better than what I saw. So Violet wants to move out of her small town to pursue her writing career in music (yawn, been there, done that) only to realize that when she gets in New York she's going to have to do more than try to hand over tapes at record companies (You think!) It actually comes up that she's going to have to pay rent (Gee, wonder why she never seemed to have thought about that before)

After seeing three girls "winding down" after a night at their job, she gets a job there. And that's when I thought the movie might pick up. I'm a girl so I'm not really into that boobs and butts scene, but at least the bar was a cool setting and had the potential to pick up a little speed and actually get interesting. Wrong I was. The bar scenes were few and far between and some of them were kinda dumb. (i.e. let's make the rowdy crowd calm by me singing)

By the third act, the main character has so many things happening to her that didn't even tie in with the resolution of her fear of the stage that it made me feel ill. So finally Violet gets a gig and somehow her boyfriend learns the building and knows where the power switches are so he can turn them off so she won't see anyone and get stage fright. Then her perky voice is heard and somehow, even after the main power switches were cut, the stage lights come back on. And when you finally think the trite c**p is over it cuts to the bar and you get to see the worst scene in the movie: the one with Leeann Rimes signing on top of a bar. And I thought the price of admission was scary!

Save yourself from this movie. Unless of course you like predictable, cliched, fuzzy movies, and have time and money to waste. I will give the proper dues to the directing though, it was the best thing about this movie.
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Down to You (2000)
I paid 7 dollars to see this?
4 February 2000
What was I thinking? I basically got drawn into seeing this because all my friends wanted to. I figured "why not" and while I was watching the "film" I found myself asking over and over "Why me?" Sure Freddie Prinze Jr. is nice to look at, but worth 7 bucks? I think not.

Now, where have I seen this movie before? Oh yes...every other movie directed towards teens in the recent years. I'm sorry, I might just be a teenager but I know crap when it's crap and I know what I like, and this movie I did not. Where was the plot? Where was one spec of originality? And where were the actors?

Selma Blair was the best of the bunch. I don't care how good looking Freddie is, he needs to take some acting classes, either that strive to make his characters have a little bit more difference then the name change. I like Julia Stiles, but normally when you have to play off a bad actor it reflects badly on you. I didn't see the chemistry this couple was supposed to have.

Yes "Down to You" has it's cute moments, some funny moment, and few sweet moment, but worth 7 bucks? Not a snowball's chance in hell. Save your money and your time. Wait for video, or just don't see it at all.
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14 January 2000
I loved this movie. It breaks the mold of what movie standards have been as of late. To me a lot of it has been the same things repeated with different character names, but this movie is different. It deals with raw human emotion and the confusion life can put you through.

All the actors in the film did great. They couldn't have put together a more perfect cast. But, although everyone was great, only three stand out in my mind. That would of course have to be Winona Ryder, Angelina Jolie, and the underrated Brittany Murphy. They all did amazing jobs. Angelina Jolie deserves to win any nomination she receives.
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A Movie You Will Think About Days Afterward
1 January 2000
I could say this was the best film of '98, but I won't. Not because it wasn't a great film but because I didn't see a lot of movies in 1998. They all looked like mindless drivel to me, but I picked this one up at my local video store. It would be an understatement to say that this film was good. this has been one of the most honest and refreshingly wonderful movies I have seen in a while. The relationships between the characters were sweet, and in some cases bittersweet.

The relationship between Hannah and Paul was one of the bittersweet ones that I mentioned. They love each other, they spent their lives together, they have children together, but that doesn't mean the don't have problems. Their relationship was very realistic and very true.

The mother/son relationship between Mark and Mildred was the most heart breaking I have ever seen represented in a film. I cried just about everytime they were on-screen together.

The relationship between Meredith and Trent was the most believable and the most real. Meredith being a person scorned by love and afraid to open herself up again, and Trent being a lonely divorcee just trying to get Meredith to realize that he's not in this to hurt her. Both of their reactions were realistic.

But I'd have to say the most interesting relationship in the film, to me anyway, was the one between Joan and Keenan. They are complete opposites who happen into the company of one another, causing a strong attraction on both sides that eventually evolves into something deeper. I won't give away anything because I'm not one to spoil movies, but Keenan's story was extremely compelling. Joan's reaction was exactly what I expected from her, and the resolution was the absolute sweetest I have ever seen. And I just have to add that Angelina Jolie was amazing in this film. This is Ryan Phillippe at his best, I don't think he has ever been any better in any other movie than what he was in this one.

The ending all comes together nicely, making this a great film. Yes there are slow parts, yes some things are a little strange, but all in all this is a very good movie. Rent it, open your mind, and enjoy.
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Creepy, so creepy
9 August 1999
This is not a horror movie about gore, despite the title it isn't even about the Blair Witch after their second day of filming. It's creepy because it deals with raw human emotion, paranoia that sets in after you can't take being scared anymore, people so afraid for their lives that the slightest crack of a twig sends the into a babbling rampage. This movie feels real, and that's why it's creepy.

I've read some comments here and I'm very surprised at other's ignorance. This movie is not supposed to be 35mm quality. It's supposed to look like 3 college students running through the woods with a camera turned on. Yes it's going to be shaky. It's supposed to look like a documentary, and it does. The scary part is not supposed to be the Blair Witch, so don't get disappointed when you don't see her. The movie is about the emotions and fears of the three students who desperately try to find there way out of the myriad of trees. Anyone who finds this movie dumb because it doesn't make you jump out of your seat, you don't get to see the Blair Witch, because it was shot on video, or just because you say it's dumb for these people to be running through the woods yelling for each other, I feel very sorry for you. Your ignorance has prevented your mind from realizing how truly creepy it is.

So much credit has to go to these actors. They all did such great jobs on conveying what it's really like to be scared to death. Their paranoia and hysteria added to the freakiness this film already had. I can only hope movie rolls come in quickly to these three. Hollywood could use a few more really talented people.

Finally, the last 10 minutes of the movie will forever be etched in my mind. Try going to sleep after seeing that. I know it took me forever just to be able to close my eyes last night!
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All Over Me (1997)
I like movies with plots
19 July 1999
This movie would have been so much better if it had a plot. I can understand what the writer was doing, but I don't think he did it to well. If I had to explain this movie to someone I think I would have to say it's about characters growth. A teenaged girl in love with her best friend, forced by separation to find someone with the same feelings. But what I never got with this movie is, why was Ellen so stupid? She stayed with her murderer of a boyfriend even after he almost over-dosed her. And she made out with Claude. what was that about? I don't understand a lot of things about this movie, and I don't think anyone could really explain some of what they saw.
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Shagadelic Baby, yeah!
11 June 1999
Of course it isn't better than the original, but it is certainly no worse. Mike Meyers is just as hysterical as Austin, but more so as Dr. Evil.

Felicity Shagwell (Graham) was a very cool character. she had some cool clothes.

Fat Bastard was about nasty. I gagged just about everytime he was on screen. He said some funny stuff, but eww.

Dr. Evil and Mini-me were awesome. I felt bad for Scott though. The blue hair was awesome.

Good movie, very funny.
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Gilda Live (1980)
Huge delight!
17 May 1999
I tremendously enjoyed Gilda Live. A lot of her most loved characters from SNL in a broadway show, what more could you want? You get to watch this amazingly talented actress do what she did best: making people laugh.
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8 May 1999
This movie was adorable. It was funny, and kept me interested. But then again who wouldn't be entertained when Gilda Radner's on screen?
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Still my favorite movie
30 April 1999
I have rented this movie so many times that the people at the video store must be sick of me! "Romy and Michele" gets funnier everytime I watch it.

Mira Sorvino and Lisa Kudrow make a great comedy team. Janeane Garofalo is hysterical, I love her sarcasm! The dance scene at the end always puts a smile on my face.

"It's like I had this dream where Billy was like in love with me, and he was in a wheelchair, but still, it's like it's coming true!"
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Best Men (1997)
An amazing piece of work
25 April 1999
I rented this movie because...well to be honest it was to see Drew Barrymore, but I got much more out of it than just that. The story was beautifully written and played out. This movie shows the definition of true friendship. It's nice to see a film where everyone is not out to protect themselves, but to keep the people they care about under safety's wing.

The acting was all around nice. No really outstanding performances, but certainly no one who demeaned the film and the performances of others.
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Wicked, funny, and incredibly intense
9 March 1999
This was an amazing movie. It wasn't original but Roger Kumble did such a good job with the script that I didn't really care. This movie had a mixture of everything.

Selma Blair was the most stand-out actress. She was perfect as the ditzy Cecile. She was hilarious, and at times you just wanted to hit her because of her extreme stupidity.

Sarah Michelle Gellar was amazing as Kathryn. This is the first time, ever, that I have looked at a character played by Sarah and hated them.

Ryan Phillippe did an excellent job as Sebastian. He played both cruel, and in love very well. And very believable in making girls swoon. Who knew?

And lastly Reese Witherspoon: she was unbelievably outstanding. Her character was uplifting and real. I couldn't think of anyone who would've been a better Annette.
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Why? For the love of God, why?
9 March 1999
I went to see this movie because I saw the first and the trailers made it look awesome. I actually thought it might surpass the orignal. What was I thinking?

The directing in the movie was so horrible it made me nauseous. The actors should have saved their time and talent for something far more deserving. Not once did I jump, I was actually getting tired. This was supposed to be a horror movie, mind you.

True it had some nice one-liners, but the ending was so predictable and so cheesy it made me sick. Also, shouldn't Brandy have died? I wished she would.

This was a pathetic movie, and it seems the main intent was to have Jennifer Love Hewitt wear tight shirts and run around looking for some hook-guy. The motives in this movie should've changed. No matter what someone has done to you I doubt you're going to stalk them for years waiting for a time to shove a hook through their stomach. Lame, lame, and lame.
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Great movie!
30 January 1999
This was a great movie! "She's All That" is original, and unpredictable. I'd definitely spend 6.50 to see it again! It was well directed, written, and acted.
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Mad Love (1995)
I Love this movie!
22 January 1999
As a Drew Barrymore fan, I rented this movie. I had no idea what to expect or really what the movie was about. But to this day when I watch it, I get chills. My spine does a number every time I see Casey (Drew) pasting eyes to the walls around her with toothpaste. If anyone ever has doubt that Drew Barrymore is anything short than an amazing actress, you haven't seen this movie.
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Scream 2 (1997)
Could have been better
2 January 1999
I have to admit, Scream 1 was the first horror movie I had seen in the nineties. They frightened me to death and I almost didn't go to see it; but I did. Scream 1 was a great movie I loved it. i've now seen it so many times, I know the lines. Then Scream 2 rolled around. I went and saw it and left the theater in disgust. I couldn't believe that that movie was brought out by the same people who did so well the previous year. Kevin Williamson's work so far has been much better. I think there was only two scenes that I really liked. 1. Sorority Girl get's it. Sarah Michelle Gellar was great. She had the best death scene in the whole movie. Go figure: a minor character gets a better death than someone we all loved. And the other scene had to have been the cop car scene. It was pretty tense. But the amazing cast of Scream 2: Courteney Cox, David Arquette, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Jamie Kennedy could not save this movie. Scream was loaded with a lot more action, suspense, and by the end of Scream the whodunit factor was killing me. But in Scream 2 when they revealed who it was, I didn't care. Why? Because I had no idea who the stupid people were!
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