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Day Labor (2024)
Truthful Depiction of a Veteran Suffering from PTSD, Anxiety and Depression.
20 May 2024
I did not know what to expect when I first saw this film. Thought the trailer was interesting enough for me to go rent it. I was pleasantly surprised how much I liked it. Terrific action scenes, very topical story line, and the acting from everyone was very good. Especially the lead Army veteran guy, Derrick Reyes. All throughout the film he looked like he was mentally going through something, reliving past traumas from his time in service, just like I have seen many veterans in real life who suffer from severe PTSD, depression, anxiety, paranoia and other things. It was very real and kept me wanting to see more, and see how he survives.

The bad guys were over the top bad guys who in their mind had legitimate reasons for what they were doing. The Latino men being hunted were all good characters. It was good to see how the bad guys got it in the end.

I really liked this movie. Recommended it to some of my military friends. #Veterans #ArmyStrong.
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An Under the Radar High Quality Film...
25 February 2024
Went into this film with zero expectations, and walked out thoroughly impressed. I looked online and saw that this was the director, Jesse Edwards', first feature film. He's also the writer.

Loved the two lead actresses, Lupe and Maddie. Strong women with great chemistry. All the bad guys throughout were particularly wicked, especially the main one, Carl. The gunfights were many and staged very well. You can't help but to root for our heroines to overcome the odds and achieve their goals.

There was great action, story and characters. The scenery was beautiful. I'll see this movie again and bring some friends next time.
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What a great surprise. Zero expectations. Loved it.
14 July 2021
My review title says it all. Channel surfed for way too long on Amazon, this film came up after 15 minutes of looking, I took a chance, and enjoyed myself immensely. Love it when that happens.

I can now add this film as one of my favorite time travel movies comedies / romance up there with "Groundhog Day" and "About Time". Acting was terrific. The two leads had great chemistry. The story was compelling.

Give it a watch and have fun living in your singularity. :-)
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Good acting and compelling story inspired by true events.
27 June 2021
This is not a Hollywood mainstream or MCU film, but one of a modest budget that depicts a compelling story and acted realistically by good young actors.

Inspired by true events, it's main character, Roy (played by Josh Keaton), is simply trying to avoid juvenile hall as he adjust to life in militant group home where other troubled teens stay. During his stay, Roy is forced to conform to strict house rules, deal with his over the top roommate, Lucky (played by Danny Arroyo), and hide his love affair with fellow teen Laura (played by Chloe Taylor).

In the end, the lessons learned are hard ones. Not all are fair or just, but this film tries to show that life can be what you make of it, and sometimes just believing you are more than your surroundings can carry you through the tough times.

I enjoyed "Adolescent of Chymera" very much and recommend it.
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La La Land (2016)
19 November 2016
Went to see an early screening of LA LA Land knowing NOTHING about this film. It's grand opening of a traffic jammed Los Angeles freeway on a scorching hot day (we've all been there) that leads to a girl singing in her car, to then an amazing choreographed song and dance number with what felt like 100 singers and dancers all performing on this freeway (no CGI), just blew me away. There were MANY times throughout this film where I went, "How'd they do that?" and "That was amazing!"

No story spoilers, but Ryan Gosling's character of Seb (a musician) and Emma Stone's character of Mia (an actress) were perfect in their roles as starving and striving artists trying to make it in their professions. Regardless of the fact these two soul mates are perfect for each other, the real life struggles of juggling their love for one another and their career dreams hits home in a big way.

Major kudos to Whiplash director Damien Chazelle. He has hit another homerun, and had us singing along as we all rounded the bases.
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Tootsie (1982)
Terrific Film!!! Funny, Intelligent and Full of Heart. (SPOILERS)
10 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Tootsie is a wonderfully told story about Michael Dorsey (Dustin Hoffman), a twenty-year down on his luck perfectionist, self serving, struggling actor who is told in no uncertain terms by his agent that he will never work as an actor in either New York City or in Hollywood again. So, Michael decides to dress up as a woman named Dorothy Michaels and auditions for a hit soap opera. He gets the job. Now he must maintain the facade for as long as he is under contract and risk alienating himself from the many friends he must keep the secret from, and the new people he has developed personal relationships with as Dorothy on the set, including his pretty and talented co-star who he has fallen deeply in love with.

Michael Dorsey is a deeply complex character. To quote him, "He busts his ass to get every audition right", but in the process he has become that "difficult actor" that directors don't wish to work with. Michael hasn't worked on a paid acting gig in a couple years, so to make ends meet he teaches an acting class, waiters at a local restaurant, and does free theater. He has celebrated a birthday and seeing himself get older and not achieve the success he thought he would have attained by now has left him feeling inadequate. He is selfish even if he insists that he never does his acting work for the great reviews. His next great venture is to get his roommate's play produced for eight thousand dollars for him and his best friend, Sandy, to star in. Michael is desperate which lends to the credibility that he would go to any lengths to book a gig and make some money. Even so far as to secretly dress up like a woman and work on a soap opera.

The only two people in on Michael's secret are his quirky roommate, Jeff, (Bill Murrary) who prefers people not like his play, but rather question "What happened?", and his overworked agent (Sydney Pollack) who insists that Michael seek some therapy. Sandy (Teri Garr) is an actress and Michael's best friend of six years who has her own deep seeded issues of inadequacy and insecurity. All the while longing for acceptance and insisting she receive her pain and rejection from her male lovers upfront rather than prolong the agony over a period of time. Due to some mitigating circumstances that leaves Michael caught red handed trying on some of Sandy's dresses, he lies and says he wants her sexually and she agrees. Michael never tells Sandy about him dressing up as a woman to work on a soap opera because she was up for the same exact role and was told she wasn't right for it, thus complicating the lies Michael has to make up to not see her because of his busy soap opera schedule.

Dorothy Michaels is Michael's female alter ego. The talented actor that Michael is allows him to portray Dorothy with a sweet southern charm and personality, but the man that Michael is gives Dorothy a male foundation which comes across as a strong, take no nonsense kind of woman who speaks her mind. To the surprise of everyone, including Michael, Dorothy Michaels becomes a huge soap star that receives thousands of fan mail per week. Dorothy's persona positively intrigues Rita, the soap's main executive producer and befuddles Ron (Dabnet Coleman), the show's womanizing director who doesn't understand why Dorothy is not only immune to his charms, but also doesn't like him.

Julie (Jessica Lange) is the talented, gorgeous single mom and the soap opera's biggest star who becomes Dorothy's best friend and confidant. She is dating Ron, much to Michael's dismay, who witnesses how sexist and disrespectful Ron is towards Julie and every woman on set, much like how Michael is in his real life. All Michael/Dorothy can do is be a friend and keep giving good advice to Julie about being a strong woman who stands up for herself, and in the process Michael falls in love with Julie. To further complicate matters, Julie's dad, Les, (Charles Durning) has developed an infatuation with Dorothy after a few meetings together and proposes marriage.

During this entire process, Michael has developed a deep level of guilt at the continuous lies he is forced to commit knowing that the truth of who he is will eventually come out hurting a lot of people who trusted and cared for him. He has also learned that the man he once was wasn't always the nicest or best person to be with especially around women. In a rather fortuitous and desperate attempt at making amends, Michael/Dorothy is forced to perform a soap scene live in front of the camera for the world to see and decides to disrobe and let the truth be known to all that he is not a woman, but in fact a man.

In conclusion, Tootsie is one of those laugh out loud, touching, moving and human films that is easy to connect with and leaves you wanting to know more as the movie progresses. Everyone who got to know and interact with the Dorothy persona has become a better person including Michael. The once sad and selfish character that Michael is in the beginning of the film has become this deeper, likable and more human character by films end. One can't help but feel good that Michael and Julie do wind up together in the end because the Michael of old, one would naturally figure, would have somehow ruined the relationship, while this new humbled and experienced Michael has the great potential to have a long lasting loving relationship with Julie.

Tootsie stands the test of time and continues to be relevant and funny today as it was back when it first premiered in the early 1980's. Highly recommend!!
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A Fun Xmas Kids Film Great For the Entire Family
7 December 2011
Hercules Saves Christmas is a fun Xmas kids film great for the entire family. The film had humor and holiday spirit. There were good characters I cared about and good acting all around. Rick, Sally, and Helen stood out.

Top it off with cute talking animals, magic elves, and some good holiday music.

My family enjoyed it. It held good moral values. My kids and nephews wanted to see it again the next day. They connected with the Max character and they loved Hercules. What more can one ask for in a Christmas film?

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Black Swan (2010)
Black Swan- Oscar's for Best Film and Natalie Portman?
20 November 2010
I will not give away any spoilers so as not to possibly ruin the experience for anyone, but I can say that this movie left me shaking when it was over. What did I just see? I know I was caught up and went for the entire ride from the opening scene till the very end. The reaction of the audience was evident as the end credits came. NO ONE left their seats. They sat and applauded loudly the names as they scrolled up, then upon the very last credit on the screen, they applauded loudly again.

It's a brilliant piece of film making and story telling and acting. "Black Swan", as well as "The King's Speech", will DOMINATE at the 2011 Oscars and Golden Globes and whatever other films awards show there is... AND deservedly so.

I am anxious to see the film again right away with friends, but will actually wait to continue to savor the feeling the initial viewing of the film still illicit in me. It was a thrilling time and I am looking forward to seeing just how successful this film will become and what my friends and family will say.
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The Last Game (2002 TV Movie)
A Pure Suspenseful Joy to Watch...
5 February 2010
What "The Last Game" gives is a deeply honest look at what a team of gifted high school players and their hard nosed disciplinarian coaches goes through in search for their 3rd consecutive undefeated season. It's real life drama played out on a football field. It doesn't get any better than this.

Everyone from players to coaches, to the families who live with them all suffer a week in and week out emotional battle filled with endless mind games and gut checks.

Father vs son. Heart vs injury. Ego vs pride. Wins vs losses.

"The Last Game" is one of the better sports documentaries I have seen, with the final 20 minutes being a pure suspenseful joy to watch.
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Street Warrior (2008 TV Movie)
Great action... Great stunts... Beautiful women...
13 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The "Street Warrior" is Jack Campbell, played by Max Martini, an ex-army ranger, who comes back home to discover his brother beaten near death because of an underground no holds barred fight club. He enters the gauntlet to avenge his brother and bring order to the town that has been corrupted by the ring leader, played by Nick Chinlund.

"Street Warrior" supplies us with tons of great action fight scenes that are at times vicious. Various styles of fight techniques are used... martial arts, boxing, wrestling, street brawling, luchador, and lots of cheat moves. What more can you ask from a fight movie? Well, how about some beautiful women? Street Warrior has lots of great eye candy as well to keep your interest piqued between the fists and blood.

The acting is very good and believable by the entire cast. Props to Max Martini and Nick Chinlund on their performance, but also to the characters of Baldus, played by Gary Kasper, the evil white supremacist Nazi fighter who entices the rabid paying audience by yelling "Hate Me!", and the character of Santo, played by Danny Arroyo, the luchador fighter who befriends Campbell and is forced to fight in order to save his wife and children.

Fighting, sex, blood, dancing women and great action... What more can you ask from a fight movie? "Street Warrior" is well worth the rental.
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The Shield (2002–2008)
This was a GREAT TV series. It will be missed.
25 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Wow... what a series finale!!! It's so brave of the writers and producer, Michael Chiklis, to write the tough as nails, but has a heart dirty cop Vic Mackey character, from a likable character into one we all come to resent.

These past 7 years I watched the show, I turned a blind eye to all illegal activity that Vic has done because he had good intentions. Deep down he meant well. He cared for his friends and family a lot. He did for them at the cost of many, many bad guys.

This series finale episode made Vic look like a selfish, heartless, and unlikeable bulldog. It was great and very brave to do that to such an established character.

How else could it have possibly ended? With Vic, Shane and Ronnie at a resort in the Bahamas sharing margaritas? It was destined that the characters would all suffer very bad endings. It's real and truthful.

The final 3 minutes with Vic sitting in his cubicle and thinking, wishing, maybe regretting, definitely reliving all that has happened was absolutely awesome.


The lights go out in the office, just like in jail, and Vic does what Vic does best (maybe all that he knows how to do), he takes out his gun, puts it in the small of his back, gives his Vic smirk, and leaves. WOW!!! It was a great series. It will be missed.
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Superman/Doomsday (2007 Video)
Most Brutal Superhero Cartoon I've Seen. I Loved It!
8 November 2007
From the first moment that Doomsday killed all the miners in such a graphic way, I was hooked. Humans were tossed around like dolls, punched through buildings and cement (yuck), necks snapped like twigs, and all this was shown and not left to our imagination.

The battle between Superman and Doomsday was action packed, brutal (can't stop using that word), bloody and ultimately very satisfying. This isn't your average kids cartoon aimed at 5-9 year olds. This is a clear mature cartoon for adults and I say it's about time.

The drawings were okay, not great. Superman was drawn to look older, more wrinkles on his face. While Lois and Luther looks like they just got out of college. Doomsday looked bad @SS.

Lois dating Superman for 6 months and still not knowing that Clark and Superman were the same guy was probably the weakest moment, but I got past it.

I recommend this cartoon for all fans. Get ready for a fun ride with amazing fight scenes.
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The best version of all "Bounty" movies...
21 March 2007
Of the three films about the famous "Bounty" ship, this version with Clark Gable and Charles Laughton I liked the best. In this version my feelings never swayed as to whom I liked (Gable and the ship mates) and whom I despised (Laughton).

Clakr Gable's Fletcher Christian was a light hearted man who was a friend to all. His shipmates looked highly upon him, even though many had been forced to join the long voyage. He was sympathetic with the crew's plight and often times tried his best to protect them from the many vast punishments. When Christian is fully fed up with the majorly unfair antics of Bligh and his mission, he finally decides to take command the Bounty. Christian, once he is in command, never looks back and takes his followers back to paradise on an unknown and uncharted island to live the rest of his days.

Captain Bligh is a military man to the bone who demands respect from all, and achieves it through his rough tactics, stern discipline and often times uncaring ways. He leads his ship with the Navy War Rules Book in one hand and a whip in the other. His actions can most certainly be deemed unfair, unjust and most of all harsh. Bligh feels that fear in one's Captain is the only way to lead and earn respect. In a way he almost seems to relish finding ways to "push a man's buttons" so he can then take out his Navy Rules War Book and give reason for punishment. His sole reason of mission first, duty second no matter the cost to ones health or life leads to the eventual infamous mutiny.

Unlike the other 2 "Bounty" films whose Capt. Bligh's at times came across as too sympathetic; Charles Laughton's portrayal of Capt. Bligh came off more aggressive, uncaring and unlikeable. It was easy to hate him and cheer his eventual downfall. A great performance.

The other "Bounty" films are good and definitely worth watching (especially Marlon Brando), but the best of the lot is this great black and white 1935 version with Gable and Laughton.
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Hannibal (2001)
Hannibal... Not a great film/story.
27 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I totally dislike stories that are not plausible.

Lecter came back to America to "help" Starling out with her dilemma regarding her suspension. Like he could really do anything. It makes more sense for him to have returned because of his "love" for her. Which he is. Now the infamous "dinner scene" was just an insult to my intelligence. First off, he "fixes" up Clarice and her bullet wound. Fine. Gave the appropriate drugs to help her pain and healing. She wakes up and finds, very nice and neat, on the desk all her stuff. Cuffs, money...etc. Too convenient. Lecter disconnects the phone because he knew Clarice's nature would be to try to call the police. Why did he not just rip the phone off the wall to ensure no outside intruders? He just disconnected it where a child could put it together very easily. Clarice make the call to the cops and that limits Lecter from having "quality" time with her, which he has been aching to have. Remember, he does love her in his own sick way. He literally has only minutes to be with her before he has to escape. WHY? He is so smart and in love with her. He would never let that happen where she would call for help. He wants to eat the guy's brain and talk with Clarice. If he is to convince her to love him, without the use of drugs, he needs TIME...period. Time he did not allow himself to have.

Now the cops are on their way. Time is short. He traps her with her hair and the fridge and ask if she could ever love him. The OBVIOUS answer is NO, NO, NO. Why would she? Dumb on Lecter's part. Makes no sense. He needed time and or drugs to get his way with Clarice. So he can hear the answer he longs for. If "no" is the obvious answer, maybe he never should of come to America, but I will talk about that in detail a little later in this writing. Let me go back a little now.

In "The Silence of the Lambs", the thing that I liked a lot about Jodie Foster's performance is that she was respectful of Lecter but, immensely afraid of him. Even between 6 to 10 inches of glass or steel bars separating them. She feared Lecter, which made me fear Lecter. Watch the movie again and see what I mean. Total fear yet controlled and respectful. I was scared every time she spoke with him. In "Hannibal", Clarice is actually face to face with her worst nightmare and totally unafraid. This guy would in a second eat your face off and she attacks him like he is the bully neighbor you grew up with. She was drugged, I understand, but she was relentless the whole time. If a big dog chased me and I had a gun, I am brave because of the weapon yet I still would be afraid. The foreign cop guy in the beginning of the movie was afraid of him but, very greedy and it cost him his life. Clarice tried to get him with a knife and fist and then cuffs. She was relentless. It made me not afraid of Lecter. We all should be. He is capable of ANYTHING.

Finally, Lecter escapes by mere moments from the police, minus one left hand. We are talking moments. Seconds. He is on the 10 most wanted list. Everyone in America is after him. All the airports have his picture, the state line, the damn Mexican border. His likeness is out there plus the now distinguishing mark of a missing left hand. Yet, he is able to board a plane for overseas, no problem. I am to assume he is on the plane days later after the dinner scene. It's not like he was in hiding for a while to let the "heat" die down. No disguise and no left hand to the airport for a flight overseas. I defy you to walk across the street after robbing the local 7-11 or gas station, and get you hand cut off and be able to board a plane for anywhere. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID. That part makes no sense. Even if he dressed like a priest, all people with casts, or splints, or missing left hands would be questioned by airport officials.

I like the beginning of the movie. It's after he arrived to America, the movie goes downhill. Keep the story simple consistent to real life regardless of the extreme circumstances.
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Potential to be a GREAT film...
26 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Saw a special screening of this film in 2006. I enjoyed it a lot, but I can imagine just how really amazing it would have been if Richard Donner had not been fired, and was allowed the time, actors and money to shoot his vision like he wanted back in the late 70's and early 80's. Donner was forced to do this "new" version based on the script only and the scenes he had originally filmed.

The wrong thing to do is to compare Lester's charming and more comical version than Donner's. It's not fair to Donner. Watch Donner's version with a new fresh perspective and think to yourselves, "if only he had been allowed to finish this version per his vision." The new Brando scenes were so cool to see as was the opening Daily Planet scene. The opening scene was especially good cause it was originally about 80 to 90 percent finished. Clark getting his powers back was definitely more dramatic and there was more at stake. It was a great scene and awesome to see. If only Donner had time to have shot more coverage to let the scene run even smoother, then it would have been so perfect.

Editor Michael Thau did a Q&A afterwards and was very detailed about Donner's decisions and opinions. The new Superman II was based on the written script and the 70% of what they had already shot. Mr. Thau said that Donner would have done an entirely different ending if he was allowed to finish. In the Superman 1 script, Lois was originally supposed to die, and the 3 villains escape. A total cliff hanger. At the last second, it was decided that Superman turns the world around and we have the great ending we do. Donner is forced to do the same ending again in the new film cause that is all he had to work with and never was given a chance to film new scenes.

The epic fight scene vs the 3 villains would have been more vicious, with the city and planet utterly destroyed. Fire and smoke covering the planet. What a visual.

Donner is a true visionary. I am grateful for his dedication and allowing us to glimpse what could have been. It still is a film very much worth seeing and owning on DVD.
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Casino Royale (2006)
Casino Royale - Awesome!!!
13 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
One word... AMAZING. It is the type of Bond film all Bond fans have been waiting for. No more cute, wink wink, laugh out loud unbelievable moments we've all grown tired of. What Casino Royale did was make a very real film, with real life consequences and added a crap load of action. Awesome!!! Daniel Craig has taken the Bond character and ran away with it. I never saw a more believable Bond character since the early films of Sean Connery. Ian Flemming's intentions and spirit for the story and character was taken into major consideration and the results were nothing but positive.

Daniel Craig takes the Bond character to his early days before he is granted the infamous double O status. Casino Royale's Bond is an unrefined, reckless, unpolished, aggressive, injury prone, cold blooded killer. In essence, a raw piece of meat, that as the film goes on and he gains more experience becomes this prime piece of sirloin. All the Bond signatures we've all come to love and expect are not a part of Bond's nature, but gradually falls into place at the right moments through his experiences. The journey it took to get there is the most fun to watch.

What makes Bond such a fan favorite in the past was the way the writers and directors romanticized the character. Bond always had the best gadgets (toys), cool clothes, money, he traveled, women galore, he was smooth, he could fight and play a mean game of cards. Who wouldn't want to be him? Casino Royale took it one step further and said, "What kind of man emotionally would it take to be a double O agent and what are the dangers involved in such an exciting career?" Casino Royale's Bond is bruised, bloodied, beaten, stabbed, poisoned and tortured in several occasions. He walks around half the film covered in scabs and scars. He is detached from his feelings and makes a clear statement how he prefers married women because it is less complicated. With no family and friends, he truly is a man alone with nothing to live for, which makes him the perfect candidate for a double O agent.

I have not given away too much of the plot, for it is better for all Bond fans to see Casino Royale and experience it for one's self. It's one of the best Bond film to come out in decades and ranks in my top 2 or 3 of James Bond films of all time.

A quick note... it is important to remember that this story is supposed to be about Bond before he become the James Bond we all know and love. It's his first time being a double O agent. This is why the writers took liberties with the opening gun barrel scene, the vodka martini, the Aston Martin, and the infamous "Bond, James Bond". I found it a great choice to a very old and established character. We get to see how Bond becomes Bond. Think "Batman Begins", which was another great film.
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21 Grams (2003)
21 Yawns sounds better...
26 November 2004
It is said that after viewing this film, in it's entirety, that all the yawning that is done, when measured in breathe and water release, amounts to 21 Grams.

If that was the overall goal, then the film was a huge success.








Yep... 21 Grams.
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Best Martial Art Movie Made...
3 December 2003
The fight scenes are jaw dropping.

The skill that is involved to perform those feats is mesmerizing.

How far Jackie Chan will go to make as good a martial arts film as possible is highly commendable as well as very dangerous.

I thoroughly enjoyed this picture. Seen it many times and still I wonder how those actors/stunt people performed some of those feats. It's pretty wild.

The plot and story is also pretty funny, with Jackie Chan and his comedic timing.

Sit back, relax and let the movie take you on a nice ride with lots of action.
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Amazing short film that took 50 years to finish...
14 June 2003
I was priveliged to see the premiere of Ray Harryhausen's film, The Tortoise and the Hare" at the Egyptian Theatre in Los Angeles. The film was amazing, the audience was very positive and amazing as well. Mr. Harryhausen was present in the theatre for a Q & A which was also a special privelige.

This short film he had started in the 1950's, but never finished because he was off pursuing more lucrative jobs in the movies. His words exactly and much to our (the fans) benefits.

It was an epic evening. Starting with a viewing of "Jason and the Argonauts" and ending with "Clash of the Titans". All Ray Harryhausen classics.

"The Tortoise and the Hare" is a good time for children and adults alike. Mr. Harryhausen turns a classic story and makes it his own with his own special way of special effects and telling of a story. I highly recommend it if you have a chance to view it.
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Rocky (1976)
Stallone's best work and an excellent film...
15 December 2001
I don't think the film "Rocky" is as appreciated in todays society as it is deserved to be. It's an amazing film with a fine story and some amazing characters. The film has been ridiculed and made fun as the years went on, made into a cliche', except by those who remember its purity and substance when it was first released or those movie enthusiasts who appreciate fine theatrical work.

Rocky, a down and out boxer from the streets of Philadelphia, surrounded by poverty and scorn, who falls in love with a local girl and finds himself in the fight of his life against the champion of the world. Seems like such a simple premise, yet so much was happening between all it's characters, that the film never got dull or over the top.

Stallone out did himself and surprised everyone, him included, when he delivered this outstanding performance. How could you not root for this guy and feel his despair and pain as his life was happening.

His supporting cast was nothing short of excellent. A great mix of very different characters. A drunk, loud, jealous brother. An extremely shy yet very loving woman. An over the top glory hungry champ. An old disgruntled and still living his dream boxing trainer.

I don't think people appreciate the very real fact that it only took Stallone a few days to write this script or how he had to fight the studios to let him play the lead. How different this film would have turned out if another actor played the lead. We are more fortunate for it.

Will Stallone ever play a finer role than Rocky? Probably not. He was "Rocky" in every way possible and it was amazing for him to have let us, the viewers, experience that for ourselves.
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Excalibur (1981)
A terrific film about the tale of King Arthur and his Knights
22 May 2001
Besides the obvious that this is an amazing movie, the soundtrack really does it for me too. It just adds to the richness of the characters and their story lines.

Excellent acting by Nigel Terry portraying Arthur at 16 all the way to his death as an old man. The rest of the cast was equally good including many newcomers such as Liam Nisson, Patrick Stewart, Helen Mirren and Gabriel Byrne. All very popular actors today and they can all credit this movie as their stepping stone.

I admired and pitied the character of Sir Lancelet. He was a tremendous hero and athlete and very well respected. He was the simply the greatest and most honorable knight ever and yet... how sad that his one true love, his soulmate, Gwenhwyfar, could never, ever, be his. To have her and betray the love he shared with his best friend and king, Arthur, hurt him more deeply than any sword could ever do.

This movie has always been one of my favorites even when I had first viewed it as a young boy twenty years ago. To this day I still consider it one of the best.
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Superman (1978)
Superman: The best superhero movie to date.
12 November 2000
Superman The Movie is still the best superhero movie to date. Thank the director, Richard Donner, for maintaining to the comic book storyline and introducing us to then newcomer Christopher Reeve. Reeve's portrayal of a humble, quirky, klutzy Clark Kent and dynamic, powerful, might makes right "man of steel" is dead on. Perfect casting. The soundtrack provided us with a nice feel for the movie. Excellent music. The Superman/Lois Lane love theme of them flying through the night sky was my favorite. Superman the Movie is a film that fills you with a yearning to be like it's main character. Looked up to, powerful and super. It is a very well made movie. Still the best superhero movie to date.
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Chimera House (1999)
A low budget film of high quality and performance.
20 October 2000
The thing about this film is that it is not considered to be a "Hollywood mainstream" film. None of your blow 'em up action, in your face, outrageous budget and egos. This film is based on real life and real situations with it's actors doing an amazing job of portraying these troubled characters.

It's main character, Roy (played by Josh Keaton), is simply trying to adjust to life in a militant group home where other troubled teens are staying. Not the best of places to be but much better than his only other choice which is juvenile hall. During his stay, Roy forced to conform to strict rules and deal with his over the top roommate, Lucky (played by Danny Arroyo).

In the end, the lessons learned are hard ones. Not all are fair or just but as this film tries to show is that life can be what you make of it and sometimes just believing you are more than your surroundings can carry you through the tough times.

"Chimera House" is a good quality film which has been received very well with a number of film festivals. It has won many festival awards to date to include a couple Best Film Awards. A Best Director, Best Music and a Best Actor. It is a film definitely worth seeing and appreciated.
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Great film with great performances...
12 February 1999
Ricardo Montalban made this movie for me. He played Khan, a revenge minded individual hellbent on destroying his enemy/nemesis James T. Kirk. Almost literally playing the part of Captain Ahab who is obsessed with destroying the white whale(Kirk). Montalban's great performance, I felt, helped push the other lead actors to perform to their fullest potential. Shatner did a wonderful job. His best of all the Star Trek films. The dialogue between all the characters was written and performed beautifully. The film had a great story line and non stop action between two bitter rivals. I recommend this film to all, Trekkies or not. Enjoy.
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Experience a wonderful movie in "Gods and Monsters".
10 February 1999
I didn't know what to expect when I went to see this film. I do know that at the film's conclusion, I found that I could not stop talking about how much I enjoyed it. The acting was wonderful. The way the director shot film was very artistic and inspiring. It was a very well written story about loneliness, friendship, longing, struggle and death. It's a shame the Academy didn't see "Gods and Monsters" as being worthy of having a Best Picture nomination. Thank goodness that its star actor did receive the proper recognition. Go see "Gods and Monsters" and experience it for yourself.
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