
6 Reviews
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Big Night (1996)
Really good film
2 October 2000
A bit slow early on, and a few scenes seem a bit out of place, but when it gets going it really kicks in. Stanley Tucci and Anthony Shalhoub are priceless - some truly wonderful performances. If you like food, it's hard to resist.
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Could've been so much better
25 July 2000
This movie had a lot of promise, but never really went anywhere with it. Early on it's kind of an interesting mystery, and you never quite know what's going on, but once all is revealed it's really not much of an ending. Plus, once you know what happened, it really doesn't make a lot of sense. Disappointing.
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4 January 1999
Wonderful! My only complaint is that I missed a few lines because I was laughing so hard. I spent half the film wiping tears of laughter out of my eyes. A very very funny movie, and a really nice movie too. I can't imagine anyone not enjoying this.
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Very bad indeed
24 December 1998
This movie is really bad. (And not in a good way). It goes way to far to be a black comedy, and is really kind of unpleasant. Plus, it's just not funny. I like Jon Favreau a lot. I like Daniel Stern a lot. I also like Christian Slater and Jeremy Piven, but there's nothing in this film for any of them. It just pretty much sucked. You'll want your money back - I promise.
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Godzilla (I) (1998)
Very disappointing
24 December 1998
Talk about unoriginal. How many movies did these guys steal from? Godzilla was somewhere between the velociraptors from Jurassic Park and the creature from Alien. Not to mention at least one shot which was taken directly from Jurassic Park. You'd think when making a movie about a gigantic dragon you'd be able to come up with a few ideas of your own. The movie's not the slightest bit scary. Not terribly exciting. Devoid of suspense, like just about any action film. Some cheap humor, but not much. And oh yeah, doesn't Godzilla breathe fire? Not this time around apparently. Not worth the rental.
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classic - you really must see
3 December 1998
This movie is a litle mean, there's no denying that. But if you don't mind making fun of a small podunk town, it is spectacularly hilarious. I'm still trying to figure out if it's on a higher plane of funny from anything else. I liked it that much. Really, you should see it.
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