
5 Reviews
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Great Rock and Roll Film, bring it back!!!
4 August 2001
I saw this film as a kid growing up in New Jersey and it really knocked me out. The performances were electrifying and the visuals only amplified that electricity. Little Richard, standing on the piano while the crowd went berserk is a stand-out. I sincerely hope that some saint is toiling away to get this released onto DVD sometime in the near future.
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The Storyteller (1987–1989)
TV at it's finest
1 January 2000
Beautiful art direction, excellent editing and wonderful stories make this some of the best television ever produced. The fact that it was relatively short lived is sadly reflective on the state of television. I highly recommend snatching these up as they're released, you'll love them.
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The Jack Bull (1999 TV Movie)
Reeks of TV movie writing
25 September 1999
Despite a good cast and beautiful locations, the movie falls flat on it's face. Cliche's run rampant and all is black and white as our hero stands tall against the bad guys. The addition of a gushing wife with out of period frankness and an black character treated with unbelievable equality, frankly made my stomach turn. Rent The Searchers for your western fix.
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Out of Sight (1998)
7 January 1999
Wow. What a stinker. Although the director tried hard to emulate the "hip Pulp Fiction" approach (scattered timelines, retro sets, neo-retro rock soundtrack), all was too transparent. The plot made no sense, (why kidnap a federal agent?) Clooney's acting was wooden at best, and the dialogue was banal. This might have made a TV movie but even that would be a stretch.
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Flirting (1991)
A sequel worth watching
16 November 1998
In this sequel to "The Year My Voice Broke" we find Danny facing adulthood (and it's less than attractive face) at an English boarding school. What I liked about this film was it's portrayal of characters as more than one dimensional beings. The protagonists and heroes were well thought out and acted as you'd expect "real" people to act. Humor was subtle yet genuinely funny. Watch both of these films, you won't be sorry.
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