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Another rip-off of an old T.V. show?
6 November 2000
No Way!! While the title and the general plot outline of the movie is similar to the original T.V. show, there are many remarkable differences. The Angels (Drew Barrymore, Lucy Lui and Cameron Diaz) are still working for the ever elusive Charlie, but with a very different twist. While the original angels, fought crimes and foiled plots with gun, the new angels use wit and physical fitness to defeat the bad guys. This new breed of Angels are smart, confident, witty and strong minded. The action was outstanding and with Matrix-like effects, it is enjoyable not only for guy, but girls as well. The supporting cast was remarkable, and played well against the new Angels. Crispin Glover (better known as George McFly, from the Back To The Future trilogy), played one heck of a bad guy. He gave a wonderful performance that was worthy of his previous experiences. I hope that everyone will enjoy this movie as much as I did...and what is really remarkable is that I am actually looking forward to a sequel!!! I won't spoil the movie by giving the plot away, but I think that everyone will enjoy it. I give it a 8.5 out of 10, and that is one of my best ratings!!! 8.5 out of 10!!!
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Scary Movie (2000)
I know what you did...but I don't know why??
7 July 2000
Is this movie scary? No. Is this movie cutting edge? No. Is this movie funny? Maybe. There were many components in this flick that were quite humorous, but overall this movie was nothing but toilet humor. If you go for that kinda thing, then this is the movie for you, but if you are easily offended then maybe you better skip this one. I find it difficult to believe that this movie did not get an R rating, for there were many things in this movie that justify an R rating.

The Wayans Brothers, have come up with a great concept: to spoof the horror genre that has been so popular lately, but the way it was carried out was not as good as it could have been. But like I said this movie did have its moments, there were scenes where I couldn't keep from laughing just because it was so stupid! Overall not a movie for a young or impressionable audience. For those who are planning to see this movie.... GUYS - this is not a date movie, go see it with your buddies, you will appreciate it more. GIRLS - Again go with your gal pals, because if you take your guy, you will lose him!! But hey I laughed at it, but I am not easily offended so I found some of it funny, but as for paying $9.00 a ticket, I felt a little suckered. Good for a chuckle but not the funniest movie in the world. I give it a 5 out of 10. Check it out if you want, but if I were you I would wait for video.
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Like the drink only not spelled the same
16 June 2000
This movie was spectacular!! I was watching it intently from beginning to end and did not even notice the time. This movie is a true masterpiece. Tom Hanks and Michael Clarke Duncan were wonderful and the supporting cast was fantastic.

Based on a serial novel by Stephen King, the Green Mile is about Paul Edgecomb, a officer in charge of prisoners on death row and everything was the same as usual until the day that John Coffey (Clarke Duncan) was brought to the mile. Coffey is an extraordinary person and Paul Edgecomb never believed in miracles until the day he met one.

This movie is one of the best adaptations of a Stephen King novel that I have ever seen. I think that I would recommend this movie to everyone, and even if you don't like King's work I am certain that you will love this flick. This movie was robbed at the Academy Awards, but never the less, it is still one of the most memorable movies I have ever seen. A small warning though, if you are a bit squeemish then you may need to hide your eyes for a few scenes, but don't miss out on this movie because of it. I give this movie a 9.5 out of 10!!!
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Disappointing? Impossible!
27 May 2000
Here we have the classic question...can the sequel out do the original? Usually the answer is no, but this does not apply to the MI series. The reason that most sequels fail is that they try too much to be like the original films, but not MI-2. While Tom Cruise's character Ethan Hunt remains the same, the film makers did not try to make it connect to the first one, but rather they concentrated on making a new story. The action sequences are one of a kind from the master of action John Woo.

Despite the fantastic action scenes and the fairly solid story line, the film did have a few low points. First on all, that love story seemed quite out of place. I mean it was a change but it seemed a little forced. Then there was that constant use of those masks that were made famous from the first flick. I mean how many masks could they possible have!!??!! And last but not least...I know that John Woo is famous for his remarkable action sequences and that his technique is to put portions of it into slow motion and then speed it up at the last second, but it was just used far to much in this film. I understand that sometimes it is a good effect so that the audience can see exactly what is happening, but this time it was just overkill. The movie would have been shorter if all these slow motion scenes were eliminated, because with them, it just seemed to drag on a little too long.

In spite of the minor problems that the film has, it will still make millions, because of Tom Cruise alone, but Thandie Newton did a wonderful job, playing opposite the star and Dougray Scott, who was last scene in Ever After, portrayed an excellent foil for Cruise's character. Fans of both Cruise and the original television series will enjoy this flick, but first time MI viewers will enjoy it because you did not have to see the first one to understand what was going on in the second one, as is the case with most sequels. All in all a good action-packed movie, well worth the money and definitely a big screen movie. Don't miss this one at the theaters if you are into the big summer action movies. I give MI-2 a 8 out of 10.
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Sleepy Hollow (1999)
Sleepy Hollow is wide awake!
24 May 2000
This movie has got to be one of the best movies that I have seen in a long time. Even though I did not get to see it at the theatres I was impressed by the scenes none the less. Sleepy Hollow is loosely based upon the story by Washington Irving, in which Ichabod Crane (Johnny Depp) is out to find the Headless Horseman ( Christopher Walkin), while winning the heart of Katrina (Christina Ricci). This is the only thing that the film and the story have in common.

Despite this minor inconsistancy, the film is a wonderful success. We haven't seen Johnny Depp in such a memorable role since Edward Scissorhands. Christina Ricci look absolutley stunning, have matured more in her film roles since playing Wednesday Addams in the popular Addam's Family movies. But I have one question for all of you reading this....

Did the woman who played Ichabod's mother in the flash backs look like Alanis Morrisette?????? I thought it was her twin!!

This movie is visually stunning and the ever popular controversy of Science vs. Religion figures in well in this film. I did not feel that this movie was rushed at all. All the questions I was asking during the film wrapped up in the end and left me completely statisfied. Tim Burton has done a wonderful job reviving this classic tale for the big screen, this is the best adaptation since Walt Disney's version. I give this instant classic a 9 out of 10....Get out there and see it!!!!!
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Dinosaur (2000)
Are you sure this is Disney??
24 May 2000
This movie was incredible! The visual effects left me in awe from the first moment. The dinosaurs were everything that people are in real life. Some are kind and gentle while others just want to kill. I hadn't really heard much about the movie except that it was computer generated and Disney. I could not believe something this wonderful came out the Disney Studios. I am a fan of Disney, but it is unusual to see something that both parents, children and the general public would enjoy.

Some of the comments on this site are a little harsh, they seems to overlook the fact that this is a PG rated movie and there isn't going to be as much killing as they may be used to these days. I have often heard people saying that this movie is not realistic enough, and the fact that is was stupid to have the dinosaurs talk. But think about a movie with absolutley no speech, and no there were no humans alive at that period in time, despite what the Flintstones tell you. Movies do not have to be realistic to be enjoyable.

I think that Disney has really out done themselves this time, this movie is really stunning. The story is not as enjoyable as the graphics but it is never-the-less interesting. Please see this movie and judge for yourself. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did. I give this flick a solid 9 out of 10.
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Gladiator (2000)
A LONG LONG time ago...
7 May 2000
The first and most important thing I need to say about this movie was that it was too freakin' long!! This movie could have been made within the typical hour and forty-five minutes to two hour range, but two and a half hours is just unreal. Honestly I found this movie to be a little on the dry side. Not all the scenes connected and I found myself trying to concentrate more on what was going on rather then enjoying the film.

Russell Crowe offered an excellent preformance as did Connie Neilsen and Joaquin Pheniox. The cinemotography was wonderful and the costumes were outstanding. These are really the film's only redeeming points. The plat was dull and somewhat tedious. It took two hours to finally get to the point of the movie. There were many extra scenes that could have been eliminated because they really had no point. The fighting scenes were well done, and there was a few scenes that had the emotion in it, the emotion that I am sure was supposed to placed throughout the entire film, yet was not. I would have to say that this was not one of my favourite films, but if you are planning to see it, then definitly go to the theatre, because with the specatuclar scenery and fast paced action sequences, this one needs to be seen on a big screen. However, if you are looking for a movie with a more gripping plot, more emotional acting and something worth your money, then you may want to look elsewhere, because "Gladiator" just doesn't cut it. I give it a 5 out of 10.
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Go (1999)
Go for the gold
3 May 2000
This has to be one of the most clever films made for the generation x'ers. This incorporates many things that tens can relate to: drugs, sex, money, parties and the consequences of them all. Many have called this film a "Pulp Fiction" rip off, but I would like to look at it as a modified "Pulp Fiction" one made for teens who may not understand or enjoy the adult oriented jokes in "Pulp Fiction."

"Go" is set up in a series of three short segments, each focusing on a different person's perspective on the same series of events. The first story is about Ronna (Sarah Polley), a check out clerk at a supermarket who is about to get evicted before Christmas. So she and her friends Manny and Claire (Nathan Bexton and Katie Holmes) try to sell drugs which they stole from a drug dealer (Timothy Olyphant). The second story is about Simon(Desmond Askew), who also works with Ronna. He offers to give her his shift so that he can go to Vegas with his friends Marcus, Sing, and Tiny (Ty Diggs, James Duval and Breckin Meyer). And finally is the story about Zach and Adam (Jay Mohr and Scott Wolf) two actors who are trying to help bring down the drug dealer (Olyphant). All of this may sound confusing but it all ties in wonderfully. This is a bright and clever film that is amusing and somewhat serious at the same time. The acting is brilliant. Sarah Polley is a stand-out, best known as Sarah Stanley on the Canadian produced series "Road to Avonlea." And Wolf and Mohr are absolutely hilarious. If you liked "Pulp Fiction" but thought it was far too violent then pick up this flick. It still retains that element of the movie ending where it began that made "Pulp Fiction" famous and the same principle elements without all the blood and killings. The language is still there but not in great quantity. All in all, a wonderful film and a definite suprise hit. I give this flick an 9 out of 10. "Go" and see it!!
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Dogma (1999)
Sinfully Funny (May contain minor spoilers)
3 May 2000
"Dogma" has to be one of the funniest movies that I have ever seen. It was none stop laughter. Linda Fiorentino did a wonderful job as the Last descendant of Christ, and Jay and Silent Bob (Mewes and Smith) were as funny as ever. I have read some of the other reviews and found that people either didn't see the humor in the film or found it offensive for the spoof on religion, but I on the other hand, found it brilliantly amusing with a solid plot and a vibrant cast of actors. Matt Damon and Ben Afleck play two fallen angels (Loki and Bartleby) who have found a loop hole to allow them to re-enter Heaven, Linda Fiorentino is chose to stop them. She is not alone in her quest. She has help from two self proclaimed prophets (Mewes and Smith) and the 13th Apostle (Chris Rock). Along the way they meet Serendipity (Salma Hayek) and together they must stop the angels, and rescue God (Alanis Morrisette) who has become trapped in a mortal body. The acting was quite entertaining, with the exception of Hayek who was mainly eye candy for the guys.

The spoofing of religion was very well played and although the language was quite vulgar (ever second word began with "F"), some scenes may have been offensive, but the overall message gets through. If you look at the underlying message then you will truly see the humor in this flick. The Bible has never been so interesting. This movie is a well thought-out picture and my kudos go to Kevin Smith for making this thought provoking, yet still humorous in the traditional Smith style. This movie deserves more credit then it is getting. I quote Farris Bueller "If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up, it is so choice!" Go and rent this one, you will not be disappointed. I give this film a 9.5 out of 10. One of the most sinfully amusing and original films of the 90's. Go get it NOW!! You won't be sorry.
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Gossip (I) (2000)
Not all that...but not all that bad
22 April 2000
I feel that someone needs to defend this was not that bad. Gossip is about three roommates who decide to start a rumor and track its growth, and as we all know, gossip spreads like wild fire. The cast of young actors did a wonderful job. James Marsden (last seen in Disturbing Behavior, with Josh Jackson's fellow Creeker Katie Holmes) and Marisa Coughlan (Teaching Mrs.Tingle) give wonderful performances and Kate Hudson does well as the innocent victim.

There are lots of twists and turns in this movie, so it may be somewhat confusing, but overall it is a good story. The only problem with this pic, is the length of time it takes to actually get to the climax. The first 30 mins, drags on for a while but the ending is fairly good. Another problem I think was that the movie was advertised as "starring Joshua Jackson" when in reality he was only in it for a few short scenes and had minimal dialouge. Most of the generation X'ers will go to see it for Josh Jackson and will be disappointed in that respect, but will find that in waiting for the scenes with Jackson in them, they will get wrapped up in the story anyway (which was probably the studios intent anyway).

Over all, "Gossip" is not the world's greatest film, but who really expected it to be anyway. Good acting, good story, bad production. This film could be so much more, but hey! Anyway you may or may not want to spend your money on this one...either catch a matinee or go on a cheap night, or simply wait till you can rent it. I would give "Gossip" a 5.5 out of 10...but look at it this way, it could be worse.
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Very Prince Charming
14 April 2000
Ever After is a wonderful movie in all aspects. For once a fairy tale is told without the extremely sexist overtones. I am by no means a feminist but it is frustrating when the hero in movies fall in love with a girl simply because of the way she looks. Finally there is a heroine who proves her self not only beautiful, but well read, independent and adventurous. Drew Barrymore's character Danielle is a bit of tom-boy which is also a refreshing change. The acting in this movie was excellent, with the exception of Drew's fake accent, but you get used to it after a while.

This is a definite chick flick, but guys may enjoy the occasional sword fight and the women in tight corsettes. I thought that the most redeeming quality of the movie was definitely the costumes. They were wonderful and beautiful (especially the masque costume), and it really added to the feel of the movie. I would definitely recommend this movie for not only the classic romantic tale, but for a humorous and enchanting date movie. I give Ever After an 8 out of 10. Go and see it again!!
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The Skulls (2000)
Far From the Creek
12 April 2000
I went and saw this movie for the same reason that most of the people that i know went and saw it...Joshua Jackson. I went in to this movie expecting to see Josh Jackson take a tangent from his Dawson's Creek character, and that I did get, but what I did not get was an exciting story. Don't get me wrong it was intriguing for a few scenes, but after awhile I felt like I was watching The Firm all over again.

The acting of Josh Jackson and Leslie Bibb were extremely entertaining and I was particularly impressed by Paul Walker's acting abilities. The supporting cast was exceptional and by all standards this combination had the making of a witty, intriguing and gripping movie, but it does not come out that way.

Josh Jackson plays Luke McNamara who is looking for a way to pay for his impending law school career, so against his better judgement and warning from his friends, he joins a highly secret society that has had some influential members in it ranks before. During a hazing he befriends Caleb Mandrake (Paul Walker)who is trying to live up to his father's legacy in the Skulls. What happens for the next 90 minutes is a plot that involves murder, cover-up and re-writing the rules. A gripping tale for some people, but for other the only real attraction is Josh Jackson.

My recommendation is that you wait and rent this one, not really a movie theater type flick. For the first starring, Jackson has done well, he is definite eye candy, but i found his other minor roles far more entertaining. I hope that in the future Josh can get to show his acting diversity. I am highly anticipating the opening of "Gossip," Jackson's newest flick. So, again, "The Skulls" is definitely a renter. DO NOT waste your money, wait and rent it. All in all, not a bad flick, but not the best I give it a solid 6 out of 10.
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Death is Comin 'Round
20 March 2000
I have read other comments on the movie final destination and there seems to be some mixed reviews. Personally I enjoyed it very much. The death scenes were quite elaborate and the plot of the story was very original.

With a cast of bright young actors including Devon Sawa (Idle Hands), Kerr Smith (Dawson's Creek), Ali Larter (Varsity Blues) and Seann William Scott (American Pie) this movie appeals to the teen generation for sure.

The movie begins with Alex Browning (Sawa) and his classmates boarding a plane for a class trip to France, but after Alex has a terrible vision of the plane exploding, he panics and is escorted off the plane along with several other students. Alex's vision comes true and then the horror begins. Because of Alex's actions, he and the other people have cheated death, thereby ruining Death's "Great Plan" and screwing up the pattern. So in order to stay alive Alex must again uses his visions to cheat death again, and by doing that he will supposedly be safe. This film has a great plot, and wonderful acting. There were however some questions that i was left with....1. Was Candyman supposed to be Death incarnate? 2. Why was Alex (Sawa) so special that only he could see the visions? Regardless of the questions left in your mind the movie really gets you thinking about death. Does Death really have a plan for all of us? Or can we change our own destinies. There are a few heart stopping moments, including one death scene that is totally unexpected. The others are kind of predictable but that is what makes it more intense,because you know what is going to happen but you watch the character go painfully slow through the events leading up to it. All in all, I thought it was an excellent movie and I would absolutely recommend it as a heart-stopping date flick....Go and see it...I give it an 8.5 out of 10.
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Blood is thicker than water
14 March 1999
Carrie 2 - The Rage, was nothing like I expected. I went into the theatre expecting to see a cheap imitation of the first Carrie...but I was wrong! The Rage was excellent! Although the first Carrie is a classic cult horror movie and can never be topped, The Rage did a good job living up to the standards set by the first. Newcomer Emily Bergl did an excellent job as the enraged Rachel. Amy Irving returns as Sue Snell, and this allows the The Rage to be connected to Carrie. A series of flashbacks and many connections to the first Carrie, help The Rage succeed. Everything is well explained and you leave the theatre very satisfied. There is some gore and scary parts that may not be suitable for younger viewers that have watched the first (and much tamer) Carrie. Overall I believe this film was an excellent sequel to Carrie and although not a Stephen King novel, as the first was, I think the King of horror would have been impressed. A must see for horror fanatics or anyone looking for a good scare!! Boo!!

On a scale of 1 - 10, 1 being yawn! and 10 being bed-wetting nightmares......I give THE RAGE - CARRIE 2 an 8!!
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Deep Dark Secrets
31 December 1998
As a fan of WWF wrestling I was interested when I heard there would be a documentary on Bret "The Hitman" Hart. Growing up I watched wrestling with my older brother and father and remember Bret wrestling, to me it was very real. I took a break and just recently got back into watching it about a year ago. So when I heard about the documentary, I was very interested..........Wow was I in for a surprise!! I was amazed to see things from the inside out rather than the outside in. I learned things that I had never known before. I knew it was planned out for the most part, but I never realized the extent of it. I read through pervious comments and I was shocked......people said it was funny and exciting to see the under-belly of wrestling, but I, on the other hand, was moved almost to tears. I was upset to learn about the backstage scenes that go on outside of the ring. The Montreal incident was appalling and worst of all, every one Bret had put his faith into "screwed" him royally. Today wrestling is very different, there are women taking their clothes off and everything revolves around sex. We need to take it back to when it was a sport, not a soap opera. Don't get me wrong, I love WWF, but when I see what it did to Bret and his family, I feel horrible....The WWF betrayed his trust and his ability and destroyed the audience's faith in him..........Bret is a true champion!! This documentary gave me a persepective I had never known before...A must see for everyone who thinks wrestling is fake and no one gets hurt....people do get hurt, in more ways than one.
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The Craft (1996)
Everyone Gets a little witchy at times!
3 November 1998
The Craft is one of the best witchcraft movies I have ever seen. Robin Tunney plays a wonderful character with lots of emotion and colour. Fairuza Balk gives an outstanding performance as Nancy, that adds a eerie quality. Neve Campbell gives her role some feeling and heart and Rachel True, adds the comedy needed to fill the movie with thrills and chills.

The Craft gives a modern day spin on the practice of witchcraft and although is it not exactly Wicca, it is good enough to satisfy me as a viewer. Skeet Ulrich's performance is a far cry from his Scream character, but never the less he does a wonderful job. The special effects were seamless and overall I found myself, holding my breath waiting to see what would happen next, and a little laughter now and again makes the film worth watching.

I remember trying to levitate people when I had my grade 6 sleep overs, and that just made it more exciting for me. I found myself actually saying "that's why it never worked for me!" The film does have a little violence and language that may not suit younger viewers, but older girls, especially teens will love it's high school spin on magic. But remember this is only a movie, do not try this at home!! or if you do at least read up on it and know what you are doing.

In my opinion The Craft scores big! Not quite a 10, but a solid 8.5!! But you judge for yourself, and remember, it is only a movie.......or is it????
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It was good until......
1 November 1998
From Dusk Till Dawn was an excellent film until.......those vampires!! Although it made an intriguing plot twist it was disappointing. George Clooney was excellent as Seth Gecko, and being a Tarantino fan, I thought that he played a wonderful foil to Tarantino's character Richard Gecko.

This movie had all the makings for a successful action-packed movie. Murder, chase scenes, kidnappings and then everyone turns into vampires!!What the heck is going on here. I was all excited to see what was going to happen and then when everyone turned into vampires, I found myself laughing at a movie that once had me rivetted to the screen.

The cast played their parts well, Havey Keitel and Julilette Lewis played wonderfully colourful characters and young Ernest Liu did an excellent job as the newcomer. Although the film became a little satirical, there were some classic Tarantino shots that make fans of his work admire the camera angles and other technical aspects. I think that the movie would have been better off going on the storyline that it originally started with, but hey, some people found it quiet enjoying. Only one other thing bothered me about this movie, the ending left me sitting in a dumbfounded state.

I think this movie will become a cult favourite, in the tradition of other Tarantino works, and will surely be a fave with fans of the supernatual vampire aspect....I watch the film every now and again, and I find that it is growing on me, although I would still like to have a talk with the writers Robert Kurtzman and Quentin Tarantino.
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Urban Legend (1998)
It could have been so much better!
21 October 1998
Urban Legend was a wonderful storyline, but the movie focused more on the killings and gore rather than the extremely creative storyline. The idea for the story was very original, with a fresh young cast, but the movie lacked in attention getters, after all if you have seen on slasher film you have seen them all right??

The cast was very well-structured, Joshua Jackson did a wonderful job, although his part was robbed of its acting integrety. Natasha Wagner and Rebecca Gayheart were excellent characters that needed to be developed more. Jared Leto did a wonderful job and his acting ability really shone through.

All in all Urban Legend is an excellent date movie, or a chance just to hang out with friends, but if you are looking for a fresh new addition to the slasher genre, I suggest that you look somewhere else.

As for the people who are comparing this film to the Scream series, I must say that I see where you are coming from, but remember that Scream isn't as original as it seems either. Let's not forget, Night of the Living Dead, Halloween and the ground breaking movie The Exorcist, which all had a grasp pn the horror genre long before Kevin Williamson and Scream. Urban Legend, I thought, had more of an intriguing plot line, but was disappointed to see it left so undeveloped. And people mentioned, why did every character have that parka? Easy answer...the same reason everyone in Scream had those boots!!!

On a scale of 1-10 (1 being yawn, and 10 being nightmares) I give this film a solid 7
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Urban Legend (1998)
It could have been so much better!
17 October 1998
Urban Legend could have been so much better! The story was a wonderful idea and had it been expanded on more, the movie would have been far better.

The first scene is wonderful and makes you anticipate the rest of the movie but.......once you get there it is slow and tedious. Had the story been more focused on the legends themselves, then this movie might have been worth the ticket price!! Robert England's performance was up to his usual standards and I found that Josh Jackson was robbed of some great acting potential. I was hoping that this movie would give him more of an opportunity to show his talents that don't come out on Dawson's Creek, but I was wrong. I feel that he is a very sincere actor, and that quality is hard to find now a days!

Anyway back to the movie...I enjoyed it on a entertaining level, but I tend to be very critical of films...Regardless of what people say, I do not feel like this was a Scream rip-off. Now, I Know What You Did Last Summer...there's a rip-off!!!! Urban Legend had an original idea for mass murders, now it is true that the cheap thrills and eeire music tire after awhile, but all horror movies are like that...that is why they are all on the same rack in the video store!!

I think that people should go and see Urban Legend for themselves and form their own opinions.....personally on a scale of 1-10...10 being absolutly terrifying, I give Urban Legend a 6!
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