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The Producers (2005)
I ended fast-forwarding over the songs
23 May 2006
Now, I have seen several musicals LIVE, and I loved them. I have seen several musicals on film, and I mostly liked them.

Now, I was looking forward to this. I loved the movie and felt it would be just as good. I was bored out my mind. Except for the-musical-with-in-the-muscial, I thought this was dull, dull, dull. I ended up fast-forwarding the songs.

Another problem was this was too much like a musical. Yeah. I know. IT IS A MUSICAL. But this was a movie-musical. What was with all that dancing? DULL. If this was LIVE like a real muscial should be, I might really enjoy the songs and the dancing, but seen thru film. It was painful.
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"What's Up Tigerlilly" on Reality. Verrrry Funny.
29 June 2003
You know that old Woody Allen movie where they dud over a Japanese spy-film. Well this is the same thing. Instead this is a Japanese 'reality'-show. But instead of it translated like "Iron Chef", the dubbing is this very funny dialouge that has noting to do with original. I think this is the shows saving grace. Sure, we have great action with people smashing themselves againt walls, falling off high cliffs, and being chased by huge monsters (men in suits). This is always great, but the ultra made-up and almost improved dialouge of the annoucers is great.

And yes that is Takeshi Kitano.
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At Age Eight I Learned that Space=Silence.
6 January 2001
Warning: Spoilers
When I was about 8 years old, I saw this movie. I thought it was really boring. And it was. There are long moments of no dialogue or any action fixed with only a music score. However, even at 8 I knew that this was not meant to be typical. So i sat and watched because the silence was errie and strange. It was not until the parts about HAL vs. men seen was I really entertained. I recently found out that at that time in a Weekly Reader that sound does not travel in space because of the lack of air. And I noticed that every space movie I have seen was there was loud explosions in the vacuum like in "Star Wars". And with the pure bordom and silence in space in "2001", I knew that for this reason this film was very special even at age 8. (SPOILER WARNING! Go to next pargraph.) My favorite part was when Dave Bowman's pod door exploded and there was not a sound until the oxygen was released.

It was some 13 years that saw this movie again. It was at this age I fully understood the movie (which is not to understand it completly). It not a typical film, and it is boring, somewhat long, but filmed greatly although somewhat dated on the effects (however, such things matter little with a good story). It is great movie and I will not say anything original by saying why.

This film is not for everyone. It is more of an art film than a entertainment or even a sci-fi film. Some will HATE. Some will LOVE. Some will have to see it a few times before they reach an opinion. But becasue of fact that space=silence i think that this KUBRICK'S GREATEST WORK.
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A Beautiful Family Film that is Profound and Intelligent.
31 May 2000
Why. Oh, why must Disney be so... I don't know... predictable or formulaic. This is why I love this children's anime film so much!

"My Neighbor Totoro" is about two girls whom move out to the country in Japan. Soon they meet a forest sprit named Totoro. Now Totoro is responsible for the growth of the trees, the flow of the wind, and the nature's actions in general. He looks like a huge cute creature across from a cat, a bear, and most of all-an owl. Every once in a while he is accompanied by smaller versions of himself and a twelve-legged cat that acts as a bus. Together they go on small adventures flying through the woods and making plants grow. However, this is only is a backdrop to the movie as Totoro does not hog the plot.

Truthful, this film is looked in the girls' perspective as they experience their joyful youth and fears like dealing with their mother's absence-whom is ill and at hospital. It makes me wonder if the adventures with Totoro are partly imaginary. Mmm... does it matter? No. This is just a perfect flick that proves that children films can be intelligent while being fully entertaining.

"Totoro" is drawn beautifully with vivid colours and photo-realistic scenes. This film is a directed by Hayao Miyazaki who is huge in Japan. Disney has recently picked up some his movies to be distributed here in the States like "Kiki Delivery Service" and "Princess Mononoke" (this is not one of them; this is from Fox-Video). Therefore, Disney might be on the way of doing more profound films and stripping away the tired formula. Amen.
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Palookaville (1995)
Sounds funny, but I was bored.
11 April 2000
A comedy about a three friends that plan to make a profitable crime. Sounds fun. But the truth: I was bored. There were some moments that were truly funny like the beginning where they accidentally rob a bakery and steal sweets. And at the end when they try to rob an armored truck and the outcome. But honestly everything between was boring to me. Each one had their own dramatic story on why they should take a "life of crime", which contained no humor or heart. I could care less for these guys except William Forsythe whom had dogs in the movie. Everyone likes dogs. A suggestion: check out "Bottle Rocket". Somewhat the same plot but tons more funny.
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