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Cape No. 7 (2008)
Pretty good
15 September 2008
This movie is doing well on hype alone, but don't go into it with unrealistic expectations. It is a very well done Taiwanese film which is particularly impressive given its relatively small budget. It's not mind-blowing but it is reasonably well executed, certainly better than a lot of the crap that is out there. It has a good dose of (often local) humour and an interesting storyline and several subplots that unfold at a smooth pace. Performances are more than adequate. Cinematography is top notch. On the down side, there are a few aspects which lacked attention to detail despite the 2 hour+ running time, some loose ends which weren't tied up, and a romance that feels a little more forced than natural. Also some scenes didn't really "work". However, the Japanese letters which link the film together are beautifully written, and definitely add an extra dimension to the overall feel of the experience. Locals should definitely go and support a job well done.
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The Promise (2005)
Oh my god
26 December 2005
Man, this was just terrible...Asian movie makers these days think they can just throw together a cast of famous Asian actors, create some nice costumes and film some pretty scenery and people (especially Westerners) will call it "art" and flock to see it.

Honestly, it was plain awful. The special effects were pretty poor by today's standards (eg buffaloes and architecture). Characters did and said things that would have made little sense in any culture, language or time period in the history of mankind. When everyone in the cinema starts laughing out loud at the scenes that are supposed to be the most moving and touching, you know it must be crap! Asian films don't have to be like this to sell in Western markets. I did think the Japanese actor did a good job of speaking Mandarin. But overall, this was crap in anyone's language.
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Hero (2002)
Very disappointing
28 January 2003
I saw Hero for the sake of it, and it was very disappointing to say the least. I never thought Crouching Tiger was particularly good, but after watching this film, I'm starting to like it a lot more.

Hero undoubtedly has a much grander scale, whereas Crouching Tiger told a more personal tale. Unfortunately, director Zhang Yimou, who has made such excellent drama films, failed miserably in this attempt to reach out to the 'global market' the way Crouching Tiger did. The cinematography was good- a lot of the scenery was extremely beautiful, the score was adequate, Chen Daoming was great as the Emperor, and the first fight scene between Jet Li and Donnie Yen (the only two with real martial arts backgrounds) was finely staged- but these were only few positives that I could find with the film.

I think the main problem may have been the film's intentions- to steal the things that made Crouching Tiger successful and try to place it on a much wider canvas with lots of special effects. In the end the film was uninspiring- the script was poorly written, with thin characters and some very very bad dialogue; the special effects, while effective in some parts, was largely over the top (especially the scene with the leaves); with the exception of the first, the fight scenes were very standard and not particularly exciting; and the artistic attempts (with all the colours) felt somewhat pretentious.

No doubt a lot of people will still like this film, but it certainly didn't move me one bit. 2.5 stars out of 5.
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2 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand why movies must be realistic in order to be good or even enjoyable. It wasn't as though this movie intended to be a documentary of any kind. Thus, I must say, while this movie was not anything particularly special, I nevertheless enjoyed it. The crazier it got, the more fun it became. While I didn't really understand why Monica Bellucci was in the movie, I wasn't going to start complaining about looking at her. Note: spoilers: I was a little disappointed in a couple of things. Firstly, it was a shame Mani the Indian had to die so early and so pointlessly. He was clearly more exciting to watch than the French dude who I didn't even know was the lead actor until he went on that killing spree. Secondly I would have preferred to see more of the beast, not only in screen time but also in the flesh, so I could try to figure out what it really looked like without all that gear on. I was particularly disappointed by the fact that the final fight scene involved two people and not the beast, even though the sword was pretty cool.
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Octopus (2000 Video)
What did you expect?
20 September 2002
I knew this was going to be a bad movie even before my friend persuaded me to hire it. It was so obviously B-grade, although it seemed like it had a decent enough budget to put in reasonable effects and sets. But as I expected, this movie was definitely B-grade to say the least. The plot was pathetic, the characters were unlikable, the acting mostly atrocious, and the dialogue made no sense and did not correlate with normal human behavior.

Some parts were so bad it was laughable- for example it still beats me how a moronic CIA agent and a marine biologist or whatever that bimbo was somehow know how to operate submarines and every computer or piece of machinery they happen to come across, or how the captain of the submarine knows how to dismantle bombs.

Basically it was a complete waste of time.
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Joy Ride (2001)
Actually quite enjoyed this one
13 September 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I got this movie out without expecting too much, and ended up being pleasantly surprised at how well it was handled. There are some really tense and exciting moments in this movie with some good laughs. If you don't watch it thinking that it will be a masterpiece, but rather just 90, well-paced minutes of thrills that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, then you might get a kick out it like I did.

Warning *spoilers* Halfway through the film I started to get concerned over how this movie might end, because it simply has too much explaining to do. However, I was very grateful that there was no logical, well explained conclusion, because that would have totally destroyed it considering that any explanation would have been inadequate and ludicrous.
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My Sassy Girl (2001)
My first Korean movie
8 September 2002
Saw this movie with absolutely zero expectations...was almost asleep and watched it at a friend's place to pass the time. To my surprise, while it is not the best movie, it is definitely one of my favorites of the year and one of my favorite comedies of all time. I hope I get a chance to see it again because apparently there are a lot of little subtle things in it that you don't see the first or maybe even the second time around.

I think some people get too caught up in the fact that the movie lacks realism, but I think that's what makes it all the wackier and funnier. I usually have a very low regard for Asian comedies, but this one was certainly worth watching. Absolutely hilarious but maintaining a touching side to it. The characters and situations are so interesting and absorbing that you tend to forget that you are being manipulated by all the sappiness.
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Great most of the way, but...
4 September 2002
I enjoyed this movie most of the way. It started off well and the story was very intriguing, with great acting especially from Naomi Watts. The oddball characters were funny and there certainly were some humorous lines and moments. The overall tone and feel of the film was very surreal, almost creepy to an extent, and that must be attributed to David Lynch. But what the heck happened in the last part of the movie? I think people give the movie far too much credit by trying to make sense of it all, because I don't feel there is any sense to be made. When the movie had nowhere else to go, it essentially just tried to confuse everyone and cheat them out of a logical, coherent conclusion. So basically, it was a very stylish film which I would have liked a lot but for the stupid final part of it.
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Okay, I suppose
4 September 2002
Watched this movie not anticipating a whole lot, and rightfully so. Sure the cast was great, but most of the movie didn't make much sense. Even though it had some tense moments, it's hard to enjoy it when you keep wondering why people are acting so irrationally. The storyline itself was also quite average...
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Have to admit I was a little disappointed
29 November 2001
Saw the film last night. I had a lot of expectations going in, but while I still enjoyed the movie, it didn't nearly live up to my expectations. I didn't have a problem with the length, and even though it closely followed most of the book, the book was able to flow, but the movie felt somewhat disjointed. The Quidditch scenes were easily the highlight of the film, and the general sets and special effects were extremely good too.

There were a few pretty big problems with the movie though. Firstly, Radcliffe can't act. Grint and especially Watson easily outshone him. It might be partly the director or screenwriter's fault, because to me it didn't feel like Harry was the main character- he was just one of a few main characters. He simply didn't have the charisma or ability to carry the film. But he's still young and hopefully he'll improve by the next movie. The adult actors were all brilliant, in particular Coltrane and Rickman.

Columbus had a tough job with this movie, since he had to cater for not just children but also a lot of adults. He had a good dose of humour in there, but some of the (cornier) lines didn't work on screen, whereas they did in the book. It's really a shame, because the movie could have been so much better. I thought Tim Burton would have been able to capture that gothic feel a lot better. With that being said, I'll still be looking forward to the next one.
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Friends (1994–2004)
This show stinks quite badly
31 October 2001
I am quite insulted that some people think this is the best comedy since Seinfeld. Firstly, it is unfair to both shows because Seinfeld cannot be matched. I must admit that I watched a few of the earlier episodes because of the hype and the stars, but I found it mediocre, mildly amusing at best. It wasn't awful, just nothing particularly special. It was bearable to the extent that I would watch it if there was nothing else on.

But recently I saw a couple of episodes of the new series, and I was appalled by how bad it had become. The jokes are just not funny anymore, and appear to be based solely on the stupidity of the characters now (who were never really that bright to begin with). The characters have seem to have lost appeal and dimension, becoming very single faceted- especially Joey (I've noticed his IQ dwindle quite significantly from the first series). Ross has always been annoying, Monica has never really been funny and Phoebe has always been irritatingly unfunny. Chandler, who was quite funny earlier because his jokes were based on wit, has lost much his luster.

How it is able to sustain ratings is quite beyond me. I think if people step back and look at how much the show has deteriorated, they will realise that they have been watching the show for the sake of watching it rather than for any serious enjoyment. Either that or they still think the girls/guys are hot.

By the way, how could Aniston possibly be nominated for an Emmy? She's an adequate professional actor, but definitely not Emmy standard. Then again, Jerry Seinfeld was nominated year after year despite looking like he was going to crack up laughing in at least one scene every episode.
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Seinfeld (1989–1998)
Can't believe people can NOT like it!
31 October 2001
Seinfeld is the only show I can watch over and over again and still laugh at the same jokes every time. I seriously cannot believe that some people who posted messages said they did not like it...

It is without doubt the best comedy ever. The characters, as unlikable as they would be in real life, are so funny to watch, and the chemistry of their interactions are absolutely incredible. Virtually every episode is a classic and there are some lines that viewers will never forget. The ideas are always new and refreshing, as outrageous as they are sometimes.

It is definitely a different type of comedy, unconventional and exaggerated at times. But it is by far the most intelligent comedy. How can people criticise it for being 'stupid' or 'boring'? The show uses a variety of everyday situations and puts a spin on the events. I get so sick of the comedies that try to milk laughs by using stupidity (eg, Friends). Seinfeld's jokes are witty and satirical, and each character provides a different type of humour (eg, Jerry's witty comments, George's pathetic annoyance, Kramer's slapstick and quirky actions). No other comedy provides that type of diversity. The worst criticism I have ever read is that Seinfeld is self-indulgent. Obviously if it were it wouldn't be one of the most successful shows of all time.
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Unbreakable (2000)
I can't believe so many people disliked it!!
12 December 2000
This movie is cool. I thought after the Sixth Sense, M Night was going to have a tough time coming up with a follow up movie. It's unfair to compare the two movies so closely, considering they aren't really alike, but I think this has to be one of the most original ideas for a movie I've ever seen. It certainly is a brave one. That's why I find it hard to believe that so many people are trashing it.

This movie is probably a little slow compared to most Hollywood movies nowadays, but it is NOT a slow movie! Anyone who has seen any independent or foreign films might find it fast-paced! It carries pretty much the same pace as the Sixth Sense, except without the occasional scares.

And the plot is not hard to follow or far-fetched at all. How basic must it be for people to understand it? It's a pretty basic concept, but I must admit that people who have read a comic or two in their lives would probably appreciate it more. Still, I thought this was a great movie with an intelligent premise. Shyamalan is a genius for coming up with such great ideas. I can't wait to see what he has in store next.
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This movie is so....bad...
12 May 2000
I didn't have very high expectations for this movie, but I was still utterly disappointed. This movie was full of cliches, and the action scenes were badly choreographed. Often I had trouble understanding what was happening because of the camera angles and the zooming. Jet Li is undoubtedly one of the best, if not the best martial artist in cinema right now, but his talents are simply badly utilised. Why would you want a kung fu star to waste his time in a car chase scene or playing football? And why would you want to create unrealistic fight scenes with computers when the stuff Li can do is amazing enough as it is? A lot of this was just plain silly, and the attempts to humour were inept to say the least. Overall, this was just a bad movie. Possibly the worst of the year so far. The acting was bad, the dialogue was bad, the direction was bad, the fighting could have been so much better, the script was bad...did I mention the acting was bad?
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Original and exciting
26 April 2000
It's nice to see such a fresh idea for a teenage horror movie- well, anything that doesn't involve slashers is pretty original these days. I thought the director did a good job of setting up the beginning scenes. It was eerily frightening to watch, but it didn't forget to have fun. Humour was added sparingly but appropriately, and I think that's where the movie succeeded. The lead and supporting cast both did well- Devon Sawa has been picking some fine roles to play recently. There was a lack of common sense in some areas, and some inconsistencies in others, but the film didn't take itself seriously enough for warrant criticism for it. I'd give it 3.5/5, which is pretty good for films of this genre.
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The Hurricane (1999)
Inspirational but flawed
26 April 2000
Undoubtedly, this was a great film, and Denzel Washington was phenomenal, but I had some problems with this movie. I know people have been questioning its authenticity, and I think it should be. This story sells on basis that it is a true story, so if the script is in fact somewhat removed from the truth, then this movie is essentially fiction. One of the things I disliked was how clear cut the heroes and villains were portrayed. Surely Dan Hedaya's character could not have been that bad, and those Canadians were just a little too nice- we had no idea what they did or who they were either. And to think that all this started because Rubin was trying to protect his friend from a paedophile seems a little too good to be true. Perhaps it is all true, but it lacks credibility, since it's from the eyes of the Hurricane, and is subject to obvious bias. Nevertheless, not to take too much away from the movie, it still deserves a 3.5/5.
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Nothing much to say except- Great Movie!
26 April 2000
It's rare that a simple drama/comedy could be so memorable, but American Beauty seems to have that ability. I'm not sure exactly what it is- maybe it's the wonderful script, the witty dialogue, the deadpan humour, or the flawless cast and direction- maybe it's a mixture of all these elements. I can't remember a more satisfying film in recent years. Everything about this movie oozes class. I saw all the Best Picture Oscar nominees this year, and I don't think anyone can legitimately argue that it has not been worthy of at least some of the praise and awards it has received. Everyone keeps talking about how wonderful Kevin and Annette were (rightfully so), but I think the Academy should have recognised Wes Bentley's performance. He was a real scene stealer and the movie wouldn't have been the same without him. Undoubtedly a 5 star movie.
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The Beach (I) (2000)
I thought it was quite good, actually....
26 April 2000
I saw this movie just before it went out of the cinemas, and I had heard from people that it was good, and read in articles that it was bad. When I finally got around to seeing it, I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. Sure enough, it was flawed, but the scenery was breathtaking, and the action was exciting. I never liked Leo, but I thought he was great in the role, and the same can be said for his French companions and most of the cast. I found the story particularly intriguing, and it was excellent most of the way. Towards the end it kind of derailed a little. I questioned the relevance of the entire part when Richard was isolated, because it wasn't done with enough subtlety and depth. Luckily the movie got back on track in time for the finale. But the strange transitions of the central character in between should have been done better. Overall, I thought it was worthwhile, enough for 4 out of 5.
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Excellent, but...
16 October 1999
I went into this movie with a lot of expectations, and I came out pretty satisfied. However, one of the problems associated with the movie was that there was too much exposure to it, and especially about the 'ending'. I tried to avoid reviews, previews and talking to people who had seen it, but it was too difficult. That's why by the time I went to see it, I felt like I already knew the plot, and even though I didn't want to, I started guessing the ending, and sure enough, I guessed it. It was a little disappointing, because if I went into it not knowing there was going to be a twist, I would never have guessed it. So please stop giving away the plot! It only takes more pleasure out of it.
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Mmmmm......not bad, considering I haven't really seen any other films in the trilogy
5 July 1999
I had been drawn in by the hype surrounding this movie despite the fact that I can't remember any of the other Star Wars movies and I had no idea what the story was on about. So basically, I judged this movie by itself, not comparing it with the others in the trilogy or other films. However, I must say, considering how crazy everyone was about this movie, I can imagine how many would be disappointed. I thought it was an above average sci-fi flick, but nothing I would be rushing to see again. I didn't think the plot was explained very clearly, and the dialogue was pretty lame....these days special effects alone cannot be the backbone of the movie. The humour was pretty childish as well, I think aimed more at a younger audience (but at least some mature jokes could be put in). I found Jar Jar Binks annoying and not at all funny, and Darth Maul was a joke....all that hype about the double-ended lightsabre, but apart from that, the character was pretty useless (I don't even think he spoke...)..and the fight scenes felt more like dance sequences....too slow and way too obviously there's plenty of room for improvements in the next two films. But on the positive side, it was quite exciting. Some people I talked to found it confusing and rather boring, but I felt that despite the length of the movie, my interest was kept throughout. And even when the film had finished, I felt like I wanted to see more...which I guess is good, but bad because it'll be a few years before I actually do. So overall, I thought it was worth the money, and it certainly did kill the curiosity I had towards all the hype. It's definitely worth watching, even if it is only for the sake of seeing it.
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One of the best movies of the year, if you don't mind the slow pace...
24 February 1999
I found the Thin Red Line to be a much more satisfying movie than Saving Private Ryan- by a mile. While they are very different movies, I felt the battle scenes in The Thin Red Line matched Private Ryan's to say the least: they were more structured and handled with greater delicacy, whereas in Private Ryan, it was just a lot of blood and guts scattered all over the place. While it provided perhaps a little more horror and realism, it certainly wasn't as well done. I especially enjoyed the contrast between the battle scenes and the peaceful nature scenes, which were superbly done. Unlike Saving Private Ryan, The Thin Red Line was moving, without being sentimental,which is one of the defining characteristics of the two movies. But it is rather slow at a little less than 3 hours long. While I don't personally mind slow movies, I did see a few people walk out of the cinema halfway through because of the pace. Rather than seeing the slower paced scenes as boring, I tried to understand what they were trying to say. I did have a slight problem with those inner monologues though- I didn't understand half of it. And Nick Nolte's mumbling was particularly hard to understand. Overall, the cast and performances were fantastic, even though some of the cameos (such as Travolta and Clooney) did seem out of place for some reason, and I often questioned the purpose and importance of them being there, even though Woody Harrelson was surprisingly good. One of the most annoying things about watching American-dominated war movies is the way Americans are portrayed, and more importantly, how their enemies are portrayed. Unlike Private Ryan, The Thin Red Line handled this particularly well, which is why I think non-Americans would enjoy this movie a little more. I can see why a lot of people disliked this movie, and I guess it is reasonable for people to dislike it. But I think if you don't mind a slow pace, then you'll find this movie an extremely rewarding cinematic experience, more rewarding than Saving Private Ryan ever will be.
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Like the name says....
12 February 1999
I was truly shocked by this movie. I often get shocked by movies that I don't know much about going into it, but being shocking doesn't make this film any good. This movie is very very bad, despite having some pretty funny lines and scenes. The cast is great, and they all give some adequate performances, except when they over-act a little at times. I had difficulty understanding what the entire point of the movie was. It was just so brutally twisted. The plot kept going around in circles, and it was extremely irritating listening to five men screaming at each other for a couple of hours. It was terribly disjointed, and most importantly, it had nowhere to go in the end. I guess the ending was actually quite good, but it really had no other choice. I wouldn't call it a complete waste of time and money, but I would rather see something else.
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Ronin (1998)
Great actors, terrific location, appalling direction
30 November 1998
Both my cousin and I thought this film was extremely disappointing because we had such great expectations for it. When we saw the trailer, the actors, the film name, and the atmosphere were all very appealing, but when we actually saw the movie, we realised that the title 'Ronin' had nothing to do with the movie, and the car chases were over-long and unrealistic. Most of the characters were underdeveloped and the script was shaky. It's a real shame that a director with such great actors and a huge budget couldn't do much better than this. We'd rather stay home and play 'Bust a Move' on the Playstation for two hours any day.
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SAVING RYAN'S THAT would have been a good movie!!
21 November 1998
I think this movie is a good first step towards making more realistic war movies, but it hasn't quite reached there yet. I felt that wimpy translator guy would have been a better old man than Ryan at the end. Besides, he was there for more than 1/3 of the time, unlike Ryan. There are a few areas of improvement. Firstly, they need to cut out all that sentimental and bonding crap, and find other ways of developing characters rather than just a few silly laughs while retelling old times... Secondly, acknowledge that the enemy (in this case, the Germans), were at least partially human, and experienced some of the same emotions those heroic Americans experienced. (F*** Hitler? Man, I would like to hear some of the Americans say that about their leaders). Thirdly, link those excellent battle sequences with the plot of the movie. Oh...and most importantly, don't glorify the war by making all the dead characters look like such big heroes. I thought this movie was supposed to be anti-war. And I can't believe how Ryan was so emotional at the end. He had only met Miller and Co. a few hours before the big battle, and he barely knew Miller or what they went through to save him, except that two of their men died (and I believe that people dying was rather common during that time). Oh, but I guess it was still pretty good.
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A must-see movie, but....
21 November 1998
Saving Private Ryan is without a doubt a must-see movie because of the message it conveys in the first 30 minutes or so. I found myself curling up in my seat, cringeing, and hoping not to see any more disturbing scenes, while still glad that I was merely watching a movie. That's how mind-blowing it was. But I seriously felt that the rest of the movie wasn't all that great- it was simply an above average war movie, and the remaining 2.5 hours or so was nowhere near comparable to the first half-hour of the film. There was nothing extraordinarily brilliant, with the exception of a few of the final battle scenes. When I watch a movie, for me, the most important thing is enjoyment. And this movie, while being extremely compelling and thought provoking, was hardly enjoyable (anyone who has seen it would know why). Nevertheless, I had absolutely no idea how the war sequences were choreographed to be so realistic. It really makes you feel that you are in the war itself. But towards the end, Spielberg just couldn't resist to put in his trademark sentimentality into the movie. And for me, that kind of ruined it, because it was undoing all the brilliance of the first 30 minutes. Making it so blatantly obvious that he was trying to make it sentimental and dramatically heroic was in fact glorifying the war, which was the exact opposite of what Spielberg was trying to convey throughout the entire movie. And the nonsense of the final scene made me feel like I was watching another movie written by James Cameron. Despite all the criticisms, I still feel this movie is worthy of the recognition it has been getting. Its brilliance is difficult to deny, and personally, I'll give it 4 out of 5.
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