F.E.A.R. (2021) Poster


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It's no TEN.
sahlgoode28 April 2021
Once again, after sifting through the bogus reviews that rate this a TEN I found myself asking "What do these people watch?" It's certainly not the movie they're reviewing.

This is not Gone with the Wind, or Citizen Kane, but it is watchable. It's your basic Zombie format that hasn't changed much since Night of the Living Dead. It differs only in the character build up. You want this family to survive. Points for that.

Watch it when you're in the mood for a Zombie movie, and you'll get more out of it. Otherwise you'll be disappointed.
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sucraf27 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Within the first 5 minutes of the movie, you ask yourself how the hell did these people survive? The boy can't shoot and the father and the boy almost dies right in the beginning. The acting and production is good, but the story and how these people can survive is nonsense.
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You are the same as us
nogodnomasters16 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Halifax Energy company has polluted a small town in exchange for jobs. A pathogen is released that creates zombie like people. They decide to quarantine the effected dumping area and build walls that look less effective than the ones on our south border. We learn this through flashbacks. The film focuses on the Allister family and their fight for survival against those things and raiders.

The scenery is drab. The family is boring, no internal issues and no colorful characters. Apparently this is another mediocre film inspire by the pandemic.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Nope. not worth it
zathan-3284826 April 2021
Gave this a chance, but halfway in i had to turn it off. There is nothing happening its like a very long episode of walking dead with less action and lower production quality.
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Utter Trash after halfway mark...
nejila10 August 2022
Thing about an apocolypse or zombie flick is the 'logic' behind the actions.

In end-of-times waiting for a cure... these parents want us to believe: a) zombified daughter is savable so they steal or waste gas and still have electricity to keep a 19yr old alive with no food or water or other supplies?

B) these parents waste bullets shooting into walls next to intruders who tell the parents they intend to kill them and steal all their stuff

c) the father tells his wife to go w/o him, during an end of times where he's the only adult male, but she must drive with her daughter the sometimes zombie and 10yr old son, cause what?

An adult woman a zombie a boy child

are safe out there without his stupid butt?

D) they have these long drawn out dialogues with intruders who state they came to kill them, and leave the intruder with a lighter... as they turn their back on 2 intruders - w/woman and b/man... to talk at them about WHAT exactly?

So when the 2 attack we supposed to NOT see that coming?

Everything about this film is a waste of build up. NONE of it makes sense.

Especially when the 'lighter' lady intruder is holding the half-zombie daughter hostage and mom puts down her gun and shoots not at the woman but the zombie?


Okay, director did good with cinamatography, scoiting the location, ipcking the "lighter woman" - she was the only good actress.

The premise, the script, the choices, the lighting, the suspense, the dialogue, the child actor... ALL TRASH.


But if you keep it running in the background while working or doing dishes, then perhaps.... just don't ever give it your full attention cause the Director nor the Actors did as much for us.
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Metaphors Galore ... Not!
omendata10 May 2021
The "film director" with one review thinks throwing words like "metaphor" can save this movie - No, sorry Jim, not convinced!

Movie started off quite well with a promising albeit worn; but not quite dead yet it seems, hoary old chestnut of a theme, no zombies either folks , more 28 days later fast moving, rabid, brainless cannibals - Still we like, even if the makeup was slightly pants, it was not bad enough to be funny like some cinematic apocalypse turkeys and held an element of fear to it and thus overcoming the major stumbling block most movies of the "infected" genre seem to have which kills any of this type of film from the start!

I go into a movie not looking for mistakes and basing my review on many things like the budget, acting, photography and so should the other reviewers when attempting to critique fairly. This is no Walking Dead or Day Of The Dead level of budget and who bothers about how good a shot someone is? Ever fired a gun? Not as easy as it looks in the movies let me tell you even at point blank range! Its fiction not reality but so many reviewers seem to forget this. Moviemaking is meant to transport you to another realm of enjoyment, not sit criticising how accurate period details are or if the guns are authentic or not - who cares - does it entertain that is what i look for?

Acting was decent for the main part with the exception of the black guy and the kid who looks from the off with his pink lipstick lips, girlie eyelashes and squeaky voice like a little girl and with zero acting ability it did spoil things unfortunately. The rest of the cast can actually perform with the standout performance being from Susan Moore Harmon who stole the show as the female badass but sadly this is where my enjoyment ended and as another reviewer pointed out it was basically an hour of the actors "contemplating their navels" as the old saying goes with not much action or story and sadly adds nothing more to the genre!

Still, it is a lot better than a large tranche of the current apocalypse/zombie fare doing the rounds over the last few years. View it more as a Sci-fi channel Sunday afternoon movie and you should be good to go!

I give it a fair 4 out of 10 hatchets on the horror scale, almost gets an extra star for the innovative title but not quite!
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Good story, unfortunately very slow
dvalnrd-520898 January 2022
The premise behind this film was good and slightly different take on an end of the world scenario but very slow with very little action. Story flicks between timelines to give backstory which is not too bad but doesn't fully explain what happened so left guessing.
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Not bad...
BandSAboutMovies15 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
F. E. A. R. means Forget Everything and Run. I'm sure some lazier critics will use that in their headline for their review, but let's see what this is really all about.

Directed by Geoff Reisner and Jason Tobias (who also wrote the film and appears as Ethan), this is the story of a young family whose supplies have been stolen by some bandits. However, when a deadly pathogen is released into the atmosphere, they must all work together to survive.

A pandemic has resulted in most of the Pacific Northwest being walled off by the government. That's where the Allister family is trapped, including their young daughter, who is kept alive through an improvised medical device. There are also zombies that have been created by the disease that are roaming the first and last five minutes of this movie.

This feels a lot like A Quiet Place, which is not a bad movie to be inspired by, in that this is a human drama with some horror and science fiction elements surrounding it. The cast is talented and gives some strong performances. If only the script worked as hard as they did to be a little more unique. Yet all in all, not all that bad of a time was had by all (except those, you know, menaced by the zombies and winter weather).
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As bad as "A Quiet Place" Dumb & Dumber
lukem-5276027 April 2021
Another ridiculously DUMB survival film that is as stupid as "Quiet Place"

Here a family is struggling to survive during a virus Outbreak & it's winter & it's basically "the walking dead" abit with it's apocalyptic setting but it's one of those annoying films where the characters do everything stupid like the USELESS FATHER of the family, he's a terrible "Protector" as he shoots at nothingness that wastes his ammo & he would let anything know his whereabouts!!!! & he & his wife keep alive some evil scavengers that tried to invade their home & murder them but our couple are pussy's i mean shoot the scum already!!!!

The dad/father is the most annoying in the film because of how absolutely useless he is but hang on the blonde bimbo mum is just as dumb, she wastes bullets shooting next to a vile Scavenger prisoner instead of shooting the evil bitc# & because she doesn't the evil one attacks her!!!! Dumb & Dumber

A trashy stupid film.
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ops-5253527 April 2021
Or forget it and leave. Its a virus making mad people mader, and the preppers getting lots of water on their ground rules of life, stay and protect, prepped and armed till armageddon or ragnarokk blows out the kindle of life, because its a film like that, with unwashed hair and silly hairdo and headhats, the animalistic testosteronic swines of the woods attacking. The small cast of dollies and dimples have a fun weekend at uncle mac's shack out in nowhere where your only and lonely friend is called mr frost, where normal order of domestic household is a dying trend and where weaponry is the only thing protecting you against all the other autoimmune hudlums coming for your sorely save canisters of food and medicine...

no, this is as intelligent screenplaywriting as as a pavlovian chimpanze couldve done better. Its daft and dull exhaust on reburn since the first 30-40 years ago, the acting is like a spike in the eye, and the poor kid is ordered to shut up, and dad continues growling at a high pitch, thats stupid inconsistence of survival techniques.

The best part of all is the few scenic nature clips of snow and frost the rest is just fearless and not worth your time, inless youre a prepper, as the grumpy old man aint.
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Better than expected
rywalk-1406228 April 2021
I enjoy the typical survivor/zombie flick. I initially thought this was going to be like a dark action thriller, but it's more dramatic and intimate, but in a good way. The characters and performances are probably the best aspect- it feels indie, but I found myself in the zone regardless of that indie-scale. The music was quite good as well and probably what really helped bring this together and make it feel well-rounded. I do wish it had more action, for sure. That's one area I wish it just banged a little harder on- more action and a little bit bigger scope. All in all though, I'm cynical about most films and this was significantly better than I expected to be and an enjoyable watch.
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Not Bad
gab-675998 October 2021
This was one of those movies that relied on the acting alone and for this fact it was good. Believable acting and I kept hoping their love would overcome what they were going through. It was MORE about the ppl in it then the zombies! If you can get around this fat the movie held it own very well. The one crazy old chick was believable and so was the whole movie. I kept wanting to change it of or see the end fast but found myself not wanting to miss anything. That says a lot to me. I recommend if you like end of the world virus stories with really good acting!
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Bad movie is an understatement!!!!!!!!
broken-9876228 January 2023
That was THE worst horror movie ever. WORST.

Dont do it.... Dont waste your time.... Fear going to this movie....the characters were not believable, the plot stunk, the ONLY good thing was the underlying message about NOT FEARING THE FALSE NEWS PORTRAYED BY THE NEWS STATIONS!!!!!!stink stank stunk Horrible. Stunk. Worst. Waste of time is mild. Notttttt scary, not fearful. WORST!

That was THE worst horror movie ever. WORST.

Dont do it.... Dont waste your time.... Fear going to this movie....the characters were not believable, the plot stunk, the ONLY good thing was the underlying message about NOT FEARING THE FALSE NEWS PORTRAYED BY THE NEWS STATIONS!!!!!!stink stank stunk Horrible. Stunk. Worst. Waste of time is mild. Notttttt scary, not fearful. WORST!
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Forget watching this crap is my advice
Stevieboy66614 September 2023
I watched my recording of the British TV premiere that was screened on the Horror Channel, the very fake looking CGI snowflakes at the start did not bode well. I really couldn't care for the plot but it's one of those in which there's a deadly disease and survivors have to flee to remote places where they do battle with one another whilst trying to avoid becoming zombie food. Unfortunately there is very little zombie action, one at the start then about 3 minutes just before the end and none of it is worth bothering with. We get bad actors making some really bad decisions, and the weird kid "Josh" I am not sure if he was played by a boy or a girl but I couldn't stand him/her/them. The film drags and is very boring, I hated every single minute of it.
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Stopped watching 30 min in. The kid's role not believable. Cheesy acting .
jamiecwarren18 May 2021
Cheesy acting by the kid. Didnt buy it. With a different actor as the kid might have been watchable.
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The formula never fails
takato052421 October 2021
Directed, written, and starring in your own film always equals fail. And this failed on all levels. I wasn't very invested to begin with, but when the white trash (trashier) group showed up with the only black person in this film captive, I was done. The father is unbelievably terrible at everything, the mother a whiny mess, and the son...god I wanted him to get shot and die quickly. How do people think these are good ideas?!
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Nice break from the usual Zombie film formula
thenextrushmagazine11 June 2021
F. E. A. R. - FORGET EVERYTHING AND RUN - takes the old overdone zombie genre letting its audience invest in its characters. Straying away from the typical formula, resources have become scarce and looting, murder and robbery are a daily threat to the Allister family who fight to survive in a world now ravaged by a mysterious disease that turns people into cannibalising zombies. Days of Our Lives fans and Dead to Me Fans will enjoying seeing a different side to the acting chops of Marci Miller and Jason Tobias who play the hardened matriarch and patriarch of the family fending off mankind that is now reduced to its most primal instincts.
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Not worth the effort...
paul_haakonsen23 March 2022
Right, well the movie's cover was iniitially what lured me to this movie, well that and also because it was a thriller/horror movie that I hadn't already seen. Had I heard about "Forget Everything and Run" (aka "F. E. A. R.") prior to watching it? No. So I didn't know what I was in for here from writers Jason Tobias and Geoff Reisner.

As it turned out then directors Geoff Reisner and Jason Tobias just didn't deliver a particularly wholesome or outstanding movie. Sure, it could be watched, with some effort. But I must admit that the storyline was just too pointless, slow paced and mundane for my liking. And with virtually nothing of any interest happening throughout the course of the slow paced narrative, then "Forget Everything and Run" was quite the ordeal to sit through.

"Forget Everything and Run" is not a movie that makes use of a lot of special effects or CGI, so there isn't much eye candy to spruce up the otherwise dull and monotonous storyline.

I wasn't familiar with the actors and actresses here, and that is normally something I enjoy in movies. However, it just wasn't the case for "Forget Everything and Run", as the performers virtually had nothing to work with in terms of interesting characters, action, dialogue or anything.

This 2021 movie was a massive swing and a miss, and ultimately then the movie's cover ended up being the best part about the entire ordeal.

My rating of "Forget Everything and Run" lands on a generous two out of ten stars.
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This film is pure garbage
scifinerd-4666916 February 2022
If a film won awards for continuous pointless dialogue within a movie then here we have a winner. But it doesn't, so my advice is save your time watching this pile of tripe and do something better.
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How was this made?
jimmycracksmith822 July 2021
Reisner's directing abilities are fine, along with the cinematography. And the sound design made the movie feel like it had a bigger budget. But everything else is.....awful!

Who would ever greenlight this script? The writing was atrocious and unoriginal, to say the least.

The acting was okay, but had a hard time rooting for the lead actor - just doesn't come off as likeable or genuine.

All in all, I would give this flick a HARD pass!!! Save your time, energy, and money on a producing team that actually has vision, and a creative team that actually has talent.
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Fun watch
mikebobomccarthy-5883127 April 2021
The timing of a viral outbreak movie couldn't be any better. This movie has undeniable relevance conjoined with good acting from all angles. Check it out!
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Pretty good
kathmummybear4 July 2021
I'm not sure why there is so much negativity in the ratings the story isn't bad it's shot well all the actors did a good job in fact after watching the second series of black summer it could of slotted well into it as an episode .I think the only problem was not enough infected action.
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Would Could Have Been.....
smp122713 May 2023
This movie had the potential to be a good one but unfortunately it failed. The decisions of the main characters were incredibly suspect to the point where as a movie goer, you are cursing and yelling at your TV, questioning what the hell they are doing. You would think that being in their situation, the main characters would be smarted. That was not quite the case. The overall plot was very typical of a standard post apocalyptic scenario. It did have a slightly different spin but instead of capitalizing, it get mired in back stories, drawn out conversations between enemies and again horrible decisions. If I hadn't gotten halfway through, I would have stopped watching it.
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could have been a lot better
LetsReviewThat2617 February 2022
This movie should and could have been better than it was. Ill give credit where its due though. The cast were good and the plot was alright but weak in some places. I wish we had seen them actually fighting zombies more since it was only one in the beginning but as it got to the end it picked up speed and was a lot better. I was wondering why the main characters didn't just kill the assailants and then they could have got somewhere else. Altogether its worth a watch and might keep you entertained but I was hoping for more.
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Continuity Error?
euronick6130 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So when they flash back to 7 years previously Ethan & Jo are just meeting for the first time in a bar. Then it goes back the present day then it flashes back to 2 years previously, which you have to assume is five years after the last flashback, but they have a daughter who is a teenager and a son who is probably about 8 or 9 . Even if they had their first child 9 months after they met then that child would only be just over 4 during the 2 year flash back !!!

Or have I missed something?
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