"13 Reasons Why" Let the Dead Bury the Dead (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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Good plot twist bad outcome
panokarav25 August 2019
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Overall the show is neither great nor bad. That's mainly the reason why we sat and watched it in 48 hours of course. Nevertheless the ending seems to me disappointing. Alex didn't have a particular motive to kill Bryce and neither had Jess. The unfortunate destiny of Monty makes me surprisingly to feel sorry for him and simultaneously hate a bit Clay, Alex and the others. In my eyes whoever killed Bryce should have got punished. I mean in the end what kind of message does this show try to promote? That you can get away with the murder of someone that has decided to change and improve? Poor
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asmattocks30 August 2019
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The murder mystery surrounding the death of Bryce was intriguing, but in the end, I was disappointed. The season drug along and the ending was rushed. Ani was annoying. Who the murderer was and how it went down was dumb. The writers also need to stop using the F word every other sentence. They can't think of any other cuss words to use? So disappointed.
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I love these series but this episode was... weird
plaps-600581 September 2019
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I really love these series as it deals with serious real life issues. Of course season 2,3 are not as good as the first one but they take the story further, they introduce more important issues and messages and the character development is incredible. With that being said, this season finale was weird. I got the feeling that they promote the message: it's okay to murder someone who has done bad things and get away with it. Throughout the whole season they did a great job making the audience understand Bryce (Justin Prentice did an amazing job) and all that was cancelled in the last episode. I always liked the series because they show that characters and situations are gray not black and white. Showing Bryce and his mother really made feel sorry for him and believing that he can change. Redemption and forgiveness were a big part of this season and they were doing a great job until the last episode. Alex had no real motive to kill Bryce and Ani had no reason to cover for him. She wasn't even that close to him and she liked Bryce. And on top of that Jessica knows and it ruins the whole "I want to get my power back without hurting other people" that she preached. I was angry and disappointed I was when I watched Alex and Jessica just staring at a person being drowned and doing NOTHING. Ani was annoying, manipulative and a bad person overall. The way she got in the group was so unrealistic and I didn't buy it for a second. These kids had so many things happened to them that they united them and it took two seasons for this to happen. Ani just got to know everyone and everything without any explanation. I also want to point out that the scene where she went to the police station to confess she had that evil smirk "like I know everything " and she so easily framed Monty (another character who I thought had an interesting development and that went to trash) with NO REMORSE whatsoever. She is really evil. She lies to everyone all the time and gets involved in everything. If this season did not have Ani it would be much better. I ignored her for most of the time.

Ps Bryce and Monty deserved better and now we are stuck with characters who have questionable personalities.
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A really bad ending for season 3...
Wililjam8 September 2019
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This show has always been about accountability. ALWAYS. But now, they've changed that theme and are take a more unrealistic approach to life, thus losing a ton of great conversation starters. This season had more of a Riverdale-esque writing, and I found that to be fairly horrible.

But lets talk about accountability, shall we? In season 1, everyone were held accountable for their actions, some more than others. In season 2, two people were held accountable, one less than the other. And I thought that in season 3, that theme would last, but no. Instead, in this season finale, they threw out that idea. They withheld information, they lied to the cops, they planted evidence for gods sake. They're supposed to be the good guys, but now I'm doubting they ever were.

I really disliked this season finale, but I loved the final episodes leading up to it. Just an anticlimactic mess that forgets what it's all about. Accountability. I'm not sure what message this season sends out to the people watching it, but it's not a good one. This season in total gets a 6.5/10, but this season finale gets a 6/10.
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Am I the one on that found flashbacks confusing??
fletchervicky29 August 2019
I really enjoyed season 1, season 2 I found frustrating, season 3, although gripped, I often got confused with the flashbacks.

When the episodes are in present day, the clips are faded, where as when they show the flashbacks, the picture/scenes are normal. I found this was around the wrong way and more often then not, had to really concentrate on what was what. In season 1, Hannah had all her hair chopped off which made it easier to follow and it was long when it jumped back.

I know in this season in the present scenes, a lot of the football team had bruising caused from the homecoming, but sometimes it would jumped to Tyler who had bruises on his head which was actually a flash back.

I dunno, was I the only one confused as to if this was a scene before or after Bryce was killed or is did anyone else find the same thing? Give me a thumbs up if u agree. If not, maybe I need to stop flicking through my newsfeed while watching the show🙈.
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Not quite a justified 'killer'
aly_kat-5119529 August 2019
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I've enjoyed this series, it felt like it had a few more key messages than series two from what I can remember. It's very busy with different heartbreaking storylines but I feel this is a great way to raise awareness of the issues faced in real life. Unfortunately, for me, the murder of Bryce didn't feel justified. It came down to a snap decision from a character that hadn't had any real issues with Bryce this series. It would have made more sense if Monty or even Clay had killed him. I was also very divided by the fact that we were being forced to feel sorry for Bryce. There should never be justification for someone who has raped another person. However, I fully understood this idea of redemption and someone committed to facing their mistakes and attempting to put things right.
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What exactly is your message?
mdcskills27 August 2019
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The PSA in the beginning of the season and the reminder at the end of each episode is nice, but the characters are horrible people. They've screamed "justice" the entire series and in the end, they are all, including some adults, liars that framed the wrong person for murder. How is that justice? What exactly is the message you are sending to young people? Don't commit suicide, but lie your way out of murder? This season the writers were reckless in their message. I am so disappointed.
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Stop giving episodes 1 star just to spite the show
Splarke2223 August 2019
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Right now everyone in the world is on episode 9, going onto episode 10 if they started binging the second Season 3 dropped. There's no way to have seen the finale yet unless you skipped ahead. So the fact there are 1 star ratings and a bogus review up already is petty and ridiculous. Don't like the show? Don't watch it.

Edit: After finishing the finale I am blown away. This season was a major step up from Season 2 in my opinion and the finale was extremely emotional, gut-punching, and shocking. The extreme amount of poor ratings and reviews I feel are unwarranted, but to each their own.
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Ending made me like this s 3 more
treehugger-9562527 August 2019
I didn't like the beginning of the season and I still think it's not very realistic with the new character Ani just being accepted into their CLOSE circle of friends and sharing info and secrets since she was a brand new student at the school. Don't really like her that much. Was worried she might ruin the season. .. but by the end I ended up liking the season. But still not a real fan of Ani
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liedje_197930 August 2019
Didn't like this season at all. The only reason I watched this is because I wanted to know what had happened. But the ending was so disappointing. A lot of things didn't add up and where bad explained. The Ani character was so annoying. The whole season didn't make sense to me at all.
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Better than season 2, it's good, ignore the bad reviews!
Vkp1225 August 2019
I don't get the bad reviews. I really liked the plot and the cinematography. Ani is the new girl, yes, okay not sure if I really like her, don't know why but I would like to be bad in season 4, and Clay hopefully find peace on another girl, not her. And for sure, I would like the real murderer to be punished. He/She (won't reveal who did it) might made a mistake, but he/she deserves to take a lesson, as everyone in this show has so far. I really liked the final episode, it was touching and emotional. Let's hope the final season 4 will be as good as seasons 1 and 3. Didn't really like season 2. Please watch it, it's good!!!
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*Honest Review*
csrpna-6656726 August 2019
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I thoroughly enjoyed mostly everyone's storylines this season. As many have said, this season was a major step up from the previous one. With that being said, I'm disappointed with the outcome, & the reveal/motive. One of several people could have been chosen to be the killer, & the storyline would still have made sense, & been a better outcome. We hardly saw Alex during this season, & when we did he was always whining, complaining and angry at everyone. It just feels like the writers wanted to give him an interesting storyline, but in the process completely ruined his character. Also the redemption theme for Bryce & Monty seemed very forced, like they wanted us to feel bad for them; not a fan of that. Ani is by far the worst part of this season, & I'm sure every agrees with at least that. I really hope they really think the season 4 storyline through and give us something that makes sense, & is mind-blowing.
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Really disappointing ending
christianfuhrmann-9232028 August 2019
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This whole show is about that happens to teenagers, from bullying, to rape to teen pregnancy and abortion. In the end it is murder that is being targeted, however instead of again showing and teaching how to deal with it it instead delivers the message "murder is ok sometimes"

Aside from the annoying new main character this really unethical ending ruined the show and its characters for me.
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Poor ending to the season
haztank2 September 2019
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Overall I found this season compelling, especially towards the end, despite all the problems that the show has. However, although it was a fairly cool reveal seeing Alex, with Jessica watching, unveiled as the culprit. this episode left a horrible taste in my mouth, purely due to the awful actions of the 'heroes'. The core cast are essentially all covering up a murderer and obstructing the courts of justice, while Alex and Jessica have got away with murder. Found myself feeling sorry for Monty, the most cruel character in the show, who got falsely pinned for murder and hoping that Alex, a supposed hero, would be arrested for the murder he commited, as well as Jessica for her crime! I was delighted when Winston turned up as hopefully justice will be carried out! Surely the writes don't want viewers siding with the villains, because that's who I, in a way, ended up siding with as he was screwed. Also Ani explaining how Monty was the true killer and that being enough evidence was downright ridiculous. Episode gets a 6 as it entertained, but perhaps not for the right reasons. Poor writing to conclude an interesting season in my opinion hindered this from being a great finale. Hopefully s4 has some answers
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jgkamunye-9188724 August 2019
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I find it really unreal that some people can rate this so low yet they binge watched a 13 episode season within 24hrs. One wonders how fast they got bored to watch the whole season faster than me. Anyway, the episode was spectatular and the alex- bryce reveal was huge
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Season 3 is an uphill struggle
sirius_padfoot18042 September 2019
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One of the biggest complaints for season 3 is Ani and how her character had no merit to narrate the entire season. I agree, but by the 6th or 7th episode, you just get used to her and focuse more on the plot. I also have issues with Ani and her mother being in the same residence as Bryce, like the court system would in no way let an underage girl live in the same household as him after the events of Season 2, even if he weren't convicted! One of the things I wasn't really keen on, was the shock factor. We knew from the trailer for the season that the plot revolves around Bryce and who murdered him - that's the shock value right there - we didn't need those few others that involved violent sex or hooker sex or the constant, heavy drug use.... it was so disappointing the writing felt like it needed all that. Life of teenagers today revolved around sex, drugs, and snapchatting, we get it. The first few episodes are slow, recapping and going no where. It really took until that 5th episode or so to begin telling the story and get interesting and captivating. However, like other reviewers, I thought the conclusion was anticlimactic and more of a problematic solution for an already problematic group of people who don't ever, ~ever~ see the faults in their ways until someone points it out to them. The season struggles at first, then hits its stride. And by the time you make it to the end, you're at the top of the hill with the realization that now you have to come back down and it was all kinda pointless.
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Bad message for teens
WhenAmyMetSalad30 August 2019
The only person I felt invested in this season was Tyler. His struggle with being a survivor of sexual assault from season 2 was very real. Everyone else annoyed me honestly.

When a murder is committed even a vengeful one, regardless who it's against, the one who committed the crime needs to be punished end of story. Not by some rando off the street but by the authorities. If you think otherwise then Bryce and Monty deserved better and also deserved to be forgiven for their misdeeds. This whole episode felt like they were saying "It's okay to commit murder and cover it up as long as it's for a good cause". No that's never acceptable PERIODT.

The writers did an okay job of making me feel sympathy for Bryce even though I hated him because of what he did in seasons one and two. In fact kudos to the actor Justin Prentice for being so versatile and helping make the character feel multi layered.

If the Beast from Beauty and the Beast can be forgiven why not this monster? Well simply because the writers say so. They messed up this finale just like they messed up the last seasons finale by making the story feel less real. This season could have been cut in half and focused on Tyler's recovery and it would have been more entertaining and much better honestly.
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Season 3 review
ninjaboyballer25 August 2019
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Season 3 was a good season for me. The interesting leads and interactions leading up to Bryce's death were interesting to see and what they did with him in this season I did not expect them to do. They made him a bit more sympathetic and understandable, and I actually finished the season kinda feeling bad for him. But sometimes the characters would make stupid decisions and some of the explanations made no sense. But the acting was brought up a notch from last season, with each actor doing good with what they were given. Especially Justin Prentice and Dylan Minnette. They in my opinion were two MVPs of the season. But another thing that I was disappointed about was how Bryce's death kinda felt Anti-Climatic. And Alex? I didn't honestly expect him to do it. Overall this season of 13 reasons why has its flaws and missteps, but is still watchable and entertaining enough for 13 episodes l. Have no idea where they are going to go with in Season 4, but I'll probably check it out.

Season 3 rating: 7.7/10
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What in the
nored-1410431 August 2019
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Okay so I'm watching episode by episode seeing clay get hammered all season but of course he didn't do it. Idk who thought he did it honestly but this ending is really flat. Like hiding the truth and lying in a group is worse than justice they all wanted these past seasons. But hey other than that good season. It was interesting and had me guessing. Just this ending is really flat. No satisfaction really, you made Bryce right thru amends all season so I felt kinda bad at the end lol. But I'm glad I watched this
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This was horrible
lopezelle26 August 2019
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I have no problem whatsoever with Bryce Walker or Monty being dead let me make that clear because they were monsters and even though it broke my heart to see Bryce struggle with his fundamental evil and dying trying to do right, it still did not change that he was a monster but I'm having a problem with the Alex narrative, since the 2nd season Alex has faced little to no consequences to bad decisions because of who he was and how he tried to kill himself. Alex is a murderer. He is as bad because crime is crime, he ended a life. Getting him off for the sake of protecting the group was disgusting and sends a horrible message. I understand that in the real world, children of police officers do escape with things anyone else shouldn't and he's white but this was a horrible ending. Justice is justice and no matter what Bryce was in his life, he deserved that and especially his mother who was fighting for her son. I liked the other seasons but this was disappointing. They had so much to choose from and this is the disgusting end they chose. Alex feels righteous and supported so he will probably murder again, not to mention he's a drug addict now.
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I just sat there with an open mouth for the entire time
insightonic25 August 2019
I can't believe how a series that I thought of as overrated and overhyped turned out to be one of the best things my eyes have ever witnessed. Such depth and unpredictability, never knowing what's really going on, so many times opinions and thoughts being twist and I was just constantly left there not knowing what I should think. I love it so much!
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Not buried yet!
pmacbridemacbride20 September 2019
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I'm really not getting all the negative reviews on here. I mean if we were talking about this as the very last episode that wrapped up the narrative then yes there were a lot of inconsistencies and a lot of overlooking of crimes etc but "hello!", this is just a season finale. Did nobody see the gun haul being pulled from the sea or Jessica being confronted about Monty's whereabouts the night of the murder? This story is far from over. Stop dissing the writers before they've finished the story idiots.
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Everyone seems happy at the ending except for me
l-23848-0909127 August 2019
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I've just signed in to express my huge dissapointment. It's a fair suspense drama, but this season has drifted far away from its original course. At least for me, the first season actually gave me a lot of thinking about bullying. It is an important thing to face this kind of subject and to tell the truth and heal. But how on earth telling lies to cover up for the real murderer and plant it on someone else is okay, even if both of the people died are bullies. It is just the easier way but not the right way to do it and against what the show has portrayed. It is just hypocrisy
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Story is taking twists but it's worth a watch
arocksar25 August 2019
It's good and quite watchable but I personally believe that 13 episodes should cut to some 7 episodes so it could save the viewers time but anyway it's indeed a good show
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I understand the low ratings, but I definitely don't agree with them!
timijan-tuparov24 August 2019
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This season was better than the first one. I'm a huge book nerd and usually don't like adaptations because they tend to ruin everything, but this is so much better in a visual form that I'm kind of glad they got rid of Jay Asher. This was one of the best seasons yet, because like it's predecessors it tackles uncomfortable things that people usually don't like to talk about. Americans think that everything is black and white, and that's why so many people like the first season of the show - because you have the good guy and the bad guys. But from season two we saw that there's two sides to every story. Here, we see Bryce actually growing up and taking responsibility for his actions - and the show points out very clearly that even if he does realize that what he's done is wrong, it still doesn't justify it, but at least he can move on with his life trying to do good from now on forward. He doesn't get to, because he's murdered but it shows that redemption is possible and everybody can change, and that's a good message to spread. I've lived in the States for almost seven years now, and I've noticed this pattern of two-dimensionality with a lot of my friends and neighbors who are born and raised in America, and I feel that that's why they don't like the way this show is going. And the thing Americans fear above else is confrontations, and this show makes them confront the things that a lot of them choose not to see happening around them. I really liked this season and I'm really looking forward to see what they're going to do in the next one. The storyline of Montgomery de la Cruz was also very impactful and needed to be said, because there are still a lot of closeted gay guys in the States who can't express who they really are because of parents, community in which they live and because America is still the number one country where people believe in made up gods and anfels
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