Char Man (2019) Poster


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Promising then throws it all away.
Lost_Highway24 January 2019
This started off slow and only really picked up in the second act when it started to show some promise. Sadly it never goes anywhere. After it ends you feel like there should be another half an hour to actually tell the story of what happened. Instead there is too much "b roll" and no actual film going on. Shame as from a technical stand point it was ok (as far as found footage films go) but it was let down by the writing.
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Could have been so much more.
andrewmcl83-170-76441620 September 2019
The 1st half hr was a complete waste of time and I'll leave it at that. The rest of the film had some genuinely creepy parts and was building a story that it just never got to. I mean how many times are we supposed to be frightened by 7 yr olds in masks. They blew what was developing into a really good story, and then as with many bad found footage films, the ending killed it. The end was SO BAD. It made me drop from a 4 to a 3 on my rating. I would still recommend watching this because there is about 50 mins of decent movie, but dont watch when you have work in the morning and you missed 90 mins of crucial sleep time like I just did.
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The planted/fake 10 reviews are a joke and misleading. Does NO service to the film.
AndyVanScoyoc28 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously planted reviews. This movie isn't a 10.

While I didn't like the boring beginning banter, I'd wager this is EXACTLY how people making these ridiculous "found footage" films, act; figuring out ways to waste time, act immature and figure a way to lie to make a good film, when the end product is a disaster.

Seems not so much found footage as reality TV.

The ridiculously realistic TV reality show banter is really the only reason I gave it even a 3.

Most reality TV doesn't do as good a job as this movie did in achieving "reality" TV.

Other than that, don't bother.
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Defenseman1327 February 2019
Come on guys, at least a few people made fake accounts with only one review (this movie), but when the name of the producer is in one of the usernames? Unethical guys. As another poster said, dishonesty is as bad as lousy cinema.

As far as the actual movie goes, I enjoyed seeing Ojai (lived there for a five years), but the novelty of saying "I know where that is" or looking for your car wore off in five minutes. Literally nothing happens in this movie except for a few kids in masks looking through windows or appearing in a hallway, and grating characters that freak out over nothing. Not sure how this is adding anything to the genre.

In the end, as an Ojain, it also feels like a disservice to the town. Zero decent establishing shots of a unique town, instead it's just the Blair Witch Project (without any supernatural stuff). I was shocked that someone could drain anything picturesque or scenic out of this town, but these guys found a way. Sad too, because there's so much actual lore and fun regarding the Char Man myth (there's hot sauces and bands named after him), as well as a town full of colorful characters and rad business owners that could have been interviewed. The Vine (the place they shot behind for a few scenes) is literally full of theater actors. So much missed potential. But hey, that's what happens when randoms don't research towns.
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kfckidkfckid24 January 2019
I saw no merit in this 'film' whatsoever. Amateurs with a camera and kids in cheap hallowe'en masks. Wouldn't have bothered commenting but for , once again, an obvious planted 10/10 review. I hate dishonesty worse than bad cinema.
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auntiebuddha2 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing happens. Ever. The old "someone with a Halloween mask is looking in our window" scare. Never figured out why anyone with a house in the woods with every light on never has curtains. Considering that was the "scariest" thing to happen in the whole movie, I was disappointed.
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Rubbish found footage film.
doorsscorpywag25 January 2019
If you liked Blair Witch this film is not for you. Rubbish performances and zero scares to go with them.
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Complete waste of time
brunobaggio31 January 2019
Nothing happens in the entire movie. The only "action" is in the last 5 minutes or so, and it is complete garbage. Not even funny because it's bad, just boring.
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Good job!
lindapalmer21 July 2020
A fun take on found footage films. I love seeing indie filmmakers being creative with different story lines. Good job, all things considered.
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3 Men in a Car
Phil_Chester25 January 2019
A found-footage style film sort of in the vein of 'Blair Witch Project'. It has a lot more wit and intelligence than you might expect and the central trio play off each other fabulously - great casting. It has a kind of '3 Men in a Boat' feel and I found it very entertaining. Definitely worth a look.
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Waste of time!
stephenw-3018025 January 2019
Possibly the most boring found footage film of all time!
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A worthy addition to the found footage genre
adrianjettleon19 September 2021
What I like about Char Man is that it's literally about a group of filmmakers that set out with the intention of making a "manufactured documentary" but end up stumbling upon something that's very real. I also liked the dynamic between the three main characters and how they start out as buds but, once their trip takes a turn, things between them begin to fray. A nice understated touch is their interaction with the people in the town they're in and how it makes you think there is more than meets the eye. It's a misleadingly simple production with a lot of subtle touches that superficial viewers won't (and won't try to) get. I found this to be a worthy addition to the found footage genre.
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Gritty and creepy found footage horror
robinhoodinmoscow11 December 2020
An original and raw twist on the found footage genre with a zest of local legend. Kipp Tribble will be a director to follow. Here he builds up tension in a subtle and unsettling way. Jeff Kober and Kurt Ela both deliver very solid perfomances. A good discovery and a fun watch.
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Magnum PI sucks
berg-7453218 February 2019
After about ten minutes I could no longer watch because of one of the most annoying characters I have ever seen in a movie. The temper tantrum about the tennis court was ridiculous and my guess is the dialogue was largely improvised for realism but it just makes it more amateurish. While I only watched the first few minutes I'm sure it did not get better.
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Nothing but a waste of time
jumpchump-7736214 March 2019
There is no value to watching this, you only lose time. This started off extremely boring but picked up a bit as the trio discovered the char man mythos. The momentum quickly dissipated with the obligatory "now scary stuff is going down " sequence, and caps it all off with the most garbage trope found footage ending. Volunteer at AA if you want to waste your time watching people make the same mistakes over and over again without learning from those who already made the same mistakes.
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sim-sean6 February 2019
Boring as hell,. It quickly meanders into tripe, despite the OK start. Tried to watch more than 20 minutes before I decided I had other important things to do... like clipping my toenails. Obviously a lot of fake reviews here.
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One turn that has no fright
TheLittleSongbird12 March 2019
Despite being no fan of found footage films, many being terrible and amateurishly made, 'Char Man' did sort of intrigue me as the advertising was sort of cool and while silly and hardly original the concept was one that could work if done right. Keep saying that there is no bias against low budget films, still stand by that and do realise that it is hard to make a film and a lot of time and effort is needed to do so.

Just that there are films that do much better in this aspect than others. There are far worse films out there than 'Char Man' and it is for me nowhere near among the worst in the found footage category. Although it does have many of the components that makes me not care too much, to put it lightly, for found footage films. It is far off sadly from being one of the watchable ones, one of the exceptions, which are too far and between. Am not going to be malicious here, never am (or at least never intend to) watching and reviewing films etc, the aim for every review written is to come over as honest and sincere and that is going to be the aim here.

Lets start with the good. There are far worse-looking found footage films, at least there is a little style and atmosphere and at least you can decipher what is going on.

Really liked the scenery too.

Other than that, 'Char Man' is a failure. Had real trouble getting behind any of the characters, all of whom were bland and obnoxious. Trying to forgive that they are less than fresh walking cliches for a minute, there were few likeable traits, not enough chemistry and when it was there it felt very awkward rather than genuine, character development was fairly minimal so they came over as bland and their behaviour and decision making lacked logic and further made them annoying. This is all accentuated in the pretty dire all round performances, with a lot of over-acting and awkwardness going on. Other parts of 'Char Man' are not so good-looking visually, with an attractive and unique town, although the scenery is still lovely, being portrayed far too ordinarily in general, and some of the photography is pretty lifeless.

It's the script and especially the story and its pace that most dooms 'Char Man'. The script is not much of one at all and is often paper thin, none of it sounds natural and it even sounds like it was made up on the spot with no experience in not making it stilted. The story is even thinner to the point of non-existence, it takes forever to get going and has so many aimless stretches that it goes nowhere a lot of the time. It picks up slightly in the last 10 minutes when it feels like something happens finally, but it feels too little too late and is nothing to get excited about. Not once is there any tension, suspense, scares, surprises or thrills, and really sucks the fun out of a myth that actually is that. The interest value is barely there too, because the pace is so pedestrian.

Concluding, a very weak film. 2/10
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They went for the blair witch effect
kaefab3 March 2019
And since blair witch was god awful on its own, this movie failed equally, even if in the movie for a few seconds what was Jeff Kober (one of the best bad guys ever) doing in there.

I wonder who approves those movies to be made, they are just terrible this one look like it was shot in a old VHS recorder.
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Such a missed opportunity.
onceuponadavid7 June 2019
Just finished the film and I counted 3 "scary" scenes were scary things happen. Even then they weren't jump scares. They were more creepy and even then the over the top campyness of the actors ruin the scene because its just like watching 3 gay dudes act like idiots for 1.5 hours (I'm a gay man myself so no homophobia intended).

Its almost like the film makers wanted to make a stupid movie because there were SO MANY moments I was waiting for a scare and got nothing.

REALLY disappointed. You don't need a huge hollywood budget to make a scary movie, just go watch The Fear Footage! gave that 9.5/10.
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It was watchible but dragged a bit
waynehorrorshow12 February 2019
Ok then the story is 3 men making a documentary, they travel to this town and they wonder around the town talking about the char man but its starts getting wrong for them watchible thats all
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What's that smell?
Katie_Homewrecker15 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is better than Ambien if you need an excellent natural remedy for insomnia. Instead of screaming you will be snoring in minutes.

Found footage films have to be inventive these days to try and be in the Blair Witch league. This film decided to try a bold different approach and goes out of its way to be as un - terrifying as possible.

Unless your idea of a nail-biting horror movie consists of three doofuses repeatedly filming themselves throwing a clown doll off a bridge (and taking ten minutes to look for it), walking around a house saying, "What's that smell? What bleeping stinks?" (It's the movie, guys. Ha.) and a few kids wearing dollar store Halloween masks standing around apathetically then by all means go for it.
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I had a fun time
craigahrens21 May 2019
Okay so here's the deal... I watched the trailer so I had a pretty good idea what I was getting myself into. I knew I couldn't take anything very seriously and to just sit back and have a good time. Well, that's exactly what happened. This is a fun spoof on documentaries and for me, it worked. I went into this looking to be entertained and I was. I totally recommend this fun film.
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An enjoyable indie comedy with some creepy moments
stayed-up-late22 September 2021
I think a lot of these reviews are plagued by unreasonable expectations, like found footage films are only successful if they're Blair Witch scary. Char Man isn't a scare-you-to-death horror, it's an enjoyable indie comedy with some creepy moments.
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One of the worst ever.
DruDushku18 June 2019
This is easily one of the worst movies I've ever seen - by a long shot. I honestly can't believe it's even a movie. If I didn't know it was a movie, I would think a bunch of nerdy dads went on a guys' trip and filmed the scenery and their meaningless banter. That's this movie. This is the kind of home movie you delete because nothing happened and you need to free up some space on your phone.
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Oscar Worthy!!!!
wandernn1-81-68327422 March 2020
Considering the horrible crap movies that have been nominated for best picture in recent years this should have been one of them!!! No, I jest. Really there was way too much 'found footage' of nonsense that really wasn't even that entertaining. Definitely belongs on the low end of the scale of found footage films.
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