Alien Outbreak (2020) Poster

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Low budget attempt
dhooghesven11 February 2020
I am in no way connected to this movie, just a fan of scifi that loves finding hidden gems online.

The special effects are good to excellent for this type of movie. The acting of the supporting characters is doable but Sgt Zoe keeps waking you up from the illusion.

I think the actress has a wider range than what she shows but I've seen more emotion from the animated rug in Aladin than her. Maybe it was intentional, being coached to act "in shock" but the writing certainly didn't help. At no point do you believe she is a trained police officer,let alone the highest ranking one in the area. The writer has her throw out police procedure from almost the very beginning and every other decisions she makes is a facepalm moment. Certain story arcs go nowhere or add nothing to the story. The bit with the armed units arriving was extremely bad and I think the last person they meet was only in there to get to a 84 min runtime.

I know a lot of people did their best for this movie so I gave it 4 stars but Neil (writer&director) you have to do better. Give it a go if you really want to watch it but you have been warned, this is for hardcore fans of the genre.
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Not as bad as expected...
paul_haakonsen20 June 2021
As I sat down in 2021 to watch the 2020 UK sci-fi movie "Alien Outbreak", I must admit that I wasn't really expecting anything overly grand, given the movie's fairly low rating. And truth be told, I am not one that is usually overly keen on the sci-fi genre to begin with.

But I hadn't already seen "Alien Outbreak", so of course I sat down to watch it as I had the opportunity to do so.

And I must say that writer and director Neil Rowe actually managed to come up with a movie that wasn't all that shabby. Yeah, I found "Alien Outbreak" to actually be surprisingly watchable and a fair enough movie.

Sure, this wasn't a stellar sci-fi movie. It does bear witness of being a movie that has that low budget feel to it. But at the same time, then the CGI and special effects team actually managed to do well enough to bring the aliens to life on the screen.

"Alien Outbreak" does, however, suffer from being a rather mundane and slow paced movie. The storyline is just not packing enough punch, and it made for a rather mundane experience in terms of entertainment and pacing. While the movie was watchable, it was hardly an outstanding sci-fi movie, nor was it a movie that warrants more than just a single viewing, as the storyline just doesn't have the contents for that.

The acting in the movie was adequate. It wasn't performances that will leave you bedazzled or knock you back in your seat. People were doing fair enough jobs with their roles and characters, but they were struggling against a flaccid and uneventful storyline.

As for the ending of the movie, well... While writer and director Neil Rowe does leave the ending up for audience interpretation, I can't claim that it was an ending that I was overly much a fan of. It just simply left me with an unanswered question, which made me feel like I had essentially just wasted my entire time sitting through the movie, only to be served an ending such as that.

All in all, then "Alien Outbreak" was watchable, but it just slumped in on itself given its slow pacing and rather uneventful storyline. As such, I am rating Neil Rowe's 2020 movie a mediocre five out of ten stars.
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good for indi movie
natcalgary12 February 2020
In fact probably one of the better indie b movies for aliens. CGI was good, twist was good... but that is pretty much the end of the good and must be where all of the budget went. acting sub par but kept me interested.

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The fake reviews are better than the film.
fad-3879811 February 2020
The title tells you everything you need to know.

I quite like a good fake review, shows creativity (lacking in said movie), some attention paid to dialogue (also missing in the movie) and hopefully a way with words that develops the plot and tells, rather than shows how bad the movie is.

Shame the production values of the fake reviews match those of the film. Brand new accounts, with only a single review, are a giveaway that they were extras or gave up a weekend to work on the entire movie for free.

Enjoy. If you can...
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Not bad not great
jamus-9604314 February 2020
For an indie film, it's great. Overall, not so much. I didnt know this was an indie film when I started it. I thought it was yet another sequel to the Alien series. The story is good, the aliens are very creepy and well displayed. The acting gets 1 star. The female lead was horrendous. I actually thought she might be a robot with the lack of emotion and energy. Her decision making was terrible and in no way would of been in charge. Facepalm moments throughout. I did like the plot twist at the end but didnt like the closure. Needed to be an explanation.
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Budget or lack of it but still enjoyed it
markthomassintek13 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers

As we all know films do cost a lot of money to make and films made must try their best to make a profit, Hollywood has the monopoly on this and uses their money to advertise films which are made there, whilst the British film industry has less money but even Hollywood would argue that sometimes British movies can be better.

This film is a prime example, it could have been so much more, don't get me wrong the story is very good with a twist at the end which you don't see coming, but if this had more money thrown at it this could have been one of the biggest British films this year as we have seen with 1917.

Acting terrible, story good with a twist, special effects are passable but isn't as paced as some films and unfortunately the lack of budget is evident, but saying all this I still enjoyed this British film about a part of Britain being invaded by aliens (or is it?).

Rating 5 out of 10.
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You will be very disappointed...
steveo12211 February 2020
...if you believe any of the praise that is here on this page. Poor casting, acting, writing and remedial CGI, but at least there's little of it.
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Good example of excessive "camera shake"
Max_Lucas11 February 2020
Cops arrest a man..."Lets shake the camera a whole bunch", like there's an earthquake. And when the camera isn't "shaking" it's wobbling around like that camera man is drunk. Made me feel seasick. The story and acting isn't that bad, not the best, but not the worst. It just really needed to be directed differently or by someone else.
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I wanted to stop watching this UK low budget C-grade indie film, but couldn't.
Top_Dawg_Critic12 February 2020
For starters, this is a low budget C-grade (never heard of anyone involved in this film and even most actors don't even have an IMDb profile or photo) UK indie film, so any expectations of seeing a Hollywood quality production are absurd, and so are the undeserving 1's. Reviewers need to cut some slack for new film-makers, and take into consideration their experience and production value.

The directing from camera-work point of view was not bad for amateur (only 2nd full length film and 1 previous short) writer and director Neil Rowe, but he failed in directing his cast, especially Katherine Drake who was either adequate, or falling asleep. The writing was decent for an amateur, and the 84 min runtime would normally be acceptable for this type of film, but I felt with the slow pacing and the many long dragged out scenes, this film should've had either more content, or reduced to a short or 1 hour TV movie. There were also a few plot and technical issues. The dialogue could've also been much better as some of it was just cheesy. The sound was also off with muffled gunfire in some action scenes. On a positive note, what really stood out for me was the score, which was very eerie and fitting - a rare quality in most b-grade films, the visual effects, cinematography and those creepy af robots and aliens - of which were the main reason I kept watching. Even the gore was on point.

This film is not a 10 like the fake reviews, but certainly not worth the 1's. It's an honest and fair 6/10 from me. Click on my username to see any of my 1000+ ratings and 800+ reviews.
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seansez-1607311 February 2020
Fake reviews here yet again. Don't waste your time on this one.
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Great low budget sci-fi horror!
Samualt5 March 2020
What is with all the low scores? I loved this film! You have to see it with the proper genre in mind though. It is a low budget sci-fi horror with some good twist and turns. It sort of reminded me of the 70's horrors but the CGI was pretty compelling in my opinion (considering the budget it was awesome). The aliens came across as downright creepy and weird, the actors did a good job with what they were given, and the directing and photography was at least good. Yes, there was "some" shaky cam, which I have always detested since The Blair Witch project. But most of the scenes where shot steady. If your looking for another big budget hollywould film with big names, lots of catch-phrases and witty comebacks, some liberal propaganda, and unlimited CGI from Industrial Light and Magic...then yea, this ain't it. But if you are a fan of the "B" movies and enjoy a good story, good acting, some really freaky aliens, good CGI, all with a few twist and turns then you really need to see this. So, all you "B" movie aficionados grab some popcorn, some root beer, and pop-in the disk. You won't be disappointed. I highly recommend!
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Decent, engaging Sci Fi / Horror film. Good Suspense, excellent effects. Not too bad at all really for a low budget Indie...
lathe-of-heaven13 February 2020
My thoughts pretty much go along with TheTopDawgCritic's review, but perhaps a bit more favourable. His Title states that he 'Wanted to stop watching, but couldn't' Well, in my lowly and wretched opinion, I honestly felt that the movie was fairly well put together and quite engrossing. There isn't a lot of huge action and effects, so expect definitely a tense, but somewhat lower key film.

Usually, at least for me with these kinds of movies, is that most of the time there are numerous BAD things about the way they are done that definitely detract from the story and make it less enjoyable. But, that is what I liked about this one... There is nothing hugely amazing or monumental about it, but being an avid Science Fiction fan, especially of the more 'serious' type, I truly felt that it was a solid little film that was made well and put together in a competent fashion. YES, the 'shaky camera' got to be a little much for my taste at times and therefore I probably would have personally preferred a slightly more Classic approach that way, but I can see where the film makers were going for more of an intense, 'this is really happening' kind of vibe. Which, for the most part seemed to work fairly well.

The acting was nothing to get too excited about, but I felt that it was serviceable to the story and got the job done. Some complained about the lead woman, but I honestly felt that the way she came across was just the right balance, which I feel in this kind of role is hard to get right. She was strong and competent, but at the same time she didn't come across as artificially overbearing and obnoxious, which is how some woman in roles like this are superficially portrayed to beat the audience over the head with the fact that she is 'tough' This actress didn't have to do that, but just quietly but I felt believably took the lead as the 'sergeant' in a realistic, but low key way. Everyone else was just okay...

BUT... the thing I really liked about this movie that others have mentioned too was that I really dug the effects, robots, ships, and eerie creatures and the way they were portrayed. Whomever was behind this part of the production I felt did a great job! And yes, not to give anything away, but the ending may be a little unexpected, and it DOES kind of leave you a bit up in the air. But, I thought it achieved the effect the creators were going for.

Unlike some other reviewers here, I thought the Suspense was VERY palpable and intense at times and quite effective. And, something that I really appreciated which I referred to earlier on was that there weren't a bunch of STUPID things that were done that could have easily taken away from and diminished the effectiveness of the story. To me when I write these reviews from time to time, the PRIMARY thing I always try to stress is, 'Is the movie made well...?' A person may not like the type of film or may prefer a different kind of Science Fiction, but whatever the case, again, is it done well...? And, I feel that yes it was. MUCH better than many, many others out there that rely on a bunch of artificial, shlocky, Drama and screaming and nonsense. Just a good, solid story told in a decent way.

I would say that if you like fairly serious Alien-oriented Sci Fi and you can appreciate a fairly simple straight forward story, but one that has a strong sense of Suspense and Mystery and some pretty nifty low key effects, then there is a good chance that you might enjoy it...
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It's fine
pinkcookie-6074419 February 2020
So confusing and the movie is so long doing nothing and just fire and then run again. Boring for me...The ending is my favorite. But i love the fact that you still don't know what to expect in every scene.I expect more
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Entertaining B movie
mike_nightingale17 February 2020
This is a nice little discovery, an indie B movie that is better than most - don't expect too much though - but I was expecting to watch only 10 minutes or so, but watched to the end. There is plenty to gripe about but considering it is probably a zero budget film, I think they did quite well. The effects are quite good - Certainly better than I expected - and it does have a story! The acting isn't going to win any Oscars, but for the most part, is serviceable. For the Americans, you might get a kick from the "Quaint" English accents (West country.) Worth a look...
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bitbucketchip31 August 2021
If this was filmed on a lifeboat in the middle of the Atlantic during a hurricane the nausea inducing camera shake could be excused. Maybe. But it was filmed on dry land, by a camera operator lacking the coordination to hold the device steady for even a few seconds at a time. The camera rocks and weaves even though the actors are stationary, seated and chatting in the living room. It's distracting. It's inexcusable. It's an abomination to film making.

Zero stars for making an unwatchable waste of screen time with lousy acting, vapid plot, and no production values. Everyone associated with this catastrophe needs to find something useful to do with their lives. Film making is not their forte.

ZERO stars.
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Boring outbreak
ks-6050012 February 2020
It's just boring and not make sense and low budget production. Class C movie why dare to watch. Pls skip.
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dumb aliens
diaanaz26 June 2020
Another film about an alien invasion. The film is very passable, but with its idea. More suited to the horror genre than to science fiction. A short start to the development of events almost immediately leads the viewer to the main topic - it is not clear what, it is not clear why it kills people. Besides, people are massively killing themselves. This theme runs the mainline through the entire film, scaring us with terrible deaths and suicides, strange aliens with strange motives. The director did not pamper us with a clear answer to these strange and terrible events. Instead, we have only hinted at their correct perception. Therefore, the plot of the film seems to us not disclosed, although the very ending puts everything in its place. I must admit that I have never seen such an absurd and boring invasion, running iron transformers and an alien ship shot by a pistol and firing black smoke swirls - too stupid disclosure of the theme, and the theme itself is as old as the world. Numerous mistakes, of which the whole film consisted of, repelled any desire to watch this nonsense in the first twenty minutes. Nevertheless, for a fair review, I watched it completely and was forced to say that time was wasted.
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BandSAboutMovies25 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A small rural community has been quarantined by aliens as two police officers - including an expatriate from Toronto - fight to keep the peace. But with mass panic spreading and strange behavior the order of the day, saving this small British town may be impossible.

This film is from British FX artist Neil Rowe and has plenty of great visuals despite its small budget. I liked that it has a very claustrophobic and dark look, which befits the end of the world nature of the story. The mechanical devices the alien uses and the main humanoid one appear quite otherworldly. It's an effective film and just by virtue of its effects, it stands above the majority of most direct to streaming movies.
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I know what I am doing
nogodnomasters5 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Alien invade a rural farm community in England. They inflict people with a suicide virus. The film centers on policewoman Zoe (Katherine Drake) who is Canadian for no other reason than she can't do an accent. We watch her run around the countryside from one building to another attempting to kill drone machines. The aliens are giant watchers for fans of that genre.

The special effects were decent. The plot took a long to go nowhere and end without real closure.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Great film on low budget
Gladchamp9830 May 2020
I loved this film. It's not a block buster as obviously did not have the millions to spend. It was a bit slow in places but the story line was good. The special effects were on par with some of the big budget films. The acting was slightly stiff but again learning their trade. If everything was taken into account I would rate this film as being up there in the top ten with the big budget film. This film is undoubtedly worth watching and the ending leaves you thinking😉 Will be watching this again at some point.
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Low on budget, Low on thrills.
iaingking18 May 2020
I watched it as I quite like an unknown movie with anything alien in it, this is a British film shot in the U.K. in some rural area. Camera work is not too bad and the alien creatures are just about ok CGI, the story goes by way of a local Policewoman and her fellow officers start getting a few strange reports of suicide in the local area, upon investigating they see some form of alien robot type creatures, think small versions of 'War of the Worlds' small robotic things on legs. Not much in the way of story or acting, dialogue is pretty vague too, and a bit too much swearing. Basically they help a few locals out and avoid the creatures, acquire a shotgun and hope that saves you until the end of the movie. The music score was pretty good, not one of the best alien movie's I've seen, but not the worst.
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We need more films like this!
lukeabbottbbtt10 March 2020
An independent production that went above and beyond to deliver a cracking film. It's the little things: the use of authentic police uniforms and vehicles, a chilling score, gore being used sparingly and shockingly... Best of all, the script is clever. The end takes this film from guilty B Movie pleasure to a Sci-fi that pushes narrative expectations.
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For the budget this is good.
Wooky-134-10077413 February 2020
Give this one a chance. I Agree with some of the other reviews on here. Cut it some slack and stop comparing to the big funded hollywood films. This is in the lower budget arena. A small team has made this and with success in my opinion. Sci fi stuff looks great and very real. It hasnt been plonked in to a scene. Class act on the visual effects. The acting is good too. The story even has a proper ending with a good twist as well. Another refereshing point is that the film is not too long and it really moves along. Be warned though it gets quite gorey in places during the horror. I would recommend.
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What did I just watch
zeustimbrown17 September 2020
Police without their own guns. That's how low budget this movie is
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alicvianna22 February 2020
I want my 1:24:41 back Terrible pacing. Barely any plot to follow. Cheap af special effects *CURRENT YEAR*. No soundtrack AT ALL. The 3D models are better at acting than the "real people". You can find better sound effects on the Youtube Free Sound database.
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