The Demon Files (TV Series 2015– ) Poster

(2015– )

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Meh. I'll watch it when I'm bored.
laurenthomas-8981720 November 2015
I think 4 out of 10 is pretty generous. I'm not understanding all these 10 star reviews. I mean, it's an interesting show and all, but it's foolish. I felt as if Ralph is just walking around screaming at air at some points, nothing is enticing me to continue watching it, and I don't feel as if it's real. Sure, it's entertaining to watch a full grown man yell at the air, and I guess some of the information about demons and such is cool... but if they wanted a show about demons, they could have made a retelling show where they told us about their cases. I am not going to dismiss that this show's cast is ineffective or unknowledgeable of what they know.

I read through the other reviews, and just felt they were either A) Children, B) Gullible, or C) Ghost Adventure Haters. I think the idea and concept is good, chasing down demons and helping families, but it's still just seems fake. I feel as if all these new ghost shows are trying to find a replacement for Ghost Adventures, and I think they're going to have a hard time doing that. Like the title says, I'm not going to go out of my way to watch a new episode, but I will watch it when I'm bored. Like I said before, I think the concept is good, so maybe I'll watch it on demand when I'm bored at two AM on a Friday night, but otherwise, I'll stick with other shows.
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Typical "Reality" claptrap
fdc217 November 2015
It's cherry-picked bits and pieces spliced for sensational effect, just like the rest of the genre.

While I am disinclined dismiss Sarchie as unknowledgeable or ineffective, I do have to sincerely question the veracity of anyone of his alleged caliber that would have any tolerance for the sensationalism and promotion of intrigue for this type of work. The show becomes an enticement for precisely what he claims to warn against, by way of ineffective fear tactics.

Having watched the first three episodes and heard about how they "feel" a cold spot when they have been running up and down stairs to the point of perspiration; is not evidence, it's hearsay... measure it! Claims that a light anomaly on a recording must be spirit because dust doesn't move that way and cant change size... seriously? Is there any realization of the fluid dynamics of air, or the physics of light in refraction here? After all, your not watching a particle change or roll, but an anomaly of light. Sarchie may be able to learn a great deal here by taking up smoking a pipe in the early morning or late afternoon and just observing.

The ubiquitous granting of power to objects to be doorways to "evil" and all the episodes going straight to provoking situations are disturbing at very least. These people should be all too aware that when you call something enough, sooner or later something is likely to answer (whether it was originally there or not)... not to mention the more you practice, the better your get. Any time you open up a conversation in this type of circumstance; it IS an INVITATION!

While the program is somewhat interesting, it could only be found captivating by the most superstitious of personalities. The best rating I could possibly give at present would be a 6, and trying preserve some modicum of respect for the team.
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The scariest thing is he used to be a cop with a gun
fallguy_jack17 November 2015
I'll admit that I've never seen a ghost show that was good, and credit where credit is due, this show isn't like other ghost shows in it's approach or atmosphere.

But you have to be kidding me that all these people give it 10 stars. Maybe they're part of the show or trying to get out of some tickets in trade. Which brings us to the title of the review;

How on earth did this guy not only get to be an armed cop, but a sergeant at that. They must have been desperate where he worked.

Anyways, it's half jerry springer, half Christian .. something - I don't wanna say propaganda because it's soo lame, I don't know who it's supposed to fool. But apparently this no nonsense show seems to hinge on religious nonsense and silly zero dollar effects.

Conveniently one internet printed standard exorcism fits all, and we even get the benefit of finding out a religion is actually right and that the power of Christ compels demons.

Phew, no more need to think with thingy between ears...
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Not Since Paranormal State
trueslayor21 November 2015
Not since the TV show Paranormal State have I seen a better reality show having to do with Spiritual Warfare. See that's what the paranormal really is a battle of light and dark- not ghosts that's just a symptom of a deeper issue. Anyways though Ghost Hunters was the first show i saw, it was Paranormal State that got me hooked, the combination of desperate family demonic haunting's and large haunted venues peppered with the Catholic background of the shows leadership gave a powerful rendering of true malevolent entities and the insidious sickness they carry and how God is the best cure. THE DEMON FILES are cut from that mold but better because PRS and its creator Ryan Buehl let Hollywood and creative liberties change there mission statement. I can say without a doubt this show would not go that route. Ralph Sarchie is a man of God before he is anything else (in my opinion) and does this show to get the word out that this is real and that there is a solution and although it shares the common characteristics of a lot of paranormal shows it is totally unique in its doctrine and delivery. Awesome show- especially if you are a believer!!! Watch it and see.
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I guess they let anyone call themselves and "expert"
boudicea196723 January 2016
I have to say, when I first saw this show, with my mother in fact, after the first 15 minutes we thought it was laughable. We did continue to watch because we were sure that there had to be more to it. Nope, there wasn't. Just some former cop, loud mouth stereotypical New Yorker that makes all Northeasterns hang our heads in embarrassment hoping that no on else watched it and believes we are all the same.

Ralph Sarchie is a freak-a-zoid from everyone's worst zombie nightmare from some messed up parallel universe. He is very loud, boastful and I guess someone told him he was some kind of expert in mythology, theology and would make a good "ghost hunter." I did see Deliver us From Evil and though I found it interesting, there is so much of "THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT" that someone can take before it starts to sound really fake and phony and you wonder just where the hell they get these people from.

It was not scary, it was STUPID and showed just how little RS knows about, well, everything. Do some research Sarchie, it will do you some good.
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The Demon Files
billy-9164711 November 2015
This is the paranormal show I've been waiting for for so long. While other shows in this genre have episodes dealing with demonic entities, this one deals with em every episode. For me, that means no sitting through boring episodes with benign ghosts.

I LOVE how this show doesn't shy away from Jesus Christ as the true light that devourers darkness. They explicitly share with the audience that this is a battle between DARKNESS & LIGHT.

I also love how Ralph comes into these demonic realities with no fear, or worry. He taunts these entities with a heartfelt faith that the viewer can feel through the TV screen.

As a Paranormal Nerd, who has searched TV & radio for years to get my feel, this show gets a 10 out of 10 rating from me
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Utter rubbish
brandonwhitton2 December 2015
I do enjoy reality based shows exploring the paranormal. Unfortunately The Demon Files is more fiction and wishful thinking than anything else. The team is led by a wannabe demonologist who sees the demonic in even the most mundane occurrences - ie. lets look at a digital thermometer and the moment the rising temperature reads 66.6 he takes it as evidence of demonic influence. Had the camera stayed on the thermometer just a little longer we would most likely have seen the temperature change to a rather less demonic looking temperature. The old adage about a broken clock being right twice a day comes to mind here!

As far as I am aware Ralph Sarchie has no formal qualifications in demonology, nor does he have the qualifications required, or the church sanctioned authority to conduct exorcisms. Nevertheless we see him conducting rituals of dubious efficacy on the gullible individuals that he investigates. Whether the presence of Sarchie's team helps the families that are seeking help is very much in doubt.

The Demon Files falls short in almost every respect. It has little to hold the interest of viewers. There is no demonic activity evident in any of the episodes. Only the most gullible viewer would believe the mundane occurrences and wild imaginings that are passed off as evidence by Sarchie's team. I am a believer in demonic activity, but there is no evidence of it in this show. Sarchie's posturings hold little credibility. It is a wonder that any network would give this man a show.
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The Best Paranormal Show On TV
offers00112 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"The Demon Files" features Demonologist Ralph Sarchie, and his team: Mark Stabinski, Mike Dolan, Brian McCauley, Sean Austin, Kayne Anderson Ates, and Debra Aguayo. Here's an example of a show which built upon the best of Ryan Buell's "Paranormal State," and notched it up another level.

If you don't know anything about Ralph Sarchie, here's a Reader's Digest version of his life.

Sarchie was a decorated sergeant in the homicide division of one of this nation's roughest neighborhoods: the South Bronx of New York City. In the 1970s, this area was burnt down by arsonists like "Son Of Sam Killer" David Berkowitz. If you were unfortunate of traveling through this area, it was more like you were going through a WWII bombed target, rather than one of NYC's boroughs. And, for a time, you literally took your own life if you walked, biked, or used public transportation through this place at night.

When Sarchie was a cop assigned to this neighborhood, it was a rough place. Slowly people like Sarchie, new City management, and the people themselves took back their neighborhood and revitalized back into a thriving metropolis. But, I bet Sarchie (who saw the underbelly of this place) has stories to tell.

The South Bronx tested, honed, and prepared Sarchie for his Ministry: that of a Demonologist in "The Work." Finding the best mentors he could find – people like Ed & Lorraine Warren, Fr. Malachi Martin, and Bishop Robert McKenna – he developed the knowledge, and skills needed to become a Demonologist. (And a very good one, at that.) In 2001, Sarchie co-wrote a book called "Beware The Night," which was and continues to be on the "must read" list of every paranormal investigator, Demonologist, and Exorcist. He nailed it.

Because I read everything I can get my hands on pertaining to the paranormal, the occult, and religion, I remember buying his book as soon as it came out. (People in the field don't call me "The Paranormal Encyclopedia" for nothing.) Fortunately for Sarchie, and us all, a "horror movie" resurgence happened in 2013 with Sam Raimi's movie, "The Possession." (A very loose adaptation of my friend Jason Sexton's outstanding book, "The Dibbuk Box.") Also in that year, movie producers decided to make a film about one of Ed & Lorraine Warren's cases; a movie about hauntings at the Perron house, based on a trilogy of books by Andrea Perron. That movie, "The Conjuring," became a runaway block-buster hit. Hollywood heads turned (and not in a "Linda Blair way.") So, it shouldn't surprise anyone that everyone in Hollywood was looking for source material for the next horror movie sensation. They found it when they found Sarchie's (then out-of-print) "Beware The Night. They changed the name of the movie to "Deliver Us From Evil" … fabricated the plot … but kept the environment and Ralph Sarchie as a "character." The movie proved to be successful. How could it not? (Note: "Deliver Us From Evil" is both from "The Lord's Prayer" and the name of a Warren book.) So fast forward to present day.

Networks are scrambling to find replacement shows for "Ghost Hunters" and "Ghost Adventures" … and Nick Groff's "Ghost Stalkers," "Ghost Asylum," and Sarchie's "The Demon Files" are some of those replacement shows.

Personally, I like all of those 3 shows very much. But Sarchie's show mirrors more of what I do, than any other show that has ever been on TV.

Sarchie's reputation precedes him. I'm amazed that we've never met in my 50 years as a Demonologist, especially since we know many of the same people, and we both call NYC our home.

Some say that Sarchie is politically incorrect, abrasive, blunt, and even rude.

I don't care if those opinions are true.

He's not in The Work to make friends. He's not a Demonologist with perfect "bedside manners." He's on this earth for one purpose, to serve The Creator. Like me, he helps defend, protect, and educated innocents who are in extreme haunting situations. You have to be a little nuts to stand up to Demons. They are amongst the most powerful entities in the universe. But we have more powerful help, if we are righteous, and have Faith. Frankly, if Armageddon happened tomorrow, I'd be honored (and fortunate) to have this guy right next to me.

Besides Sarchie, "The Demon Files" features some of the best, most seasoned paranormal professionals I've seen. They work well together, and it clearly shows.

"The Demon Files" isn't all "doom and gloom" as illustrated by a scene between Sarchie and Stabinski when they tried to calibrate a CCTV camera in the bedroom. That natural comic pause was much needed in a situation that most people would categorize as "hellish." I saw the first premiere show last night. As I always say, "You can't apply physical rules and solutions to metaphysical spiritual situations." This show realizes that. It doesn't disappoint, and will be very successful.

Give the show a try. You'll like what you see.

Al Willen, Demonologist
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No gun, but still a clown
firstlastandalways25 November 2015
I agree with the reviewer who commented that the scariest thing about this show is the fact that Ralph Saarchi carried a loaded gun at one time.

I had high hopes for this show which were clearly unwarranted. Basically, former NYPD detective Saarchi (whose story is the basis for the movie "Deliver Us From Evil") now dedicates his time to fighting evil, also known as "The Work." He does this by going into homes and treating demons like the perps he encountered walking the beat in the Bronx. Taunting demons in his New York accent, he says things like "You want a piece of me? Why don't you scratch me?" (No, I'm not kidding. Further examples of his buffoonery include his citing Halloween decorations and the anarchy symbol as indication of occult practices taking place (newsflash, dude, the anarchy symbol is a reference to the 70's punk movement in England). Anything and everything is cited as the cause of demonic activity (tarot cards, celebrating Halloween, etc.), and the families are invariably almost blamed.

While I don't doubt that paranormal encounters can and do occur, I don't think this guy is in any way "qualified" to deal with them.
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This has got to be a joke
wiccanboijh7 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show is ridiculous. The team goes around spouting things they maybe saw in a movie. They literally tried to shame a family for having up Halloween decorations because they like Halloween saying that it invites in devils. This has got to be a joke.
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Pretty Bad
xbarracx14 June 2022
You would think at some point they would make a ghost hunting/paranormal show that's actually good. I mean look at how many people watch these horrendous shows like Paranormal State and Ghost Adventures etc. And those shows are awful, not to mention fake as it gets. Anyways watching this show was a waist of my life I'll never get back.
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Scary to know that things like this are actually happening....thank God for Ralph Sarchie and his team.
lockkeyer11 November 2015
Love the style Ralph and his team use to fight evil....but hate that they have to do this dangerous work. May God continue to be with them as they fight these battles. I was hooked on the first episode and will be a fan as long as it runs. I hope that their efforts are successful in every situation they encounter, the devil can be devious and takes special people to do this kind of work. The show is more than just entertainment - it really makes you aware of the real evil that actually exist's out there...never assume that you will never encounter it and reminds you to stay loyal to your faith, because in the end that's the most important thing besides the love of your family.
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What I've been waiting for
greenslade9828 February 2016
I have never commented or wrote anything on IMDb before but I've been waiting for a program like this for a very very long time a paranormal program thats about demonic hauntings only. I've not watched this yet but as i said its the type of show I've been waiting for, and I'm a bit gutted that there only seems to be 3 episodes. All other paranormal shows feature demons but there isn't a show dedicated solely to the phenomena. From what I've been reading and learning recently demonic hauntings are on the rise and i think people should be aware whether they believe or not. Or at least look at the user reviews for this program and see that it seems popular with people that watch other paranormal programs on Destination America and keep it running.., I'm going to watch the 3 episodes now and keep my fingers crossed that Destination America rethinks its decision or broadcast another show on the topic. Paranormal Survivor and Witness, A Haunting The Haunted are great shows that I'd like to see more of.

OK will watch and write my first EVER review.
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I would like to speak to a manager...
isc-7684131 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm also gonna piggy back off the person who said the scariest part is this guy was once issued a gun as part of is previous profession. I'm grateful this man is making money through making "reality" TV shows instead of being a cop.

I really hope Sarchie was putting on a character for this show because he came across as a huge jerk throughout the series with seriously outdated beliefs backed by stereotypical "devil worshiping" propaganda which could easily be fact checked/ debunked in a couple of google searches. Seriously? We're gonna blame cartoon Halloween decorations on demonic possession so powerful an exorcist is needed!? He could of sold me with the mirrors and the antiques but fall coloured wallpaper?? Come on now.

I would also love to know more about his credentials on demonology and who permitted him to perform exorcisms.

Christianity is beautiful yet his views to make it come across as "cult-y", ridge, narrow-minded with extremely strict rules and ironically unforgiving...especially to the family in episode 3 S1. Their lifestyle didn't exactly align with his beliefs so he refused to help them. This concept for the show would of worked amazingly had he been a bit more empathetic but we got this judgemental control freak instead, who must I remind you was once a cop...

Overall, it does give me that "Jerry Springer" drama fix but Sarchie's Napoleons complex makes it harder to enjoy.
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Demon Files NAILS it!
galadrielle-5608111 November 2015
Can't say enough good about this show. It's REAL. There's no game playing here. It's a pleasure to see someone doing it hokey "let us try and help you"'s with this group. They know what they're doing, and they do it well. If they say it, they mean it. The only people whining about this show are the fakes, who have just been shown for the cons they really are. If this show ISN'T continued, it will be because people cannot handle reality. God bless the Demon Files crew for having the guts to do it right and well, in spite of tremendous pressure to do it holly-weird's way!!! While the group never talks about this, if you read between the lines, you know the pressure is there. You can hear it in Ralph's explanations and warnings to the camera crew about what will and will not be tolerated. If you don't respect Mr. Sarchie, then you're not paying attention. Too bad for you.
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Fantastic Reality show!
LittleRayIsaac16 November 2015
I love this show because it is real and portrays the real happenings that occur during a possession or demonic take over. We can all trust that when Ralph Sarchie is involved we are going to get a real non scripted piece of documentary with frightening details. I thoroughly enjoyed the education i got from watching this show and look forward to seeing more!

I feel like many shows like to over exaggerate things and do it all for entertainment where as this show is more about showing us the realities of having a person or house possessed.

I discovered this show from Ralph Searches biography and have followed him since i watched deliver us from evil!
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The events portrayed are based in reality and are everyday occurrences!
microdot-706583 November 2015
The Demon Files differentiates itself from all other investigative serial video documentaries in several aspects, which I will describe in detail. This made for television series is based on solid- reality, and not one aspect of what we witnessed in the first program is contrived. Ralph Sarchies methods are based upon centuries of Catholic tradition with a careful blend of modern zeitgeist, technology, techniques, and most assuredly, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Holy Mother Church, and God's greatest archangels by his side. It is immediately evident that Ralph's team is highly motivated, loyal, carefully vetted by him, and with each one having a specific gift and talents that are sure to be revealed as the series continues. I was glued to my chair and actually watched all the commercials in between segments, which were not boring, or too lengthy.

The theme of what happened to the family in episode one is very common, and many families are suffering similar maladies in their homes and lives. The series will be very valuable to people from all walks of life and across cultures, because the problems and their solutions (issues related to spiritual realm imbalances, lack of a prayer life and faith in God, and the need to believe and follow Sarchies advice to the letter) are as real as the image you project in the mirror when looking at yourself. The series is bound to be riveting, while at the same time educating it's audience to a reality and solutions to the issues portrayed, which will set this unique television series apart from all others.

Ralph Sarchie's background is quite interesting, and I suggest you read his book, and research him thoroughly, and you too will come to understand that this series is grounded in solid science, reality, and spiritual truth that cannot be denied. I would also like to comment on the quality of the video, editing, and audio quality. It is clear that the director of the series and the staff that produced the content are first class. Camera control, color quality, and video splices are superb. I am really looking forward to the next episode and too learning new things that will surely be revealed to an audience that needs to know about this reality.
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Not just another ghost show
chance-rush11 November 2015
It is good to see Ralph Sarchie and his crew investigating and going after true evil. The TV is inundated with ghost hunters but now, there is someone who has a recorded past of really dealing with demons and oppression/possession. Ralph is a NO BS Former NYC Police Sergeant and his passion for what he does is just as intense and just as real and no BS as you can get... Tough and tough love... for what he does with his team to help those in real spiritual need. This goes beyond ghosts, beyond bumps in the night... this is a fight for sanity and soul and Ralph Sarchie and his team are there to help.

This is not only good entertainment... This is real...
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Shame on you Destination America
jggold16 November 2015
This show is not for entertainment. It is REALITY, interesting, informative, educational and people get to see what a real Demonologist does. No smudging here. It also educates people that evil is real and so is the devil and demons. He also teaches people that the lay person cannot get rid of a demon and how dangerous they are and how they can hurt you or even kill you. Playing with spirits is very dangerous. It teaches you how important faith in God is. This is the real thing NOT GHOST ADVENTURES, NOT GHOST HUNTERS. He teaches you that if you play with fire you can get burned, attacked and harmed in worse ways. I can't believe they are taking it off after 3 episodes. It is a travesty!! SHAME ON YOU DESTINATION America!!!!
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Demon Files
melanieajuntunen9 November 2015
It is so wonderful watching a show that is not fake or scripted. There is no exaggerating things in the show. No one is trying to trap anything they are actually doing what is the proper way to rid a home of demons. Ralph the lead person is very genuine and doesn't tolerate any put on's by the clients he makes sure they are telling the truth and then helps the family and doesn't leave them hanging after he gets rid of the demon. I hope and pray this show continues and more people can be helped by this team of people. There is another investigator on the Demon Files that has medium and physic abilities. He has helped during the investigations for example, he had a crushed pill taste in his mouth which turned out to be what happened to the clients daughter when she tried to commit suicide. That was something that was not revealed to Ralph and his team. He saw the demon and was able to draw what it looked like and it fit the description of the one the daughter drew after her overdose. So I personally feel this show should continue because there is a lot of people who could use this teams help! Thank you Nichole!
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Forcefully Breaks The Insipid Silliness of the Ghost Hunter Type Shows
AudioFileZ1 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So far the paranormal shows I find most interesting to watch are ones that purport to splice interviews with the actual people who experienced the hauntings which are, in addition, recreated with actors. These would be Paranormal Survivor, Paranormal Witness, and My Haunted House. After a while, inevitably, you have to admit each show evolves toward a certain repetitiveness as well as some less interesting/compelling stories. More or less as if the viewer as well genre is hitting a saturation point of sorts. What is needed is something different centering on the real people who are experiencing the paranormal. Enter Ralph Sarchie.

Never hearing of Mr. Sarchie I happened to be listening to Coast To Coast AM one evening when he was a guest. Mr. Sarchies' seriousness and heartfelt sincerity came across the air and I found him compelling. His entree into the field was through things he witnessed while he was a NYPD officer in the South Bronx. In addition to heinous crime he witnessed what could only be called evil on a scale that was demonic. Instead of running from it he ran full speed in to help defeat these demons. He is highly religious and uses his God based Faith as his battle armor. This guy is a real warrior and he is not in it for the adventure - or to parlay something commercially to feed his ego. At least that is my perception of Mr. Sarchie. While I'm not sure if he was trained by The Roman Catholic Church he seems to be very structured in his particular style of exorcism. Like I say he comes off as a warrior coming to help those in need.

I'm not sure why Sarchie decided to do a TV show, but I'd like to think it's an extension of how fighting evil has become his life after retirement from law enforcement. In other words he still does it because he's drawn to it over any desire to extract income or fame. As I said earlier the show is compelling in its difference from other paranormal shows. While Sarchie has a professional team (i.e. not the usual ghost hunter host, geek tech guy, and psychic medium who are often laughable) he IS THE SHOW. Ralph Sarchie has a persona bigger than the evil he coaxes out to fight. He's no spring chicken as he has the air of a guy who is secure in his religious beliefs and has experienced a lot of life to forge it. Even at his age, which I'm assuming is late 50's/early 60's, he's a strapping tough guy weighing in at a fine fighting weight. He seems likely a real unique and genuine man who lives to fight evil.

I'm sure there will be some to whom just say this is TV and don't get sucked in. To counter this I will simply say there is absolutely no doubt there is true evil in our world even as most of us strive to live a good life. Bottom line: there is good and evil without question and this is where this show is centered and Sarchie is the warrior fighting for the good. He is so charismatic and fearless in his style it is a very entertaining watch even as it is quite serious. I feel I'll be watching this show regularly because of Ralph Sarchie. He makes most of the so called ghost hunter shows look like Ghost Buster second rate laughable pulp.
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Good paranormal show
livingdeadgirl5224 July 2021
This show is awesome. Ralph Sarchie is a great paranormal investigator who can sense things. It's crazy how he figures out what's happening without being told what had happened to these people. Too bad they only did one season. They should bring the show back.
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Whered it go??
loverofelvis23 June 2022
I usually hate shows like this but it was different. I liked it. The people seemed genuine and he had a good interesting personality that didnt let it get boring. It was a more realistic "reality" show. It wasnt just ppl wandering around in the dark saying "did u see/hear that?!!" Too much arranged just for the camera but for this show that didnt seem to be the case. They also investigated cases thoroughly. I was disappointed to see there were only three episodes.
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