Dracula Reborn (2015) Poster

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You will not forgive yourself for watching this film!
crmackay-4618715 October 2015
This is easily the worst vampire film I have ever seen and I have watched some absolute stinkers. It is amateurish in every way, badly shot, lit and acted. The performances are so bad I actually thought it was a parody, apart from the fact that it wasn't even in the "so bad, it's funny" category. I bought the film and was really looking forward to watching it based on the cover blurb. I started watching it, then started watching it on fast forward waiting for something to happen, then realised it was over and that nothing had! The only time I have ever been more disappointed with a film was when I paid good money to see Jaws:The Revenge at the cinema. After watching Dracula Reborn, (an obvious attempt to cash in on Dracula Untold), the DVD was consigned to the local charity shop. Avoid this one like the plague!
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rain65726 June 2015
This is actually the worst film I have ever seen. 24 mins in, boring, waited till 48 mins still nothing but bad acting and terrible cinematography. Fast forwarded to 1hr 20 no better. Just a really bad impersonation of a vampire dry humping unassuming victims. The read up and cover looked OK so for a few quid thought I try it. I don't think these poor actors will ever work again after this. I don't think the syfy Chanel would even air this nonsense. I have thrown mine in the bin but actually feel like sending back to Attila 'whats his name' (writer and director) for a full refund for clearly lying about the content and the hash job he calls a film..... Utter utter garbage.
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Dracula Reborn
suzannefisher16 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I thought Kiss of the Vampire was the worst movie ever in the history of filmmaking but this movie has surpassed it as the worst. I like cheesy syfy, I like horror but this is so bad.

Spoiler - questions I don't have the answers to... 1. What were those noises the vampires were making? It was a cross between a growl and a grunt. Annoying!

2. Who wears a cape in 2015? NO ONE, not even Dracula would wear a cape in 2015. Ridiculous!!

3. Who was the blonde reporter? I wanted her to die more than I did Bella in the Twilight series.

4. Was the vampire humping the victims? At first I thought he was raping them but alas the clothes remained on so it was some sort of humping.

5. There was a scene the vampire was sitting on a park bench just making faces... at the camera? At unseen passerby's? I don't know. It was weird.

The front case picture was the best part of this experience. It was a good thing this was a free bonus rent from Red Box or I would demand my money back. A couple hours I can never get back lost to very bad acting and script writing. AND I LIKE CHEESY MOVIES. I'm giving this a 1 because it will not let me give it less than that.
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Stevieboy6665 December 2018
Some Canadian journalists travel to Paris and Transylvania to investigate Dracula. Or something. I became bored very quickly with this. Silly plot. Wooden acting. And a bald headed, cape wearing vampire, skulking around (immune to daylight), not sure if he's meant to be scary or funny. But he's neither. At 98 minutes this was a real tester. The only reason that I'm awarding 2 and not 1 out of 10 is that I liked the European locations. Credit for that at least. Bram Stoker must be turning in his grave with crap like this bearing Dracula's name!
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Ouch Ouch Ouch
cdh00223 February 2016
It is rare that I find a movie this awful. Dracula Reborn was dreadful, and not in a good way. It was even bad enough I felt the need to create a review in the hopes that I save someone else the redbox rental. I really wish I read the reviews before I wasted my time.

In general I only need a movie to do one thing well for it to be watchable, which Dracula Reborn did not deliver. I found the plot is poorly developed. The acting is z-list at best. The characters development is pathetic, The cinematography is nothing original, if you don't want to go as far as to say it is also bad. The visual effects are atrocious at points. The ending is the only thing that I am not certain about. Unfortunately I could not bare to force myself to watch the entire movie.

This movie was soo bad it makes me want to watch "The Last Witch Hunter" a second time just to get rid of the bad taste Dracula Reborn left me.
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They want to be us
nogodnomasters31 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Hannah Davis (Tina Balthazar) of the World News travels to Paris and onward looking to find vampires and someone from the Drakula (sic) cult to go on the record. As people disappear and die from vampire bites the media laments it needs better laws to prosecute vampires, which seem to have become a metaphor for corporations.

PLOT SPOILER: Like QUARANTINE, the DVD cover opts to show you the last scene in a movie that failed to entertain. Yves Carlevaris was horrible as a vampire. This had a bad hand held camera plot with tons of boredom without the hand held camera. And these vampires can go out in the daylight.

Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity. Heck, there wasn't any real good cleavage scenes either. What kind of vampire film is that?
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Director notes, he is known for movies such as X-men (assistant cameraman), but did nothing to add to the creativity.
vulcanism22-918-55597729 August 2018
I can only say, "take your hat off, because this got made and is playing on Amazon Prime." You've got to give it to anyone that can get their work to be seen. It was horrible, but a great lesson that says..."Don't give up..if you have money and a crew, you can get a movie made and shown." Dracula is rolling in pig soil after hearing of this mess.
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I watch this garbage so that you don't have to.
pink_Nigel17 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
In 1979 Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski worked together on "Nosferatu the Vampyre", a film characterised by its slow pacing, atmospheric soundtrack, and subdued vocal volume. Given the talent involved, they created what is arguably the best vampire movie ever made. In 2015, some people who have obviously seen Nosferatu the Vampyre had a stab at making a vampire movie (even if the following parallels are not indicative they completely ripped off the vampire's appearance from NtV). Unfortunately, nobody involved in the production had even the smallest fraction of the talent involved in the Kinski/Herzog production. Dracula Reborn, the resultant mess, is so mind-numbingly slow that you won't be sure whether you fell asleep whilst watching. Along with the turgid pace, the score serves only to drown out yet further the mumbled and muted script, and the acting would look bad in a kindergarten play - especially that of Yves Neverbeeninanythingelse as "Corvinus" (wait… "Corvinus"? Ah, so the writer/director has seen "Underworld" as well…). I've only seen the count on Sesame Street come anywhere near the amount of overblown cape-flapping that we see from the central vampire (yeah, this is the bit I hit spoilers for - the central vampire is the aforementioned Corvinus, "Dracula" doesn't even feature that much, mostly he is limited to a few token kills during which he remains hidden under his cloak (perhaps this is why IMDb doesn't have a credit listing for him), only in the welcome-but-lame end sequence does the hood come down). I suspect Danii Filth is celebrating the release of this movie, as it means that "Cradle of Filth" is no longer the second-worst movie ever made. I'm not sure which of Dracula Reborn or Vampire Resurrection (2003, straight-to-video, somehow missing from IMDb) is the worst, it's a pretty close call.
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mangoamante9 September 2020
Ok, trying to be objective - in all fairness it's not The Worst movie I've seen, but it's pretty bad. It is boring and unless you force yourself, you're going to have to fast forward through most of it. And if you do, you won't miss anything because it barely makes any sense, and it's super disjointed. It maybe could have been funny because it was so bad- the acting was bad, the script was bad...but it didn't seem like it was trying to be funny. It seemed like it was made by super newbies who were trying pretty hard. But it's just ridiculous.
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no no no no no no (robble robble)
biteypete6 July 2015
I wish I could tell you ANYTHING about the context of the movie. After spending less than ten minutes "watching" this title, all I came away with is that their food catering services added glue to the "Oatmeal Only" menu, and there was no water or toothbrushes on set. And someone stole that poor girl's eyebrows. Also, there may have been marbles in the oatmeal, I am not sure either way. Or perhaps it was dubbed by the Hamburglar.

Seeing that the review was considered too short for submission, I will add additional text because I need to do my part in keeping people from renting or even accidentally watching this ....movie. I thought about adding a few lines of "Robble Robble" but am not sure how many people would actually get the Hamburglar reference, let alone know what his speech sounds like. That being said, you now have full understanding of what my viewing experience was like. Robble Robble.
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Grate Fun!
aidancallaghan22 September 2015
I enjoyed the movie! It genuinely amazes me that so many people will go to any lengths and write up rubbish. I honestly thought the movie would be long and boring but it was the complete opposite. Definitely worth the watch. Though it is very dramatic and very well done with a sense of period style. The killings are pretty brutal. Interesting story, and the actors are great. It seemed to pass quickly as it held my interest throughout. The drawback for me is the VFX blood. The violence may bother some folks but it needed to portray the Vampires. I did like how it ended with knowing what happened to all the players. I need to try to get the Vampire's breath at the end as my ringtone.
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Worth seeing!
davemcneil21 September 2015
Garbage reviews that completely miss the story. Film was thoroughly enjoyable. The actors' body-language on some level primal fear, a narrative and psychology does evolve. Like any cult item worth its salt, it won't be for everyone, but oddly, a complete universe extends among other treats, the use of blood. Worth seeing despite the above; don't expect too much and you won't be disappointed. Just complain and complain about this film. There haven't been much trolls on the boards but still, it deserves better. Worth seeing! I had a great time, my mates had a great time!!! It's a dark poem.

I'm giving it a generous seven.
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Possibly the worst movie in the world
rmusik-0140320 September 2015
For the first time ever, I would give a movie the -1 (minus one) mark if there was one.

This movie is so bad I'm at a loss for words...just cannot describe it.

You would make a better use of your time just looking at the sky, or a white wall for that matter...it's that bad.

I have no idea who would spend the money to produce a movie like this, it must have cost more than a couple of grand, but even a penny would be too much if you wanted to buy it.

There is no subject, no plot, no acting, no movie...it's just a joke...for the love of God please do not waste your time watching this.
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Maybe The Worst Horror Movie Ever Made!!
japonaliya9 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Sure, there are a ton of awful schlock movies esp. the low budget films from the 50's through 70's. The kind you see on Creature Features etc. But at least they were campy, or unintentionally funny....

Unless this is a high school student film masquerading as a professional movie, this has to be on all accounts the worst horror, or at least vampire movie ever made....it is not campy nor funny..actually, it isn't anything I could even explain!

The editing (esp. the first few scenes were jarring, the acting was laughable. If there was a plot, it made no sense.

The vampire looked and acted like he watched Nosferatu too many times.


Did just Dracula's hood protect him from daylight as he was in daylight in many scenes?

How did he get from the US to Paris or anywhere the journalists were so fast..and WHY?

The journalists go to Paris, then Romania to interview Dracula and his "cult"

Hmmm the whole world (on the news broadcasts) knows Dracula is responsible for scores of deaths but no one tries to stop him? The journalists go to find Dracula, but don't bring ANY protection? No stakes, garlic,crosses, holy water...NOTHING.

And of course for the most part they find them selves alone in dark places so they are picked off one by one.. From now on i will always check reviews before renting a DVD. Even if it only cost at the kiosk $1.50. I have been robbed!!!
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Literally the worst movie ever made
contestnana24 February 2016
Truthfully I would rather watch the movie Glitter with Mariah Carey on perpetual rerun while spikes are shoved under my fingernails than to ever watch this movie again. I seriously believe it to be the worst movie ever made. No plot, horrible cinematography, gross anorexic actresses, gratuitous gore and insane dialogue. I mean it. The worst. I tried to watch all of it, really I did. I kept thinking it had to get better because honestly there was no way possible for it to get worse. And yet it did. I had to check my to make sure my eyeballs weren't bleeding from the disaster on screen. The entire cast and crew should be stoned. Literally and figuratively.
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desie6628 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so bad it was almost funny.. I don't often write reviews, but after seeing some good reviews for this movie that were obviously written by cast, crew or their families I felt obliged to write one.. But don't worry you will surely not have to suffer too long before you get a strong sense of how bad this rubbish is.. The acting is appallingly bad, the direction worse..

In the beginning two people who have just met go back to the girl's apartment. He pours two glasses of wine, and the viewer has to sit and watch him actually pour 2 glasses of wine without dialogue,without rhyme or reason.. Then after he is done the scene jumps to her sitting on the couch glass of wine in hand,, it has to be seen to appreciate how amateurishly terrible it is.. Kids do better on you tube with iphones.. seriously.. this movie could not be even classed as a B movie.. I dunno what to call it, just appalling.

As for the vampire's cape, it is a Halloween costume you might find in a pound shop..
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Ohhh cant believe this
zoran_kamen15 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I give 4 to this only cause horror - slasher , scenes are quite original and gory, so thats about only good thing about this "movie" --yeah bloody parts are well made and you cane see goo suffering of victims, BUT.. all victims are incredibly dumb, they are almost like puppets, giving absolute no fight no resistance to vampire, so now we are at acting part. Actually there is no acting here, even main actors look very bored, there are long dead looking scenes, actors have no fire in them, no enthusiasm --they really look like someone who had sex and partying all night and is now completely depleted of all energy, they move around bore, they talk without any energy and as said there are long dead nonsense scenes..I think you get the picture ! Only good thing about movie is bald vampire who is acting, not well but better than others... and another plus is that he not only kill, but is also playing with his victims and he have this crazy faces and laughter going on, he is somehow only energetic character in movie... I can not even say to this acting, they are just repating words automatically like robots, really horrible acting, the worst I ever seen . There are some good horror scenes and creepy well recorded scenery but thats all, because of that I gave rate 4. All else I would even vote 1.
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Dracula Reborn should have been aborted.
Detroitblue24 October 2016
This movie is a kill fest and if that is all you want to see well then have at it sports fans! The vampire truly loves to kill and is having fun doing it. He acts silly before the kill and ravishes his prey. This is the problem, because once you have seen the first three kills you might as well skip to the end because all the rest are the same. Not one player ever has a plan to survive or any hope to kill a vampire. It is all about just getting bit in the neck and sucked dry without ever seeing it coming or putting up any resistance. The lead female star looked like real live vampire and could stand to put one a few pounds. I don't know how she got the part unless she was the directors girl friend. The only other thing is that the vampire didn't seem to have any of the usual vulnerabilities, not even sun light and this was disappointing because the characters never seem to have a snowball in hell of not being killed.
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averagejoreview26 August 2016
Its a given that a "good film" is a subjective and most definitely a relative opinion. I gave this movie a chance, and it is a very disappointing film indeed, for me! Very slow, horrible acting, and a very dry script. If you're into a bad film that misses the mark on so many levels, this is the film for you. I can appreciate the work that was put into making this movie, but the director appeared to have slept through their responsibility on this one. There isn't any "getting the point of the film", it's just "Dracula". I'd have to be a family member and/or friend of the staff and/or actor(s) to give this movie any form of positive review. Afterall, I'm just your average jo. Consider yourself "REVIEWED".
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Horrific(ally unwatchable!) I watched this, so you won't have to :(
mellofello7 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler: if you watch this, you will regret it! This is obviously a tax-write-off vehicle.

The whole plot: nosferatu-rip-off follows stupid cadre picking them off one-by-one by dry-humping them. There is NOTHING else. I waited and waited, and it was garbage. The nosferatu creeps around in broad daylight seemingly unnoticed at close range by all. He has some maniacal but unexplained laugh post-feeding. The "reporters" seem not to realize they just could go home, and seem not to notice they are dying member-by-member. Each capture-kill is essentially the same (bite jugular, drink, dry hump, maniac giggle, bite wrist...repeat). Bikes chasing motorcycle scene is completely nonsensical and unnecessary to the "plot".

Acting: 'stilted' is generous Dialogue: grade 7 drama project? Cinematography: ok but add enough dim and anything could be good

If you must watch for some reason, just put it in 8x and save 1.5hrs of your time.
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It's Good! It's Great! It's Super!!!!!!!
jamesp-7386425 September 2015
Great fun! And let me say, they don't bleed TEA! I've been running around screaming it into traffic. This movie is good all of the way through and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The movie does not have the most action in the world and it is more thriller than horror with some scary parts and it was very well done. Congratulations. The film manages to scare you, and gross you out in equal measure. I think an unfair bias against the filmmaker is preventing some people from giving this movie the credit it deserves. Some genuine scares here. The Vampire really did a fabulous job on those poor people. I should see it again. It's It's Good! It's Great! It's Super!!!!!!!
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Waste of Film
mleveringham26 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with most of the previous reviewers thoughts. It took me three attempts to stay awake to finish this low budget, amateur, zero-star attempt at student-level film making.

I had hoped, that there might be some ending worth at least the wrap-up, but nope; everybody just gets killed.

The lack of a plot, the gore, the obvious attempts at sexual-erotica to cope with the lack of a story, made calling this one Campy, an insult to all Campy films ever. Then there was the God awful acting and the laughable FX. Vampires dissappearing with their shadows still walking along, was hilarious.

Do yourself a favor and pass on this one. There's absolutely no reason to watch it, unless you want a nearly two hour demonstration on how not to make a movie.
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venusamal10 September 2015

This film is for the heart of the faithful! For those of you who enjoy Dracula, welcome. A tense ambiance closes around the characters. Director Attila Luca creates a similar yet bloody ambiance as some of the original, with the energy of its young débutant. The filmmaker makes the narrative contemporary without turning it into the inevitable fate of classics. The film has so much going in its favor, that the screenplay glitches can be pardoned. It is bloody and slick and never allows its viewers to feel restless. Nice to see something filmed in Transylvania with real locations and natural light. It makes me want to travel and look for Vampires. Don't be nervous popping this film into your DVD player. Dracula offers bucketful of entertainment and victoriously conveys that independent movies show people a good time. Fans are likely to stumble upon on cable in the near future and be surprised they've never heard of it. Loud applause from a fan.
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Yes. Yes. Yes.
paxtonb-2817720 September 2015
Loved it

People are impatient and to bloody senseless. I don't like their vibe. This film is actually good. People clearly giving it a bad review just because they don't like it. I saw Dracula Reborn today and thoroughly enjoyed it! Yes it was a bit slow but I was caught between fear during the scares. It offers a feel or mood in parts that are quite heady and retro. Scenes get close to the feel of the mob, (which for me is equally relevant about our culture now). With an assured lead performance from Yves Carlevaris, the brilliant French actor – who does look uncannily like Nosferatu . It's too early to say it is a cult film, but I wouldn't begrudge the filmmaker. It really was good fun and at least deserving of 5 stars.
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This film is to vampire movies what garlic is to vampires
ckmfox11 October 2023
If you like terrible acting, dialogue, effects and a dull story then this movie is for you.

It is definitely not the worst vampire movie I have ever seen, unfortunately the genre has many terrible movies, however neither is it a good one.

The story is dull, the acting is average but my biggest annoyance with it was the dialogue. I found it hard to follow and I am not sure if it was the actors fault or the scripts, however, it didn't help the movie in my opinion. The acting by the victims in the bite scenes was laughable. None of the victims looked particularly horrified. And finally the biggest distraction in the movie for me was the lead actress' messy blonde hair. Even the old Romanian ladies at the end of the movie had neater hair.

I would not recommend this movie to anyone, but neither would it make my list of 50 terrible movies. It is just dull and forgettable.
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