Corpse Party: Tortured Souls (TV Mini Series 2013) Poster

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mll231 January 2015
I herd of this online and decided at 4 episodes it would be a nice quick watch. At the beginning, I really disliked the show. It had scenes of fan service, incredibly gruesome and violent images, and a few unanswered questions.

Although I disliked the beginning, the show did build interesting characters and draw me in more and more each episode. If I had watched episode 1- 2 alone I likely would have given this a 5-6, but by the end I felt it was a good watch (assuming you don't have a weak stomach).

The resolve of this show, how it wrapped up, was really what sold me on whether I liked or disliked this show. Overall I give it 7 because all though I wasn't fond of a few scenes, I felt the characters, twists and turns, and ending made it worth the watch.
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Very unsettling
martin_merelesc25 February 2022
Corpse Party is literally like watching a horror movie. There you are, trapped. Can't even shout, can't even cry, the dangers are coming by. When you realize that death is coming before you, screams are shouted out, but you won't be heard. But that's just the beginning. For once, you're trapped, Corpse Party will take you to a place where your life will never ever be the same again. (that is if and only if you escape alive)
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Seems pretty bad?
glumski23 March 2024
Honestly, I didn't even make it through the first episode. The characters are flat and generic, the animation is mediocre, the story doesn't even try to make sense, and the dialogues are utterly forgettable.

I wouldn't exactly call myself a fan of horror anime, but I recently watched Higurashi GOU and Another, and both of those shows did a pretty good job. They weren't exactly masterpieces, just like most horror movies aren't exactly Oscar-worthy, but at least they try.

I highly doubt that Corpse Party tried all that hard. It honestly seemed like something a bunch of bored students would cobble together as some kind of end-of-term project.
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Gory, and creepy
Milk_Tray_Guy10 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ratings for all 4 episodes,

Ep 1 ~ 7/10; Ep 2 ~ 6/10; Ep 3 ~ 6/10'; Ep 4 ~ 7/10

I like the setup, with the original murders and the urban legend that's grown up around them. I like the original school still existing in a parallel dimension (feels very Silent Hill). The general story is good - and creepy. It's also extremely gory, with graphic torture and murder, and very convincing voice work for the children's screams and pleading as they're suffering. I watched this with subs, but the whole of the Japanese voice cast seem a good fit for their roles.

Where this loses a bit is in some of the detail. Yes, this is horror, and horror goes hand-in-hand with dumb character decisions; but these idiots take it to a new level of stupidity. You're standing in a haunted garden full of mutilated corpses, with your VERY young sister who needs to pee; given the circumstances, do you go to a bush with her whilst she does what she has to do? No, you let her wander off with the creepy little ghost girl the two of you have just met - whilst you go back indoors! And whilst the female characters are intended as cute, some come off as INCREDIBLY annoying (I can't promise I wouldn't have murdered at least one of them). There's also an issue of pacing. It feels rushed, and occasionally things seem to take a bit of a leap (although they usually become clear later).

Given that this is anime featuring schoolgirls, of course there is fan-service. T&A closeups (no nudity) are frequent (there's also a few upskirt shots - some of which jar, given the very young age some girls are supposed to be).

Where this series does score is in how fantastically atmospheric it is. The old, dilapidated school is a great location - you can almost hear the floorboards creak as you look at them. The ghosts appearing in the background are very creepily done. And there are some great sound FX. This is balls-to-the-wall horror. And as such, it's good to see. It's a shame it's marred by a few issues. Overall rating, 6.5/10.
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Great source bad execution
Blah_Blah_28312 August 2021
This anime had a perfect source but they decided to cut most of the original story and leave so many unanswered questions. They tried fitting over 10 hours of story in only 4 episodes and failed. They decided to make a new ending wich is not always bad but in this case it is because it created new questions. This could've been good, with somewhat good animation, good voice actors that are actually the voice actors from the game too and a great source, but they decided to do this. If you liked the anime or the synopsis I highly recommend playing or watching the game (not the 1996 one). In conclusion do not watch this.
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I like it
asifplay26 November 2018
It's a cruel anime. But fantastic. I enjoyed it. It's a different type of horror animes. It has an intense environment. You won't be scared but you will feel scary. Good anime.
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An insult to the game this was based on
clearlymachine30 October 2020
This was an appalling attempt to cram 10-20 hours of gameplay into less than two hours. The original game's story was so well-crafted and had a wonderful sense of pacing, enough time to develop each major character, add tension, and was so clearly written with care and precision- this OVA has none of the above, even going so far as to swap some characters' roles. The deaths in the OVA were rushed and without weight, as the audience is expected to grasp 12+ characters within the first half of its running time. On the other hand, the scenic art and backgrounds were beautifully rendered, and the animation itself was smooth- yet frequent cutting and lackluster music evaporated any sense of tension. If you're after an animated gore-fest under the guise of a story retelling with some unnecessary and strangely placed panty-shots, I suppose this is the OVA for you.
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Excellent horror anime
go-with_the-flow29 June 2014
This is an excellent horror anime. The plot is very strong and with every episode becomes more and more profound and disturbing. The characters are all very interesting and relateable, each in their own strange way. There is ample gore and graphic imagery, with a few of the most imaginative/shocking deaths I've witnessed in a series. One of its shortcomings could be argued to be its duration (only four episodes) but at the same time, it stays fresh, non repetitive and easy to watch in a single sitting. There are a couple of minor plot holes and a few ideas that are toyed with but not fully developed but they don't take a significant tole on the quality of the anime. Warning: not for the squeamish
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Words can not describe how utterly disappointing and wrong this was
Theshapeo3119 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Now I only JUST found out about this series last month. This OVA/mini-series is based off of the game "Corpse Party: Blood Covered Repeated" which was a remake of the original Corpse Party of 1996 and another in 2008. The game follows 7 high school students: Satoshi, Yoshiki, Ayumi, Naomi, Seiko, Mayu, & Sakuroto, their teacher Ms. Yui, & Yuka (Satoshi's younger middle school sister). The 9 of them have finished their schools annual Cultural Festival and are about to head home when Ayumi suggest they do a charm called "Sachiko Ever After". The charm is one thats supposed to bring all 9 of them together so that no matter where they go in life they'll always be friends. But after doing the charm they're whisk away to an abandoned elementary school that is FILLED with ghost and corpses of those brought to the school. However the group of 9 have been separated as the school is made of closed spaces (they're in the same school but different versions shaped by the ghost of 3 kids who attended the school and were murdered there). So they have to escape the school but unfortunately in the true ending of the game only Satoshi, Yuka, Naomi, Ayumi, & Yoshiki survive as the rest are killed: Seiko is hung by a possessed Naomi, Mayu is thrown into a wall and pulverized by 2 of the ghost kids, Sakuroto committed suicide upon learning of Mayu's death, and Ms. Yui sacrifices herself to save Ayumi and falls to her death (in this ova Sakuroto is brutally stabbed in the neck and bleeds out, while Ms. Yui is decapitated, which leads me to saying this anime IS NOT for the faint of heart).

What makes this OVA a failure is that it's rushed, it's condensed into 4 episodes with no way to develop the characters (you pretty much have to play the games to know or care about them). The gore is over the top with a title like corpse party you'd expect it, but when it goes to gallons of blood squirting out thats way to excessive (there were points in the game that had a lot of gore but those scenes called for it, while here it's over every little thing). I have no problem with seeing the insides of a person, I had to dissect a fetile pig and cat in high school and I've seen surgery on animals up close and in person. The biggest problem I have is that it kills off every character except Ayumi & Naomi. The characters in the game were very well developed, very likable, and you got invested and could relate to them and to see them be killed in the gruesome manner it was its almost unwatchable. The character of Yuka was a sweet, adorable, and innocent girl (brutally stabbed to death by an anatomical model), Yoshiki was the mandatory badass of the group (died protecting Ayumi), and Satoshi was a bit of a coward but could summon his bravery when he needed (just dies in the end with no explanation whatsoever). The characters are ones that are very easy to like and the story albeit depressing works phenomenally and keeps you interested. It moved at a good pace in the game but it goes a mile a minute here with no explanation to some actions.

To my understanding the mini-series follows a majority of the "wrong endings" of the game but when making a series for the fans I'm sure they'd appreciate the main ending more. The best thing about this series is it's animation which is beautiful. Other than that to those curious about it, avoid it like the plague and watch/play the game it's much more satisfying. Hell read the manga, it may be incomplete but those 36 chapters are better than this 4 episode OVA. This OVA is a middle finger to the fans of this series.
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Disappointing trash
mcmehforu4 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ive played the 2008 game and the story is great and it emotionally attaches you to the characters whereas the 2013 anime adaptation leaves out a huge chunk of detail and kills off more of the characters screwing over the story. this is total garbage wouldnt recommend
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graciemichelle25 June 2018
I dont know why there are so many hates for this anime. I think for all the anime horror lovers it was a great 4 episodes. Although 3/4 of my favorite characters died xD, but i guess thats just how horror anime is. The ending really was great, but caught me off guard. My only negative is i wish it could of been longer or had a sequel.
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Inaccurate and Disappointing (Major Spoilers)
iluvskittlez8 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
For those that don't know, the anime is based off of the game that came out years ago, and I'm glad I played the game first. The anime is extremely disappointing, because it was not only inaccurate, but the pace of it was all off. The characters, going through a school littered with rotting corpses, intensely violent spirits, and so many unanswered questions, do not seem scared or shocked enough to be in their situation. Sure, there are very pleasent aspects of the anime. The animation isn't awful, the voice acting is perfect, the gore is wonderful, but it's hard to overlook all of the mistakes that were made. I think inaccuracy is really where I draw the line, with this one. The first half of the first episode was wonderful, so I had high hopes, and then it goes down hill from there. I'll just list a few that really irritated me.

-Very important dialogue was added in or left out that was necessary for some of the story. -Characters (Such as Yuka, Yoshiki, Satoshi, Ms. Yui and Morishige) that died in the anime, either died in the wrong way or they were never canonically killed. -Some characters weren't with the people they were meant to be with, which changed some smaller aspects of the story. Such as Ayumi, who was meant to stay with Yoshiki throughout the story, ended up with Satoshi and Naomi because the anime killed off Yoshiki.

These are just a few. There are quite a bit more I could list but we would be here all day. To put it into the most simple terms, it seems like the people who made the anime disregarded or didn't care for very important elements in the game, and it seems they themselves we're blood-thirsty, in the sense that if there wasn't a scene with death in the anime, they had to make one, which I simply can't respect. I apologize for the long review, but I'm a huge fan of the game and to see it so utterly disrespected deeply upsets me.
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This is messed up but in a good way!
dterzi13 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I played Corpse Party's game. The game was amazing as this one. But differnet characters die. I couldn't sleep for a night after watching this. It has an amazing plot, how did they go there, the story behind Heavenly Host and more... You just have to find that out yourself. Have fun!
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Starts off well but goes nowhere
benpowell-2730715 July 2017
I had high hopes for this anime as I am a massive fan of anything to do with horror. I have also recently started watching some anime.

There were certain aspects of this anime which are outstanding, especially the artwork.

The best part about the anime was the ATMOSPHERE, which Japanese horror excels in. It constantly gives you an unsettled feeling; you almost feel as if you are trapped in the school with the students.

Now for the bad part. This anime started off well, with a good sense of mystery and unsettling, impending doom. As I have already stated, the atmosphere in this anime is fantastic. The first episode actually scared me (a little). After that, it all goes downhill from here- the anime goes from genuine horror to full-on, hardcore, graphic-as-hell torture porn which Quentin Tarantino would be proud of. Young, teenage girls ultimately meeting their demise in horrible DISGUSTING ways happens virtually every five seconds (Yuka's dead was one of the most disgusting and disturbing things I've seen in my life, and I've seen Human Centipede). I don't know how I made it through all four OVA episodes, especially when it turns from horror to graphic deaths/torture etc. And the ending was terrible too. If this anime has more episodes released, I am staying as far away from them as possible. Fun fact: Sachiko looks EXACTLY like Alma Wade from F.E.A.R.
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Games and Manga are great, but...
lillyankay7 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
(SPOILER WARNING) I love the Corpse Party games and manga, but the anime is not very good compared to them. They skipped a lot of amazing scenes from the BloodCovered game and the story wasn't completely followed through. The deaths were honestly more funny than sad or scary. (besides Yoshiki's) The way they portrayed Morishige made me mad. Yuka was somehow twice as annoying. Corpse Party BloodCovered RepeatedFear was sad, scary, funny... But then Tortured Souls is basically DIE DIE DIE! Relationships seem closer and more genuine in the game. Character development is ignored Tortured Souls, but great in BLoodCovered. If you want to get into Corpse Party, do not try Tortured Souls first. The one thing I can congratulate Tortured Souls for is the audio, but that goes for the games too. I can't really say many good things about the graphics to be honest. They're very blurry and pixelated.
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Possibly one of the best anime I've ever seen
nickmuller-0344719 March 2020
This gorey anime is filled with every single emotion you can think of and hits you on a personal level its almost as if you can feel the pain of the characters.
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Started off alright but went downhill
Irishchatter29 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Yknow I thought the first episode was pretty good because I never seen an anime where it's about a group of students who are trying to escape a haunted house. However when I got to watching half of the second episode, I thought the "jumpscares" weren't considered jumpy at all, in fact the ghosts weren't even that scary. They were pretty pathetic if you ask me, the ghosts are more like coming from kiddie ghost movies such as "Casper the friendly ghost". Well except the gory guts part of it, I doubt they'd show that on ghost kiddie films haha.

Seriously I'm glad that I didn't play this as a game on the PS or read the mangas otherwise I'd return them after day one. I would happily tell anyone who is willing to see this anime to just walk away from it, it isn't worth your time. Avoid is the solution here!
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Very, very bad anime
floriandrescher15 December 2020
I've read the manga and liked it. I know that the manga have problems, but there is a good horror story. The Anime is very bad! Please, read the manga and don't watch the show. I don't understand, why a good Manga get a awful show like this.
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Why does this even exist...kedwin why
jamesericbailey15 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Corpse Party: Tortured Souls is a anime OVA adaptation of the 2011 psp remake of the 2008 remake of a 1998 game made for a quick game jam. Which didn't even win, now if that sounds a recipe to disaster for you as it does for me you'd be right! Not to knock the 2008-2011 story in the game as it is quite excellent...this OVA on the other hand...I wouldnt go as far to say the same. Tortured Souls (much like the game) puts a huge emphasis on the gore and horror our underaged cast goes through (cause yeah good thinking having a girl in middle school in your story) except it doesn't have 100 or so hours to interlock this with a strong backbone. So it just sags with blood and gore, they seem to have a serious obsession with the Dutch angle, take a shot every time they do it. I'm sure you'd be knocked out by minute 10.

The story- long story short the group decided to do a random online friendship ritual one of them found off of their favorite cultists tumblr page (yeah stupid I know) and then they all get trapped in a weird school dimension and it gets funky

Main issues- no real story backboning, Yuka existing, Yuka existing, why did they have to make morishige h*rny for corpses?

This anime doesn't even follow the true end of the game, instead opting for the worst possible outcome (which at the release of the anime wasn't even possible in game) which just leaves a sour taste in my mouth and overall ruined the story

Also they clearly only did an OVA cause there is no way episode 3 and 4 would've aired on national TV.
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rgramvad12 June 2021
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