Killer Toon (2013) Poster


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Fantastic first hour which ends up tiresome.
chrichtonsworld8 November 2013
Killer Toon starts very effective with nice visuals and some gruesome killings. It sets the tone of what to expect. And for a while it does bring you the scares and thrills. At that point you are not entirely sure if you are dealing with a slasher or something supernatural. And guessing what going on is very fun. Then it loses a lot of steam. So much so that it was hard to sit through the last half hour. It then goes through what a lot of the South Korean horror movies suffer from. One twist too many. Which is fine if it has a nice pace to it. But here it takes forever to get the plot going and with lack of really likable characters I personally did not feel compelled to stay invested or interested. Also the explanation given for what is happening is so far fetched it detracts from the enjoyment. I liked how Killer Toon try to do something fresh and therefore it's a shame it can't keep up with it. Currently feel very mixed about this. But I am leaning to recommending people to watch it for the first hour and then forget about the rest.
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Good horror that loses its way in the third act
tenshi_ippikiookami22 July 2016
"Killer Toon" is a horror movie with a good atmosphere, nice acting (even if it leans to the over-acting side, especially in the case of Hyun Woo, who seems on a mission to make his eyes pop out of his face), and an interesting story: the creator of a series of webcomics sees how her creations come to life and people start dying as in her stories. The police seem to feel something is amiss and start to investigate her. It all makes for a quite meta and self-referencing way of storytelling, with a good understanding of the creator, their oeuvre and the craziness that dominates their life. Si-young Lee does a great job in interpreting the creator of the comics, Kang, and Ki-joon Uhm also does a good job as the policeman that seems to think there is more to it than just casualties.

Nonetheless, after a first hour with lots of thrills, surprises and wonderful moments, the movie decides to shoot itself in the foot in the last part and it loses its plot, going for an overcooked resolution. It is a pity, because "Killer Toon", even if it hadn't made much sense till that moment, had been a thoroughly enjoyable movie. Worth checking, though, even if it overstays its welcome.
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Good horror movie
yushendrayana28 February 2018
If you are a webtoon horror fan you will really enjoy this one.

If you are a horror movie fan in general this movie may give you a mixed feeling about it. Still this movie surely will serve you good acting, interesting story/mystery, and most importantly decent plot twist.
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A text-book example of the devolution of a script.
fedor815 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Finally an Oriental horror film without long-haired girl-ghost killers.

No, wait. Not quite. They had to sneak one in after about an hour. They just had to. From around 30 Oriental horror films I've seen so far, perhaps only 2-3 don't have long-haired girl-ghost killers as the antagonist. They certainly don't have any male ghosts, that's for sure. Talk about autistic levels of obsession. Someone needs to tell Korean/Japanese/Thai/Chinese film-makers that there ARE other premises for horror films other than "scary" straight-haired teeny-boppers (or young women) threatening people from wells, TV sets and from just about anywhere else. Ironically, perhaps they believe there is a curse on film-makers who DARE venture into non-long-haired-teen-chick-ghost-killer territory? Anyone who dares break this unwritten rule (because it was written by ghosts hence with invisible ink hence unwritten) will be immediately killed by a long-haired ghost-chick killer. Or 7 days later, especially if there is a VHS tape or Polaroid camera involved.

That might explain it.

But essentially this isn't such a movie. I almost wish it was though, because the story on offer here is probably worse and dumber than all the long-haired girl-ghost killer films combined.

You won't find a better example of a movie starting well, then gradually dissolving, until it completely - 100% - disintegrates under its own weight of contradictions, unnecessary plot-twists and a total disregard for logic, than this film. By the time KT finishes, we find out that THREE main characters (i.e. basically all of them) are homicidal lunatics. First, the baby-faced cop: turns out it is he who killed the mysterious ghost-whispering girl 6 years prior by accident. Or was it a different girl? Hard to tell; the movie isn't telling - and I ain't begging (for an answer). The moment the movie resorted to the hey-the-cop's-the-killer mega-cliché which has been beaten to death since it started in the 90s, I lost interest in the movie, completely. (Not that it was particularly captivating until then, mind you. It was average.) If it's the ghost-whisperer that Baby-face killed 6 years ago, then what are the odds that he gets THIS case so many years later?! Then again, it's an IF only, because I really don't know whether it was her under his car or some random Korean schoolgirl.

Besides, his behavior until he kidnaps Wang contradicts his new status as a cold-blooded murderer. He shows compassion toward the girl after he runs over her, and he genuinely loves his unborn daughter. So how does that gel with him becoming a sadistic killer? It doesn't. It's just your typical bad writing.

It gets dumber. The female protagonist, Wang, turns out to be insane, and not only that but a homicidal lunatic to boot. (Again, nothing in her behavior prior to the finale even remotely hints that she might be either a sadistic killer or mentally unstable.) It is she who killed the ghost-whisperer. Or not? The movie refuses to be clear about this. It makes zero sense for the cartoonist Wang to kill a girl she selflessly took under her own wings to protect her from harassment. But hey, some horror thrillers will do anything for a plot-twist. Or YET ANOTHER plot-twist. It's this kind of overly eager-to-please "crowd-pleasing" sloppy writing that ruins many horrors and thrillers, because the majority of young screen-writers are under the misapprehension that audiences would kill for a plot-twist, that we need not one or two but at least 10 of them in the final third. They actually believe that a horror or thriller movie cannot exist without a whole sack of crappy plot-twists. Plot-twists as popcorn substitute?

Which is why we have the third mega-stupid plot-twist when the main detective turns into a sadistic killer too. Why did he kill his baby-faced psycho colleague? It isn't clear at all. There is literally no motive. By killing him he jeopardized his career, yet gained nothing. Just as it made no sense for Baby-Face to want to kill Wang, it made no sense for the detective to want to kill Baby-Face.

And, to make this laughable idiot circle/triangle complete, Wang decides to kill the detective! Yup, no joke: Baby-Face inexplicably tries to murder Wang, then the detective kills Baby-Face, and then Wang tries to kill the detective. Surprised? You should be, because nowhere in the tags is "comedy" mentioned as a genre. This plays out like a goofy farce.

This asinine "kill triangle" is only part of the overall nonsense. There is plenty more absurdity, but I literally cannot be bothered to discuss it all. But I can't not mention the idiotic scene in which Wang killed(?) her young female friend in a huge fire - a scene that has the two of them talking and fighting endlessly while surrounded by vast amounts of flames - and I presume smoke also, which is strangely absent though. Risk of carbon monoxide poisoning? None, apparently. A little later, the main characters show off yet more physical resilience/immunity to the laws of physics and biology when Wang and the detective proceed to mortally wound each other, yet perfectly able to stand up, talk, survive...

The last 30 minutes literally consists of a long series of plot-twists, stumbling over each other clumsily and stupidly. It is a classic example of a clueless, lazy writer getting lost in the forest of illogic that he'd himself created, trying to disentangle the mystery but achieving the exact opposite: making the movie completely unintelligible and utterly illogical. The writer set up a more-or-less original premise, but due to his excessive incompetence wasn't able to resolve it logically hence resorted to a series of stupid twists and turns, perhaps hoping that the viewers would be so confused they'd fail to notice how idiotic the story is.

The very bland visual style, typical of Oriental movies, doesn't help either.
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Deo Web-toon: Ye-go Sal-in (2013)
morrigan198224 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know what to expect from this movie and by the title killer toon… Well let's just say I didn't have high hopes. But I wanted to watch something, so why not this one? It might be funny! (If you read a title like killer toons and not read the plot…what would you expect?). Well it wasn't funny, but it was really good movie and suspense was piling up!

I loved the plot, the atmosphere was great and it kept me on edge, trying to understand what was going on, because after a point, I was trying to find something else behind the lines of the script! I was so sure there will be a crazy ending, like the ghosts where not really behind all that (the ending was not that don't worry!), but still a great story with a great ending. Because I was expecting my ending, I didn't see it coming.

Give this movie a chance you will enjoy it!
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More Like A 6.5 Star Rating
Foutainoflife15 December 2018
Art that imitates life or life imitating art?

After a publisher is found dead, detectives find that she was reviewing a new piece of comic art that just happens to end just as her life ended. Baffled, detective look to the artist for an explanation but she is also confused and horrified. What does it all mean and how can the artist's renderings be so exact?

This was an interesting concept. It struggles to pin down a motive whether it may be based in reality or the supernatural. I loved all of the comic art. It was all really well done and the horror aspect was on point. The problem with this film is that it has a great deal of momentum in the beginning but slowly starts to lose steam. I think it could've used a little work. Some scenes seemed to be too long because they didn't offer explanations or really add much to the plot.

So, the positives for this film is that the idea is catchy, the artwork is fantastic, horror aspect is prevalent (but not in a gory way) and it starts off with great momentum. The problems are that it has unnecessary, drawn out scenes and it fizzles out in the end. Not a bad watch but has room for improvement.
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Entertaining movie with good plot ruined by unnecessary plot twist in the end
zomberi12 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It is very difficult to create a good scary movie. This movie has good scares. It is very difficult to create good scary movie with a good ending. This movie had a convincing ending. But the director had to fix what was not broken and created a mess.

If you get to the point where the original author of the evil cartoons are revealed, stop. Do not watch the movie further. The story is perfect.

One reason for the plot twist in the end was to probably to create a sequel. But a sequel is not possible after two cops are dead. The illustrator's location is found by triangulation of the mobile phone. Well, that ties in the her location with the murder. Only murders that could be committed in a sequel would have to be within prison walls.
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Almost better Asian horror.
Patient4442 April 2014
I wanted to grade this one higher than most, and was so close to do so, but sadly I got to see the last 25 minutes of the movie. It could have stopped once it hit the safety limit yet it was just dying to hit that wall up ahead. And boy did it do so!

Okey, so all in all, I would recommend it, for the somewhat different approach, for some nice tension moments, few good kills, nice drawings, well it had potential, I'll give you that. You can do a lot worse than this one, and you could do better as well. For a time waster, works just fine in my book!

Words won't do it much justice, so go ahead, give it a try. If you won't be bothered by the never ending END, you might actually enjoy it.

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Really loved this for its unusual story type
Misss2529 April 2021
This movie is totally unpredictable, not like the usual horror movies. Most of horror movies lack story whereas, it it full of mysteries and plot twists. The first half of the movie is consist with horror elements, anyone will jump out of scare. The rest of movie is amazing, it is filled with unexpected plot twists, revelations. It is hard to find a horror movie with a lot of plot twists but this movie really surprises me.

As a horror movie lover, I found this movie too interesting. But if you love watching movie with twists, you are going to love this because it is not only a horror movie but also a thriller mystery.
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It's a hot mess.
Otkon1 July 2019
The plot makes very little sense. The characters all smear together. It drags on. Other than being highly stylized, the entire film is rather annoying.
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The first korean horror movie i see in cinema
hoangyen_kimsa25 June 2019
When i was young i very scare this movie because it very real i believed it, and now i watch this movie again
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Off to a great start, but then...
paul_haakonsen22 July 2022
Alright, well I have actually had the 2013 South Korean horror movie "Deo Web-Toon: Ye-Go Sal-In" (aka "Killer Toon") laying around since 2019, but I just never got around to watching it. Why? Well, simply because the English title "Killer Toon" just left a foul taste in my mouth.

But I opted to get around to watching it here in 2022, and I will say that the movie was off to a great start. And I initially felt that I had been missing out on a great South Korean horror movie here by not actually getting around to seeing it. But then the movie started to falter and sputter around midways through, and its momentum settled into a mediocre slump.

Writers Sang-hak Lee, Hoo-Kyoung Lee, Sun-ho Cho and Sung-hee Jo were off to a good start, as I mentioned above, but it seems that too many creative inputs spoil a good idea, and the movie ended up being somewhat of a generic horror movie, which didn't really offer much worthwhile watching.

The acting performances in the movie were good, I will say that much, but it was a shame that the actors and actresses weren't given a properly constructed script and storyline to work with.

If you enjoy South Korean horror movies, then there are far better choices on the market than "Deo Web-Toon: Ye-Go Sal-In". I managed to sit through this movie in its entire runtime, however I found myself not particularly entertained.

My rating of director Yong-Gyun Kim's 2013 horror movie "Deo Web-Toon: Ye-Go Sal-In" lands on a less than mediocre four out of ten stars.
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Waste of time
sivasankar00731 January 2021
After seeing some youtube videos of how good the movie is thought to give this a try. But I was sceptical because of the ratings on IMDB.

Even then decided to give it a go. BIG MISTAKE!

The movie starts of with a murder mystery but once the investigators come in the second scene I realized this is a bad movie. The investigators throughout the movie try to pull comedies which is unasked for in this horror movie.

Also the logic at the end is hilarious. Ghosts work different for different people and decide to let go of this one character even though that character killed them.

Save your time and avoid this garbage.
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Too boring and unmotivated
celinka2018 August 2020
The characters and plot line were too lacking in any substance or development. The actress has the same expression on her face the whole time. Looks like the director/writer threw a whole basket of horror movie tropes together without putting much thought into telling a meaningful or compelling story.
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