Bad Surgeon: Love Under the Knife (TV Mini Series 2023) Poster

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The focus is all wrong
brenwalt1 December 2023
I've heard her story and seen her personal footage before, the real story here is about a horrible doctor and the families this surgeon gave hope to. Id like even more information about the legacy of the patients he killed and the colleagues that tried to stop him. The story I want to hear more about how insanely hard it is to stop a bad doctor and what happens to those who try. Why do hospitals get forgiven for covering for a physician who kills. How can this be prevented in the future. The story of romantic heartbreak is interesting but they are not of equal measure. There is more than one ego featured here.
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Where's the science?
muanchiou2 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As many have said I think the focus is wrong in this documentary, but then again I feel like perhaps they just don't have better material or didn't try to find them, so making this woman the focus was easier.

I struggle to believe a medical institute with such reputation and all these surgeons around him did not question a thing. Surely when something this groundbreaking were published other scientists/doctors would have looked into it and checked the viability. It applies to every scientific field and is the rite of passage. Somehow it just didn't happen? That's truly the most unbelievable part.

Was there no papers published? No peer reviews? No one bat an eyelid when experimental procedures this ahead of time was performed on humans? The doctors, the hospitals, are all complicit.
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A tuly shocking documentary series.
Sleepin_Dragon15 December 2023
Doctor Paolo Macchiarini has devised a new live changing, life saving surgery for people needing artificial windpipes, stem cell infused transplants, unfortunately all is not as it seems.

I'll be honest, I didn't exactly get captivated by the first twenty or so minutes of episode one, it seemed like it was going to be a domestic ding dong, however I'd urge you to stick with it, when the actual story breaks, it's a shocking watch.

Episode three was absolutely shocking, as was the operation on Julia, I found that video actually quite upsetting, what a monster.

I'm not quite sure how you'd describe Paolo, a sociopath perhaps? A man with a definite god complex, definitely a convincing and very dangerous man.

You have to feel sorry for his intended wife, although choosing a journalist wasn't perhaps the brightest move, Benita was always going to uncover the truth.

Very well made, and well put together, I liked that it was three episodes long, and that they didn't drag it out.

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Left with endless questions...
randiritt5 December 2023
I was utterly engrossed in this story. But the third episode, during which Dr. Macchiarini is publicly discovered as a fraud in his professional and personal life, ends abruptly and without answering most of the questions the documentary raises. Did the filmmakers run out of money, interest or time? They spent endless hours interviewing Benita Alexander and telling every detail of her personal story. They were conscientious about giving time to his peers at the Karolinksa Institute who risked their careers and reputations, and the Swedish documentarians who researched the story methodically for over a year. So then, why do they give the viewer a "wrap-up" that is neither expository nor analytical? They give us a few black screens with an epilogue that only focuses on Dr. Macchiarini's subsequent court cases in Sweden. While the results are initially disappointing (subsequent appeals make them seem more just...maybe), the viewer is sidestep giving the viewer any resolution that reflects the material presented throughout the documentary. The problem with the documentary is that Dr. Macchiarini's story, specifically the damage he did to his patients and the complicity of the medical establishment, was NOT the focus of the documentary as it should have been. He committed crimes. He was a reckless and narcissistic doctor who broke myriad rules in medicine. The tragedy of this story should have been his professional hubris and the danger that "superstardom" in medicine creates. Honestly, the documentary's focus on the women - their "shattered" lives - was a poor choice. Was it for ratings? There was certainly enough medical intrigue that the jilted lover angle wasn't necessary. And, indeed, the amount of time spent on the personal relationships angle of the documentary should have, at least for consistency, given a recap of all the individual women who were duped. I could imagine them considering a reality TV style "tell all" show. Thankfully, they did not do that. But they also failed to give the viewer something that resolved all the troubling questions they touch upon throughout the documentary when they do focus on his professional work. I found myself craving a table that listed every statement or assertion about him with a "true or not". For example, related to important medical issues, did Dr. M. have all the accreditations he said he did? Did anyone find animal research that preceded the implants in humans? What is the backstory of the development of the plastic trachea? Who signed off on it and where? Were they prosecuted? Is he still working somewhere? I realize not all of these are True/False questions but they should have been answered if the documentary makers were even remotely interested in exposing a medical charlatan. I think the documentary makers had an obligation (given the Netflix hype and surprisingly positive reviews) to deliver on more facts to complete the story.
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Is anyone going to mention the woman who fell for her son's killer?
tamara-abikhalil12 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think it's a brilliantly made documentary for Netflix. After disappointment on top of disappointment lately, this was refreshingly captivating (production/direction wise). My jaw kept dropping at the content, however the most shocking part was the italian woman; is anyone else totally flabbergasted at the fact that she literally fell for the man who killed her son? I mean... no questions asked? No digging deeper?

As for the journalist, I feel for her as she said "love is blind", but if a man ever tells me "do not call there" this would be the first thing I do ! Could've saved her a lot of trouble.
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In the prison that is his mind
edwin-wks30 November 2023
Imagine a child who was taught by those around him to believe that who or what he is is unacceptable, repulsive and deserving of deep unrelenting shame. He fashioned for himself an alternate reality and alter ego where he is the hero, flawless and beyond reproach. Grossly overcompensating for his innate sense of defectiveness, his sole aim in life is to evade his belief that he is deeply unlovable by striving to achieve the adulation and recognition of others by all means necessary, even if it means costing lives and leaving a trail of destruction. One could say that Macchiarini is in a psychic prison of his own making, unable to break free from being a wretched automaton driven by his insatiable ego because he cannot stand to face his mistakes and therefore has to commit to his own con or risk utter obliteration.

There are millions of Paolo Macchiarinis walking amongst us. As much as this Paolo Macchiarini would love to think that he is an exceptional human being and just short of godliness, he is not. As egregious and intelligent as he was to make it as far as he did, he also had help from those around him who saw him as a fast ticket to fame and fortune. A Paolo Macchiarini who was not fatally shamed in childhood could have used his intellect for good. Instead he has destroyed lives and continues to live in his fantasy world. He might have only received a sentence of 30 months in prison, but he has already been sentenced to a lifetime of self-hatred and self-delusion. The documentary would have been more complete with a look into his formative years and testimonies from those who knew him before the ignominious events at the Karolinska Institute.
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When a sociopath becomes a surgeon
myotherpetisdog2 December 2023
9 stars for exposing this story.

This is a story about a man who is a sociopath, a highly skilled con man, who is also a surgeon. He has delusion of grandeur and his arrogance is off the scale. To summarize this all - he is mentally deviated.

Now, the main question is how his fellow surgeons and assistants and nurses and other staff had remained oblivious of the true nature of his surgeries. Not a word is said about stem cell collection and its subsequent application to the plastic tracheas. Stem cells collection is not a simple process. So was it done or not? Documentary is silent about it. That is why it is unclear how the entire team of medical professionals at Karolinska (and in Russia) went along with assisting the implantation of plastic tubes, as if they were operating on dummies, not living and breathing human beings. I refuse to believe they didn't know what was happening.

As for the women, nothing is new here.
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Doctor Death
rbrb30 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
An engrossing 3-part documentary series about a Doctor Death type surgeon who claims he can replace windpipes in humans with plastic. However, he is shown to be a fake and a fraud. But not before many people die horrible deaths due to his lunacy.

A female reporter is charmed by Doctor Death and apparently fooled into making a favorable film about him. Later she realizes she was duped.

This reporter is guilty herself of being romantically involved with Dr Death when she hid her conflict of interest when she was meant to be making an independent film about him.

And I find her outrage concerned more with being duped at the altar rather than her pity for the victims.

Also, guilty other surgeons-who now are meant to be hero's for exposing the crazy- but who ought to have known well before they did that Dr Death was toting junk science.

Shame on them too and the series never addressed or explained their failure to act sooner, so I reduce 2 marks for that:

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Cautionary tale of a philandering serial killer with an MD
LilyWai30 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a very difficult watch. With all the victims left in Paolo Macchiarini's wake - & there were many - it was the patients, who's hope hung on this charlatan, who were the true victims. To see the film footage of his two-faced haphazard approach to any surgery let alone cutting edge surgery is horrific. It's like seeing a catastrophic car crash, where you know lives are definitely going to be taken, happening in slow motion and the driver of the car is purposely & knowingly driving his passengers off a cliff & he jumps out of the car just as the car veers over the edge to certain death.

I have spent a lot of my adult life in hospitals & undergoing surgery so I have met a lot of Specialists, surgeons, experts in their medical field and it is true that every now and then you come across Doctors who really think their job entitles them to play God but it's rare to meet one who actually believes they ARE God - Paolo Macchiarini is just such a doctor and this is what makes him so very dangerous. Seeing the now deceased patients and their children & families so excited and hopeful to be getting a 'revolutionary' surgical procedure that they were told was going to improve their lives was gut wrenching. Each of their post operative processes was fraught with problem after problem & even with the terrible suffering they were enduring in the face of all these it was clear that this man who promised so much could not even find compassion enough to be honest with his patients, be honest with colleagues, be honest with himself that his grand experiment had been a huge and catastrophic failure. But then narcissists cannot admit defeat or failure and this man is a fully fledged pathological narcissist.

The teams of medical staff and colleagues who placed their entire trust in Macchiarini were not totally off the hook. Even when they saw there were questions & issues, even when they saw flaws in the implants indeed in the actual premise, and repeatedly in the post-op recovery they should have dug deeper and asked the pertinent questions. They did eventually and in an attempt to atone for their involvement, the patients immeasurable cost & the significant way this man had tainted their profession they tried their hardest to alert various organisation heads...but to no avail.

Taking down this man was not helped by the inflated position that had been shaped & created for him by various media outlets who hung on the chance to spread the story of the Dr who was saving lives with his - fabricated - humble demeanour, his - manufactured - passion for his patient's wellbeing and his - fundamentally flawed -medical innovation. Never mind the gapping hole in their due diligence prior to going to air or print, never mind whether their subject and his efforts were actually rooted in truth or fact. They must bear some of the responsibility for his continued harm as they not only continued to feed his already considerable ego but they also publicised his work which in turn helped bring more patients into his lair & onto becoming his medical guinea pigs.

Unsurprisingly Macchiarini's ego & pure fabrication was not just perpetuated in his professional life but also within his private life too. By the end of the documentary you realise just how all-consuming his life of lies had become. While his fakery & bluster was blatant in the medical field - where mistakes & errors cannot just be swept under the rug or easily explained away - it was obvious that in that medical world was where he fed his ego. Then there was his endless stream of fabricated love affairs within his private life, the lies, the grand (unbelievable) stories, the effusive romancing - this was where he had his recreational fun, and yet again true to form it was at the expense of others.

Sadly from my perspective it is pure pain that follows this man, whether it be immense physical pain of his deceived dying patients or the emotional pain of patient's families & his broken hearted lovers, it follows behind him like the hideous stench of his rotting plastic windpipes.

In the end it would take a multifaceted, global approach to bring this duplicitous conman down but what he faced cannot be called 'justice' when compared with the suffering he has unleashed on so many. The fact he had to face a courtroom and eventually, on appeal, a jail sentence was pleasing but the sentence was woefully insufficient at 2 and a half years. It must have felt, for the victims families, like he had once again been able to get away with his disgusting self serving behaviour. I just kept picturing him sitting back with that smarmy smirk on his face thinking he had pulled off the best con of all - getting away with murder.
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Don't know who's worse - the psychopath or the women that fell for him
DarknessVisible2027 December 2023
OMG these women.... Embarrassed for my gender yet again.

First there's the supposedly intelligent, accomplished journalist who lets herself get drawn into an insane web of lives, quits her career, pulls her kid out of school, and plans to move overseas without any idea where she's actually going. Smart, no??

Then there's the other dingbat in Italy whose son dies after being operated on by this psychopath of a surgeon. You would think she would sue the dude, and get the word out about his malpractice, right? Nope! She starts scruing him instead. What kind of woman starts a love affair with the sketchy psycho surgeon who killed her son? I mean, seriously? But he flew her first class and took her to nice restaurants, so that's what matters!

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The Bad Surgeon gives the Tinder Swindler a run for his money.
drhemp9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It is often said that the most extraordinary tales tend to be the true stories; undoubtedly, it would have been a genuinely imaginative mind to have conceived this tale.

That's why I'm slightly surprised at some of the more negative reviews from people who didn't like the documentary's focus. The series does not detail the science behind the operation, how Dr Macchiarini landed the job in the first place and how he fooled so many of his peers.

Dr Macchiarini falsified reports and did not follow proper procedures while performing surgeries on humans, a majority of whom died. He completed the surgeries without testing the procedure on animals first and was aware that the procedure was unlikely to work. However, the documentary's primary focus is how he fooled an investigative journalist he dated, which is fascinating as it is intriguing.

The journalist, Benita Alexander-Noel, makes no attempts to hide her gullibility or paint herself in a particularly good light; she could have easily crawled under a rock and kept quiet, but she chose to tell her story.

The procedure was dangerous and didn't work. I am curious to know more about the science and how he ended up at his post at Sweden's prestigious Karolinska University, but that doesn't make the documentary series uninteresting for what it did cover.

While "Bad Surgeon" may leave some viewers wanting a deeper exploration of the science and Dr Macchiarini's background, as the series raises as many questions as it does answers., it undeniably captivates with its gripping narrative of deception. This extraordinary case could support multiple documentaries, each unveiling different layers, showcasing the complexity and intrigue. Despite its focused approach, the series remains mesmerizing and thought-provoking, leaving room for further exploration of this shocking tale.

If you liked Netflix's Tinder Singer, then you'll probably like this; it kept me occupied for three hours as I watched it all in one go.
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Benita wow!!
markelliott5864 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Dr Death literally murdered multiple people, but Benita Alexander who is the most delusional, narcissistic, materialistic, "journalist" makes it all about her. Literally everything she says is a not so well disguised boast about how amazing she is or her life was. How can you be an apparent investigative journalist and not know this guy is full of bullsht until he claims to be an undercover CIA sniper. Didn't twig when he said the pope would perform the wedding and Obama, sarkoszy, the Clinton's and putin were all getting invited! Then bocelli and Elton John were performing for them! I'd be surprised if he'd said Elvis was coming she wouldn't have got suspicious. She literally went to interview him to do a story and then ends up getting engaged to him before the tv show even aired!! It's honestly a toss up as to which is a worse human. Not a bad documentary overall.
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Wrong focus
mgmitter-975882 December 2023
I had previously listened to the podcast "Dr. Death" about the story of Paolo Macchiarini, and I was hoping for the same in depth coverage from this documentary. Unfortunately, I was sorely disappointed.

While I completely empathize with Benita, as she was conned by a narcissistic sociopath, this story isn't about her. But the series made it about her.

This should have been a series that focused on the lives that were destroyed by Paolo and all of the collateral damage that he caused. It should have described the horrendous suffering and pain that his subjects endured before their inevitable demise. It should have highlighted the brokenness of our healthcare systems globally. What a missed opportunity. This is coming from a RN in the United States. Sorry Netflix. Missed the mark on this one.
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Good, but deducting points for the reality show vibes
rune-andresen16 December 2023
This documentary is unsettling but also well-crafted. Particularly powerful is witnessing the stories of the Swedish doctors and their struggle to expose fraud. These are heroes saving lives, highlighting the difficulty of standing up against corrupt individuals with power and influence.

They also delve into the fraudster's ego, providing insight into a dark and narcissistic mind. Rarely has psychopathy been portrayed as effectively as in this documentary.

This dark and psychopathic behavior is the driving force throughout the documentary, culminating in the exposure of all the lies. It's well-executed.

What is less commendable is the considerable focus on a female journalist and her extreme naivety in her relationship with the death doctor. It comes across more like a poorly scripted reality show, where unstable and less intelligent individuals do anything for validation. She should have been protected from herself. Moreover, the victims and their families deserve much more than having the story revolve around her.

The most frightening aspect is how the leaders at Karolinska Hospital obtained new jobs, and especially the lack of self-awareness on the part of the journalist, who was deceived even though there were many red flags, and where her integrity was clearly at risk concerning her job.
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Cautionary tale - be careful which doctors you choose
monicorps-545032 December 2023
I feel horrible for these families . I also have personal experience with the bad docs . However - the laws are built to protect docs and patients go unheard .

There are many patients out there with silent voices who are alive but harmed in many ways with no one to compensate them for their loss. Laws need to change to better protect patients . This is why medical malpractice patient boards or groups exist . Very few lawyers are interested in malpractice law for a reason depending on the state . It's because they know it's an uphill battle with very money return for them .

I agree with another reviewer about other docs knowing what was happening and saying nothing . It wasn't only him .
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Fullfills its purpose.
Lukasmj24 May 2024
"Bad Surgeon" does one thing above all - shock.

Throughout the entire documentary, you ask yourself how Paolo Macchiarini was able to kill patients negligently for so long with a clear conscience and shamelessly lie to their faces, and how he was able to manipulate the people around him so that he was still highly praised for his "innovative medicine".

The picture of Paolo Macchiarini, who is nothing more than a narcissist who was completely indifferent to the lives of his patients, is painted very nicely here.

Even after his cruel deeds were exposed, Paolo was not aware of any guilt and always took the position that innovations in medicine would require sacrifices.

For my taste, however, they spent too long on Paolo's private life. Yes, it is certainly important to emphasize that Paolo not only deceived people in his job as a surgeon, but also lied to and manipulated people in his private life, but I don't need to know the entire course of his relationships for that.

However, other aspects, such as how Paolo achieved this high status in medicine or how he concealed and falsified everything, are neglected.

Nevertheless, the documentary series is good and serves its purpose.
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Gripping case study of a narcissistic psychopath
sixtiessyl13 December 2023
I thoroughly enjoyed this mini documentary series and found it a well-made case study of a narcissistic psychopath.

I don't understand those reviewers who complain about there being too much focus on the women he duped. For me, that was all part of the tapestry of his character and his modus operandi. He acted in a similar way in both his professional and personal life, slowly weaving a web of lies with his narcissistic charm, and this was the point of the entire documentary.

I don't see that the journalist Benita glorified him in any way at all, she was just describing how she fell for the manipulations and lovebombing of a narcissist. This is, sadly, a very common thing, as narcissistic psychopaths can be extremely charming and fool people very well. That is the entire point.

All in all, an intriguing and well-balanced character study that is excruciatingly harrowing to watch. You can feel your gut wrench as the extent of his is scheming is slowly revealed, just like it probably was for his victims.
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Pepe Le Pew with a Scalpel
kghemisox4 December 2023
The story seems to focus more on a woman who was looking for a show piece of man to boost her image. Sometimes when someone seems to good to be true thats because they are. This is a perfect story for women to learn from. You are not a princess and no knight in shining armor is going to sweep you off your feet, shower you with jewels and provide you the fairytale you imagined. This is why women are so lonely today, unrealistic expectations. Look for a true good guy, not someone to build your imagine and social media profile.

So sorry for all the patients that were victimized by this fraud Dr. Unfortunately there are plenty of frauds still in practice today across the country. Also sorry for legitimate Dr's who are harmed by so many clowns in medicine today.
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Will he be punished
ambisai4 December 2023
Total disgust for the doctor and more so for the Swedish govt / justice system to let go of him so easily

What pain must have all those patients gone through along with unspeakable suffering ...slow death , torture and deceit by the very man who gave them false hope to live.

More horrific is the fact that so many believed in the concept of a plastic tool to be the answer for lethal diseases ???

How did he manage to maintain such opulent lifestyle was the on,y thing left unexplained in this documentary

I do hope that this nefarious , arrogant , narcissistic evil man who lives in denial of his unforgivable crime be sentenced to death .... So that the medical practitioners get a strong message.
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Better than the first doc I watched about this
marieepasuit30 November 2023
While this is better than the first doc, I still can't believe this woman is a competent journalist that fell for this blindly. Also, I remember thinking the first time I saw this story all I could think about was how he could've done better. Honestly, hot, wealthy, world-renowned, bad boy surgeon? That's the best he could do? He couldn't managed to land someone attractive? Even his first girlfriend was attractive when he conned her. I guess it probably made it easier to manipulate a woman when she's an unattractive narcissist appearing to be in it for the name-dropping and money. At least this version of the doc actually goes over the unethical aspect of medicine and lack of benevolence over malevolence and vanity.
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Good Documentary About Top-Gun Con-men!
StellaGibson-197-6062852 January 2024
This documentary made me mad!

This woman who calls herself a journalist (but states she knows little about Catholicism-Really!) is a completely shallow woman. I felt so angry listening to her talk on and on and on. If she had only done her job, instead of collecting so much expensive (actually I bet everything he gave her was fake just like her engagement ring) STUFFING, she could have exposed this absolutely obscene psychopathic narcissistic loon doctor sooner rather than later. Anyway, I did not like her very much. I understand she is a part of the story, but I just found her to be annoying.

The entire medical establishment is to blame for this and it does not surprise me one bit that this doctor got away with playing Frankenstein for as long as he did! Shame on the Swedish doctors at one of the best medical centers in the world for Not taking action against this fraudster.

This doctor, Paolo Macchiarini, is like a lot of men who are super over the top confident that they can run the show. They are great con men! Trump and Netanyahu are similar in this respect. These guys believe what they are saying when they are saying it. I do believe they know they are liars, but they have that flair to bend peoples minds. Its really quite the magic trick. These type of con-men are truly devious and very dangerous!!! Their lies become truth and a sort of reality for the people they reel in and everything goes sideways and upside down. Beware.

Thank you journalist for exposing this POS!
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Where's the Science?
Mehki_Girl5 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary has about as much science in it as the not so good doctor actually practiced, the hospitals that allowed him inside to commit murder, or any doctor who entered the operating room with him and wasn't tackling him to the ground to prevent him from serially murdering people.

I first learned about this guy on a true crime program on the Investigation Discovery channel. I got more information in one hour with commercials than this 3-part series.

Once again we are hearing from the jilted journalist, who questioned anything at all only after he, finally, had to club her over the head with his lies, so fantastical, she finally woke the f* up (he claims to really be in the CIA and the doctor bit is the cover)

(Giant eyeroll).

PSA: Ladies, when that perfect man, the love of your life, starts bringing up the CIA, undercover operations, spying, and secret service bull*, he's lying to you.

(Another giant eyeroll)

We just get a few doctors for whom the lightbulb went off and we get a little bit of information about how the medical establishment went after them, rather than saying to itself, golly gee, did we ever do our homework before letting this butcher kill patients in our facilities?

Yes, people, we put our lives in the hands of these people. Yes, the rate of death goes down when hospitals close. That should tell us something.

As a person, herself, who can attest, she spent over $10,000 to save two molars that she no longer has because every single procedure (3 root canals and one implant) failed. Who had to have another breast surgery only 3 weeks after the first, because the surgery (even though the breast cancer surgeon created a special device to clear margins) didn't clear acceptable margins. Who was discharged with an infection at the incision of yet a different surgery and landed back in the ER and readmitted to the hospital to treat the infection and ended up with a hole in her belly that needed packing everyday. Whose husband was sporting a fever within hours after discharge after kidney surgery and ended up back in the hospital for a week of on IV antibiotics.


We're all lucky to be alive after a visit to our friendly neighborhood doctor, surgeon, or nurse.

If they are not withholding pain meds to feed their addictions, literally actively murdering us, misdiagnosing us, or because they overestimate their own skill level are - well...actively murdering us, we might actually recover from whatever ails us.

It's a gamble...

This is still worth the watch, but don't think you are going to learn anything in depth about the actual patients he slaughtered like lambs. We get some tantalizing and sad video of these people innocently and trustingly going to the slaughter, while this disheveled, unshaven, greasy-looking, bloated butcher flashes the camera with duper's delight grins and tells fantastical lies through his bad teeth.

Unfortunately, perhaps understandably because of human nature, we fall for these kinds of people time and time again.

BTW when you make an accusation/question to a liar and they respond with, but how do you know such and such did/didn't happen, instead of actually answering the question, don't doubt what you know or think you know. That's classic flipping the script backm on to you, manipulative behavior of the sociopath, the liar, the conman. Don't fall for it. When people kept telling you to trust them...

Run far, far away.

Trust your gut.
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Journalist Emptor
sherrynadair5 December 2023
There were MULTIPLE opportunities to vet this sociopath from his path, second of all the "journalist" who became his girlfriend. When did world famous medical institutions stop rigorously vetting their surgeons/staff?!?!?!? It's no suprise that American journos like the gf featured in this "doc"umentary just stop asking questions. Especially when charmed by charming men. Glad she wasn't CIA and in charge of government security. Too much willing suspension of disbelief on the part of EVERYBODY. That's how sociopaths operate.

When a reporter relies on "Google searches" for her facts, we as a society are in deep trouble. My (now ex) husband's attorney pleaded with me: "Please don't ever be mad at me!" because I had researched my (now ex)'s wife and busted her.

Eighteen years later, I busted my (now ex) husband's infidelity by a simple internet search. And an NBC journalist is saying she was blindsided??!?!?!?!?
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Narcissism and All Its Horror
Oh_Capital2 February 2024
Narcissism, twists, terror, and an ignorant lover are some of the elements that make up this wild real life horror story. Some of the post operation footage with the patients truly is disturbing and heartbreaking. It makes you wonder how people can get away with such things, and how no one seemingly requires any validity of "breakthrough" methods and practices.

This documentary series could have been another couple episodes, going into the doctor's past and uncovering more there, as well as looking at the medical institute in Sweden.

A thoroughly entertaining documentary, and the title lets you know who the main characters are here. Whether you agree or not with highlighting the doctor's girlfriend/fiancé, she does offer some interesting insight and makes for a good narrative.
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Dark Medicine
ejhorne30 December 2023
I'll start by saying that the romance fraud was actually laughable, particularly for an intelligent, world class journalist who met the Paolo doing a story on him. She should be ashamed that she let her journalistic integrity fly right out the window because he threw romantic magic dust at her and she was in such a trance that she was unable to do even the minimum amount of background checking to see if he was who he claimed to be;not even a Google search. Yet, she thinks the real story is about her romantic entanglement with a married man and a doctor of fraudulent and criminal conduct;a murderer. Interestingly, when the New York Times story emerged concerning his scientific misconduct, her mind went to pondering whether she was still getting married.

Once the story progressed beyond Benita's shallow perspective, I realized that what at first seemed like the backstory story was really the suck, criminal and immoral tale of a mad scientist. I'm so sorry for the families who lost loved ones only to later have the pain amplified by the unconscionable acts of a mad scientist.

The heroes were obviously the scientists and doctors who called out his work and the journalists who researched and told this sordid tale. Well done.
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