Dreams from My Real Father (2012) Poster

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Just because you don't see eye to eye with his policy doesn't mean that you get the right to name him anything you want.
michaeltepe25 September 2012
Anyone who really watches this movie based on the summary shown on IMDb must be seriously impaired or just blind. I mean just because you don't see eye to eye with his policy doesn't mean that you get the right to name him anything you want. I mean this goes back to the middle ages when we went witch hunting.

So he is accused of not being American, then he releases his birth certificate. You still aren't satisfied and search for even more bogus ideas to destroy his presidency.

Well I can sort of understand it, because I mean when you don't have an actual candidates in your party that can match up or let alone have a real vision for America. I mean I wouldn't do these kinds of things, like fabricate bogus movies that make unsubstantiated claims.

How much longer will the American public be blindsided by biases and bitter opposition. I mean even in other parts of the world where opposing parties don't see eye to eye they still get things done.

When will you guys wake up and start seeing whats actually going on. You care more about what side the person is standing than actually getting policy changed or improvements made, that America dearly needs.

Seriously, if things continue going down this path and you don't find a way to compromise and agree on certain things, all these dystopian films and TV shows that are getting so popular, will become reality.

Why was Obama elected the first time, if you don't want change?
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Politcally biased mockumentary.
charlieblues25 September 2012
It is unclear whether this amateurish effort is meant to offend the political left or right. The left will find it generally offensive, and "Birthers" on the right will be frustrated by the undermining of their narrative.

A curious Director's Note precedes the film, acknowledging that the contents are "based on actual events," of "probable events," and "approximated conversations." http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/805/dreamsfrommyrealfatherx.jpg/

The whole of the film is presented in "Mockumentary" style (as are Director Joel Gilbert's other efforts, "Elvis Found Alive" and, "Paul McCartney Really is Dead-") with the first-person narrative meant to be the "true" voice of President Obama. The voice-over makes no real effort to sound similar to Barak Obama's tone or speech patterns, but continually presents fabricated emotional observations and descriptions as autobiographical.

The film is entertaining. Although the narrative is pedantic, predictable, and clumsy in it's stereotypes; Jazz music, nude photography, college education, foreigners and minorities are presented as communist threats to America; The Federal Government of the United States is (curiously at odds with modern Conservative thinking) a font of righteous American morals, including McCarthyism, the CIA, Hoover's FBI and anything vaguely military.

The writer is unable to reconcile his (again, Joel Gilbert) attempt at presenting Barak Obama's inner-voice with his own political agenda. The snide asides about Affirmative Action and habitual labeling of "Commies" are packed in with open attempts to paint President Obama as a race hater and devious subversive.

It can be hoped that reactionary personalities on both sides of the contemporary American political divide will view this film as either a baseless Mockumentary, sarcastically intended to show the ridiculous ease of exaggeration and misdirection, or as an inept and markedly vicious effort at inflaming an already discordant political environment.

For myself; I've seen plenty of this kind of garbage from both the liberal and conservative spectrum. If you find this kind of flailing and dishonest manipulation entertaining (as I do), I recommend Michael Moore's films, Glen Beck's books, and any commercial effort that purports to share a shocking and hidden truth.

Think for yourself!
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This documentary is absolutely awful.
Jorge_De_Feria25 October 2012
I also received this DVD in the mail and I took it as political propaganda against President Obama facing the presidential election. But, when I saw it, I realized that this film was much more than a mere political propaganda, to become a totally false and offensive document, not only for President Obama, but to their legitimate parents, for the prestigious Occidental College, for president's wife and for the people of the United States. I do not understand how a filmmaker can dare to make an "alternative autobiography" of a character as well known as the president of the United States and place an actor (whose name is not given) to tell the story as if it were the biography of a character who died long ago. I'm not surprised at all that it is rated so low and they have to give it away, because this documentary film is pure garbage. So I pour it immediately where it belongs, in the trash can.
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Excellent Documentary
mike_1947200311 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Since I already knew much about Obama's background, I needed to know how a kid from Hawaii became a high ranking politician in Chicago. This DVD explains it all. I found nothing in it controversial, unless you want to claim the DVD itself is controversial, it is otherwise factual, well assembled and detailed. It could have been twice as long, but is long enough for those who aren't aware of Obama's background, much of which has been hidden by the mainstream media. That is also explained. I highly recommend this DVD for those still seeking answers. It is known that Franklin Marshall Davis was a member of CPUSA, that he was in Hawaii and a mentor to Obama. It is also known that Barack Obama Sr. spend very little time with his "child". Again, this DVD explains what happened and reveals much more about Obama's dysfunctional family, and why he prefers to be considered a "black" American and the source of his anger about America.
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Right-Wing Racist Trash
dbrown179331 October 2012
Just when you think the right-wing can't sink any deeper into the gutter, they surprise you. This "documentary" will take its place in history alongside every pseudo-scientific film Joseph Goebbels and the Nazis created to "prove" Jews were a sub-human species. The "plot" of "Dreams From My Real Father" is not worth discussing because it lacks any facts whatsoever. It is an election prompted piece of character assassination.

The good news is that when screened to un-decided voters at various focus group gatherings in the swing states, the response was universal revulsion. The vast majority of Americans are decent people and were justifiably repelled by the blatant lies, racism and sexism that is on display here.

It is interesting that Amazon and Netflix both categorize this film in the same genre as Dinesh D'Souza's laughable "2016" and docs about the mentally unbalanced Ayn Rand whose philosophy of greed and selfishness is a favorite of the Tea Party movement. If they included documentaries denying the Holocaust, it would be complete.
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Bamboozled the World in Obvious Fashion
nuangrydad18 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers

Had Obama been a Republican, he'd have been swallowed in the primary process and spit out for eternity.

His blatant lies about non-association with radical communists and/or criminals Davis, Ayers, Dohrn, Rev Wright, and Rezko would have been screamed from the highest mountains and echoed forever.

The proof of these lies are so apparent for anyone who cares to look, but this film makes it easy for anyone who cares to know the truth.

Also, anyone who has remotely studied Alinsky or just read Cliff's Notes for Rules for Radicals can see that Obama has check-boxed every aspect of attempting to turn our capitalist, democratic republic into a socialist cesspool; also well highlighted in this film.

The damage to our country's businesses, citizens, and courts have been in many ways irreparably damaged by this conman who successfully sold lie after lie to the American people in a gross attempt to destroy our civil society through wealth redistribution, class warfare, race warfare, mass gov't regulation, and non-stop chaos.

It's a shame this film has to show people in hindsight what could've easily been averted if our society hadn't been so ripe to seek easy answers from a socialist demagogue.
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Wonderful - takes less than 3 minutes online to debunk!
suzzel3 November 2012
Here is how you do it:

1. Listen to the "Obama quote" played over a montage towards the end of the film, where it sounds like he says the following:

"There are millions of working families in this country who are now forced to take their children to food banks for a decent meal. The free market, it doesn't work. It has never worked."

Doesn't sound quite right, does it?

2. Type in "President Obama Speaks on the Economy" in a search engine and click on the video on the White House website.

3. Play minute mark 23:23-23:30 4. Go back and play 10:58-11:01 5. Go forward to 16:18-16:22

More concerned about those dirty pictures? They were published in the magazine Erotique, which was published 1955- 1959. All issues of Erotique are scanned and uploaded online, available for free on the website retrojunkie. See for instance issue 23, picture 2, which is featured in this film as a picture of Ann Dunham. The copywrite year, 1958, is visible.

Since people who believe this movie have maintained that those are probably photoshopped (the irony), Collins also made a video where he flips through the pages of "The Complete Erotique" and zooms in on each featured picture. He posted it on youtube and it's titled "Fever Dreams of My Father".

There is of course much much more I could add, but I think that gives a pretty good idea of the quality of this film.
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Very Revealing
maximusj-125384 November 2019
Lots of interesting info about Obama, and many things you've never heard. It appears to have been researched very well. The negative reviews are based on people not liking information that flows against the norm, and their own political bias. They can't dispute the information contained in the documentary.
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Resonates despite tabloid style
bsa194417 October 2012
As a reformed leftist who participated in the turbulence of the 60's and 70's, I find this film has the ring of truth and deserves to be watched. Most people in this country are naive and simply don't recognize how the left operates and what their real goals are for this country. As a result they are blinded to the signs which are right in front of their eyes.

However, that being said, I was somewhat put off by the tabloid style especially in the early part of the film. It almost made me feel that if one listens to jazz and likes poetry then they are suspect of being unAmerican which is a J. Edgar Hooveresque stereotype that I heartily reject. Sometimes things are more nuanced than what this film presents. Also, I don't know if many of the photographs of Obama's mother are real or not, however the assertion that Obama's real father was Frank Marshall Davis is very plausible to me and goes a long way toward explaining many things that I find troubling about the "official" account of Obama's upbringing.

After watching the whole film my response was that the real Obama has finally been unmasked even though I was somewhat put off by it's tabloid style. I urge everyone to watch it and ponder its message. The future of the country is on the line.
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An Insult To Human Intelligence.
rmax30482320 June 2015
The sociologists owe us a good, useful, short, simple word for "collective insanity." I agree with the makers of this fake tabloid garbage that there is indeed something wrong with America. This is a symptom.

It's hard to know how this movement towards conspiracies got started. Of course it's an expression of our overall move to the right. Two political scientists, Rosenthal and Poole (easily Googled) did a respectable study of voting patterns in the congress and found that the drift to the extreme right began around 1970.

Note that it was before Obama so racism can't account for all of it.

In any case, the rough beast has slouched towards Bethlehem and given birth to this.
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I will be voting against President Obama in the upcoming election but I STILL think this movie is really bad.
planktonrules21 October 2012
I received this DVD in the mail to me and I assume it's being mailed free to bazillions of voters around the US (and I am sure particularly here in Florida). I was curious about the film and decided to give it a watch. After all, it said that it was about President Obama's REAL father. But before I go on, I should honestly point out that I have zero intention of voting for Obama--I really hate his policies and feel he's divisive when he really should be focused on lowering out of control government spending. Yet, oddly, as I watched this film, I felt a bit sorry for him. Why? Because with the central allegation about Obama the film provided no evidence--none! It was full of declarative sentences (such as saying his father was NOT from Africa but was an American communist) with no substantiation whatsoever. Could these odd allegations be true? After seeing "Dreams from My Real Father", I have absolutely no idea! I would say that regardless of who the President's father is (even if it's a chipmunk), the film really missed the big picture. Regardless of his parentage, it should have focused exclusively on the man's policies and how the US economy and government spending is doing after four years. Stick to the concrete and provable facts--not weird speculation. As for the film's discussion of his past association with ultra-leftists and communists, this IS true and a matter of record--and is valid for discussion--though his failed policies are still much more relevant.

Weird unsubstantiated theories about the President's parentage--that just sounds like some nutty conspiracy unless facts can be presented instead of just accusations. It's a shame, as some parts of the film are worth seeing (the second half isn't very nutty and makes many valid points) but the overall picture is a bit too illogical and poorly constructed to be taken very seriously.
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An Embarrassment For Legitimate Critics of Obama
CTS-11 October 2013
At first, this brain-damaged hatchet job seems like an example of Poe's Law gone way too far. It is so outrageous that even most reasonable Republicans walk away in disgust, secretly hoping that this is either a failed parody/satire, or even better, an action by a Democrat Agent Provocateur type designed to make everyone to the right of Obama look like a lunatic.

But, instead, it is the work of a conspiracy theorist, and has been adopted by the "Obama is a secret Muslim/Communist" crowd. Every time a so-called conservative cites to this trash with approval, intelligent conservatives should hang their heads in shame, or better yet, take conservatism back from these imbeciles.

For those who are criticizing the GOP as "the party of stupid," they can point to this as Exhibit A.
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This is a visual Tabloid - propaganda B.S.
tom-gill6 September 2013
It starts with: "Director's Note: This film is based on actual events, interviews, and archives, as well as recreations of probable events, using reasoned logic, and approximated conversations to provide a cohesive understanding of Obama's history. Is this the story Barack Obama should have told, revealing his true political foundations and his agenda for fundamentally transforming America? (signed) Joel Gilbert" The terms "...probable events, using reasoned logic, and approximated conversations..." are the real meat of this piece of junk. Communism has proved to be a failed experiment. It's hard to believe that Gilbert truly thinks Obama would model his administration on those ideals. He's like a little gossiping drama queen, who wanted to do as much damage as he could to Obama. Hell, it isn't even well done. And...to be fair, maybe Michael Moore should take a cue from those director notes.
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Very dishonest, devious and outright lies, not by Obama at all 1/10
bruce-1292 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Scrolling through videos to watch in Amazon Prime I came across this one. After having watched President Barack Obama's last Media Correspondent's dinner, I thought before he leaves office I ought to find out a little more about him. Timely, huh? In 2008 I thought we did not know enough about him, but there is certainly more to Barack Obama than meets the eye, so why not learn more? Why not indeed ... but this movie has nothing.

It is titled to sound like his autobiographical book introducing himself to the country for his run for the Presidency, but it is not that, it is a very dishonest attempt to pretend to sound like it was written about Obama.

Well, it started out interestingly enough, spoken in an intimate first person tone as if it was written in Barack Obama's own voice it starts to talk about his father being a communist and how bringing communism to the US was his lifelong dream. OK ... what's wrong here. I took a closer look and this is nothing Obama did himself. In the reader's voice it says he knows he misled the American people and goes on more about communism.

Well, I don't know how unintelligent someone has to be to watch this so-called documentary and believe it, but I knew right away it was nonsense. I am no expert in communism or Marxism, but I know enough to know that Obama is not a Marxist, or a communist or anything close to that. He is more of the 1% and American elitist with a casual laid back pragmatic attitude that allows him to interact with people with great social skills.

I am not am Obama fan, though his care-taking of the US from 2008 to 2016 was a fairly good piece of work. He passed ObamaCare which was better than nothing, but certainly not communist or Marxist. I prefer a more New Deal approach of Single Payer Health care. He did not find a way to deal with the Republicans so he did allow the tax cuts to remain and the budget deficits to rise ... and that is sooner or later going to kill the country, or at least bankrupt the government. Who knows how far away that time is, so I think in the near future people will look back on the Obama years with nostalgia.

Back to this fictitious attack on Obama ... it is so devious and underhanded that if it was true there would no need to soup it up and try to deceive viewers and push a bunch of lies into it. I am sad I wasted time on this and it is even more sad that there are so many Americans who would waste time, energy and money to attack a popular President who isn't perfect, but has done what he thinks he can do in office - agree or disagree with him.

This movie is awful, to be avoided and warned against. 1/10
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Barry's real brother Marck is on Yahoo Chat
jinkygough20 March 2023
Barry Obama's real father is Frank Marshall Davis, CPUSA 47544. The Kenya story is a fairy tale for suckers and morons.

Yes, Barry's real brother, Frank's other 1/2 white son, is on Yahoo Chat as a troll for his brother, the real son of Frank Marshall Davis, CPUSA 47544.

It is quite an amazing coincidence for Mark Davis and Barrack Davis to look just alike. Furthermore, what a coincidence that there was a black male in Hawaii who somehow looks just like Barry and also ended up as his mentor. Of course we all know that Barry Obama's real father is Frank Marshall Davis, CPUSA 47544, and that in fact, the entire Kenya story is a fairy tale.

Of course the entire mentor story is a lie also between Barry Obama and his real father, Frank Marshall Davis, CPUSA 47544. Frank Davis is Barrack Obama's real father.

Also in the story that is a fact, Michelle Obama is just another dumb city trash girl who needed affirmative action to get into college.

Yes, she is in this video admitting that she did not have the mental capacity like white folks to get into college and that she needed a program for re tarded people to get into college.
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Actual racist propaganda
khenson-014464 January 2020
It makes no sense. The impersonation voice is terrible and there are no properties of visual similarities between the two men besides them both being black. I don't understand how people believe this poorly contrived story whatsoever.
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Background of Joel Gilbert
linda-504-31729117 October 2012
The so-called "documentary" is pure fiction and speculation. Joel Gilbert is a tool of the people who hire him to make this drivel--such as CPAC and the Hudson Institute. That at least is documented. If I were to speculate, I'd say the same money that went into finding an Egyptian Muslim with too many pseudonyms to count (Nakoula Basseley Nakoula being one, Sam Bacile another) paid for this undocumented documentary based on excerpts from Barack Obama's first book. Gilbert's previous work was shown with praise at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Conference in Washington D.C. and was a winning film at the Hudson Institute Film Festival in New York City. The Hudson Institute was founded by Herbert Kahn, son of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe, who worked with Albert and Roberta Wohlstetter to establish the Neoconservative group of crazies that controlled George W. Bush's warmongering administration.
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Excreble garbage
timoconnor3 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Absolute trash, verifiably false, produced by and for hate filled racist idiots. That's all the effort I am going to expend on this piece of crap.

I felt like a needed a shower after watching this for fear of becoming infected with its malignant bacterial swill.

Absolute trash, verifiably false, produced by and for hate filled racist idiots. That's all the effort I am going to expend on this piece of crap.

I felt like a needed a shower after watching this for fear of becoming infected with its malignant bacterial swill.

Absolute trash, verifiably false, produced by and for hate filled racist idiots. That's all the effort I am going to expend on this piece of crap.

I felt like a needed a shower after watching this for fear of becoming infected with its malignant bacterial swill.
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A mental therapist is what the film maker needs
PoppyPepper3 July 2021
This documentary is embarrassing, not to the past president but to the American people and the film maker. Why?

In school, we are taught to respect and revere our president. But of course this only changed with our first African American president and not with Andrew Jackson who created genocide with the Native American people.

It's sad that people even watch a film of lies only validate their deep rooted racism.

What is even more so sad, is that many people watching this film of lies with heart full of hate are my own sisters and brothers in Christ.

Please read your Bible's and pray the hate in your heart away.

If any joker wanted to recreate YOUR story or lineage and make a mockery of it, would you like it?
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