The Fire That Took Her (2022) Poster

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Needs More Word-Of-Mouth
helenahandbasket-9373428 February 2024
This was absolutely heartbreaking and horrific to watch- do NOT let anyone under the age of at least 16 watch this, it's truly nightmare fuel and they're not old enough to understand the complexity of the case(s).

I'm glad that justice finally arrived and he is sitting exactly where he belongs- my feelings on th death penalty are irrelevant, but Judy wanted him to suffer in prison for life so that's what happened. It's truly disgusting that he couldn't admit the truth of his actions and for once be a man.

All that being said, there are a few major issues needing more attention- domestic violence and drug addiction. Those who are victims are usually a product of raising that also involved the affliction(s) but not always. Learning the cues immediately is paramount to saving victims. Perps will prey upon those with low esteem and start by love-bombing- showering victims with more love and attention than they have ever known and spend a lot of time on what looks like support but is anything but. It takes almost no time to make victims reliant on them for support and what they think is love. The gaslighting is overwhelming and before anyone realizes it, the victim is buying into the lies and feels cared for and loved. They'll alienate them from loved ones and:or friends. Stay close to anyone you suspect is a victim and softly support, maintain contact and love them.

As far as addiction-how tragic is it that Judy became a victim due to cancer? We must do more for addicts; drug courts are working mostly, but we need better recovery services for those who struggle repeatedly. And not just for the addicts, but the families of addicts to give them support from something other than just AA/NA/etc., that is clearly not enough and legislation needs to change if we hope to make even a dent in the problem.

I'm so sorry to this wonderful family and I sincerely hope Judy's children and family have sought therapy to help them heal these deep wounds and find their hope again.
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tomtpcarpe6 October 2023
The combination of wonderful courage and pure evil make this documentary compelling and a must-watch. It points out the many flaws in our legal system vis-a-vis domestic abuse and the lack of consequences for the abusers. It emphasizes the remarkable courage of the abused woman, to the point that her actions from her death bed led to an outcome that should have been reached much earlier in the case. I won't use the term "judicial system" because a lawyer friend told me if justice is achieved in court, it is serendipitous. So, our legal system is in need of constant tweaking and revising. Watch this film to see how it can be done.
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solojere11 June 2023
How does this not have more reviews? This was amazing and also incredibly heartbreaking at the same time. This documentary follows the story of Judy Malinowski, who was set on fire by her boyfriend, and the attempt by law enforcement to bring him to justice. It is one of those things you have to see to believe, but this poor woman. Every time they showed interviews with Judy, I wanted to cry. No one should have to endure what this poor lady has gone through. And it really highlights a bigger problem of domestic violence and how it is handled in the United States. It's so sad that the legal system is set up in such a way that people charged with domestic violence can get such light sentences, especially if the victim doesn't die, and that certain evince can't be used in court is mind-blowing. It's not very long, but definitely worth watching. In fact, I would say its a must watch for Judy's testimony alone.
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you have to ...
ops-5253528 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
See it , to believe it, and believe in me when i say that my boost of hatred towards a person ,that i see on a screen pleading his innoscence, couldnt reach higher than hitler, stalin or milosevich have made me feel in the past.

The unrelentless actions made by a man towards his woman, setting her on fire by pouring gasoline over her and lighting her up, trying to pretend that he was just giving her cigarette the glow, caught on camera in the middle of the afternoon behind a gas station in ohio goes far beyond my imagination of cruel intent.

Being nurse by profession, burns like this, caused either by a fire or by acid, the pain and the utter desperation for relievance is larger than life.the midevals talked about the pain of the purgatorial flames of hell, and yes actions like this really sends people into hell, wont dwell more over that, just hope the culprit gets a ''warm welcome'' in each and every hotspot of a jail he comes to.

My thoughts and feelings goes to the mum and children and family of judy malinowski. Stay strong, cause she fullfilled her dream, putting her reaper behind bars forever and has won over the pain of living, she is not in pain anymore, imagine that my dears and look up in the night sky, its her tinkling star shining at you.

A production that doesnt hide away the truth of cruel human behaviour, nobody is perfect, search me. Watch the film and share the grumpy old mans thoughts to them who needs it. A recommend.
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Difficult to watch
cotk355 March 2024
The family have mixed feelings about the death penalty, but the Holy Bible is clear on the matter. One's life is to be forfeited when a life is deliberately taken. Long drawn out appeals, and the for-profit, Corporate penal institutions do not help stem the tide of ever increasing murder. Many Jews, Christians, Muslims, and folk of other faiths believe in an-eye-for-an-eye.

I am not the only one that notices a general disdain for authority, and no fear for the one true God of all creation. When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan." Proverbs 29:2.
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One of the most harrowing, disturbing crimes ever depicted
garrettvc-2411514 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
True crime is more than just an interest for me, it's a hobby. I try contribute to cases on Websleuths and reddit, watch as many docs as possible and Ive become desensitized. Many crime scene photos, reports, and interviews of families. Until I watched this, the only ones that got to me were Gabriel Fernandez, Dear Zachary, and Paradise Lost. But this got to me. Seeing this poor girl set on fire and burned like trash angered and sickened me. Over 50 surgeries in two years in gut wrenching pain, and she still died. Its heartbreaking how evil people can be to each other. This is unique because unlike most murders, the person dies within 72hrs, and their families can't properly mourn..This is as if someone kidnapped a person and torture them in their basement for two years. She's in excruciating pain, the family has no idea if and when their daughter will die, it's just awful. This is a heartbreaking documentary, and the first one with an adult victim that has been added to my list. Reminds me of Jessica Chambers, as her killer set her on fire as well, and likely never to get justice for her. This one is more emotional..I'm watching it again within 2 weeks it's that good. Prayers go out to Judy Malinowski, her children, and the rest of her family.
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I'll add a review - don't watch this with kids around.
akurschybee13 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't feel like I should have to preface ANY of my thoughts and feelings about this film - so I won't. You'll probably figure that out on your own. This story is tragic - watch at your own risk.

I don't know WHAT I thought I was going to be watching. It physically made me sick for SO, SO MANY reasons. I cried most of the way through it. I have a daughter around the same age and I wonder what I would do if someone did that to ANY of my kids. THEN - you learn about these terrible laws that are on the books that favor criminals. That's one thing that's true. If you're going to enter into a legal battle, it's going to be LONG and expensive. AND THAT IS APPALLING.

Injuring someone up to the point of death, maiming them severely forever, ON PURPOSE - should be a first degree felony. And with something like THIS CASE - where it was ALL caught on film - he should have received the death penalty. I'm not exactly sure why taxpayers have to fork out $150,000 per inmate - EVERY SINGLE INMATE. That's a lot of money that could be going somewhere else.
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A Woman's Strength
ocean_lovercc20 September 2023
I was reluctant to watch the documentary being a previous victim of domestic abuse. I was able to get away from my abuser physically unharmed but not mentally. The reoccurring nightmares of him finding and trying to kill me lasted for the three years before slowly subsiding. However I have not been in a relationship since for nearly 20 years now. I didn't understand why. I thought it was my distrust of men but it was fear. A phobic fear of attracting a predator again. Once you come under their radar there is no escape. My only sense of safety is to be alone. I know all to well the fear and desperation Judy felt. She probably knew deep in her soul she wasn't going to get out of it in one piece. Very few women that fall prey to these vicious predators do. Judy shows the strength women have to survive the onslaught of the worst abuse imaginable. All the women in the Malinowski family are strong, loving heros. It's a hard thing to watch but it demonstrates endurance by love.
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How do you convey shattering sadness in words?
wokkietime25 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First i want to say that i feel gratitude to Judy for her astonishing strength and perseverance to make sure her story was heard. And im grateful to her and her entire family. She has beautiful strong daughters and i truly hope that they carry on and live their best possible life.

If you have a spare 1hr and 38 minutes in your day to hear and see someone who fought like a true warrior to make sure that a vile lump of cells never saw the outside of a prison until he takes his last breath, then please watch this.

Everyone should be uncomfortable watching this, but its the discomfort that makes it necessary. I cant really say anything else other than get a few tissues ready and this will resonate deeply.
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WOW! Heartbreaking first hand account of domestic violence
tarawieland-4556220 October 2023
Thank you, Judy, for being so strong and courageous to fight for the justice that YOU and so many other victims of domestic abuse and violence deserve! I have no doubt you're a guardian angel diligently working from above! YOU are a hero to so many!

This movie is by far the BEST depiction of the horrors of domestic abuse! It is a truly raw account of how it affects not only the victim, but also all the friends and families involved. I hope and pray that Judy's life will continue to help shape laws and the justice system by being more proactive to the calls for help from the victims of domestic abuse.
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