Almost Naked Animals (TV Series 2011–2013) Poster


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arielsiere16 May 2022
Thah show is disgusting is also the worst Cartoon Network show from 2011 next to The Problem Solverz and Secret Mountain Fort Awesome. Three disgusting shows i am so glad that Secret Mountain Fort Awesome got cancelled in 2012 while The Problem Solverz and Almost Naked Animals got cancelled the same year.
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AwesomeReviewperson22 July 2022
I was a child when I was first exposed to Almost Naked Animals on the free kid's channel ABC 3 (now ABC me). They would play it far too often and I always found the character designs really ugly. Why would I want to see animals that look like they're covered in shaving stubble? It's vomit inducing, really. Talking animals are supposed to be cute and likeable, but they went and did the opposite with this one.

The dog main character is erratic and hyper annoying. He's not funny and never was. The narwhal and poodle and everything else are also really obnoxious. I feel like this show should be illegal for how utterly frustrating it is.
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From the Title Alone you Would Expect an Awful Cartoon, and your Right.
travelertoon27 June 2020
I'm going to review a Canadian cartoon called "Almost Naked Animals." This show is about a group of shaved animals (including a narwhal and an octopus for some reason) wearing their underwear. While running a hotel called the Banana Cabana. I'll tell you this I watch ytv, and when this came on when I was a kid, I didn't watch it. But since now I watched a couple of episodes, for this review. Its awful, and I will go on depth from here on.

So first lets look at the animation. Its bad flash animation. Probably not the worst I have seen, but still. But the animation can also get pretty gross. Like in the episode, "The Ear Wax Elf, "when Howie (the dog) makes a pile of ear wax, and then boogers. Now lets look at the writing. The stories are either way too nonsensical (I'm a fan of Spongebob you know) or too gross, like I mentioned earlier. An example of a nonsensical episode is when Howie gets a remote stuck in his head. Which then causes misery to the other characters. The jokes are the same thing as well.

Now lets look at the characters. The main character Howie is just an idiot. Not a charming one at that. Who makes bad decisions to the other characters. The rest of the characters are just bland. Although I think the rabbit, and octopus are likable characters. Due to how sensible they are. Although the Poodle who is the main antagonist of the show, and is Howie's sister. Is also a Plankton ripoff. The theme song is also pretty obnoxious. Not as bad as Scaredy Squirrel's theme song (which I plan to review). But it still is a pain to the ears.

So overall you wouldn't get a good cartoon from here. The animation is bad. The stories are nonsensical. The jokes are gross. Most of the characters are not likable. But the plus side are that some of the characters are likable. Mainly the rabbit, and octopus. Is it the worst Canadian cartoon. It's close. But it's still a thousand times better than Megababies. (Which I would not review). My overall score is a 2.5/10.
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Oh yeah
bigmacbob26 October 2018
I grew up and watched this masterpiece while I was doing it. I can successfully say it's the best piece of modern media ever produced.
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Truly terrible
TheLittleSongbird26 August 2023
Absolutely adore animation (something that most people know already) and have done as a child. Have always aimed to at least appreciate all kinds of humour, and have seen crude and gross out humour done well (the early seasons of 'Rick and Morty' for instances) and animated shows that broke boundaries and were ahead of their time (i.e. 'South Park'). Have though seen quite a number of bad and worse animated shows and too many instances of crude humour done terribly ('Breadwinners').

The lowest possible rating is a very rare rating for me these days, actually don't like giving it out, as somebody who tries to be as encouraging as possible and tries to see some good in the bad. Which has mostly not been an issue. There have been times where something is so awful to an offensive degree that it is impossible to do that. 'Almost Naked Animals' is one of those instances. Actually tried to see it when younger and hated it even then, back when this reviewer had a number of contrarian opinions, it's even worse through adult eyes.

First and foremost, the animation is at no time of appealing quality. There is no colour vibrancy, everything just looks flat and garish, editing is not tight enough and is often dizzying, the backgrounds lack imagination or smoothness, almost always looking static. The character designs fare the worst, some of the ugliest easily of any animated show (with heads too big for their bodies, which in themselves are ridiculously and jarringly out of proportion) and they just look rough and animated with little care. The music has very little memorable about it, it's loud lazy, and often over-obvious and not particularly well-placed (too random) complete with an instantly forgettable theme tune that annoys rather than charms.

One of the biggest problems is that it is not well written at all, that's being generous, and it is just not funny. It's very crude, random and weirdly absurdist, but also like those shows executes it very poorly, going well overboard with the toilet humour and childish-ness, often disgusting even, than funny. This viewer has no problem with this type of humour, but here it constantly felt lazy and like it was trying too hard, which made every obnoxiously cheesy and witless line of dialogue, puns that a vast majority of the time were so lazily obvious and lacking in taste it was groan-worthy and every increasingly predictable sight gag even more forced and contrived. It also depends whether any weirdness has a reason for being weird, but it came over very randomly more often than not and increasing in tastelessness.

Moreover, the target audience is constantly in question, because the constantly chaotic feel will see kids finding it too hard to take, and that it's embarrassingly juvenile and lacks any kind of edge or smart writing will irritate adults. The story lines, when they are ever distinguishable (the overload of childish and overly gross out humour too often completely override the story), are also heavy in contrivance, randomness and predictability and incredibly light in emotional resonance, fun or sense to the point all three are practically non-existent, with constantly uneven pacing, with some episodes in serious need of more breathing time and others feeling lazy as a result of the comic timing not being as sharp as it could have been. The characters are all extremely irritating and the voice acting is ear bleeding and like there was no effort being put into it.

Summing up, absolutely terrible. 1/10.
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gabriellat229 January 2013
After reading some reviews of this show, I thought, 'What are these people thinking?' God, I still can't believe people actually like this show. I'd write a long essay on this show, but I don't want to waste anybody's time or mine on this garbage, so let's simplify it to this: it's an obnoxious show with stupid characters. I can't believe my little brother likes this show! I got so annoyed with this show, I forced him to change it to Cartoon Network to watch Johnny Test. I don't like that show, either, but at least it's a lot better than this! Now my brother wants to keep watching it and refuses to change the channel, so now I'm stuck listening to that show in the morning (yep, I do my best to not watch it, yet that's kind of hard, since the table I eat breakfast on is right in front of the living room/TV), and I have to use all my willpower to not go insane. Exactly who came up with this?! Animals wearing underwear?! God, what has the world come to?!
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Why is this a thing?!?!
windmillstoilets8 January 2023
I mean like the title suggests a show with partial nudity and revealing outfits but it being geared toward kids?! Almost Naked Animals would not be able to air today. The show is about animals who are shaved down to the skin. All the female characters also appear to have b00bs that stick out of their bras. Most of the humor is just toilet humor, gross out jokes, nut shots, and sometimes possible sexual interpretations. This show is basically Drawn Together for kids. The trend of having disgusting characters might have been considered old as of the 2000s but I guess not. Canadian tv isn't as strict as US tv. Somebody better have gotten fired for this.
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Makes me sick!!
drama-8312312 January 2019
This show is absolutely disgusting. I would never recommended this abomination.
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nasdagoodshepherd6 June 2019
This is disgusting, what the hell did I just watched?! The animal character designs, looks at them! They look gross and uncomfortable for us to look at! Almost Naked Animals is a show about a dog named Howie (A silly almost naked dog, and the character who I honestly liked because he's silly) runs at a hotel. That's the story we got, folks. His sister Poodle (The show's main antagonist) is honestly a generic villain, come on, she is like a generic version of Plankton from Spongebob Squarepants. Not only is this show gross to look at, but it's SUPER UNFUNNY and the some of the writing is dull, bland and lazy. Say what you about Fish Hooks, but that show was originally funny and charming unlike this and Pickle and Peanut. The voice acting is not that bad also. Give Almost Naked Animals a 4.1/10
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Oh my God, Why?!
mitsubishizero24 July 2019
Why did this need to be created? This's one of the strangest and ugliest cartoons i've ever seen. The characters look hideous, the stories are lame and the animation looks awful. Why did Cartoon Network pick this up to air? This's one of the worst cartoons to appear on their channel! It goes without saying but don't check this show out at all!
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for god sake, give them some fur
Howard-300391 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start on this show, no seriously, this is one of the worst shows I've ever seen on cartoon network,Uncle Grandpa is hated by everyone and I'm like, Why?, but i can understand why Almost Naked Animals is getting panned by people.The first thing you'll notice is that they took off all the hair off of the characters,and even added hair to some, like Octo, Noah Z Jones,You have made a show about fishes,haven't you do your research? The next thing you'll notice is the jokes, its said to be 3-10, but they added all the woman characters like Bunny to have Boobs sticking out of their bras,and Howie once busted a nut, and once,Duck crapped on the chip dip at his "own" party,so it's not aimed at any demographic, are they aiming to a demographic that doesn't exist, or the "Happy Maddison" audience.The last thing you'll notice is that, the animals are all horribly drawn,like they're rejected Pokedrawings from Vinesauce. The only plus i can give it is, it's voice acting, They Got Rob Tinkler in it, He's one of my inspirations for voice acting, but i feel that this is his weakest performance voicing this rejected Cronenburg Monster. They all look like they're in a David Lynch Horror film, So Generally, if you like Noah Z Jones,Then go watch the 7D or Fish Hooks. I recommend you skip this rejected Cronenburg movie that was made by The Fish Hook.
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Why so much hate?
tommypezmaster2 April 2015
This show may be a turning point for Canadian animation, it does have potential. Although I sort of like this show for being quite nostalgic to my childhood with it's cherry protagonist, which I simply adore, I kind of feel this show is good for watching if there was nothing better to watch on TV. Oh, and if you're wondering what shows that Canada made that fails, I will get to that. This show can be kind of iffy at times, but it still entertains you enough to not change the channel. Overall, this show isn't too bad, but it's still a pretty decent show compared to all of the other garbage that Canada had made (Yakkity Yak, Johnny Test, Will and DeWitt, World of Quest Pearlie, Being Ian, Sidekick and Scaredu Squirrel).
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Not Bad
ghastadef11 September 2020
Despite this show purposely being ugly I don't thinks it's that bad I watched this when I was a kid and I loved it. I am not a kid anymore ,but I still don't think it's that bad I think the art style is creative and I haven't seen a single fart joke honestly I don't think this show deserves the hate it's getting.
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This was actually targeted for kids?
michaellaffey86818 September 2016
Dear Noah Jones are you freaking kidding me? You actually targeted this show to our children? This doesn't even look like a kids show! This looks like an internet show that would be targeted for college kids. I mean are you kidding me? This makes other horrible shows like Johnny Test look like Charlie Brown and it makes Out Of Jimmy's Head look like Hey Arnold. NO I AM NOT KIDDING .. THIS ACTUALLY MAKES OUT OF JIMMY'S HEAD LOOK LIKE HEY ARNOLD!!!!!

I mean, why would you actually release a children's show about animals running around and having misadventures in their underwear? I mean I've seen other stuff like this before like the book series Captain Underpants but that's a different story because that story is actually about a tough school principal who is secretly a superhero in underwear disguise, this show on the other hand has female animals topless and in their bikinis! There is no family fun value whatsoever with this horrid show, watching this show makes me wonder why I am even living on this planet.

So many parents complained about how so horrible this show was some of them even considered it to be porn! I don't blame them! Even when my mom watched this show for the first time on Cartoon Network (Usually she doesn't really care what TV shows we watch) even she thought the show was gross and believe me it triggered her to write a letter to Cartoon Network about how horrible that show was and wanted it off the air.

Believe it or not when our children of today get older and they look back at this show later in life they will completely regret it and they will wonder why they were even exposed this show in the first place. I mean there were some shows I regret watching as a child like Butt Ugly Martians and Street Sharks but this I swear even Butt Ugly Martians and Street Sharks were way much better shows to watch than this garbage they actually release for kids. I thought Out Of Jimmy's Head was the real horrid crap but seriously just why release this .

This show wouldn't be such a problem if they had to target it for kids. Like come on even I don't want my future kids to be watching such a show like this. Thankfully the show was taken off Cartoon Network within I believe 1 year, they also had another terrible show on called Scaredy Squirrel but even I think that show was way much better to watch than ALMOST NAKED FREAKING ANIMALS!!!! Seriously Noah Jones, I don't think making kids cartoons are you're thing. I think he needs to stop making cartoons for kids and probably try his best to make a cartoon that would be better for teenagers or adults and put it on adult swim or something. So far Noah Jones made 3 cartoons, (Fish Hooks, Almost Naked Animals & Pickle & Peanut).

Fish Hooks wasn't really all that good and Pickle & Peanut was just a waste of time. Of course Pickle & Peanut came after Almost Naked Animals but I think Pickle & Peanut should have just been a show for Adult Swim.

Overall . Almost Naked Animals is a complete disaster and believe me no child or adult should ever have to be forced to watch this. This show makes me want to become a fan of Johnny Test and Out Of Jimmy's Head I am not even kidding around here guys .
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This Show Sucks
Good God what in the world is this Crap Almost Naked Animals What was Noah Z. Jones Thinking. I Do Like Pickle & Peanut and I know a lot people hate that show but I think it a pretty good show. THIS SHOW HOWEVER SUCKS BALLS. Okay so This show is about a Retarded dog Named Howie who owns a Hotel resort called Banana Cabana and hang out with his friends. This show has really ugly animation and annoying voice acting. The show aired on the Canadian TV Channel YTV from January 7th, 2011-May 22nd, 2013 and on Cartoon Network in June 2011. This show is just awful. Watch Regular Show or Adventure Time or Gravity Falls. STAY AWAY FROM Almost Naked Animals. This Show Sucks. Anyway I'm Giving Almost Naked Animals a 1/10 stars. See You Later. BYE.
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maybe 2 funny jokes but the rest is not funny
RhythmMakoto1 June 2020
The Series may had 2 funny jokes maybe 3 but thats it. The series is incredibly ugly, i dont watched it again after 3 episodes because of this artstyle ahh
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Underrated show! Hands Down
troveking28 March 2019
This is one of the most underrated show on Cartoon Network. It reminds me of Vincent Brooks from Catherine (2011 video game) having a white underwater with a pink dots. I just wanna know that I love furries, and This show is about furries wearing underwater. That's weird. The music sounds good, The theme song was not bad, and The animation was good. Way better than Steven Universe.
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Very underrated!
scalladosis5 December 2019
Why does everyone hate this? This show is hilarious, the episodes are well written, and the voice acting is great. I've loved this show from a young age, and I still love it.

This doesn't deserve a 3.1 out of 10. I think it deserves a 7 or 8 out of 10 because while it's an awesome show overall, I guess it can get kind of annoying. For example, Howie's high pitched laugh is a bit annoying, but that's about it.

Almost Naked Animals is one of my favourite shows! 10/10!
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Tons of fun!
Radiation_Hamster4 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is a review for the all Canadian TV Series, Almost Naked Animals. I at first was reluctant at watching this, but it really started to grow on me and here is why. First off they're all wearing nothing but underpants and they're shaved, and my favourite character is the dog Howie who is the manager of the hotel, the Banana Cabana, he is very hyperactive and erratic, like my personality. What I love best about the show is that something unexpected always seems to happen. My other favourite character is Duck, because he is very eccentric, and peculiar in some ways. Howie has an evil, older sister named Poodle, and their relationship is similar to the relationship between me and my sister, so I can relate to it. Poodle is also the manager of a rival hotel, the château chatoo, which is very classy, and she always plots to take over Howie's hotel.
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cute & lovable
john-baner-dc1 August 2011
animals in underwear have silly adventures while living on a tropical resort called " ".

this is a good family show on cartoon network like "sidekicks".

the dog "Howie" is the main character & his best friend Ollie the octopus. Howies has an evil sister "Poodle" and she has a pet bat named "Batty".

this cartoon will keep anyone entertained with its goofy humor & lovable characters. All characters are animals wearing various types of underwear and solving silly problems together.

i highly recommend this awesome show! 10 out of 10
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This show is a amazing
lachjmcg2 September 2020
If you could never think animation could get any better think again. Almost Naked Animals is one of the most critically acclaimed Animated shows of all time, with get 94% on rotten tomatoes. This show has large focus on comedy while following our protagonist Howie while he teams up with and Octopus, a intellectual Duck, and many more buddies. This show is must watch for anyone who loves animation mixed with comedy.
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Not so bad, did not liked it at first though.
Mikeyelfie111 August 2011
The first time I heard about this show coming to Cartoon Network I said "Oh, S--t! More junk is coming to cartoon network! This time its an effed up show about animals in there underwears! What is this the kids version of Playboy???". But when I actually watched it for the first time, the theme song was a blast! I couldn't get enough of it! The theme song gets stuck in my head while I watch the show, but that's okay though its aweomse! My favorite characters on the show is the duck and the bunny. By the way the duck actually reminds me a little bit of "Goofy". The bunny I must ambit but she is a little cute, I do like her pink undies though. LOL! I think you should be a least eight to watch this show because if you are under eight there are some stuff in it that might freak the little ones out. By the way the poodle on the show for some reason looks like the animal version of "Lady gaga". The cartoon is pretty entertaining if you are over 10 actually. I know there might be haters but just ignore them after a few days they will like it, like me at first I thought it was going to garbage but its not! Its hilarious! Oh and has anyone see the episode where they lose the banana for there tvs? Its pretty entertaining. Good show! You probably might hate it at first but you will get used to it.
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Very epic anime
ilikememes-3599425 February 2020
This show is my favorite anime, I rate 2000000000000/3 because I love it. The show captures the nakedness well and is very mature. My very favorite part is when they showed a chicken in a pool of gravy...

TL;DR Very epic anime Would recommend

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Clean innocent fun
insanefido27 December 2016
The only show I watched on television for many years before I stopped watching television. My children and I loved every episode we saw regardless of how often it was repeated. I particularly like the fact that so many people seem to have been offended by it. Like beauty offence is in the mind of the beholder and the beholders who provided the negative reviews have only themselves to blame. The cartoon characters are charming in a ridiculous way and lampoon the characters, I suspect, of those who would have it removed from viewing space. In 40 years of working I have met many lovable lunatics who have upset very many more self important busybodies and dour drab "normal" people, and this show is a reminder not to take ourselves too seriously as we are after all merely mobile tubular bags of water with a little self awareness.
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tamwolf-129495 January 2022
This made my childhood, hilarious. I would say that it is like family guy for kids. I know some say it is bad and "ugly" but they must have never watched ren and stimpy.
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