"Star Wars: The Bad Batch" Decommissioned (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Okay but something needs to happen soon
maxglen4 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ever since the action packed and eventful season premiere, Bad Batch has been drip feeding us ideas of what's going to come with tidbits of information, sometimes in a good episode, sometimes in a mediocre one but I must say this is certainly the most average of the season. The Martinez twins aren't exactly the kind of characters I get excited to see. It was nice to have the battle droids back and to have some more insight to what's going on with Wrecker's chip but nothing of any real significance happened here. We were teased at the end with a character reveal but once again the show skimped and we we're left with little to nothing in terms of actual story progression. The action and visuals were pretty but that can only keep me interested for so long. A strong 5 to a 6 on this one.
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tinlittlenerd4 June 2021
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After such an incredible first episode, the show has been nothing but filler since. Wrecker's chip should not be getting teased for this long without something major happening. We've seen Crosshair twice since the first episode and now it seems like we're just going to be waiting a whole season for another cameo just like the Mandalorian. There are plenty more Star Wars shows in the future and I hope they learn to stop following this formula for their other shows.
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OK We got it! Where is the Action and back story for the BAD Batch clones?
hammerhead-dk4 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with some of the reviews, I am getting a little tired of waking up on Friday morning excited for BB, and then we get another FILLER episode of non-sense. I mean you didn't even have Crosshair's in the last few episodes. What is really going on here!

I do like Omega, but again as others stated, "It's not the OMEGA story!" The only thing I was excited about were 2 things:

1. Wrecker saying "GOOD SOLDIERS, follow orders!" After he hit is head, the the chip might cause some unforeseen issues for Wrecker.

2. Who was in the hologram when the Rafa was telling the person about the clone deserters??? Was it the rebellion? Very interesting, but Dave Filoni, we are going to need more that what y'all giving us.

Tell us/show us training for them as 'infant' soldiers, who trained them? Why is Hunter the leader? How did Wrecker lose is eye? Show Echo being transformed, after the rescue on Anaxes! How much can Wrecker really lift?

Answer some of these questions! Come'on Dave,, DO BETTER BARELY A 7, but it will decline if the next episode is another FILLER ep!
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well they're back... help us now
TheLastDon8124 July 2021
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Well... we all knew it was coming and they finally did it. The Martez sisters are back and in their full annoying glory. Why Star Wars? Why? They are by far the most annoying characters in the cartoons yeah for some reason they are back. Let's hope it's not for long. There are a lot of better characters that need to return before these two. Just the worst.
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Episode wouldn't have worked if it was the 2nd or 3rd one in the series and yes, I know why people don't like this episode
nhines-871454 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
But to be quite honest it was a pretty good episode.

I understand the martez sisters aren't liked and for good reason, that clone wars arc is a chore to get through, but if we are being honest they were perfectly fine in this episode, no annoying remarks, no idiotic actions, and their ties to larger characters and an interconnected alliance ( whether it's good or bad) is really interesting.

That cliffhanger is exactly what this show needed, I'm all for some slight filler to expand the the world of the show and let it breath but what this show needed was some speculation and that is exactly what it gave us.

Also giving more ties to how the world of the clone wars is being treated in this new imperial world is what got me excited for the show and it's always awesome to see.

But what really sold me on this episode was seeing Wrecker's chip start to activate, and how the episode made me feel something when Hunter saw Omega in trouble. Getting a feeling towards these characters, especially a more comical one like wrecker is the sign of a great show and something I wouldn't have gotten if this was episode 2 or 3 and they decided to rush the plot.

(Side note, I know the accent is THICK, but the Omega voice actress is absolutely phenomenal!!!)
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How to ruin an episode with 2 characters
ha77y73ad974 June 2021
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With the team heading towards Corellia i was hoping to see another instalment of a young Han Solo but no...... we get the worst characters to be introduced as apart of the Clone Wars series. They are honestly just annoying, trying to be smugglers and a rag tag team for the new age. I hope all star wars fans hate on this just because of these characters. Any other characters that were introduced previously this would be an 8 out of 10 but just have to down grade it for those reason.

Apart from that the story is becoming a standard trop for star wars tv shows. With the ending leaving this open i hope the true story starts with 10 episodes to go. First guesses of the ending are Rex, Saw gerrera or Cad Bane. Any story is made better with any of those characters. After the data being given to the sisters at the end to help fight the clones this points toward Saw as the next story arc to be coming for the team.

Also seen a lot of people saying the series should be Omega a i agree! The Bad Batch should be a Clone Wars series or at least closer to the 4 episode arc of the Rebels where Rex was reintroduced. Fighting the new Empire and causing more chaos not just in the underworld. There positives for the series as the scripts are great but need to be more selective on the returning stories and characters so this doesnt become stale. 8 episodes of the Mandalorian these work as theres more twists but 20 mins to resolve each of the stories gets to predictable.
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The Bad Batch, not so bad after all
kerimay-649914 June 2021
After reading through all of those reviews here on IMDB, I couldn't find myself in such a massive agreement with even the most negative reviews...And yet, the bad rating isn't justified in my opinion at all.

(-Disclaimer- *Opinions "may" vary* -Disclaimer end-)

Let me get to the point:

The episode brings a lot of Star Wars moments (duh, it's Star Wars),but yet they didn't looked off, they fit perfectly into the lore and most importantly, they put a huge smile on my face as they rolled over the screen. Most people complain over the scenes with Omega, "too often", "rename the show after her" etc. Ignorant enough to ignore, that she gets implemented in a non annoying way, her charecter gets build up, what do you expect, she is a kid anyway, Omega kicking off like the rest of the trained Bad Batch would enrage everyone for sure...A nice cliffhanger to the end and making me think about all thlse possibilities that are awaiting us. The Crème brûlée of all is yet a small detail, making those "Clones of Death" personalities with heart and thoughts, (or not so much) because "They are different".

Wrapping it all up...

The Bad Batch surprised and mostly entertained me well enough to give a clear and solid 8 star review.
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Really?! Those Two?!
dylanatbrown6 June 2021
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The Martell sisters? Seriously? I don't know of anyone who enjoyed their bloated arc the last time they were on screen. I couldn't contain my audible groan when they showed up again, unchanged. All the same stuff people didn't like about them displayed again. Not using Hondo Ohnaka instead was a big missed opportunity. It would've added better comedy and made the episode more enjoyable. The slow burn is getting a little frustrating as well.
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Martez sisters
jkbeach4 June 2021
I would argue this is the most relevant episode since the first one, and the one with Fennec Shand. It was entertaining, and connects at the end to a larger story that the show is clearly building to. Not every episode has to be gangbusters. These so called "filler" episodes are building to a climax, and that climax is more satisfying because of these episodes. The Siege of Mandalore was way more compelling because of the growth of Ahsokas character in the Martez sisters arc. Be patient, it will be worth it I'm sure.
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Little bit overrated
paristantzos5 June 2021
The hype of the premiere was huge, but nothing has happenned yet and I hope this Omega girl doesn't turn the series into something that could be played on Disney Channel. I mean, come on, I want to see fighting and these clones strategically planning battles...
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MrFilmAndTelevisionShow13 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't hate this episode, I find it to be on the same level as all previous ones besides for the first which was so far the best episode, though this episode is possibly my least favourite so far. They only advance the main plot a tiny little bit by the damaging of Wreckers chip.
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lassegalsgaard4 June 2021
Last week's episode was the low point of the show's first season, so I expected something that would pimp up the pace a little bit for this episode. I also wanted them to progress the storyline a little bit more than they did the last time. And while this episode definitely isn't on par with some of the show's best, I thought this was a good return and that it included enough of those things that I wanted to keep me engaged and entertained. Although there are still some things that they need to work out to make the show flow a little better.

For a majority of this episode, I felt like I was enjoying myself, but it was lacking that progression that I felt like I needed. There was nothing in regard of setting up something in the future, although I thought their mission would provide that. Ultimately, it does, but in a way that I didn't expect, and I liked that the writers subverted my expectations, as it gave for a more satisfying viewing experience. Some characters that we've met before are reintroduced, and while I didn't really care for them much during their initial introduction to the universe, I felt like they served their purpose here in a realistic way and managed to further tie-in the show to what we've gotten before. It does set up a big question that I hope we'll get answered sooner rather than later, although I'm not sure what we'll get next week. It was a great action episode, that saw all the members of the squad getting their moment in the spotlight, especially Omega who really gets a lot of development here in regard to her weapons skills. She's very interesting and the show manages to get me more and more excited to see where she's going. Something also happened with Wrecker this episode, and I was disappointed to see the writers not playing around with it a little more, but hopefully, this is something that they plan to bring up again later. If not, that'll be a huge missed opportunity and I'll be incredibly disappointed in that case.

"Decommissioned" is a nice action-heavy episode that progresses the storyline a little bit, although with light steps. Some characters are used again from earlier shows and their interactions with the squad, as well as the development of certain characters, makes this an episode that I feel more inclined to watch again than the last one.
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What's going on??
nperichon4 June 2021
I love star wars content. Huge fan. But I must admit that it's getting really hard to watch this serie... It's always the same!!! They land on a planet, they do something, omega ruins everything, they save her and leave.. I can't put a grade below 5 but please.. When is the real story going to begin?
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I don't understand the hate
cjrossow-766944 June 2021
I love this series and it's weekly adventure concept. I can't understand why so many people are expecting something more than that? Calling it "filler" and saying it's boring and the story is the same every week. That is literally the teams job at this point. I love what the series is.
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kaden_lewis10 June 2021
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This episode wasn't super strong, but I always love a surprise appearance by past characters. In this episode we had the Martez sisters and the Seperatist battle droids. I didn't super enjoy the Martez sisters in their Clone Wars episodes, but they weren't horrible. Also, their scene at the end indicates they will probably be returning and it might be in a villain role. Lastly, I just enjoy the Seperatist battle droids in general, they are just so dumb and useless, I love it 😂
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Scrap value
A_Kind_Of_CineMagic23 May 2022
This episode features the Bad Batch sent on a mission by Cid to collect a tactical droid unit from a droid scrapping factory. There they encounter the Martez sisters (previously seen in Clone Wars s07) on the same mission.

There is nothing really wrong with this episode except that it is yet more filler in an already filler heavy series. The only real points to the episode are the head injury to Wrecker making him start to feel effects of his inhibitor chip and the glimpse of a mystery returning character who has sent the Martez sisters on the mission.

Pleasant episode but hardly any substance really.

My rating: 6.5/10.
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Good soldiers follow orders
tomasle19956 June 2021
I'm perplexed by fellow reviewers. Watch it for yourself, you'll be blown away. The complexity, the story, the sound design, the characters (oh my god). This episode has been misappropriated as filler. While I believe filler should not be a term used to disparage something, this definitely wasn't filler. Filler for what? No one ever explains themselves when they say filler.
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Trey_Trebuchet22 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It wasn't bad. I agree with the other reviews, I'm growing a little tired of these filler episodes. I'll watch them. I'll watch anything Star Wars. But I would much rather watch the episodes with actual story progression.

Rafa and Trace were actually pretty tolerable here. I figured we'd eventually see them again, but I wasn't expecting them this soon.

Decent episode.
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It just feels right, its Filoni's star wars.
patatebaleyette12 June 2021
It may be a filler, but its kind of silly how people tend to forget the recipe of Dave Filoni, its the same with mando that started off really slowly with side errands here and there in the galaxy that also add a lot of possible tie ins for future lore.

You 'll see how People will shut up at the end of the season when they'll get their minds blown. 10/10.
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It's getting worse
Luisvtw12 September 2021
I thought the previous episode was weak but this one is just... I mean it's literally always the same and it gets boring over the time. And the reveal of two characters didn't make it any better.
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Bounty Clone Hunters
agentsofsword12 June 2021
I kinda love this ep and the last one but I hope they do get to the plot of show already it should've been 8 or 9 eps not 16 eps

Quality over quantity.
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Getting tired of the filler.
Isfahaninejad5 June 2021
The first three episodes were pretty good. Episodes 4, 5 and 6 have all been purely filler, and repetitive, formulaic filler at that. It's honestly getting tiring. When is the overall plot going to move forwards? If next week's episode is just the bad batch landing on a planet, taking a 10 year old girl on a dangerous mission for some reason, said 10 year old girl helping them in "unexpected" ways, the end I'm probably not even going to bother watching it.

The Mandalorian had this problem too, but live-action action scenes are fun to watch. Wreekah yelling "YEaH", picking up a thing and slamming it into a bunch of other things while laughing maniacally gets old after the first one or two times you see it.
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adamspencer-692477 June 2021
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Mild spoilers but really not to much. Rafa and Trace from the final season of the clone wars make an appearance in this episode and I'm pretty sure they will be in more of the season. I'm happy because I do like their characters. Lots of people are saying it's a filler episode but I honestly liked it. With a season with 16 episodes there are gonna be some episodes that don't add to the main storyline that much. There is a cliffhanger at the end tho. It felt like a good episode and I really liked it.
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Best one out of the last three
gianlucapiras10 June 2021
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Funny how everyone seems to dislike the episode just because of the Matress-Sisters. The thing is, that while disliking them in clone wars was pretty logical because their arc just wasn't necessary and very entertaining, here they actually play pretty decent part, and I think they'll definitely have a huge contribution to the further story.
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Give it a chance! Warning: Spoilers
I actually found this episode to be the best one yet. A lot of people are giving low reviews because the martez sisters returned, but I found this episode to have some of the best action, story, and humor. It's crazy fun watching wrecker's starting to activate. Even Omega who I've despised since the beginning started to grow on me. A lot of people were complaining that this episode was hard to follow, but if you pay attention and have watched the clone wars then there's really no way you can get lost.
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