The Wrong Cheerleader Coach (TV Movie 2020) Poster

(2020 TV Movie)

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Not Awful, Not Great... But One Interesting Acting Choice
Droid_Gunner18 October 2020
As stated by a previous reviewer, there is one thing in this movie that stands out. Something that transcends the rest of the film, taking center stage, and DEMANDS the viewer's full and complete attention:

Corin Nemec never stops playing with his glasses.

Never. Literally. It's continuous, in every scene. It never stops. It took my wife and I a couple scenes to notice it, but once we caught it, it became an almost drinking game. He never stops fiddling with them.

He takes them off. He puts them on. Then, back off. Wait, no, on again.

He gestures with them, points with them, folds them and taps them against his chin while thinking intently. Then they're back on. The camera cuts away, cuts back, they're off, only so he can put them back on again. On. Off. On. Is that Tara Reid? What's she doing in this? Gah, now they're off again. Now on!

The guy plays with his glasses more than Horatio Caine.

Otherwise, the movie is nothing more than standard Lifetime material, but does have a couple fun moments from the psycho cheer coach. Catch it if you're bored one night.
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Starring the eyeglasses!
Chartreuse125 October 2020
The movie was average but the eyeglasses on and off and on and off.....did they actually put that in the script? If so, they should fire that writer. If it was the actor's choice, he made a bad one! It was overkill with the glasses and there was really no point to it. Leave them on or take them off and leave them off! Highly distracting! The only reason we watched this was because of Vivica - she's the Queen of Lifetime!!!
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Those Reading Glasses!
Tikinaut30 January 2021
New drinking game! Every time the father in this movie takes his reading glasses on and off have a shot!
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Got Glasses???
michmar-1307818 October 2020
Huge Lifetime movie and my husband love to hunker down and laugh with "The Wrong-----" series with Vivica A.'s super fun. This one was off the charts ridiculous. The dad and the glasses could be the main characters...that's all I could pay attention to after a while because it became a joke. How many times does he fiddle with his glasses??? I'll tell ya...its 120 times!
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jessicab-8276619 October 2020
Why was this girl so drawn to the father? He was nothing special. Just so random.

Also, the guy that plays the father....WHAT IS UP WITH THS GLASSES? So irritating! Why didn't anyone point this out when filming? Next time think about your audience and how things like that would make them anxious, distracted and annoyed.

I love Vivica as an actress, she is talented and steals every scene, in a good way. However, these lifetime movies about the wrong this and that are so terrible.
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The Wrong Eyeglasses
olivertwinge18 October 2020
Was the father supposed to be nearsighted or farsighted? There is no possible explanation for the way he was taking them off and putting them on. Couldn't they have given him bifocals?
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Three pairs of black glasses, and the fidgety nervous dad.....
deedrala25 October 2020
I came straight here after watching this "wrong" mess to write a review, with the main point being the constant taking off and putting on of glasses by the anxious/nervous dad and how annoyingly distracting it was and how surprising it was to me that the director apparently didn't notice it or do anything about it, and then broke out laughing when I saw that practically ALL of the reviews here also mentioned the glasses travesty, ha! What the heck was up with Corin Nemec and his character's glasses that he just could not leave them alone??

Black glasses seemed to be the main point of the movie what with:

1) the aforementioned dad unable to leave his alone

2) his new girlfriend with the heavy thick-framed black glasses that were so big they completely overwhelmed her face - it was hard to tell what she looked like..

3) then the psycho coach started wearing black glasses in a lame desperate attempt to appeal to the dad because his new girlfriend wore black glasses...good grief.

Same old lame storyline, plot, characters, and the ever-present narcissist Vivica Fox as the same sassy, stern yet fair school principal/teacher/coach/boss character coyly delivering the same gimmicky inane line: "Well I guess I hired the WRONG cheerleader coach!" (*eyeroll*)

Why oh why do I continue to torture myself by watching this vapid tripe? Hopefully no one in Nemec's life will ever let him live down that bizarre fixation with his glasses in this flick.

1 out of 10 / Grade F
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janeisaddictedtotarzan18 October 2020
I watch literally every new movie on lifetime. This is the worst in years. The father, who should be a very strong single dad was subpar...he appeared anxious & removed/adjusted/put on his glasses so often that it was a distraction. The assistant cheer coach was less than convincing as a villainess. Barely made it through to the end.
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Campy fun
katielouisiana18 October 2020
I love these over the top movies that Lifetime features, but this movie was ruined by the actor who could not stop putting his reading glasses on and off. He did not need those glasses. He also looked so raggedy and I was confused why they could not have at least gotten him a haircut. I blame the director for not putting a stop to the constant glasses handling. He was clearly drawn to the curly haired blonde and could not wait to get her alone so he could fondle her glasses. I enjoyed the movie and it was worth it to see Vivica Fox to say the line, "I guess I hired the wrong cheerleader coach!"
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spunkbud30 January 2021
I wanted to reach through the screen and grab those glasses and jump on them!! He must have taken them on and off 150 times! Unbelievably annoying!😩
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So disappointed!
hendersonmelissa-0363018 October 2020
I was so looking forward to relaxing tonight with a new Fear the Cheer movie. I was hoping the third times a charm as the series has proven less than stellar thus far. Boy, was I wrong. Acting-cheesy! Plot-lame! The Dad's constant fixation on his glasses-distracting and confusing. Lifetime, you can do better!
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lyngal2821 October 2020
Wow, what's up with the father. Was he suppose to act so over the top hyper/nervous. And the glasses--he constantly kept taking them on and off throughout the entire move. Very distracting, drove me nuts. Except for Vivica, the acting of everyone else was terrible.
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Worse Acting Ever
k-1768920 October 2020
How can the entire cast perform so poorly. Did casting deliberately seek out bad actors? Also, the cheerleaders didn't look nor move like cheerleaders. It was almost interesting in how bad it was.
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Wrong title..
ts-000030 January 2021
Should of been called the father & his glasses,lol. In all seriousness though if given props,use them enough to not be annoying. His removal & put on was constant,rather distracting. Than he kept calling his daughter,babe? Talk about,ew factor! I like Vivica but same basic titles,storylines & actors gets redundant. If you're watching it because of Tara Reid,she has maybe 5+minutes of screen time. The assistant coach was horrible,for all the wrong reasons. The movie was cheesy,with bad acting & more! Just skip it!
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Boney hip bones and unlikable cast
sarahwall-0104226 February 2021
Why is the skinny cheerleader coach automatically attracted to the boring looking dad? And why does she have a crop top on in every scene with her skinny boney hip bones protruding through all of her clothes? It's so gross. I feel like I'm watching an anorexia movie, which I'm sure would be much better than this boring crap!
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Preview Was the Best Part
Stoshie18 October 2020
The previews they showed for this movie was the best part of it. Waiting for Vivica A. Fox to say, "Looks like (something) the wrong (title word)" is the only worthwhile thing about these "The Wrong ...." movies. But they gave that away in the previews!

This one was especially bad, though. I couldn't understand why the father was so attractive to women; he was constantly bumbling around, stumbling with his words, and annoyingly taking his glasses off and putting them back on for no apparent reason. Not very attractive attributes, in my opinion. But the women in this movie were drawn to him?

Of course we also have the crazed obsession evil person in the movie. But that's expected, right? It's a staple of Lifetime movies. So I took no stars away because of that. It's just that these movies aren't very good. This one less than most.
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Worst collective acting I've seen in a movie maybe ever
lindsay-macleod18 October 2020
This would be a GREAT movie for bad movie night. Acting awful, casting awful...just amazingly awful.
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The Wrong Glasses Prescription
CpOhUeRnToNiExY-131 January 2021
I've always found LMN movies to be cheesy, distracting fun...mostly, but this was BAD; even by LMN "standards". The single father was the SINGLE worse actor I've ever laid eyes on. If you take a shot every time the buffoon puts on/removes his glasses, you'll die of alcohol poisoning. It was distracting to the point I couldn't even concentrate on the movie. Holy Hell.
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The wrong glasses...mixed with horrible acting
scarletepilogue10 February 2022
Most of the "wrong" movies are essentially the same, but I like most of them (although they're all kind of cheesy). This movie, however, was horrible. As most of the reviews have said, Corin Nemec's character's never ending battle with the reading glasses is crazy! It's actually so ridiculous, it's almost funny to watch. They also made his character seems like a twitchy little goofball but he ended up looking like a smacked a**. The bean pole cheerleading coach is a horrible actor and is in desperate need of some high calorie foods. Vivica A. Fox plays the same character as always in these movies but is probably the only one that doesn't totally bomb. Corin isn't this bad on other movies, but between the glasses and the bad acting from the other actors, even he contributes to the disaster the called "the wrong cheerleading coach".
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Not good
barbarabw-2121820 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie too me was almost a very bad comedy and life time always show very good movies but they missed the mark on this one and why did the father take his glasses off and on ?
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Bad Acting
annesunita-9110622 October 2020
I am huge Lifetime movie fan. have repeatedly watched every and am a big fan of Vivica. This movie is about a coach madly in love with older man. This movie was painful to watch. the storyline was so flimsy and acting was bad especially Hannah's character. the girl looked so stiff in her role.
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Two words: Corin Nemec
haroot_azarian19 October 2020
Seriously this was the tip of the iceberg for me regarding Nemec. Can he play any other rooes tgan irritating fidgety characters? And the constant huffs puffs and grunts and whole other types of noises he makes constantly!!!! And I agree with all the glasses comments!
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Dads got the wrong glasses!
bellamyjmckay10 July 2022
I couldn't stop laughing at the father with his prop glasses.

Made my husband watch it too for a laugh.

This movie is all about the fathers glasses.
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Stop playing with your glasses, please!
Denny12322 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I did somewhat enjoy this movie because I was not expecting too much. Many aspects of the movie were beyond irritating. Certain elements of the plot made the movie implausible and nonsensical. The plot as well as the characters decisions and actions should have been re-evaluated.

1. The glasses element of the movie got to be annoying and pretty much hijacked the whole movie. The father's constant fiddling with his glasses quickly became unbearable. The amount of times he removed his glasses and put them back on was just draining. Why would anyone think that having the character do this was a good idea? I would love to know the reasoning behind this.

2. The personal trainer is killed and then it is as if he never existed. It is beyond frustrating. This element of the script is never developed, which is infuriating. Furthermore, the scenes with the psychiatrist just seem to be pointless and do little to develop the plot. When the psychiatrist is strangled, it just seems to be too silly. Most normal people would have said something or acted accordingly when they noticed that "Coach Hughes" was approaching and not just remain seated. It was very bizarre because someone would have noticed something like this and this aspect of the movie does not make sense.

3. The police stated that when they questioned Coach Hughes, she was with "a friend." The audience never learns who this "friend" is. Coach Hughes seems to live a solitary existence and this element of the plot is not explained.

5. The scene in which Hanna and her friends go for pizza is ridiculous. In the scene, the characters keep looking around nervously, but no one else is even remotely interested in the conversation. It just seems to be poorly constructed.

The movie is worth watching if you want to be mildly entertained and do not expect too much.

The best is when Vivica's character says the name of the movie.
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kaseyll3 February 2021
I just came here to say how distracted I was by that dad and his glasses but now I see everyone else realized this too. All I could focus on was the way he constantly took them off and on and off and on. The cheerleading scenes were awful. "Okay, let's practice." And then they all start doing their own thing, not a single one doing something in unity. What kind of cheerleading is that? I like these movies. I love VIvica. The plot and everything was okay. It's just those little details that have GOT to be fixed.
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