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Eye-opening documentary
Buddy-518 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
According to statistics, the infant mortality rate in the United States exceeds that of virtually every other nation in the industrialized world. The U.S. is also the only place in which far more women give birth in hospitals than at home under the care of a professional midwife. The documentary "The Business of Being Born" sees a connection between those two facts.

Executive producer Ricki Lake first conceived of this film after she delivered her first baby in the hospital and then felt cheated of the potentially beautiful and meaningful experience a home birth might have provided. With the aid of director Abby Epstein, Lake has gathered together a group of women, couples, midwives and physicians who, through their own personal experiences and/or studies on the matter, help to provide evidence for her case that, for the large majority of women, delivering at home is preferable, on both a practical and spiritual level, to delivering in a hospital. Lake has even allowed herself to be filmed in the process of giving birth to her second child at home.

This is an eye-opening and informative movie that admittedly provides really only one side to the issue. But it makes a pretty convincing case for that side and certainly gets the audience thinking. First, it offers a number of startling statistics, the prime one being that roughly one third of all babies born in America are now delivered through Caesarian Section, a procedure that is classified as "major surgery" but which is often treated with casual indifference by both physicians and patients (the shots of a Caesarian are far more "gruesome" than any of the shots of actual childbirth we are shown). The movie also recounts a brief but somewhat disturbing history of obstetrics practices in the United States during the past century when many women were put into "twilight sleep" and missed the birthing experience entirely. The movie also points out that, in a hospital setting, a "cascade of interventions" often prevents women from having the ultimate say in how they choose to deliver their babies. But the majority of the case is made through personal anecdotes from mothers and midwives concerning their own birthing experiences, as well as by the recording of many of those actual home births live on camera. Interestingly, after all the successful home births, the movie ends on one in which the child arrives prematurely and is in a breach position and thus must enter the world in a hospital room after all. It's an indication of the honesty and courage of the filmmakers that they didn't feel called upon to edit that sequence out of the movie.

Yet, for the most part, the film takes the multi-billion dollar medical industry to task for being too quick to use drugs and a scalpel in the birthing experience. The movie also harshly criticizes the insurance industry for failing to recognize the much greater cost efficiency of home-birthing and hence refusing to cover it in their policies, thereby forcing many midwives to simply close up shop.

In many ways, "The Business of Being Born" is fighting something of an uphill battle in that it appears counterintuitive - especially to a generation raised on the belief that the medical industry can do anything - to suggest that a birthing process with a physician and modern medical equipment on hand could actually be less safe than a birthing process without them (though the movie is quick to point out that the midwives are all state-certified and trained to deal with any unforeseen complications that might arise). Still, for women facing this decision - as well as for a society that for over a century now has frowned upon even the thought of natural childbirth - "The Business of Being Born" may serve as a paradigm-shifting event.
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Biased, but very informative and thought-provoking!
TinyDanseur2719 June 2013
The Business of Being Born is about birth procedure in the United States today, specifically regarding home births in contrast to hospital births. According to the documentary, these days 99% of births in the United States happen in hospitals. Most women don't even know about their options to have home births or even what a midwife is. Interviews with several birth specialists concluded that this is in fact a travesty, that the rushed, drug-infused deliveries that doctors are pushing on women these days is actually contributing to the United States having one of the highest infant and women mortality rates in any developed country in the world. Host, Ricki Lake and just about every person interviewed in the documentary really pushed women to consider natural home births with midwives. Obviously, this documentary was very biased towards one point of view. Regardless, it really got me thinking about birth and about the questions I should ask if and when I have a baby.

The documentary showed four or five home births on camera. Sure, they were gross but what was nice about them was that they didn't look so frightening. Any time you see a birth scene in a movie, the woman is typically screaming her head off and many times complications arise and interventions are made. The home births made having a baby look like this super happy, empowering thing (and painful of course but I guess that goes without saying). The women were able to have their babies in their own homes on their own terms without having anyone make suggestions that they take drugs or induce.

Of course there are times when those things are needed. I'm not trying to downplay the value of hospitals when it comes to having a baby. Hospitals can provide services that midwives cannot. I just think that it's good to at least think about. Assuming your pregnancy is low-risk, why not try it? I don't know about anyone else, but personally I don't really feel comfortable in hospitals.

I'm a long way off from having to make these kinds of decisions. Who knows if and when I'll even have children. I'm glad I saw The Business of Being Born though. It gave me a lot to think about and really reminded me of the importance of doing research and developing your own birthing plan.
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Film Review
shaniqua-m-harvey10 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The Business of Being Born (2008) Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein (Until the Violence Stops) Rating: 7/10 "The United States has the second worst newborn death rate in the developed world" (The Business of Being Born). As a first time mother, this statistic was very frightening. I wanted to understand the reasoning and methods behind this unnerving statistic. This documentary was recommended by a peer and I was not sure what to expect of it, I thought that it would take a look at a few deliveries. But what I received from this documentary was greater than watching a normal birth. I received perspectives, answers and confirmation. Honestly, this documentary sheds light on one perspective and that is natural birthing, it does not look into other methods except to confirm the natural method. The film makers tried to compare the births that take place in a hospital setting and the ones that take place at home. The main focus was the home birth, but I honestly felt like this narrowed perspective allowed me to take the information and process it on my own. As viewers we are shown the processes of a natural birth, and then shown the processes of women who wanted natural births but for one reason or another could not. The main difference that I noted was female choice, which I believe to be the overall message of this documentary. In the hospital female choice was mostly dictated by doctor decision without understanding the rationale behind those decisions. While at home, the decisions appeared to be dictated by the mother; in fact the expectant mothers seemed to be laboring basically on their own without any mediation. Obviously in society with our new focus of going natural, there is going to be aims to support it for every aspect of life. This film supports the natural method of birthing whether at home or in a birthing center. If one is not curious or into the natural method, for a first time mother as myself it allows you to see several birth perspectives. This film can be informative from either perspective if you do not know what to expect for your first birth. It asks mothers to do something that our society usually does not do and that is to question a doctors reasoning behind some decisions. I agree with the film makers when they say that when a doctor say's I think we should do this, we automatically agree because we believe it is in our best interest. The point from this is, sometimes it may be unnecessary. Birth is a natural process in the fact that your body knows how to create, carry and eventually deliver a baby and this documentary delves into that perspective. Baby ratio is 64 born to every 1,000 women, so this is a topic that is very common and profound in our society and very relatable since everyone knows or knew someone who was pregnant at one point. The film makers use personal interviews of themselves, their patients, doctors, and experts to give us a view of the "problem" with deliveries in America. There is a span from child birthing from the 1900's to present time. One of the most appealing points in the film was the use of medicines during the birthing process and their later effects on children. With hospital staff we do see two different perspectives on home versus hospital birth, natural versus non-natural methods of birthing. Abby Epstein and Ricki Lake were both present during the entire film. Lake had an overwhelming presence on the film over Epstein. Majority of the camera shots were close-ups on the speakers at the time, or of the birthing process. Due to the one on one interviews the camera was always eye level on the speakers. The camera would also pan out, to give us a view of the room, birthing process or other speakers. The focus was deep; everything appeared clear and in focus. Some of the hospital scenes appeared to have a soft focus and that was to show the blur and rush of birthing and the birthing process in the hospital setting versus at home or at a birthing center. Editing techniques were mainly cross-cut, to quickly take us to the next scene. The film makers included archival photos and video of birthing over the course of history. Diegetic sound was used throughout the filming of this documentary. My perspective was very biased since I would like to birth naturally but in a hospital. I felt that this documentary helped me gain perspective on my voice and verbalizing my wants during delivery. I think even after watching this documentary I still want to birth in the hospital, I just feel I am more aware of my options. Now from the perspective of mothers that do not prefer natural birthing, I am not sure of the effectiveness of this documentary as a persuasive technique due to my bias. I would be interested in hearing the pros and cons from this perspective. The end of the film I found gave me the perspective due to the film maker Epstein going against the overall objective of the film and then her rationalization of her decision. This changed the perspective from the overlying message of natural home birth is best, to whatever birthing option the mom thinks is best for her!
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Important coverage of an important subject but...
beautifulbirths-document29 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This film has always left me slightly disappointed although it accurately portrays hospital birthing, which is important for the American public to see, and they should all see it for that reason alone; to expose the medical scam that hospitals pull on healthy low risk women. The midwife used in this film doesn't have the best of reputations in her birthing community from what I can gather and the ending is very disappointing to hear two women rant against the system, rage against the billion dollar industry that medical birth has become and then to end on the note of a c section... I just feel that it didn't do justice to an otherwise important film. I also feel that this film focused too much on the medical side with not enough of a focus on the midwifery model of care which is what I think is so great about the new film by Jacqui Blue called Beautiful Births. If you like this film, you will love Beautiful Births! I did, at least.The two films together, Business of being born - covering the medical side, Beautiful Births covering the natural side - when viewers watch both films, they'll have a much more well rounded perspective of what to expect from pregnancy and birth in America.
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A film about birthing at home; you will be surprised by what you see.
shetreat29 July 2007
This movie is terrific. I had my doubts when I learned it was produced by and starring Ricki Lake, I admit. But it is sensitive, interesting, intellectual, captivating, and incredibly moving. It was not manipulative, but by the end, the entire audience was in tears.

The most important thing about this film is that it shows the public what birth can be, for both the mother and baby. You see several homebirths, nothing too intimate (unless you consider the incredible post-birth high that somehow permeates the screen and affects the viewer, to be too close for comfort). No dilating vaginas or body fluids, sorry to disappoint. But what it does show is something that almost no one, especially not doctors (I am one), get to see. A natural birth with no intervention where things go right. Shocking! In my medical training, I attended hundreds of births. I probably saw one or two with no medical intervention in the hospital. My hospital birth was normal, with no problems, but I had interventions despite having told my OB (and mentor) that I didn't want any.

It does not idealize birth per se, except by showing how simple birth can be without medicalization. But the volunteers of this midwife to be filmed were not excluded if there is a problem; one of the births requires transfer so you see how that is handled as well.

The film educates people about the history of birth in this country, how things are done in other countries including Europe, and shows statistics about birth (there are more than they include in the medical literature) that will probably surprise a lot of people.

I wouldn't say that the film is about Ricki Lake. She shows up here and there, and yes, she gives birth, but there are so many women followed here, and so many experts in birth interviewed.

Dr. Michel Odent is one of them. He is a French OB/Gyn who attends homebirths. He has done considerable research on birthing, and has written multiple very intelligent books about it. He brings up the idea that when a rat or a monkey has an epidural or C/S, they will not bond with their babies. They will not breastfeed, they will not mother them, they do not care for them. There will be no natural hypothalamic oxytocin release, which causes a release of norepinephrine, dopamine, prolactin, serotonin, that prepares a woman not only to breastfeed but to bond. The oxytocin release in this situation will never be replicated, even if the women breastfeeds or does infant massage (which both do cause oxytocin release but not in the same amounts as if you start off with this kick-off). As breastfeeding lowers breast cancer rates in women in a dose related fashion, oxytocin release over time is associated with a certain calm, lower levels of stress, but actually is dose-related to lower levels of stroke and heart attack in the mothers. So it is a long-term benefit of natural birth. This is touched upon in the film, among many other interesting facts.

It is not surprising to discover that doing things the way women are created to do them benefits both the mother and baby in so many different ways. Part of why this movie is so important is that it challenges the notion that man-made is better than the intricate design of man from God or evolution or however you want to approach it. Many people may not subscribe to it when it is stated like that, but in the food we eat, the we feed our babies, the way we grow our food, the chemicals we use in the environment, and the way we birth our babies, we are saying that every single day.

Common sense says that man-made leaves a lot to be desired. Science is proving this every day, in research about omega-3 requirements in neurological and other conditions, in breastfeeding and oxytocin literature preventing cancer/heart attack and stroke, to the benefits of breastmilk for babies. This movie is a peek into how doing things as nature intended is BETTER.

I don't feel I am exaggerating when I say that this is one of the most important films of these times for both men and women. Everyone should see it. You may not decide to have a homebirth afterwards, but you will walk out better educated about birth and what is happening in the hospital when you give birth.
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Real life experience before your eyes
ericpowers17 January 2008
Everyone in America should watch this film, especially fathers and mothers-to-be.

As a father of two babies delivered by Caesarean section, my real life experience reflects what this film presents. With a first pregnancy, men like me might trust a maternity and birthing health care system that obviously is accepted by everyone we know. As an engineer and technologist, I am attracted to statistics and procedures, I am attracted to managed systems and to logical decision-making. And I understand that giving birth involves a lot of money, and that doctors, hospitals and health care companies have a burden in how to run a successful enterprise.

But the American birthing system is missing something very important... our humanity, our sensitivity, our vulnerability. Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein reveal the vulnerability of father, mother and child during pregnancy, how easily we allow a managed system to make decisions in the name of our well-being. When faced with an overwhelming majority of our family and friends who know only one way to give birth, in a hospital, there is little room for anything else.

This film challenges what we assume works, and informs us that there are alternatives accepted everywhere else in the world but in the United States. I pray that other mothers and fathers-to-be, for the sake of their children's' psychological and emotional health, will step up to the plate, become informed consumers about what is happening, and consider a traditional birth, at home.

Your first step is to see this film.
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The Real Finale to Sex and the City!
livecompassion18 February 2008
This film is full of life: humor, elation, disappointment, and the full range of emotions that the birthing experience provides. It is inspirational to women and partners and allows them to view different births including the preparation. These hip, smart and endearing city women and partners allow the viewers to share an important time of their life. Giving women more choice in their ideal birthing experience spares them from being surprised by the reality of hospital births. The lack of support in the United States for birthing families is surprising. This film is supportive, courageous and dares to challenge ignorance in the delivery room.
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For every Mom who's been treated like a loon for wanting natural birth
mercadescage8 February 2014
I see a lot of reviews on here saying this was awful because they felt it attacked them for wanting a medical birth, the saddest part is the film is about freedom of choice, something very limited in the hospital, not a smear campaign on mothers. In fact, to any women who felt this was an attack on their choice to birth in a hospital, remember how you feel right now, this is how natural birthers are treated constantly. If you are hurt over this, please be supportive next time you hear a mother/father wanting a home birth, instead of trying to prove to her your birth is the only way, be supportive. Your fear is her fear of medical birth, its not a contest, its about feeling safe wherever you birth. Its the same as attacking women for conceiving through sex rather than insemination. Its safer to be inseminated, quicker and your risks for pain and stds are lower, but some of us prefer to conceive naturally, and guess what? Both are just fine.Your reviews are based on how it made you feel wronged and not about empowered choices for your daughters and grand- daughters, you are allowing your defensiveness to make you part of the problem. No one is a bad mother from birthing in a way they feel is needed to protect their child. You chose right, now help others to make their choices without persecution.
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Misleading and One-sided
iamwinstonsmith198415 April 2011
Like any good piece of propaganda, this movie starts by demonizing the OB/GYN profession (the enemy). The viewer is bombarded with images of early-20th century birthing practices as if they were still in use today. Having hospitals (and of course, insurance companies) set up as the "bad guy", the movie portrays the alternative (midwives) as the "natural" solution. Moreover, home delivery is portrayed as the only real choice for a woman to express her femininity and individual power.

A few hand-picked critics of hospital births are chosen, who promptly spew out some convenient statistics in support of home delivery. Correlations (like infant mortality rates) are presented as causality without even discussing other potential factors. For example, the movie likes to recite the infant mortality rates in the US as being higher along with the higher rates of hospital vs. home births in other industrialized countries. However, at no time do these "experts" note factors like the relative experience levels of midwives in Europe vs. the US. Nor is a qualitative assessment provided that compares the level of care offered. Further, factors like miscarriages are not even discussed (if there are higher rates in Europe then these babies would not be reaching full term, thus diminishing infant mortality at birth), nor are other elements like obesity discussed (the US is the fattest nation of fatties in the world).

One of the things that stood out to me was the frequent use of absolutes in their arguments: "There's no scientific evidence" to support hospital delivery as better than home deliver, etc. etc. Nothing even close to resembling counter-arguments were presented, making this documentary Michael Moore worthy in its biased presentation of its content.

It's a shame something so delicate has been treated with such utter disregard for good science and disinterested research. The movie maker had a clear agenda and presented a completely one-sided argument. If you disagreed with home birth, you simply are a brainwashed fool ready to submit to fake doctors posing as OB/GYNs.

Perhaps the most hilarious part of the movie came at the end, as the filmmaker went into labor one month early with a 3.5 lb baby who was in the breached position, umbilical cord wrapped tightly around its neck, as her water broke in a taxi cab as she was rushed to the ER. In spite of this, the filmmaker mused a month later "I think I would have been OK at home." Wow.
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What a powerful movie
peanutsnpopcorn18 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was amazing. Since being pregnant I have done a lot of research into having my baby at the hospital vs. a birthing center. This movie just confirmed all the reasons plus more as to why I was against giving birth at the hospital. They sum it up very well in this movie by saying something along the lines of: Being pregnant is not an illness so why would you need to have a baby at the hospital. That is so true. As for the part of the movie where the director goes into labor early and has to have the baby at the hospital, that was just the perfect touch to the film that I think some may have not understood. Hospitals are great for when there is an emergency and you need additional help with the delivery and Midwifes are the first to admit that, I know mine is. Not ALL births go according to plan and c-sections etc are absolutely needed, but if your not one of those that need that extra help why should you have to be in a hospital bed for the most special moment in your life. I Give this movie 10++++ stars in capturing and explaining the truth on how child birth really is and should be. If your 100% against natural child birth this isn't the movie for you. But just because you might not understand it, doesn't mean you should wrongly judge this incredible movie for what it really is.
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Business of Being Born opens your eyes!!
jjnoahjames8 December 2011
The Business is awesome. About as cool as the punk rock band the Business.

When the movie starts you wonder if the film quality and information in the film is worth it, I mean, it is a documentary. As the film goes on it get's better and better.

Even though I'm not sure if I agree with this film 100% (I haven't had time or necessity to research) I learned a monstrous amount of information and was blown away by how much I didn't know. B.O.B.B. OPENS UP YOUR EYES!

The best part was seeing women barely go through pain, though as the film goes on you do see more and more pain, but it does seem less in some ways than in the hospital.

I would have liked to know more about the dangers of death but they did touch on this mildly.
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This documentary is part of my life!
rafaelcambraia4 December 2019
This documentary portrays well the reality in which doctors induce hospital deliveries for practicality and financial reasons. Very well directed and with a fascinating script, I had the honor of participating in the documentary with my wife, from images given from the birth of my first daughter.
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Excellent movie revealing some major issues with the "norms" of birth.
choopacablangp23 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Pros: This movie showed many of the little-known or acknowledged shortcomings of the medical industry's approach to childbirth. It gives a "one-sided" view because it's goal is to show the side of this process that is constantly swept under the rug. This movie helps remove some of the blinders Americans have on about the natural process of childbirth and shakes the pedestal we've placed the medical system on. It shows how motivations have drifted away from what's best for mothers and babies and now prioritize the convenience of medical staff and the premature use of interventions which increase risks and need for more interventions.

Cons: One mother being followed through the process caves in and goes the unnatural rout after only a brief time of labor. They could have given more attention to home birth where stress and pressure are greatly reduced.
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It Is Rare That I Will Turn A Film Off Before The End...
nataliedoyon20 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary discusses a severely bias view of obstetrics and the medical side of birthing babies. While I don't completely disagree with some of the softer points made about the over-engineered process that takes place currently in North American Obstetrics wards, I found this film to be completely one-sided and quite presumptuous and almost cruel at some points.

I must say that I was so turned-off by the incomplete, inequitable research done, that I turned the film off at one point. I felt a line was crossed when the film started to become so extreme as to say that c-section babies are not as loved by their mothers due to the lack of oxytocin that is released during the birthing process. Had the filmmakers chosen to dive into the lives of folks who had had c-section births, they would have found this to be a profoundly inaccurate and downright ignorant declaration. Perhaps my review of this film is biased, having given birth by c-section, and this caused me to be extremely offended by the film, for I felt that my love for my child was being debated.

So while the film makes a few valid points regarding today's North American hospitals when it comes to labour and delivery, I would watch with a keen eye for insufficient research and unsupported arguments.
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Very one-sided view
shushana22 December 2013
This movie gives very one-sided view of everything. Actually watching it persuaded me even more - I'll give birth only at a hospital with an epidural. No other way. They wanted to show that natural birth is "good and peaceful", and at the same time were showing women screaming from pain and telling in the interviews that it was so painful, that they thought to give up and go to the hospital. So, why on earth would you go through it? Just to prove to yourself that you can do that? To "punish" the U.S. medical system? I didn't see the deep reason behind it in the movie.

Now about all the talks how bad medical system in the U.S. is for women and babies, and that in all other countries midwives are actively participating in birth, but not in the U.S. I would say to those ladies - go to former USSR countries and give birth there - with a midwife at a regular birth center, and see how "peaceful" it is, before saying that delivering in U.S. hospitals is hell.

My mom went through 5 natural deliveries, she didn't have any other alternatives. When I told her about an epidural, and that there still are women who would prefer natural delivery, she was shocked, that having that option, women still would opt to go through that pain and hell. Of course, it's a choice of every woman to deliver the way she wants, but this movie was not trying to give an option, it was trying to persuade that natural delivery is the only way to go.
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Abnsolutely disgusted!
FaIIoutGirl23 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I am a mother of two, and I found this movie to be extremely offensive. How to give birth is a deeply personal choice. To suggest that a woman who chooses a hospital birth is ignorant, and to imply that she is less caring and loving about her child is uncalled for. Sure, some are uneducated, but in this day and age, most women diligently do their homework before entrusting theirs and their baby's lives into a doctor's hands. Both my children were born in the hospital, and every decision I made regarding their coming into this world had months of research behind it.

Not everyone wants a hypothetical medal to go with their birth. What I wanted above all was a healthy baby, and I got it, twice. I was not forced to lie on my back, or to take pitocin, or to have my perineum sliced, or anything of the sort... What I did, twice, was give birth in a safe, clean environment, with my loved ones and competent medical staff who stuck by me and cared about me and my babies. And plenty of painkillers, thank you very much. I actually enjoyed giving birth. Which can't be said for my mom, who had me "naturally" and describes it as a "total nightmare". She had a normal pregnancy, yet things went wrong during labor: I had trouble breathing, and she had postpartum hemorrhage. Thankfully, even though her birth was unmedicated, she was at a hospital. Had she been at home, with no medical stuff or equipment available, we could've both ended up dead. Which only proves: giving birth is a deeply personal choice. What works for one woman may not work for another.

Who are you, Ricki Lake, to decide what is best for me, and for the rest of us *dumb, weak American women* (that's how you come across, you know)? Should cancer patients just let their illness run its course without accepting the help of modern medicine, because that's what's "natural"? Don't get me wrong, by no means am I comparing having a baby to having a terminal disease, but fact is, both are medical conditions, and modern medical advances help people, not impair them. If you prefer to think that pain and uncertainty are wonderful things - by all means, this is a free country. But don't you even dare tell me that everyone should follow your lead. Don't you dare telling me that having painkillers somehow makes it less special for a woman, or worse for her kids. Every woman who gives birth still goes through 9 months of pregnancy, feels her baby kick, hears the heartbeat, and cries tears of happiness when she first sees the little one on that ultrasound screen. Every woman who gives birth wants, above all, a healthy baby. Every woman wants to remember hearing her baby cry for the first time and holding her for the first time, not the dandy little fact that she gave birth in a bathtub because she is woman, hear her roar.

Films like this do more harm than good, because they use lies, cheap scare tactics, and guilt trips to get their point across. They demonize doctors and belittle women who choose hospitals, but they never - not once! - actually site statistics and facts. They don't tell you that today, most women who give birth in a hospital are free to walk, be in any position they choose, be in the tub or shower, use doulas, and basically do whatever they want, unless there is an emergency. They glorify Europe's "wonderful" system but don't tell you that its high percentage of midwife births is due to COSTS, not CHOICE. They don't give you statistics on what happens if something does go wrong with a home birth.

Should women like me feel less than women and worse mothers for DARING to go the route we chose? This is certainly how this movie comes across. And it is beyond offensive for me to hear some "expert" who's never given birth (and never will, due to being a man) sit there and philosophize about how a woman who's had a C-section or pitocin, QUOTE/UNQUOTE, doesn't care about the child because she doesn't receive that cocktail of love hormones released into the body during normal birth. He even goes as far as to imply that hospital births are the reason our society is failing. Really? Boy, they sure had a great big utopia 200 years ago! Bottom line: birth is a very personal thing. Every responsible, caring woman wants what's best for her child. There's something seriously wrong with people who think birthing your baby in a tub somehow makes you a better mom. Shame on Ricky Lake & Co for making this biased, fanatical rubbish.
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Informative? No. Pressing an ill-informed agenda? Yes.
llindith11 April 2011
I watched this dreck after I had my own child and I'm SO glad I didn't watch it beforehand. I would never, EVER recommend it for a mother-to-be. I mean, come on, it's RICKI LAKE. It's not like it's a real documentary. It's biased beyond all rationality and the whole reason for its being was that Lake herself was brainwashed into grieving over some fulfilling birth process she didn't get. Gee, think she's going to be balanced and fair? Maybe by Fox News's definition, but not any other.

In short: I'm sick of midwives being portrayed as being incredible medical experts when they simply aren't. At least if a doctor screws up, I can sue him for malpractice. S/he knows it and I know it. If nothing else, I'd think that would serve to keep a doctor on his/her toes, especially with malpractice rates being what they are. What option do I have with a midwife? Have her say she's sorry when she screws up and kills my child (or me?) I had contact with THREE midwives during my own pregnancy, and the advice of ANY of them would have resulted not only in my child's death, but in mine as well. All three of them pooh-poohed my several miscarriages and my advanced age, insisted I'd do just fine at home, shrugged off my preeclampsia and rising blood pressure.

Fortunately, I ignored all three of these so-called experts and took my doctor's advice. As a result, my baby got an extra month of growth, even though she did have to be taken two months early, and most importantly, because I was in a hospital, where I could be monitored, we quickly realized that the baby's heartbeat was being affected every time I had a contraction. Had I insisted upon my 'natural' delivery instead of having an emergency c-section, my daughter would have been born dead and I probably would have hemorrhaged to death...because the placenta was partially separated. NOT something a midwife at home could EVER have handled!!

Obviously, chalk ME down as someone who isn't going to be giving any credit to midwives and their 'birth is oh-so-natural' garbage. Sure, it's natural, and in its natural state, it kills a lot of women and infants. How natural do we really want to be? I'm not denying some of the accusations directed at the medical industry, and I certainly don't have a problem taking on insurance. However, is there really a difference between the doctors who want to deliver in a timely fashion and the midwives who out and out lie to their patients and tell them that birth is natural and there's no danger? Well, I guess there is one: The midwife will be far more likely to kill the mother and the patient.

Which is how I arrive at the crux of my problem with this documentary and other natural-everything brainwashing like it. What's important in the birth process is NOT how 'natural' the mother feels the experience is, or, in fact, HER 'experience' at all. The one and ONLY important thing in a birth is that the mother and child come through it alive and healthy.

However, what I'm seeing because of this documentary and other garbage like it is that women are ignoring danger signs and warning signals because they think 'natural' equals 'less danger', or because they're so selfish they don't even consider the needs of the baby, only their own emotional ones. I've even seen some women say they'll turn down a c-section, even an emergency one, because they're convinced by this crowd that they're being poor mothers if they do! That's just insane. Lake is doing her best to promote this ill-advised and downright stupid point of view.

If Lake wanted to put time and effort into something, she should have done something which assured women that *every* birth experience is worth valuing, not try to place worth and weight on how they've given birth. If they did what was necessary to end up with a living, healthy child, they did something right.

As for me, I had an emergency c-section, and you know what? I consider it a totally rewarding birth experience. I don't think I missed out on a thing by not having to hurt and sweat through hours of agonizing labor, and I really, really don't think I missed out on what would have happened had I gone through the natural process -- a dead baby.

As it turns out, the sweetest sound I ever heard was my daughter's first cry, and I'm more grateful than I can say to the doctor who saved us both. And I say that as someone who is, by and large, extremely skeptical of doctors and who lost her own mother to malpractice.

And news flash, people: birth hurts even when it's done oh-so-naturally. I notice several of the reviewers either don't have children or are male, so they really can't comment on the accuracy. 'Thought birth in a hospital didn't hurt'...oh, please!
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Informative? Yes. Entertaining? (Yawn!)
fwomp31 January 2009
Informative? Sure. Gives a new perspective on a broken system? Definitely. Entertaining? Er ...not really.

After talk-show host Ricki Lake experienced a bad childbirth in-hospital, she decided to try a midwife, and thus THE BUSINESS OF BEING BORN was ...birthed. I can't help but think that some of this (not all) was a ploy by Lake to put herself back in the public eye; specifically, the movie industry. Although this is strictly a documentary, and other actors support various causes (from freeing Darfur to Tibetan independence), this one felt a bit more forced.

The reason I say this is that the entire documentary was exceptionally boring and exceptionally lopsided. I work in the medical field (as an RN) but not in an Obstetrics setting. I can, however, vouch for the terrible cost of healthcare and some of the impersonalness of those giving it (as this documentary pointed out). I've heard doctors talking about "tee times" on the golf course and the need to "get home by dinner," so time is a big factor for physicians (the film pointed out that C-section deliveries peek at 4pm — just prior to dinnertime — and again at 10pm — so doctors can get home to bed). Be damned whether the patient needs a C-section or not, doctors force the decision so that they can "get on with their lives." Cut and run! Even with its interesting take on the care of OB/Gyn patients in the U.S., the film never delves outside of the States even though certain statistics are presented (including telling us that the infant mortality rate in the U.S. is one of the highest amongst developed countries). I would've liked to have seen at least one interview with a Japanese midwife or a European midwife, and have them show us how their system works. But we're never give the opportunity to see this for ourselves.

The boring nature of the film is that it never really finds its focus. Although the title of it is The Business of Being Born, it focused more on the plight of midwives and their care of expectant mothers at home or in midwife clinics. We drive around with midwives, trot down the road with midwives, listen to midwives talk on the phone to patients, and get to watch a couple of in-home births. Then we start the entire process over again.

And there's also a brief and confusing stint in which we learn one of the film's producers is pregnant and trying to decide on prenatal care.

All-in-all it's an informative story, but one that might cause a few too many yawns.
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