Apt (2006) Poster


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Creepy and scary! Only the ending is a bit forced!
chrichtonsworld30 September 2007
Why this movie is being compared to "Ringu" is a mystery to me! The only element that can be compared is the woman with the long black hair that walks funny. Personally I think this movie is much more like "Ju-On: the Grudge". Does this mean that "APT" is not worth your time? Well, that depends. If you like these kind of horror movies than I would recommend this one. If you can't stand to see these long haired Asian chicks than you should not bother to see this movie. I think that "APT" does a good job in creating a creepy atmosphere and sometimes even scare you. The first 70 minutes are quite thrilling. Even the back story is compelling and touching. Only the last twenty minutes were predictable and a major letdown. Also it never gets clear what the connection is between the main character and the woman from the subway. (Although I know why they put it in. It is used as motivation to get the main character interested in the suicides happening in the apartment building across her own.) It is a real shame that they did not follow up on this part of the story since it's buildup was as scary as the main mystery. It could have provided more depth and it's solution could have made a much better ending. Some reviewers complain that this movie isn't original enough. And to some degree I can agree on that. But to be honest there aren't many horror movies out there that are truly original. Most themes are used over and over again. I think that as long as the movie is entertaining and scary enough, being original should not be an issue. "APT" is pretty creepy and scary and will entertain you as long as you can ignore the forced ending!
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A quiet but interesting movie.
whirling-darkness6 June 2008
I watched this movie a while back, and while the details may be a bit fuzzy - the memory of this movie is a fond one. The events in the movie may not be entirely original, but the ending was satisfyingly unique enough for me.

The movie moves along at a somewhat slow pace, but it works well and I'm happy about it - rather than being an all out constant fright fest where the scares simply become yawns.

Asian horror has slowly become one of those things you either hate or love. A lot of people have also decided to love a few and hate the rest. This is unfortunate, I think. Simply because some elements are familiar, there is no reason to disqualify a movie because of it. Especially if the elements are mixed up enough to make an interesting final product.

This movie is one of those I feel anyone with an interest in Asian horror should watch.
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Full with routines that this genre be familiar with.
gila_film2 October 2006
Ahn Byeong-ki, the person who's brought us Nightmare, Phone and Bunshinsaba, is back in 2006 with A.P.T. Based on a comic by Gangfull, Mr. Ahn's A.P.T. is still rely on his previous effort and trick.

Sejin (Ko So-young) is a new tenant in an old apartment in a Seoul suburb. She befriend with a wheel-chair bound girl, Yu-yeon (Jang Hee-jin), an orphan who's take care by neighborhood volunteers. Sejin has a unique hobby, observing the apartment units on the other side. One day, she notice something, these apartments are turn off their light at the very same time, exactly on 9:56 PM. Next thing happen is someone is found dead. This thing keeps happening and Sejin start to suspect something weird is occurring. And then she' decide to start an investigation.

It seems Mr. Ahn still believe with the power of the long-haired-ghost, while nowadays it's kind of tired. We need a breath of new tale into the horror genre, especially the Asian Horror. But by watching this movie, I think Mr. Ahn is not that kind of innovative person. The movie is also full with routines that this genre be familiar with. Nothing new here. The good point is A.P.T. is more enjoyable than Bunshinsaba or even Phone. But due the release time, it's not appealing anymore.

It says that Ko So-young is a 4 year absent before return to movie scene with A.P.T. Alas, she more like a clone of Ha Ji-won (Nightmare, Phone) rather than a solid performance, while the débutant Jang Hee-jin, who's stunningly beautiful, is also act well.

So if you still fond by this kind of movie, A.P.T. could still amuse. But if you need something new or different, you better skip this.
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Unoriginal, but good.
reki-soul28 May 2007
This movie is not the best by any means, nor does it take genre to the next step. Even worse, it uses plot and setting elements we already seen numerous times in other movies.


All leading actors are doing good job. Film is moody, and scary at times. Not as much as you would like, but yet it is. On top of that, it takes some familiar plot elements but twists them in unexpected ways. Keyword "some", and yet it does. Some scenes In this movie are beautiful, and some are touching. Few of them you, probably, will remember for quite some time.

As movie in whole, APT. is a good watch for these who just want to watch another traditional Asian horror. It will not stay with you for long, and will not surprise much, but if you want more "Revenging ghost" experience, this movie will not disappoint - if you know, what to expect. And by now you certainly do = ) I give it subjective 7/10, and unbiased 6/10.
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Most unoriginal film so far this year
dmuel31 August 2006
A woman finds herself caught up in an apparently inexplicable rash of suicides. Then again, are these really suicides? It seems as though there's a ghost on the loose. Guess what? The ghost has long black hair that hides its face, and it moves about with its head or arms twisted this way or that, making for a very weird looking specter. Recurrent theme music plays from unexpected locations to announce the arrival of the ghost, and bizarre sound effects--which resemble the sound of small twigs being snapped--always accompany this hapless spirit. Does any of this sound familiar? Well, if you've seen a few Asian horror movies in the last 10 years, it should. Borrowing heavily and unabashedly from "The Ring", "One Last Call" and a few other recent horror hits, this film tries to carry an uninteresting and worn-out plot to a climax, but we've seen it all before. Avoid it unless you're desperate or haven't seen any other Asian horror movies in the last 10 years.
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A Nutshell Review: 9:56
DICK STEEL25 November 2006
This is a movie from Toilet Pictures. If the name of the production company is any indication how stinky a movie is, then this would be it. I think I'm not really a fan of horror movies, not that I'm chicken, but rather this year alone, I haven't been genuinely spooked by what's on offer so far, be it from the West, or from Asia. 9:56 is no different, great premise, but poor execution, relying on clichéd techniques (I think these are the only tools of the trade available?) to try and elicit some heart thumping moments.

Se-jin (Ko So-young) is a lonely career woman, who one day notices that some apartments in the block of flats opposite hers, undergo blackouts simultaneously at precisely 9:56pm everyday. No, she's no voyeur, but a series of unexplained deaths in the neighbourhood, including one which she encounters herself on a subway, start to draw her deeper and deeper into the mystery surrounding these deaths.

With horror movies, there's always a pseudo-logical explanation within the movie about how the spooks come about. That's just about the most interesting thing that happens in the film, the unravelling of the "Truth", although it won't take seasoned film lovers to guess the plot halfway through. Which of course makes it a very unsatisfying experience watching this movie.

There's a myriad of characters like the wheelchair bound girl, and the neighbours who take turns to care for her, as well as a schoolgirl, detective, a mentally challenged boy and a spooky train commuter. But following genre formula, these folks are there usually as fodder for deaths, or in this case, pointless red herring characters whose sole aim by the filmmakers is to mislead the audience, nevermind if they convolute, or add little to forward the plot.

And don't get me started on the techniques employed here. Quick cuts, sudden appearances, long hair ghouls (ahhhhhhh, so passe!) who can't move properly, copious amount of blood like it flows down a mountain for free, and the list goes on. But credit to the sound engineers for creating some ear piercing bone crunching sounds used each time the spooks move, though it seems like a one trick pony.

Don't waste time on this, even if you're a horror fan. It's a complete waste of a promising premise, and in the end, you feel like you've just be taken on a ride. A very long and painful one to endure. It's high time for some innovation in this genre, otherwise one film will easily look like another, with ugly long haired monsters moving funny but with the ability to make sudden appearances accompanied by loud sounds. Oh, and can someone oil those doors while they're at it as well.
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Elevator, going down.
bombersflyup28 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Apt is an unoriginal South Korean horror film by Toilet pictures and it is just that, human waste.

The lead performance by So-Young Ko and the mood in general is fine, but it's basically "The Grudge." No contextuality, no realism, just random nothingness, with noises, things appearing and disappearing, face staring and no death scenes other than people falling. I hate this hallucination type stuff, it's just a replacement of actual writing and plot. We've seen it all before and it's not even remotely scary, because you don't see anything anyway. It's just a waste of time. Then the detective moves into the building after, cos yeah that's sane and Oh Se-jin appears, like the process is going to repeat, just because?
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Very enjoyable,but highly derivative South Korean horror.
HumanoidOfFlesh7 May 2007
Se-jin Oh(So-young Ko),a lonely,single career woman who hasn't much of a social life.One day,while walking home from work Se-jin encounters a creepy woman in red who throws herself in front of an oncoming train— while trying to drag Se-jin along with her.She survives,but the ghost of the woman come back to haunt her.It seems that people are dying in the apartment complex across from Se-jin's,all of the deaths coming precisely at 9:56 p.m.Admittedly "9:56" is highly derivative.It borrows heavily from "Ringu","A Tale of Two Sisters" and "Phone" and references Hitchcockian "Rear Window" many times.Fortunately the underlying theme of the film is surprisingly dark as it revolves around the physical and emotional abuse of beautiful crippled girl(Hie-jin Jang).The film is impressive to look at and offers a few genuine scares.Oh,and Korean actresses are jaw-droppingly gorgeous.I'd love to visit South Korea one day.;)
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thatgirlwithyellowboots8 October 2022
SUMMARY: A working woman in her 30s experiences a deathly incident which disturbs her and after a while, she starts noticing strange incidents happening in her opposite building. She starts spying and things go downhill.

I thought this movie give me scares since the visual effects are blue, grimmish and 2000s old school just like Ring series, but I WAS WRONG.

This film makes absolutely no sense. It was dull the entire time, and the plot is terrible. I would not suggest this film to anyone.

This movie talks about more suicides than actual story? Looking at the story, they could have done so much better but it went all over the place.
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The potential was there...
paul_haakonsen5 July 2021
Needless to say that given my fascination with horror movies and Asian cinema, then of course I sat down to watch the 2006 South Korean horror movie "Apeteu" (aka "APT.") as I had the opportunity to watch it in 2021.

Initially then the movie started out alright, but oddly enough then writers Byeong-ki Ahn, Pool Kang and Soyoung Lee quickly let the story spiral out of control and it turned to a somewhat befuddled mess of a storyline. Sure, towards the end, once the cause behind the supernatural events were made clear and brought into the light, then the movie was actually starting to get back on track, but by then it was just a little bit too late.

I wanted to like this movie, but it ultimately never managed to become more than a mediocre horror movie. And not one of the finest or more memorable moments in South Korean horror cinema. There are far better choices of horror movies from the South Korean cinema in comparison to "APT.".

Director Byeong-ki Ahn was settling on a somewhat safe formula to shape the movie by, and it made for only a generic result, that wasn't particularly scary.

Visually then there were some nice enough moments throughout the course of "APT.", though hardly anything noteworthy or memorable. Again, there are far better horror movies in the South Korean cinema.

The best thing about "APT." was the cast, because they definitely had managed to get together a good ensemble of actors and actresses for the movie. Most noteworthy was So-Young Ko (playing Se-Jin).

While I managed to sit through the entire movie, I can't claim to have been more than adequately entertained. As such, then my rating of "APT." lands on a mediocre five out of ten stars.
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Nice Korean Horror movie!
sonda-216 October 2006
Good Korean horror movie. Good direction and photography, actors are great and the ladies are cute! I don't particularly think it resembles other Asian movies but at the end of the day aren't nearly all American horror movies the bloody same thing with all their Nightmares and Fridays and Hallowens or Vampires/Warewolfs? I could go on for hours you all know that! At least Korean movies are something different and may get you to understand some other country's culture! I think this is worth watching if you like eastern cinema: Asian horror movies are better than their American re-makes! The story is nothing like other films I've seen before, and for sure nothing like "The Ring". It's not the greatest horror movie ever but I support it and if you want to spend a non boring couple of hours then please yourself! Big up South Korean cinema!
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A Horror Treat!
swetharao281 April 2008
Even though the theme is same as most other Asian horror movies since "The Ring", this film keeps the adrenaline up! I watched this movie with a bunch of pals during the midnight through early morning and I must say, judging by my reaction and that of my buddies that this one was a one heck of a freaky experience.

Great cinematography & sound effects. The first half was a nail biting experience but then the last twenty minutes or so is sad and horrific/tragic. Though one kind of tends to guess the movie right as it progresses, it still is a very good flick because of the its technical aspects. About the woman in red well I think her character is open for discussion probably the director wanted us to have some food for thought. I personally think her suicide instigates the protagonist to find the reason behind the other suicides(so that she could stop them from dying).

Well perceptions vary and I really liked this movie!
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I love that movie
danielfgagnon27 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Sure it's not a breakthrough for the genre, but it was anything I wanted from that type of movie. I've seen much worse movies then that one. It was well played and it's easy to like Yeo-Yeong and feel sorry for her.

Yeo-Young is not rational, she is a ghost in pain and doesn't do logical stuff, that's why I like that movie. I knew Yeo-Young was a ghost the moment I saw all those things happening to her. It couldn't be a surprise. But even if the movie hadn't no punch, it was nice to watch.

I wish Se-Jin could save her, that's the only part of the movie I dislike. Now that she's not alone anymore, she could rest in peace. That's even weird that Yeo-Young did the first steps to get in contact with Se-Jin. How could she be able to fool her that long, I don't know. This movie deserve a better rating, it's good.
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The side of dark world
InterMedia-122111 June 2022
A video related with mystical scenery, with a lot of mysteries and unknowns, which it follows a lonely young career woman, lives in a high-rise apartment building in a Seoul suburb, and sometimes watches her neighbors through binoculars for amusement.

She does notice that the lights across the way flicker mysteriously at exactly 9:56pm every night-often accompanied by an apparent suicide.

These types of films are rare, at the same time very special and original from the content, soundtrack, cameraview and everything is realized in the right way, with a very confusing and mysterious theme and a perfect execution in end. 8/0 11/06/22.
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