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Marshall Higgins from out of the past.
pensman7 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
On old friend returns, seventy-five-year-old "Marshall" George Higgins. The ghost town we first met him in is now a large flourishing town because the railroads is coming through. And crooked Mayor Considine holds power through his gunslinger Marshall, Johnny Reach. Everyone in town is afraid to oppose Considine. Reach is running in election for Marshall but sprightly septuagenarian seamstress widow Birdie Wheatly suggests fellow septuagenarian Marshall Higgins run against Reach.

Higgins has been boasting that he has friends in the cavalry; and they are coming to put the town under martial law. Not completely true, Masters, O'Hara, and Rusty are coming, but they're on leave. The news does spook Considine, who doesn't need anyone to look too closely at what he's been up to. When Higgins accepts the challenge to run for Marshall, Reach asks what credentials does Higgins have. As Higgins is reaching into his pocket, Considine yells for Reach to look out: Higgins is going for his gun. Reach shoots him down, but Higgins was only going for his old badge. As Reach has his guns out as a challenge to anyone who might oppose him, Rinty arrives and pulls him down. Turns out Higgins wasn't armed at all. Considine claims it was just a natural mistake. Master replies the cemeteries are full of natural mistakes.

This might be a 1955 kids' show, but that line and situation are pure 2017.

Higgins says he won't prefer charges. He'll beat Reach in an election and run Reach out of town then. Mrs. Birdie Wheatly claims she was a nurse during the civil war, and she will take care of the bullet in Higgins' arm. It's pretty clear from the start that Mrs. Wheatly plans on snagging George as her second husband.

Higgins is determined to follow through on running for Marshall, even though O'Hara believe Higgins might be a tad too old. Considine and Reach aren't worried. It doesn't look like they need fear martial law; and they definitely aren't afraid of Higgins. But the townspeople are beginning to reconsider their positions, and that is a problem. Then blacksmith, Ben Norris, offers to run as Higgin's deputy; turns out he once worked with Bat Masterson. However, he gets goaded into a gunfight with Reach; fortunately, he only gets wounded.

Higgins, with Rusty, has been out in the desert practicing his draw and aim; time has taken its toll. He's not as fast or as accurate as he was. Nonetheless, Considine has some of his boys kidnap Higgins to make it appear he has run away. But Higgins is rescued by Rusty and Rinty.

It's time for a showdown. Higgins figures it's in God's hands now, but he has to face down Reach. Great gunfight scene right out of a "Clint Eastwood" Western. Reach isn't worried and yet he finds himself outdrawn by Higgins. Higgins figures God isn't done with him yet. Now Marshall Higgins has to face real danger and be careful not to get hitched.

One of my favorite episodes. I like William Fawcett as Marshall Higgins, a role perfect for him.

Yo, Rinty!
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