Zombiez (Video 2005) Poster

(2005 Video)

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The single worst movie I have ever seen
Danek131313 July 2005
I cannot believe this insult to the movie industry was ever made. I was always under the impression that a movie had to have a plot. I was wrong. Or was I? Can this even be considered a movie? Not in my opinion.

I love zombie movies. Love, adore, thoroughly enjoy. I would have rather sat through 7 hours of the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers than ever watch this movie again.

I want my dollar and six cents back that i split with a friend to rent this movie. Since when could zombies use weapons (that anyone can buy at the Halloween store come October time... you know, the outrageously fake looking sickles and dull gray plastic meat cleavers), have RATIONAL conversations with each other and their prey, sprint for 10minutes straight, and anger the viewer to such a degree that makes someone fart on the DVD itself? (true story)

Want confirmation that this is one of the worst movies ever? OK... here's a question you ask yourself to administer the "Worst Movie Ever" test. Is there a random person in a chicken suit being shot at for no reason? If you answered yes, this movie deserves the title "Worst Movie Ever". Sadly, for this movie, the answer is yes.

I don't know if this was designed to be a metaphor for the effects of drugs on people, or just the makers of the movie were high on crack themselves. I can't even list 1% of the things wrong with this movie. An unborn fetus could produce better work.
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sqpantz10 July 2005
I'd like to preface by saying that I LOVE zombie movies of all kinds, no matter how cheesy. Considering that, this is absolutely the worst, most amateur movie I've ever seen starring "zombies". Heck, I can even appreciate badly made horror movies that entertain with their ridiculousness a la "leprichaun" but this wouldn't even qualify for that.

Admittedly, I was unable to even suffer through the entire movie. I couldn't take it anymore and had to stop after about forty minutes. If you enjoy a challenge, maybe you can make an attempt to see this thing through to it's conclusion. For me, I regret the $3.50 rental fee wasted supporting this junk...
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Don't waste your time
ragingtowers14 July 2005
I feel sorry for the guy before me who paid $3.50 for this movie, we paid $2.09...

I've seen just about every zombie movie ever made. I've read all sorts of zombie books. And I've played all sorts of zombie games. I know zombies. This movie is anything BUT a zombie movie.

First off the horrible production value, looks like they made this with a personal camera, and the acting sucked. The "zombies" first start out by beating people with meat cleavers or a sickle. Stupid? Yea i thought so too. Then instead of eating them, they tear at the clothing and squish raw meat in their hands.

I understand that for a movie like this the SFX budget is maybe $20, which they used to buy the sickles and meat cleavers...and even the occasional Dollar store "Pirate Sword", but at least make the violence look decent.

The story makes no sense. Starts out with zombies beating people, then the main female character "Joe" going home to her husband and for some reason stripping down to her under pants and sitting on a bed talking, then sleeping for 5 minutes to have "zombies" break into their HUGE apartment.

This is where the story gets confusing. Joe is attacked by a "Zombie" and taken to the factory she works in while a guy is torturing someone with a Power Drill. THen while looking for a phone, Joe wanders into the forest...A FOREST IN JERSEY!!!! Why would a phone be in the forest? Don't be fooled by the box art for this movie. There are no staggering zombies, no sewer zombies, hell turns out they aren't even zombies. They are more like gang members who plan to take over the streets by killing people and selling their remains in a pie! No I'm not kidding To keep from ruining this steaming pile of a movie I'm going to end it here. If you still wanna see this movie, buy a gun to shoot your DVD player then yourself for watching this movie.

My rating wouldn't fit here cause the IMDb scale only goes to 1...It deserves far less...
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Who's camera got stolen?
d13-423 December 2005
Someone had to steal a camera and get the strange drug induced idea that they can make a zombie film for African Americans/by African Americans. to the creators of this crap-Well congratulations, You have now given your people their very own "Cthulhu Mansion" I've seen some bad movies in my time and zombie enthusiast as I am, I tried my hardest to like this film, but only found myself disgusted. Here's a hint, try to find "real" actors and not just some thugs off the street. If not you will never get taken seriously, and only produce garbage exactly like this. Also hire a "real" camera man. Filming a movie requires more than just following the "actors"(LOL) around and pressing the record button. Oh yeah one more thing, story actually means something these days.Just because you flash some definitions up on the screen, doesn't mean your literate enough to write a script. It just means you can read a dictionary. Try looking up words like- creativity or talent.
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Id rather have Ebola
shane-charleson19 April 2006
I saw 10 minutes of this fetid pile of crap and really wished I could have Ebola than have to watch it again. Seriously, I would rather watch my skin be pulled from my body and eaten by rabid baboons than have to watch any more of this thing - I've seen better production in snuff films.

If anyone sees the director of this film, punch him in the face for me. And then set fire to his head.

Certain people just should not be allowed to make films, and I can now safely add everyone associated with this thing. It makes Manos look like Citizen Freakin' Kane.
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Please Don't watch it
frobey16 July 2005
I would like to say regardless if you believe in Jesus or not This movie in fact made him cry. Therer is a point when practical jokes go too far and this I think was proof. The movie really was like drinking flat warm beer with your best friends ugly sibling. You are not sure when it was a good idea or how it crossed your mind to do it but you are pretty sure that it the act will end you up in hell. That is how i felt when I was done watching the film.

IT was that bad really.

Please save your self their is a beautiful wonderful world out their and this film will not show you that.

IT was that bad really

It will still be worse than the re-make of bad news bears really it will
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Hands down, the WORST waste of time I've ever seen
rogerebertisfat20 September 2005
Seriously folks, I would've given it a lower score but it only lets you go to 1. Wow. What a piece of garbage. Absolute waste of time. I felt it sucking the life out of me while watching it and even though I didn't pay to see it, I still want my money back. Hell, I want my hour and eight minutes of my life back. That was just torture. Quite possibly the WORST story, acting, direction, (zero) gore, all around waste of video tape. I can't even tell you what it's about since there's no plot. I didn't see one zombie through the whole thing. Just a bunch of morons with Halloween blood on them walking around chasing some talentless chick with plastic scythes that one would find at a Halloween store (this is not a joke, seriously. PLASTIC SCYTHES from a Halloween store). Horrible, horrible, horrible. EVERYONE involved with this videotape should be stoned to death or burned at the stake. I wouldn't recommend this crap to a retarded person because even a retarded person could tell that this LAME excuse for horror is pure crap plain and simple.
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i like the part...
mafiosomrk14 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I like the fact that 90% of the movie is the camera focused on her big black ass following her around while she walks everywhere...Just to find out that the whole motive for the bad guy at the end is he has zombies kill people so he can turn them into meat pies that he sells for $4.99 this has to be the funniest movie I've ever seen looking back on it.THe smoke bomb Molotov cocktail was awesome when she throws it and they all contort and shake and when the smoke clears they all take a nap unharmed.Or the fact that the only white guy in the movie is the boss and a total dick...And her whole motive is I gotta find my husband when she talks to the crackhead in the forest.
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face_of_terror6 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers

The movie begins as we see some guy , trying to get away from something that is following him. That "something" turns out to be two bloodthirsty guys with sickles who start beating up their victim to death with the sickles…. In the next episode we see a young woman , who is a member of some demolition crew , which is about to pull down some building. Suddenly the zombies appear from nowhere and start killing off everyone they see , with their butcher knifes and sickles. The woman is so lucky , she manages to escape. Later on , the zombies somehow find the apartment , where the woman lives with her husband. They break in and take her husband away. Now , she is left alone , with no help , surrounded by zombies , and she also needs to find her husband….


Well lets start with the plot. It is never explained where did the "zombiez" come from , what makes them want to kill people , etc. The movie is very boring. For the first 40 minutes we are being shown this woman , trying to run away from the "zombiez" and find her husband. The zombie make-up is non-existent. Our zombies are normal people , with some blood on their clothes and faces. They may look like crazy cannibals , but definitely not zombies. At least in the infamous "Zombie Lake" zombies had green faces. By watching the special effects used in this film I was thinking that their budget was about from 50 to 100 bucks. Everything looks so cheap and unreal , as you can possibly imagine : we don't see any explosion when a woman throws a bottle with kerosene into zombies , we don't see any wounds when somebody gets shot (not even a red stain) , we see some sausages instead of entrails..etc. And the camera man is not even trying to hide those cheap things from the viewer. The whole movie is filled with black rap songs , which are good , but throughout the movie they are repeated too often. Needless to say , that acting is one of the worst I've seen in a cheap horror movie. Those "actors" must have been picked up from the street , to play in the movie.


For people who know what "zombie movie" means : This movie is worse than Oasis of the Zombies , Redneck Zombies , Flesh Freaks and I think is worse than Zombie Lake. For everyone else : No matter what do not buy this movie , and I wouldn't suggest renting it either. You will be greatly disappointed. 1/10
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Even a guy in a chicken suit couldn't save this...
bladeage30 July 2005
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Honestly i cant even believe this was allowed to be shown to anyone. Would this even be considered a movie? the only redeeming part was the scene with the guy in the chicken suit. i laughed so so so hard at that. i almost crapped myself from the laughter. the "torture" scene with the sausages hangin from the guys shirt, then all thats left are these old bruised sausages hanging from a string bahahah omg. this movie is not worth watching unless you are on the extreme side of boredom and you have a friend or two to watch it with. otherwise u will be in for a hell of a ride, in a bad way. The chicken scene was the only part that i might have found "fun" about this movie, it seemed the only reason they threw that scene in there was because they somehow got ahold of a chicken suit and couldn't find out how to really put it in the movie. So they put it in the movie in the most random way possible. Another redeemer is the main "star" in her underwear for a few minutes. There are scenes where the star seems helpless then others where she somehow becomes Mcguyver and creates a cocktail bomb and even a stint for her twisted shoe...yes shoe not ankle. Seems the only way they could simulate a fractured ankle was to have her slightly step out of her shoe, a-la-flat tire style. Guess these zombiez are pranksters too. All in all the movie deserves to be burned and never watched by anyone, the zombiez weren't even the least bit scary or mysterious or anything. It was just normal people in normal clothes running around making noises that sounded like a wimpy diseased girly asthmatic Vader, and attempting to cut your SHIRT, not your stomach with gigantic plastic hooks and knives. Save yourself the 1 hour and 20 minutes and go climb a tree or something. Anything is better than sitting through this.
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This movie sucks
DivaDeb115 November 2005
This movie just sucks!. At least I didn't have to pay to rent it but I do have to pay for the electricity to watch the DVD, so I wasted that money. To think, I almost rented something else but then thought it might be a good zombie movie. This movie makes Shaun of the Dead look like a masterpiece. By the way, that movie had more f words than this piece of crud. I didn't even know what the movie was about until I read the review after I watched the movie. This must have been a fifth grader's school project. I am hoping that if I ever come across a zombie that he doesn't run, talk or carry sharp implements. I just can't get over how much this movie sucks. Guess I'll just watch Dawn of the Dead for the millionth time.
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This is fun
beelz20 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is really bad. So bad that I love it. I mean... how can you hate a movie that has everything that sucks and then some more? Horrible acting, lame ass story, really crappy special effects and absolutely no budget. So the acting is lame and this flick had nothing to do with zombies at all but if you put that aside you have an hour and a half of fun and you even yell at your TV. I was supporting the "zombies". God how I wished they would kill that dumb ass chick... looking for a telephone in the woods? Come on that's just plain stupid.

Ow did I mention the crappy music in this one? When the movie started one of the ambiance musics started like In the navy by the Village people... ironically enough there were a couple of construction workers but I didn't see any Indians in this one.

I still hate running and talking zombies though. And why were they using weapons?

Gotta love this one.
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so bad it's good...
megz348620 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It was a great movie, if you like movies with a $20 budget. The girl gets her finger cut off and you can clearly see her bend her finger back!... Another thing the F word was used 61 times, yes that's right the movie was so annoying that i decided to start it over and put it on captions and count the number of times the F word came up. That movie makes me want to create a movie and send it in to Lion Gate productions cause if they produced that movie they'll produce ANY and i mean ANY movie. So if you're wanting to rent (hopefully your not foolish and buy it) a awesomely bad movie definitely RENT not buy Zombiez that's with a "Z"
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horrid.. just horrid
laighid24 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
my lord... they are just crazy hood cannibals! not zombies!zombies cant: run, talk, drive, call names, tie people up, cough, run out of breath, give a speech about brotherhood and territory, taunt, know their names, laugh, pack a truck full of meat, or ask questions.

thumbs also down to: -i like how they just used the same set for everything(workplace, horror scene, home) -the guts are just either cooked sausages or chicken. -the script is repetitive -they used the amount of maybe 5 bottles of fake blood on the entire cast(way to splurge at Value Village during halloween) -the "already eaten" people are still alive -body parts reappear when cut off and eaten -the zombiez were sharpening sticks with knives! what the....why not use the knife? -plastic halloween butchers knives -when do zombies run and slit peoples throats?..with scythes! -i like how she rips a piece of her shirt off and it is already a ripped piece of white cloth when her shirt was brown -running boob shots -running bum shots -after being drenched in a river, her clothes are completely dry. and WHY IS THERE A GUY IN A CHICKEN SUIT?!?

the doctor is never going to be the next Ice Cube.

for a college movie.. it sucks. no where close to "Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter"

worst movie ever! i am very surprised that i was able to watch this. the cat even hated it.
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Worst Movie Ever
whereisoldjoesplacedammi13 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is the worst movie I have ever seen. I am an idiot and I paid like 15 bucks and I am an idiot. I am a big fan of zombie movies. Not zombie movies with a budget of 15 bucks though. I want a refund! The cover was misleading, it shows a number of zombies. The budget of this movie went into the case obviously because when you watch the movie you will find out that they are normal people with a little ketchup on their hands who look more like crackheads than zombies. No makeup even. The whole movie is filmed in a parking lot. This will remind you of Scooby Doo but not in a good way as they run back and forth past the same semi trucks and trailers. The zombies use obvious rubber scythes and cleavers. When they use those it will remind you of watching wrestling. This movie is not a zombie movie! Warning! If you like boring settings, absolutely no special effects, horrible scripting, horrible acting, and shaky camera through your whole movie this movie is a godsend. And don't think it'll be funny to rent it just to see how bad it is cause u have no idea. It's too late for me but you get far away while you can! Run! Save yourself!! p.s.- This is the Worst Movie Ever. p.s.s.- I recommend Zombi2 a kickass 80's zombie movie! Cheesy gore but at least it's there!
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All who participated in that thing should be prosecuted
heshams10 May 2006
I have been shocked, angry & sorry for watching this so-called movie. I wanted to pull off my arm & through it at the screen. I can't even say that this is the worst movie I have ever seen because that would be a good rating for this thing which can be described by many words, but for sure, it should not be described as a movie, so, I will call it the "THING". I can't imagine that any creature ( not a human being for sure ) is capable of making such an awful "THING". To summarize : No logic, No story, Awful acting, Awful directing, ....etc. REALLY, I don't have enough bad words to describe such a "THING". All who participated in that "THING" (especially, the director) should be prosecuted & sentenced with a life-time punishment in a maximum security prison which is the only way to ensure that they will never be able to torture the viewers again.
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Bad, but fun to mock
sturdinator1 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
First, a warning. This is a movie that deals with voodoo zombie myths, not the reanimating virus usually featured in this genre. There are no undead anywhere, but rather chemically mind-wiped people with plastic sickles and cap pistols. And red food coloring. Lots of that.

Now, at first glance, this film appears to be a plot less monstrosity with bad acting, bad effects, bad soundtrack, and a misleading title. I dare not risk a second glance, as I fear infection, so we'll stick with the first glance.

I propose that this film be retitled "Wal-Mart Zombies in da Hood," which is a much more honest title. The plastic props and boneless chicken breast failed to convey to me any sense of horror. Furthermore, though the majority of the story takes place in the woods, it is clear that neither the writer nor the actors had ever actually seen a tree prior to shooting. Though there is in fact a plot, it is uncreative, revolving around a cannibal voodoo cult and a meat-smuggling operation, and requires more attention than is probably healthy.

That all being said, the thing does have redeeming value. If you enjoy mocking bad movies (which thank God I do) then you can't get much better than this. My advice: watch this movie with a group of extremely sarcastic friends and just tear the freaking thing apart. Especially the part with the 'car crash.'
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Well, that's it, I'm going to dig out my eyes with a dull rusty spoon!
amanojakko12 March 2008
Yes, it's that bad. Until I watched this piece of crap I never met a zombie I didn't like. These weren't zombies, these were IDIOTS splashed with some red fruit punch that laughed as they chased people and smiled mugging for the camera in every shot. OH, and I'll only say one thing for the Molotov smoke bomb, F@%K YOU whoever thought that looked good. NO acting, NO action, NO zombies, NO blood. I am still in a state of disbelief that this somehow got picked up by Lionsgate. They must have ran into the director or producer, tossed them $2 and a couple tacos and ran away laughing to the bank.

Thing is I didn't spend a single penny on this, it was given to me as a birthday present seeing as I'm an avid zombie fan. What horrible vile and unforgiving dickhouse would do this me...my own loving, cruel, sweet and evil as all hell mother would do this to me. I now wish I was adopted, or switched at birth. I will have my revenge on her, when she least expects it...there I'll be in the shadows waiting for revenge. A roll of duct tape and a stack of every film ever made by Uwe Boll, the only revenge fitting.
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Movie is Absolute Garbage, Don't Even Rent It!
doughboy-14 September 2006
This Movie is a total waste of time. I don't know how I even sat through it. I am a big fan of zombie movies and try to watch as many as I can. I love George Romero, Dario Argento, Lucio Fulci. I also enjoy the comedy zombie movies like "Shaun of the Dead" and "Redneck Zombies". This movie has nothing to offer, its not scary nor comical at all. The special effects are terrible. The acting is the worst. The blood looks like purple kool aid. The so called explosion when the girl kills the 3 zombies in the woods is just a little bit of smoke. The knives and meat cleavers look plastic. They only show little chunks of intestines. I don't even remember the so called zombies eating any flesh, they just squish it in their hands and laugh. By the way the zombies are not walking dead just guys who run around with meat cleavers and kill people for their flesh. The only funny part at all was when one of the cannibals questions the boss cannibal on what the name of the operation is going to be called. The movie really makes no sense at all. Avoid this stinker at all costs.
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oh my sweet lord
Wild97 July 2006
I can't even begin to describe how awful this thing is. I don't want to. I'll only comment on movies I really love or really hate, and I HATED this movie. endless minutes of running with one-note music droning on and on...bad makeup, bad acting, bad lighting, bad everything. I admire people for trying to make movies, but this one hurt.

There's not enough action or logic to this thing. I know they didn't have any money, but I really think they didn't have a script either. it honestly looks like they looked in the closet and said 'hey look we have a video camera!' and they just pulled it out and started shooting. did they make it up as they went?

Thank god for fast-forward.
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Never Ever Watch This Movie The End!
applefreshowen-18 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie and i'm not lying brought me to tears. Not because it was funny because it is a raging pile of crap. The zombie's have some of the worst make up I have ever seen, they are all smiling and did anyone else notice there all African American.I'm wondering what school they went to to film this movie. The whole story line is based around the zombie's evil plan to sell meat pie's,meat pie's made of people, Oh and the plastic weapons every zombie has to have what is that since when did zombie's start using weapons and since when did people waste this much time and effort on a movie.Please I beg of you never put yourself threw this torment
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What a Waste of $2.99
mkaloger5 September 2006
This had to be The Worst Pile of Horse Pooh that I have ever seen. The fact that Lions Gate and Maple had anything to do with this garbage is beyond me. There were no Zombies in this movie you had actors laughing in there scenes. The fact i paid for this movie makes me a idiot..Ohh Well lesson learned. When the characters get shot there was no blood there was nothing. There was no plot it all took place in the office junk yard or what ever that place was. I thought Hood Of the Living Dead was crap this one takes the cake. I love Zombie movies much I keep getting suckered into buying stuff like this. Well no more stuff like this should be banned
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A look at just how bad movies can get.
scottjasgina30 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I start with Zombiez? I bought it at work because it was extremely cheap. I adore Zombie flicks, so I didn't really care if it was going to be bad, as long as it had the walking dead in it.

Well, it had people walking in it, but not the walking dead. The "zombies" in this flick are nothing more than demented gang members that all apparently have the same weapons. Yes, Zombies with weapons. Doesn't stop there though, these zombies can imitate voices of people they don't even know. They throw rocks and laugh about it. They also scream and talk like normal humans.

And the zombies motive? To make ****ing meat pies out of the humans they abduct. Yes, they kidnap people and bring them back to some warehouse and slaughter them to make pies. I'm not kidding at all, this is really what happens.

The lead actress has one thing going for her. And that is her body. Other than that, it's a whole lot of her walking. In fact, when she can't find anyone in the MIDDLE OF THE ****ING CITY, she walks all the way out to some secluded forest to look for help. Then out of nowhere the zombies are back and chasing her through the woods.

The worst part about the whole movie was the fact that there are no real attempt at effects. Well, they do use grape kool aid for blood effects. They also use Sausage links to sub as human guts, it never looks like anyone is actually cut open, it just looks like they are getting sausage links pulled out from under their shirts. On the movie case, it looks like the zombies are going to look bad ass, like walking corpses. Instead, they are smiling happy gang members with kool aid and red paint all over them. They talk, they laugh, they run with a stupid limp.

The director should be ashamed of himself for ever putting this out. There was no way he thought that this film would be considered even mildly good. He rushed through the scenes with a home camera, and never bothered to think about a plot. Basically it's him shooting a bunch of his buddies running around having a good time. I'm serious when I say there is ZERO plot. None.

Skip this one, no matter how much you love zombie flicks.
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Don't EVER watch this movie sober!
jherman882 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a piece of crap. You should never watch this movie... it is terrible... sure I laughed at it, but I don't think i could sit through it again... and the amounts of alcohol I'd need to consume to truly enjoy this cinematic abortion would be way too hazardous to my health...

Now admittedly if I read a review like this I'd rush out and get the film cuz I'd just have to see it for myself... but I warn you... this movie has zero redeeming value. My buddy Frank and I figured that this film probably took about 2-3 days to film, and maybe another week tops to finish up post-production... that this film got picked up by Lions Gate (!) and got a official MPAA rating is a complete travesty! I once made a poorly written/spoken/filmed/acted Spanish language film for a high-school Spanish class.... and that movie was far more entertaining that this pile of feces! I cannot fathom that this movie was even made...

Okay, so Zombiez (pronounced like you'd pronounce "boyz") is an African-American "zombie" film... in a nut-shell here's the "plot".... girl runs into zombies at her workplace... girl goes home... zombies show up and kidnap her husband while she hides behind the curtains... girl stupidly goes back to workplace... girl get's caught.... girl runs away from workplace... girl runs through the woods... girl avoids zombiez.... girl causes horrible car accident... girl climbs some big rocks... girl makes molotov cocktail using bottle of chianti.... girl stupidly returns to workplace again!.... girl fails to save her stupid ass husband... girl kills off remaining zombiez....

This movie sucks so bad. The zombiez are just regular looking people that talk and laugh. Yet somehow they're zombies... they kinda walk hunched over sometimes... and they DO eat the innards of humans... but that would just make them poorly postured cannibals... The acting is shitty, the effects are shitty, the plot is shitty, the dialog is shitty... this movie blows.

Don't see this movie... it's not funny... yeah I laughed when I saw it... but afterwards I felt kinda hollow inside... like I'd just lost a piece of my soul that I'd never get back....

I hate this movie.
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ryanconi1 February 2006
Okay, let me start off by saying that I am a zombie horror film enthusiast and I love cheesy b-movie zombie horror. However, you can't even call "Zombiez" a movie. It is the worst piece of garbage that I have ever seen. The creators must have spent their budget on malt liquor and then hired people off the street. There isn't any acting in the film and the camera work is awful. They couldn't even afford zombie makeup or special effects so it's just a bunch of people running around with fake plastic butcher's knifes and axes and when they get to their victims they attempt to fake "hit" them and then the scene cuts to "zombiez" pulling what looks like raw chicken and beef out of "corpses" with no blood or cuts on them. As if this wasn't bad enough the plot (if you could call it that) falls apart and the film goes from just plain awful to the worst film I have EVER seen. How could anyone even put this into production and release it for public viewing?!? It is a shame to the zombie horror genre, the people who released it should be ashamed of themselves for such garbage.
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