Deep Sea (2006) Poster


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DVD Is Not In 3-D, But It Still Looks Good
ccthemovieman-110 July 2007
This is a review of the DVD which, unfortunately, is not in 3D so I am unable to rave about those "effects" as others have here, and was unable to enjoy the film as much as others did at the IMAX theaters.

However, I am not complaining. I still thought the photography was amazing and the colors just spectacular. I've never seen underwater footage this good. This also is the first time I've actually heard the sounds that some of these marine creatures make. I just presumed, like many others, there was mostly silence underneath the surface. That's not so; there are some amazing sounds.

More so, there are some amazing creatures that most of us have never heard about or seen. Some of them are downright weird-looking, repulsive yet fascinating. They are so strange you think you're looking at some animated film with cartoon characters.....but these creatures are real. Some of them are frightening and brutal killers.

I've read complaints about the narration by Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet, and have to agree on a couple points. Winslet does make an attempt to put some reflection in her voice but Depp sounds like he's sleepwalking through this. His voice is flat, a monotone, and it sounds like he's reading the material for the first time. Neither of these two add much life to his documentary.

Others complain that it's just under 40 minutes and thus, the DVD overpriced. Well, not having compared it to the IMAX 3-D experience, I found it very interesting and stunning to view. I wouldn't mind adding it to my collection because this is something I would watch multiple times.
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polly-pecc18 November 2006
This is great viewing. The images are stunning. Breath-taking! The film really is about the weird and grotesque sea creatures in the abyss. The information given really teaches you something. I never knew the oceans could be so full of life. There's so much down there and not all of it's been discovered yet! There's so much to learn. Plus Johnny Depp's narration is an added bonus! Mmmm... dreamy! But seriously, its definitely worthwhile, very entertaining and educational all at the same time. I was surprised at how close the camera got to the creatures. IMAX have really made a great job of this spectacular nature documentary, shown as a film. I definitely suggest you give it a go!
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Great Experience
imdb-415014 April 2006
This was a great movie experience. A major part of this was the 3D effect.

My children were frequently reaching out in front of them. To be honest I wanted to do so as well.

The visuals would be great even if they were not in 3d.

There was a lot of good information on the biology of the ocean.

Most of the film consisted of one creature eating another. My four year old seemed to be OK with it though.


A nit: At times there was bleed-through on the polarized 3d glasses. I don't know if that was due to the glasses or a general side-effect.
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Totally real, but you don't get wet.
thbinbos6 March 2006
Even the best of undersea documentaries are still viewed on a screen 50' or more away, not to mention the flat, often grainy screen. "Deep Sea" (3D) shrinks that 50' to a few feet, and in some cases, inches, and brings you scuba-diver-close to crystal clear coral, fish and shellfish, sharks, and even whales.

Undersea images are not just presented to you. You are in their element. You are among them . . .literally surrounded by them. The crystal clear images hovering over the seat in front of you beg you to reach out and touch them. I found myself pointing to small details on coral or fish as my wife and we spoke in awed tones at what we were seeing.

I would think that children would find this easy to take, also. There was a little bit of this-eating-that going on, but nothing really stressful. This is a serious, high quality use of the 3D medium to bring you up close and personal to life in the deep in a way you would never imagine is possible. Bravo!
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The best IMAX movie I have EVER seen - EXTRAORDINARY!
drpatrickcosgrove6 March 2006
This movie is an absolute must-see. The underwater cinematography is outstanding. I am a scuba diver and have been snorkeling many times and the images in this movie made me long for the sea. This film captures the incredible adrenaline-pumping feeling of what it is like to be under the sea, to be visiting what feels like another universe on our own planet. The visual images are amazing. For example, the movie will show a shot of a certain part of a reef and you'll be staring right at it and BOOM a fish who was perfectly camouflaged into the reef will pop right out at you. The 3-D effects rock.

What most impressed me about this film was that I learned about and saw beautiful pictures of countless species I never even knew existed before. To be 38 years old and see a species on this planet you've never seen before is pretty cool. Additionally, I learned a lot about the habits of many of these creatures that I had no clue about.

In sum, great entertainment for adults. You cannot leave without learning something new. Also a wonderful, highly entertaining film for children.
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"What's that?!?" "It's called a proboscis."
Dan_Harkless7 December 2007
Like others, I had very high hopes when I heard that Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet would be narrating this IMAX film, and that Danny Elfman would be doing the score. However, I was quite disappointed in those elements that attracted my attention to the movie.

The style of Winslet and Depp's narration might be fine for kids, I suppose, but I found it very irritating. Perhaps I'm brainwashed by decades of authoritative-sounding old men with big voices narrating nature documentaries, but I don't think that's all it is. The narration style here is just silly. And not in a good way (although the way Winslet and Depp voiced the exchange I used as the title of my review did provoke plenty of unintentional(?) laughter, and my girlfriend and I still quote the lines occasionally).

Danny Elfman's score, while not outright bad like the narration, did strike me as overwrought and corny (again, I suppose it's fine if viewed as intended only for young children).

And as another reviewer has also noted, the foley was really over the top in this documentary. The fake squealing vocalizations of the sea creatures was particularly irksome and inappropriate.

The film is still worth watching for the amazing underwater footage, but shots intended to be seen in IMAX 3D don't have the same overwhelming impact on the TV screen.
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Thoroughly enjoyable, don't miss it.
kccrouch27 February 2006
This is one of the finest examples of underwater photography ever. I'm a diver and have visited some of these places, and this will give anyone a first hand look at what goes on underwater. The colors are true and the sounds are incredible. I'm very glad to have been able to see it. I'm told that the IMAX cameras weigh in at 1500 pounds. Even underwater with neutral buoyancy, moving those cameras about must have been a real challenge. The narrators do a wonderful job of keeping the film interesting for non divers by questioning each other, and then answering those questions in a revealing manner. This film is suitable for grade school children through adults. A great endeavor.
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Bare-bones nature documentary still the most divine underwater experience around
oneloveall20 March 2007
The 40 minute IMAX experience makes it's way to DVD without any additions, minus the 3D glasses. For better or worse what home viewers are still left with remains nothing short of stunning the entire stretch of time. Against all marketing intuitions, the short documentary still remains absolutely captivating from the first frame with it's charming portrayal of some of the ocean's less represented characters. Aided by the eerie luminescence of Danny Elfman's score and playful narration from Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet, Deep Sea 3D might pale in comparison to the original experience but for anyone even half-interested in the revelations of nature, particularly occurring in the alternate universes miles below us, the spectacular, too-beautiful-to-be-real visuals present will remain nothing short of miraculous with each subsequent viewing.
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Compelling material shown in superb 3-D.
TOMNEL1 April 2007
Narrated by Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet.

This film is really amazing, and not just because of the 3-D. The underwater cinematography was absolutely brilliant. This Imax movie shows many odd creatures and the way they live. The 3-D in this thing is really amazing. The fish look like their right in front of your face and normal size. And the great thing about this film is that even without the 3-D, it's still an excellent documentary on the fascinating life found in the sea. The narration was really interestingly written and performed (with Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet switching off). The sound effects were great and the wonderful musical score from Danny Elfman fit so well. If you want to see life underwater without actually getting near the creatures, this is about the closest you will come.

My rating: **** out of ****. 50 mins.
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Excellent, but not perfect.
thickets@uniserve.com23 March 2006
If cavemen were thawed out from a block of ice and saw a program on a TV, they would look at each other and say (in their cavemen tongue) "that's magic!" If the same cavemen were at a screening of Deep Sea 3D at the IMAX theater they would rip out their own eyes and try to beat each other to death with them because it is dark dark magic that will grab you by your very soul. I had been waiting a long time to see the sights in this film and I was not disappointed. But the keyword here is "sights." Although this film definitely merits a 9 out of 10, there were a few small things that kept it from hitting that "10/10" mark.

I have no problem with Johnny Depp or Kate Winslet, or their voices. However, the back and forth narration with them basically finishing one another's sentences was distracting.

I can understand why they added their own sound effects to "enhance" the movie, but it got a little over-the-top at times, and I think if one wasn't particularly perceptive they might not realize that what they were hearing was essentially special effects added to a nature documentary. Now don't tell me "well 3D is a special effect too but you're not complaining about that!" The difference is, they are up front about the 3D effect. Simply adding a disclaimer at the beginning of the film to the effect of "some audio effects have been added" would have been a nice gesture.

I know IMAX films are expensive to produce, and I guess it could be interpreted as a compliment when one comes out of a movie saying "I wish there were more," but it really was too short. As long as you know when you're shelling out your $11.50 that you're only getting 45 minutes, you'll be okay. (Really, for me, the bits with the Humboldt squid and the Pacific octopus made it money well spent) So apart from these minor annoyances, Deep Sea 3D is definitely something you should treat yourself to in the theaters while you can! Hopefully in a couple of years they'll have the expertise to give us a 3D IMAX film about the weird and grotesque sea creatures in the abyss!
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If you get the chance, see it in 3D on an IMAX screen
bensonmum211 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This past weekend, the family and I went to the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga. While there, we caught Deep Sea 3D at the IMAX theater. My son has a copy of the movie on DVD, so I knew what to expect and knew the basic premise of the film. What I didn't expect were some truly amazing visuals. I was completely blown away by the images. There's a scene at the very beginning where the waves come rolling in toward the camera. The 3D effects actually made me jump. It looked like we were about to get soaked. The underwater scenes were just as cool with great colors, interesting and unusual animal life, and solid 3D visuals. Both Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet do an acceptable job with the narration. I've read where some complained that the script was geared toward smaller children. Well, I was with a small child so that didn't bother me. My only complaint with the experience is some of the added sound effects. The folly guys worked overtime and the end result is pretty bad. Scallops fleeing from a marauding sea star do not sound like school kids on the playground.

Having watched Deep Sea 3D on an IMAX screen in 3D, I don't know that my son will be able to watch his DVD on a regular TV anymore. The IMAX 3D was that amazing.
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Beautiful photography but the narration is very much aimed at kids
motta80-221 February 2006
Deep Sea is the latest joy to be released in IMAX but part of its excellence comes, as so often, from being presented in IMAX 3D. All films should be released in this format, it's the true way forward for cinema. Even The Polar Express was good in IMAX!

Deep Sea is a 40 minute documentary feature that makes the most of its 3D. From the opening shot of a wave headed straight out of the screen to jellyfish fields, giant sea turtles and octopus and a legion of fish varieties and stunning underwater seascapes it does present the world it shows in rarely seen way.

It is only let down by the talking down, over-humanisation of the narration aimed at the kids in the audience, especially from Kate Winslet. Johnny Deppp works better but Winslet sounds like a school-marm talking to a class of four year olds. And the narration has an annoying habit, ala March Of The Penguins, of endowing the animals with human traits to make them easier to associate with for childish minds.

David Attenborough and the BBC make better documentaries as a whole production but you can't fault Deep Sea 3D's visuals and the immersion experience the IMAX format provides. See it for the experience. It is like nothing you've experienced before, the narration really is only a minor annoyance.
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An alright documentary but much better is available elsewhere.
timothydutton-4607431 July 2018
This is a good documentary and the shots and coverage of the deep ocean is quite pleasing(and harrowing in places). However, with the advent of instant access to so much content, there isn't anything here that you won't find in better resolution on Netflix or Amazon. Still, if you enjoy documentaries or have even the slightest of fascination with sea life I feel you can spend an hour and some time with Deep Sea.
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Beautiful Visuals, Awful Narration
LisaMMoran1 March 2006
Deep Sea 3D is a stunning insight in to an underwater world only a few have had the opportunity to view first hand.

From the opening sequence when a wave rushes towards the audience momentarily engulfing us in the ocean, the filmmakers make full use of the IMAX format. A jelly fish field appears to fill the whole theatre, a shark powers towards us, predators pounce from behind rocks and devour their prey. It is a beautifully captured under sea feast for the eyes.

Our ears on the other hand, are not given the same treatment. The film is narrated by Hollywood stars Jonny Depp and Kate Winslet. Both sound so ridiculous it positively spoils the enjoyment of the visuals. Depp sounds slightly bored whilst Winslet sounds as if she is reading a bedtime story to the village idiot. I was shocked that an actress of her status could have pitched her performance so wrongly. The script is fairly silly and contains very little depth. The soundtrack is filled with strange, unrealistic sound effects which I assume are meant to be funny but in fact detract attention from the material which should have been allowed to speak for itself.

Danny Elfman has provided an excellent score which gives plenty of impact to the ups and downs of life under the sea, when it is allowed to play out without the silly bubble sounds or crayfish footfalls which pepper film.

The film is a technical marvel but with it's childish script, annoying narration and misplaced sound effects it cannot be taken seriously.
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Mystery....Oh Yeah...
robert-gray-210 June 2009
A startling trip down under (I don't mean Australia!!) under the sea, specially for mugs like me who cant swim, scuba or otherwise get wet. Awe-inspiring and drenched with mystique. The part about the millions of coral polyps releasing their spawn precisely on the eighth day after the new moon, at a synchronized moment 1 hour after sunset...well that may be a mystery to scientists!! I asked my young nephews as we returned home, "who programmed the Game Boys for your PC? Who programmed those polyps?" They responded spontaneously to the logical conclusion, off course youths do not fear the conclusions to which their minds naturally lead them. Mystery indeed! Our only misgiving was we didn't see any sea-horses, my wifes favorite poisson.
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Sensational Documentary!
amberdawn-230 April 2007
"Deep Sea 3D" is in IMAX Format, and it is narrated by Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet. It's a Documentary that reveals, never-before-footage of, ocean floors' around the globe. It shows, up-close, scenes of very bizarre creatures! There are strikingly beautiful coral reefs which are home for many marine animals. Coral reefs are the most productive of all marine ecosystems. There is also a surprise that shows a diversity of sea organisms that come to coral reefs for reasons other than to live and eat.

The documentary also reveals how very fragile coral reefs are. It appears that marine biologists have predicted that, as a result of human activity, coral reefs are declining. They show how each species is dependant upon another species, including us humans. And most of these sea species depend upon the coral reefs; they are a very important part of marine ecosystems. So, steps should be taken to protect these beautiful and important ecosystems.

I was surprised to find some of these aquatic creatures in these depths of water. Starfishes, for example, are usually found in shallower waters because that is usually where their food is found. They didn't show ordinary starfishes; nor were many of the other creatures' ordinary. It was more like extraordinary! And there is a scene, at the end, that is another fascinating surprise. Who knows what other sea life lies waiting to be seen in the oceanic abyss? Besides the beauty and uniqueness of "Deep Sea 3D," it's very educational. It reveals that our ecosystems and the aquatic ecosystems interact with each other. Ecosystems never exist in isolation. There's always a connecting link between environments. And some of these aquatic inhabitants migrate, thousands of miles, then come back to the coral reefs when necessary. So, they spend cycles of their lives' in entirely different countries! I'll bet this surely must make conversation difficult for them!

"Deep Sea 3D" is fantastic! I gave it a 10. You've got to watch it; if not, you're really missing out on something great.
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Wonder under the sea
TheLittleSongbird5 July 2021
2006's 'Deep Sea 3D' is one of several documentary short films presented in IMAX 3D. These short films are mostly quite interesting, but their overall quality is of the flawed and inconsistent but generally worthwhile kind. The effects have also varied. Underwater is always fascinating, often re-visited in nature documentaries but it never feels old when re-visited and a lot is learned every time without being recycled. Also like Kate Winslet and Johnny Depp as actors.

On the whole, 'Deep Sea 3D' was pretty well done. It is far from being one of the best IMAX 3D documentaries and has a few major debits. 'Deep Sea 3D' has many fantastic things however, and they do far outweigh the debits. The subject and location may not be new, but really liked the approach taken with the material and admired what was done to make it accessible, none of it felt old hat either.

Am going to start with what could have been done better. Like most of the IMAX 3D documentaries, 'Deep Sea 3D' does feel too short. With a lot of content, this could very comfortably have been 20 minutes longer perhaps which would have given the viewer more time to take in the information and also learn more.

'Deep Sea 3D' is one of the few IMAX nature documentaries where the narration didn't work for me entirely, was pretty mixed on it actually. Much of the writing is informative and interesting, but was less keen on the delivery. It would have worked a lot better with just one narrator, with Winslet being better suited as she is more expressive and her tone fitted the atmosphere better. Depp didn't seem as involved and the backing and forthing did distract and could have been used a lot less.

Can't fault everything else. 'Deep Sea 3D' looks incredible for one thing, with the photography being particularly awe-inspiring. Have not seen coral reefs look this beautiful in a while. The Undersea world dazzles visually, those gorgeous colours, though one is aware without being beaten round the head that it poses daily challenges for the wildlife. This is also one of the more successful IMAX 3D nature documentaries when it comes to the 3D effects, which actually doesn't look cheap, too gimmicky or/and too reliant upon.

The music, with an accessible style, is relaxing in some parts while having some edge in other parts. The animals are a great mix of adorable, formidable and exotic.

When it comes to the information, it is very educational without preachiness or being gimmicky. Familiar content still being approached freshly, and in a way that will captivate and never disturb kids while not being cookie cutter. More to this than beautiful wildlife in a beautiful habitat.

Perfect 'Deep Sea 3D' is not, but there is a lot to admire. 7/10.
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kosmasp14 September 2008
Like in the 2nd movie I've watched in an IMAX theatre. The first being "The Dark Knight" (see my comment on that elsewhere on IMDb), although you could argue that Deep Sea is actually the first real IMAX movie I've watched on an IMAX screen ... I don't even know if I can compare it to anything else, movie or theatre-wise or even picture-wise so to speak ...

But I can say, that it blew me away! You might have heard of 3-D movies and cinemas/theatres and so on, but forget all about those things (watching Spy Kids 3-D or anything similar can't even come close to this experience), because this is as real (3-D) as it gets! The glasses you have to wear to watch and experience the movie, might look like a bad fashion choice from the 80s, but they do "work"! Before the movie, we were treated to some trailers and they looked great too, but the main feature had people literally grabbing into air (I was tempted to "touch" some of the fish that were swimming right in front of me, but I resisted ... my bad).

The narration by Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet is really great too, the only let down being that it is a bit too short. And due to the fact, that more kids attend to the screenings than adults, you have to be lucky not to sit next to a "screamer" ;o) (it could influence your viewing pleasure, if you're frightened to death every other minute! ;o) ). Overall it was a great experience and I can't stress out enough, that I need one of those screens at my house! ;o)
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Solid documentary all in all
Horst_In_Translation16 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a underwater documentary from almost 10 years ago directed by Howard hall who has done quite a few of these. The music comes from Academy Award nominated composer Danny Elfman. I do not have a lot to criticize here. the recordings of the fish and other creatures interacting are pretty good I must say. Sadly, underwater species have never been my preferred animals, so I cannot appreciate these 40 minutes as much as I like to. But that is just personal preference. And there was another flaw in my opinion. Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet may be among the biggest movie stars on the planet, but one narrator is really enough for a documentary film, especially such a short one. I guess they wanted to advertise heavily with this duo, but still I'd have been fine with either of the two, especially as the interactions were sometimes a bit embarrassing, like when Winslet asks what's that and Depp starts explaining. Luckily, the great nature recordings make up for these minor flaws. A good documentary and I recommend it.
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An outstanding 3d look at the world of the Deep Sea.
haleylovemom3 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I went with my boyfriend to go see this opening night and I must confess I had been waiting for this movie to come out in IMAX for literally months. I am in love with ocean-life, specifically sharks. I must also must confess that I have probably seen more movies at the IMAX than in a regular movie theater. The only one not a documentary was Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. So to say the least I had very high hopes for this film. When I discovered the narrators were Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet, they got even higher. Then when I discovered that Danny Elfman did the music and David Forsyth was on camera I knew it would be magic. I was not disappointed. It starts with the coral reefs and the homes of the animals and it quickly it becomes incredibly easy to lose yourself within the movie, however you feel like you are losing yourself in the ocean. You explore the life inside the reef and listen to how they all work together and you almost become proud of the life and animal community there. It moves seamlessly from the reef to the open ocean and you begin to see the most amazing footage ever caught on film. From the creatures that you are familiar with, like the shrimp and squid to the fishes and jellyfish that your mind is stunned by because they are like nothing you expect or can dream up. It is a trip and education that you'll never be able to have anywhere else unless you are diving in the ocean. I had my mouth open in awe for much of this film. The camera shots, the narration, the music is a beautiful package. There were times I actually felt like I wanted to cry, because of the absolute magificance of the filming and the subjects of the film. I do have one complaint though. It was over way too soon!
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Wonderfully narrated, beautiful photography, informative & fun to watch
duranhouse25 June 2022
The back-and-forth narrating of Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet is fun to listen to in this brilliantly shot look into the deep sea. Very informative with music by Danny Elfman.
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Beautiful IMAX film of our world underwater.
TxMike14 April 2007
Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet provide very pleasant narration for this IMAX film which I watched on DVD. At home, it is not in 3-D. However that did not detract at all.

The movie is not a 40-minute story, but instead is several episodes covering different, interesting parts of life in our seas. The photography is in beautiful color.

My personal favorite was the story about the California Mantis Shrimp. It is about 10 inches long, very colorful, lives in a burrow, but in the water moves much like a cartoon figure in superb digital animation. But this shrimp is real. It has fast, powerful legs that strike a blow similar to a 22 rifle shot, to crack open shells. But we also get to see an octopus trying to invade this shrimp's territory, and the shrimp is one cool customer, chasing him away with a few choice strikes.

Overall a very fine film, worth a viewing or two.
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Deep Sea
0U20 February 2020
Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet narrate an documentary about the exploration of the deep sea. IMAX 3D is the only format I know that can make the deep blue sea(real sea's, not animated seas) look stunning to everyone.
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Scuba diving without getting wet
earlybirdie5825 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Underwater, what a perfect setting for IMAX's 3D technology. This film's beautiful cinematography makes it an enjoyable documentary, even if it had to be viewed on the flat screen, but add the impact of 3D and it becomes an enthralling adventure. Jellyfish that suddenly pop up inches from your nose, six-foot squid that challenge the camera and then dart between your legs and an array of sea life, much of which will be new to most viewers. The music score wonderfully compliments the visuals and the narration, though somewhat in an instructional mode, is informative. My only suggestion would be to include some footage that contains only the audio of the sound of the cameraman's underwater breathing and the associated escaping bubbles to replicate a true below-the-depths experience. Get to your nearest IMAX and dive in!
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