Gusha no bindume (2004) Poster

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Dystopian oddity
timmy_50127 January 2010
Hellevator: The Bottled Fools is set in a dystopian future somewhat reminiscent of THX1138. Apparently the outside world is no longer fit for human habitation so everyone is forced to stay indoors. Large elevators are used to get from one place to another and the commute time on these vehicles seems to be substantial for most people. After dropping an illegal cigarette and running away from the police, thus starting a chain of events that culminates in a large explosion a few minutes later; Luchino Fujisaki, a seventeen year old telepathic schoolgirl who has recently been released from a mental institution in spite of her ongoing violent urges and/or delusions, enters one of these elevators. The elevator soon becomes a HELLEVATOR when a young, nervous police officer enters with two extremely dangerous prisoners moments before the aforementioned large explosion causes him to be distracted long enough for the prisoners to get the upper hand and wreak havoc. Eventually Luchino gets a little berserk herself and the bodies start to pile up. As this unusual scenario plays itself out each of the eight passengers is involved in multiple acts of violence and it's revealed that virtually every one of them has something to hide.

Although rookie director Hiroki Yamaguchi pulls out a lot of tricks to make Hellevator at least moderately visually interesting, it's clear from the get go that the film was shot on a tiny budget. Still, there are some nice dreamlike special effects shots when Luchino enters the minds of her fellow passengers and the frequent gore effects were done fairly well. Yamaguchi also does a good job of creating some atmosphere, both in the green tinted elevator scenes and the interwoven interrogation scene that makes use of a dark blue color palette. Hellevator is a fairly well done cyberpunk movie that makes adequate use of an unusual setting but runs out of steam just before the inexplicable ending.
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Japanese Brasil?
siderite25 January 2007
This is clearly a low budget movie and its script, with just three sets and a handful of people, is more like that of a play than that of a movie. But the overall film is OK. The script is rather original, the characters presented are interesting and the outcome is not predictable.

Basically, everything happens in an elevator that goes from one level of "the world" to the other, with various people inside. Things get weird when the big-brothery Surveillance Bureau stops the elevator to transport two death-row convicts. What was interesting about the movie was the design, which included weird technology like a cell phone, cardboard milk boxes, etc, but also big ring-a-ding phones, lots of little engines and exposed wiring and levers and huge clicking buttons :)

I would have given this an 8 if it weren't for the bad ending. It seemed completely out of place.
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Disappointing and messy.
Boba_Fett113820 May 2011
This movie wasn't at all what I expected from it. It's being somewhat a mix of an art house film and a modern Japanese exploitation horror flick. So in short, it's bloody and artsy but it's not being really good and successful as either an horror or an art house type of movie.

First of all, something that often bugs me about modern Japanese horror flicks is how low-budget they are looking. Cheap sets, cheap lighting, fake gore. Yes, everything is present in this movie as well its cheapness often can take you really out of the movie.

But what mostly was disappointing to me was its story. I mean, the concept sounds so promising and surely they could and also really should had come up with something more interesting and good for the actual movie. What is really the problem with its story is that it doesn't seem able to keep focus. For a movie that's almost completely set in an elevator it's a shockingly messy told movie. It takes a while before the movie finally kicks in and after that, every time I thought that the movie was going into an interesting direction, it completely changed course. You could call this surprising but bad or annoying are some words that I would rather use.

It's one of those movies that thinks it's being really clever but the movie is just too often either predictable or annoying with all of its twists and oddness. It also really makes this movie a bit of a mess to watch.

Yes, this movie can get a really odd one to watch. Hiroki Yamaguchi seemed to be full with plenty of ideas but the execution seems only halve, halve, which again is also really partly due to its restrained budget, so in this case you perhaps really can't blame the director for anything. Who knows, he might be capable of delivering something really good, if only given the right budget next time. Seems unlikely to happen though, since director Hiroki Yamaguchi hasn't made a movie since this one and prior to this he did only amateur stuff and shorts. So this was his big movie and I doubt it was a financially successful one. Slim chance he is ever going to get a new chance, unless he's capable of raising the right amount of money himself somehow.

Not the worst attempt I have ever seen but I also just can't think of any reason why you should ever go watch this film.

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Claustrophobic scifi thriller in an elevator.
Stan_S_Cud5 October 2004
I just saw this at the (excellent) Raindance Festival.

Psychic girl Luchino sets off for school in a dystopia future japan where the society is based on huge great building of 200 stores connected by elevators. She accidentally causes an explosion when escaping from being caught with an illegal cigarette by the Surveillance Bureau.

She boards a lift on 135th floor and as she rises towards the lower-numbered levels, she is joined by a microbiologist with a briefcase full of money and something else; a woman with a pram that she says has a baby in it; a young guy whose headphones and dark glasses seem to cut him off from his surroundings; and there's a smartly dressed and very efficient lift attendant. Then on level 99 - Penal Colony - a rapist and a bomber and their guard get on.

Of course things go wrong.

Like all good Japanese horror, they don't waste time unnecessarily resolving stuff. And Luchino's visions provide us with all the exposition.

Paranoid, violent, gory and genuinely compelling. Visually and aurally stimulating.
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Thought-provoking, but...
proxyisalive30 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It's difficult to say weather I liked it or not. Its interesting and thought-provoking, with action, but it is over the top excessive with the blood and a little short on detail. I will say this, you believe that there is a city and an atmosphere past the elevator doors and you get a very good feeling for how their society works without seeing much of their world at all. The acting is good, the visuals are good, the atmosphere is very well done, but it veers off course a little. The dystopian society is great, and the sociological/psychological element are quite enjoyable, but the bloodbath was overplayed and the story was just a little loose. I would recommend it to those with strong stomachs interested in psychology, bizarre horror and Japanese suspense.
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Bad, Bad, Bad - Did I say it was bad? - Could have been done in 40 minutes
Splattii20 June 2005
I went into The Bottled Fools hoping for a lot. I knew it was low budget, but the trailer and synopsis had me very intrigued. I guess that's why companies have marketing departments. It's probably the only way to sell this film.

The set/feel to the movie reminded me of the mid 70's Dr Who show. It was very low budget and almost looked like it was shot on a camcorder. This didn't really bother me however, it's more I'm letting others know what to expect. I've seen my share of low budget productions and I've grown to learn that a strong story or cast can take a movie much more powerful than it's CGI effects.

So now I'll get into the story. While the concept was somewhat good, the execution was not. The story seemed pretty basic after the first 30 minutes, however upon the 45th minute passing I realized I was wrong. I guess the writer wanted to make a statement on human interaction, so he decided at the expense of the audience to keep the film going much after one would have assumed this disaster would have finished.

I won't ruin the film by saying what happened, but the final scene made my laugh out loud.

Not something I'd suggest anyone waste time on. I'm guessing Tokyo Shock made a killing on this one as the hype around the DVD was fairly good. I'm starting to wonder if they may have got the rights for this film for free. I wish I would have got my copy for that price.
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my_first_last10 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Hellevator... is quite simple, the whole movie could go good and end in 45 minutes as it goes, but 'enough' is not enough here and It goes on. Probably it is some source of hard to watch, you gotta be ready for a 60 minutes one room only movie. I was expecting something else, but it went great. The ending was the best, it actually makes you think about all you saw in the 90 minutes.

Acting was cool, very good acting. Characters are 'original' you can hate them if you want, it looks like they want you hate them. And the main character, i felt like i was going to go wild if she kept her persona, she's annoying.

Overall Hellevator was kind of a letdown to me, but STILL is good film i would recommend.

6 out of 10
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Mappyman7 April 2005
An underground country, each level of its underground home is another set of strange people. From the casual crowd, to families and civilians, to scientists, and military. However there are also floors you don't want the elevator to stop at. What could happen if the elevator were to stop on a psychotic prisoners level, sending them to be disposed of is what we get to see and how things can go completely bizarre when you involve telepathic powers, violence, rape, and gore all into one enclosed elevator.

All scores are out of a possible 10: Story: 8 - There's several stories twisted into one. The main girl Luchino has a twisted past with her father but has telepathy powers and the ability to see into peoples soul. The prisoners background is freakish and very violent. Even the mild mannered people in the elevator have strange background stories that while all we get is a glimpse, its very cool and explains why they act the way they do.

Acting: 8 - Acting is superb. The two prisoners are especially insane! When he's not crawling around licking everything he's yelling all kinds of freaky stuff at people. The other prisoner is calm and collected but oh MAN, he's speaking -backwards!- its really twisted how this sounds on screen. Everyone else goes just insane enough to be believable if not over the top but hell, when you see deaths like they do how can you not lose your mind!

Characters / Fashion: 10 - The outfits in the movie stand out a lot! Elevator lady especially with her uniform thats sexy yet professional looking. The military in their Nazi-esquire getup. Even the prisoners have their own unique creepy style sense.

Music: 8 - The classical music thrown in fits right in, especially how its used. Much like Battle Royale and other Japanese horror films, there's something eerie about how the classical music can be used at the most disturbing scenes. There's also Noize and Drum & Bass riffs that fit in well too during some of the more gruesome scenes.

Sound Mix: 8 - Sound is mixed almost TOO well, its kinda disturbing how the people who made this could actually come up with a "sound" for splitting people's throats in half, or bashing someones face in. Elevator sounds too go really well and amplify the scenes enough that you almost get claustrophobic yourself.

Camera-work / Lighting: 9 - VERY good. The elevator is all you ever see but the lighting effects are very freaky. All of the speed-ups, the slow downs, heck.. even bullet-time is incorporated in this film! During the scenes with telepathy, they edit-cut the dialog between two characters and throw in the film burn effect so it gives you the twisty psychic feeling. Its very cool and should be used in more films the way this used it.

Uniqueness: 8 - Maybe its because I've seen a lot of Japanese horror/thriller but this one wasn't about one crazy guy trying to kill everyone, or a group of school kids killing each other. This is a twisted, different world with no rules, and nothing leading you into guessing what could happen next. The movie's setting isn't explained but by the end you should figure out how it works.

Worth: 7 - For fans of Japanese horror/thriller its definitely one to see. Ichi The Killer, Old Boy, Izo fans would like this but quite possibly fans of violent anime as the characters in this definitely take some influence from the movies.

Overall Score (Not an average): 8 - Previews of this movie definitely got me interested and its been a good while since something totally new and different came along. I'm a big fan of the Silent Hill series of games and this was right about the same category as it. The movie never let up at all, and the fast-forward effects and telepathy scenes really got me interested. Watch with a group of friends and definitely spread the word to get an official release of this in America as more people should see this twisted film!
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nogodnomasters6 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is an odd sci-fi film. The setting is some possibly post apocalyptic under ground world. How long it has been this way or the circumstances leading up to it we don't know. We do know grandma remembers songs about living on the surface, which is apparently level zero, of which we do not speak. What we learn of this structured Big Brother society comes through the coming and goings of passengers unto the elevator operated by a woman who is almost robotic in her movement, as well as many of the inhabitants.

The film centers on Luchino (Rukino Fujisaki) a school girl who opening commits felonies by smoking cigarettes. While her and some passengers are on an elevator, two criminals come aboard with their jailers. One is a bomber, the other a serial rapist. We know in the beginning an explosion will happen as the story is told as a flashback with authorities interviewing one of the introverted passengers.

Things get weird, and then we think we get an explanation at 70 minutes into the film, but then again, maybe we didn't. It is left up to the viewer.

This is a film for a select audience. It is an alternative society filled with metaphors. Fans of this film might try watching "Double" a film with far less violence and blood.

Japanese with English subtitles.

Parental Guide: No f-bombs, sex, or nudity. Forces a woman to undress. Appears to rape her.
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Imagine CUBE with just one room...
niz13 March 2005
The low-budget origins and "arty" look initially had me worried this would be another Shinya Tsukamoto-esque Japanese film, high on style but low on content. Thankfully, HELLEVATOR is a very accessible, very watchable science fiction flick that is not trying to answer the meaning of life, just deliver 90 minutes of first class entertainment.

It resembles CUBE in that respect, making the absolute most of its location, and building the tension around the personalities of the characters accidentally thrust together in a high-stress situation. In fact, it could be seen as an ultra-minimalist riff on that film, confining the action to just one single room, but providing breathing room via the schoolgirl's telepathic "visions", and varying the tone via the comical parade of passengers getting on and off.

Great fun.
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has it flaws, but overall quite good
rand_corp14 March 2005
This is certainly not the best Japanese movie ever, there are a bit too much technical flaws (could partially have been due to a bad tape though, I've seen it on the Brussels BIFFF festival), and a bit too many cliché's in the plot, and the gore was a bit too soft(for a movie advertised as a horror movie, that is) it doesn't really have something to stand out from the rest of the new Japanese movie....except for its atmosphere...really liked the atmosphere, which had a lot to do with the decors, which were very well put together.... the two people who I went to see the movie with hated it, mainly for the flaws I've mentioned before, but I guess this is a typical case of "if you concentrate too much on the flaws you'll hate it, otherwise it just might grab you, and you're in for a very enjoyable ride"

So to be brief: I loved it but I can't really recommend it...still I'll give it an 8, mainly to promote a talented filmmaker which I'm sure will deliver a few brilliant movies if he gets the budget he deserves
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