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pass the sleeping pills!!!
ArmandTanzarian15 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This film took me about 4 attempts to finish watching it. Not because it was so profound and disturbing - because it was so boring. Basically it consists of a the cameraman , documentary style, walking up to someones house or other location, meeting someone and watching them kill themselves. There are various methods used, pills, OD's wrist slitting, various personality types -a terminally ill man, angst ridden goths, a guilt ridden paedo etc. However, this soon becomes very boring and repetitive with each episode following the same pattern with no development of plot, character or interest. The episodes are intercut with b/w filmed from the dashboard footage of the protagonists, a man and a woman driving to and from the scenes ,and there is the attempt to develop a few ideas: they are recruiting people via a website and plan to sell the footage and create a media frenzy, the sometimes feel guilty and discuss stopping and also that the cameraman is slowly becoming implicated in the deaths, where for example, he pushes a paedo who cant do it into a lake, smothers and agonsied suicider and finally shoots a man who looks to be having second thoughts. The idea is probably to try to raise the question of the viewer's voyeuristic involvement in these deaths, but they don't pull it off, simply because the viewer knows the film is fake, despite the realistic devices as the single hand-held camera etc. After at least half a dozen too many of these suicides the 'plot' comes to a conclusion where the protagonists plot to fake the man's death by having the woman pretend to run him over with a truck, he jumps away at the last moment and they cut to a shot of a dummy, leaving them free to enjoy the fruits of their filming. Somehow the man trusts the woman to stop and is predictably run over and the film ends with the woman smiling as she drives off. This is a tedious film which doesn't manage to pull off the main points it's trying to make. there's no character development at all, you generally neither know nor care why these people are killing themselves and the final 'twist' can be predicted as soon as they suggest it. One to avoid and a massive disappointment despite the intriguing premise.
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Not a nice film
hellholehorror1 October 2017
This really was not a nice film. The story behind it is rubbish and the images in the film are not that brutal but the overall idea is truly brutal and shocking. Some scenes are really hard to handle. This comes about from the amateurish realism of the way that the film is shot. But this is also its major let-down – it is too amateurish. Not a very original idea and there is almost no production value this film gets its shock value from the brutal yet non-graphic death scenes. It is hard to think how anyone survived this film. Not a nice film at all.
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An okay dogme-95 type of examination on Reality Websites
yourebeingfilmed13 July 2004 or Suicide as it is called in Troma's American release, is another DV movie, that longs to be gritty by being shot handycam style with the cameraman/character combination done in that pseudo documentary style that was popular late nineties to around 2000 , that seems to be in least in that dogme 95 aesthetic where you come to a location as is for a set, use only your camera mic for the sound, very minimal music and sound effects (most music being played on set by a stereo somewhere), no studio light just practicals, what seems to be improvisation by the actors,etc. One of those movies where it seems the only budgets was ten dollar mini-dv tapes, and the actors salaries if they were paid.

The movies about a couple who film suicides for a website(that we never see in the movie or see them work on, just hear about) that they then think will be juicy/or exploitative to make them money or something .The movie seems to be trying to comment on that kind of Reality T.V./ /Faces of death exploitation though it's never very clear why they're doing it, except to maybe get a cheap thrill or make a little money and it's definitely not clear why the people committing suicide are allowing themselves to be videotaped.

Anyway, the movie's basic flow is a long kind of confessional suicide by some person, and then a short interlude with the couple commenting on how the footage of that suicide went, as they drive in the car to the next suicide to film. You never really get to know much about the main characters, and you never see the people who are committing suicide for the video's other than the short time before they do themselves in, so the viewer longs for more depth to the subject matter or more characterization. This approach could be explained away into the very minimal nature of the movie, but it comes off as too minimal, as if it's begging for you to read more into it than it's really delivering. The movie definitely as a staccato kind of rhythm with these scenes in this storytelling style, but it's also that repetition that makes you start to lose interest in each new scenes similarities.

The movie kind of plays on that whole filmmaker documenting killer of abuser of some sort who inadvertedly starts to participate in the killing or exploitation that he's filming, and may start to enjoy it. (You definitely get the feeling that the filmmakers saw "Man bites Dog" or "Series 7", but those two movies pull it off better). The movie also plays with the thought, that maybe the first suicides were faked as to get get participation by suicidal people later. But those two potentially juicy subjects are not developed enough either in spite of or because of it's minimalist/earnest style.

On the upside, some of it's pretty well acted for the most part (some of the suicides don't ring true, but are they supposed to at first?) It definitely has some moments that our bit disturbing (which is why you're probably interested in the movie) it's too short at 85 minutes to completely drag the concept out too far, and the style works for the movie (though you can never tell with these types of movies, whether the moviemakers thought:I got this really interesting disturbing idea for a movie lets make it lo-fi/ or, we could quickly, cheaply, and easily make a lo-fi/dogme type of movie what would make people watch it.)

Anyway, I'm going on tangents. I would give this movie about a five, it moderately keeps your attention for it's duration, but it could be much a jucier subject, and the movie's not nearly as disturbing or provocative as it wants to be.
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Depressingly awful
Stevieboy66619 July 2018
Low budget German movie about a couple who drive around filming people commit suicide in order to sell the footage. I found it an interesting idea and the end has a reasonable twist but this film really is hard to watch, not because I found it shocking but rather it due to it being so slow, boring and obviously faked. Watching a young girl lying on her bed for 5 minutes downing pills with alcohol before puking up isn't captivating viewing. Seeing a guy inject his penis with a lethal drug overdose isn't either, and so on. It all just looks so amateur, as are the attempt at English subtitles, (have spelt hav, for example). Jorg Buttgereit made dark, depressing films but he had real talent. The makers of this don't. The only reason that I watched it was because it was released in the UK on the Vipco label, most probably by far the worst film to have been done so - and that's saying something! Unless you hate yourself then give Suicide a miss
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OK director, what do you want to tell me?
welpe27 November 2006
! ! ! Watch out! Spoilers! ! !

There are two sorts of German amateur movies. The gory "funny" ones, and the ones who want to tell something, who are critical of society.

"Suicide", I guess, also wants to tell something. But unfortunately it mumbles in that way.. you don't understand the message.

The film starts interesting, a couple follows a guy with a camera. The guy wants to jump off a building but can't do it in the end. He starts crying and runs away from the camera.. Since his life is really at the end he slips and falls off... I guess he didn't have the right shoes.

The rest of the film we see alternately the couple driving in their car to the next "death session" while they talk about it, and the killings of many people in different variations. We've got a junk with an overdose, a guy who stabs himself (DON'T watch the "acting" here or you start crying!), a shooting guy, a heart attack and angst girls who swallow pills. As a "plot turn" the neutral camera man starts killing one guy... anyway it doesn't have any effect to the story.

Sounds interesting so far? Then you like my description but not that film! The end "joke" is a real/faked killing. The girl (of the couple) drives her neutral camera man to death (she tells him she fakes it, so he can be official dead, cause he killed somebody..).

The plot, well, the idea is sort of nice although the joke of the documentary-style is kind of strained. We see people talking to the camera how shitty the world is and they want to end it and more then one time after they tried to kill themselves they regret it. One or two times this can be nice, but not for feature length! We see characters and we (and in that point the film is very realistic) just don't care about them, cause they're losers from the street. Everyday faces without a background. This leads to a numb feeling and after 2 kills the viewer's only interest is the kind of the next killing.

The actors, ha, OK it is an amateur production and nobody can expect high acting skills, but here it seems that the neighbor boys and girls helped out. Unfortunately this is not enough to make the film believable.

"Suicide" could have been a great short film! I'm pro amateur production with a good idea and motivated makers. But to stretch a good idea to feature length can it make boring. It's a pity for "Suicide".
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A critical subject and an unpleasant execution
Horst_In_Translation29 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"" is a German 85-minute film from 2001, so this one had its 15th anniversary already last year. It is apparently the only career effort by writer and director Yvonne Wunschel, but her co-director managed to keep going with a solid small screen career and is still working in the industry today, such a long time later. Anyway, the alternate title "Selbstmörder" already gives away the center of this film, namely people killing themselves. Or really it is about those people who offer to film them while they do it. So in this fictitious movie we get to see many people who commit suicide. And in-between these scenes we see the characters who film them interact. This one looks truly amateurish and especially with such a difficult and complex subject, you really need talent and some kind of aesthetic and tasteful execution. This film offers none of that and that's what sinks it eventually. The actors also weren't particularly good for the most part and I am not surprised to see that almost none of them are enjoying careers today. I did not expect a lot from this film to be honest, but the eventual outcome was even considerably worse than I expected. I highly recommend to stay away and watch something else instead like, if we are talking about the subject, the German movie "Suciide Club" (2010), which turned out much better.
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The antithesis of a feel-good movie.
BA_Harrison25 June 2009
A particularly harrowing variation on what is already an extremely harsh genre—pseudo-snuff—German indie effort Suicide (AKA follows two film-makers as they record a series of suicides with the intention of selling the footage to the highest bidder. Having advertised online for willing participants in their project, the couple travel from location to location, capturing the final moments of the mentally ill, the lonely, and the hopeless.

The film opens as the first victim climbs a flight of stairs whilst discussing the pros and cons of various methods of suicide; he has decided that hurling oneself from a tall, derelict building is the most reliable way to end his life. However, when it comes to throwing himself into the void, the man has second thoughts and runs away, but winds up falling to his death anyway after he stumbles through a hole in the floor. The irony of his demise softens the blow somewhat, and a couple of the deaths that follow also raise an uncomfortable smile (one cannot help but giggle nervously at times), but the inevitable, cumulative effect of watching a succession of people top themselves is depression.

Shot with realism in mind, Suicide is extremely downbeat viewing: it's really uncomfortable to witness a pair of teenage girls wash down pills with vodka, a student inject an overdose of heroin at the base of his junk, a sad old geezer suffer a heart attack after not taking his medication, a woman gassing herself in her car, a goth slash his wrists, and a guy inject himself with air (which proves what the first chap says—it's a bloody painful way to go!). In fact, it comes as a bit of a relief when, towards end of the film, there is a slight shift in mood: the film-makers themselves become involved in the taking of lives, adding an element of plot, and a silly twist ending acts as a valve to release some of the pressure.

Well acted, well made and thought provoking, but perhaps a tad too repetitive to be totally engrossing, Suicide is definitely not an easy film to watch, and something I would only recommend to hardened viewers of challenging horror. I guess a 7/10 out of 10 would be a fair rating: it's good, but not something I'll be revisiting any time soon.
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Absolutely Engrossing and Harrowing "Mockumentary"....
EVOL6661 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Invariably, this film will be compared to other "mockumentary" and fake-snuff films such as the AUGUST UNDERGROUND films, MAN BITES DOG, THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, THE LAST HORROR MOVIE, and Tamakichi Anaru's PSYCHO: THE SNUFF REELS and SUICIDE DOLLS - but what SUICIDE (aka FINALCUT.COM) has that these others lack, is ABSOLUTE REALISM. There's a lot that goes on in this SOV mini-masterpiece, but one thing is certain - IT FEELS REAL...

There's a lot going on under the surface of this film, but the basic concept is about a couple who offer their "services" to tape the last moments of willing participants who are going to commit suicide. From what I gathered (and I can't really be positive about this due to the ambiguous nature of the film - but a certain "deleted scene" seems to confirm my suspicions...), the first several suicides are staged to "drum-up" business for their website which is offering this unique service, which it is implied that the couple are doing to sell for media attention. But once the business starts rolling in, they take part, at least in the filming - and sometimes more - of these individual's last moments...

I've watched a lot of this sort of thing, and SUICIDE is the most realistic of the bunch. I can't say that it's an enjoyable film, but I give SUICIDE such a high rating because it is exactly what it is meant to be - a sick take on the reality film/TV craze and it's ever-increasing play on "shock value". It also shows how something that could be considered an "innocent" concept can quickly escalate into an uncontrollable situation (which is best noted in the last two segments).

The performances of the suicide participants are all so visceral and real, and so well staged, that you really can get sucked into the notion that this is the real thing (even the ones that I believe were purposely staged). Some of the characters choose to explain why they've decided to end their lives - some don't. There's very little "filler" so each participant's story is interesting in it's own right and the film as a whole moves along at a fairly brisk pace. The whole film is handled as if the audience were right there witnessing these acts. There isn't an over-abundance of theatrics or gore, which makes the scenes that much more believable, and there is such a variety of acts and reasons portrayed, and they're all done so realistically, that the film never gets boring or tedious.

SUICIDE got to me on a level that few films do. I think that above all, the actors should be applauded for the commitment level and the realism-factor that is brought to the table in their respective roles. Nothing about SUICIDE comes off as forced or phony, it just is what it is. And for once (and only once...) I actually feel that the down-playing of gore and sleaze made this film stand out amongst all others of it's genre. Definitely a challenging and "disturbing" film - so mainstream horror-goers may as well pass this one by...but for those that truly appreciate subversive and thought-provoking cinema - this ones for you...9/10
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German cinema at its very best
Ton_O21 September 2004
This German film, released here with it's original soundtrack and English subtitles, is totally unique in it's subject matter and in its form. Roughly it is about a young couple who decide to offer their services on a website to film other people's suicide. There is a lot more to it, but there are some very interesting and unexpected plot twists that would be a shame to give away - you just have to see this for yourself. It is entirely shot on Digital Video - but BEWARE all those people who have some strange grudge against this medium, let me tell you: this is the only way this film could have been made. This is one of those films where the choice of that medium is essential, enhances the horrifying nature of the film and, indeed, is no less than a character in the story. Funny thing is that, partly because of the use of video instead of film stock, this film looks as though it was a lot easier to make than in reality is the case. There is no use of the obvious and much-too-often used digital effects that we are bored with in the multiplex theaters, everything looks as though it is plainly shot with a small hand-held camera. But the suicides that are shown are so shockingly realistic and indeed much better looking than rapidly outdated digital effects in any 100 million dollar movie that it is hard to believe that the makers of this "small" film have achieved this level of 100% realism. This is enhanced by the true-to-life acting of absolutely everybody in this film. It is dark and very unsettling, but essential to everyone interested in intelligent horror films, German cinema from the likes of Jorg Buttgereit or Michael Haneke and for everyone who wants just that little bit more from a movie-experience than just laid-back entertainment.
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Dark and disturbing suicide film.
HumanoidOfFlesh20 December 2006
A young,ambitious director of photography and his girlfriend want to be famous.They decide to document suicides and sell the resulting footage to the highest bidder.However the photographer soon wants to quit this unwholesome activity,because he doesn't believe the suicide films they shoot are realistic and visually exciting.His girlfriend refuses to quit, and persuades him to continue by soliciting business for their fledgling company on the internet."Suicide" is an emotionally disturbing film.The suicide scenes presented here are truly depressing and painful to watch.Of particular note is one guy who slashes his wrists–it looks painfully real.The film is stylish and very well-acted.The concept is very interesting,but as a whole "Suicide" is utterly downbeat and bleak.Give this film a look,if you can stomach it.9 out of 10.
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Typology of Suicide
hasosch10 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Raoul W. Heimrichs film "" (2001) shows different people trying to commit suicide in different ways. A man who is determined to precipitate himself from a high building is unable to do it in the last moment. He calls himself a coward and asks for help. The question arises if these people who are unable to perform their chosen form of suicide act cowardly or not. First, in Germany and in most parts of Europe, people do not have the choice of shooting themselves. Therefore, they have to come up with strange ways to fulfill their desire, they cannot really choose. Not everybody is the type to jump from an altitude. Not everybody has the possibility to get a painless and quickly working poison. Not everybody knows that it is sufficient to chew half a pack of cigarettes. The girls who are portrayed in this film do not know, that they should have swallowed tablets against sea-sickness, that would have prevented them from throwing up, before they swallowed Valium together with Vodka.

In short, failed suicides have at least two reasons: The unavailability of the way of going out of this life that fits to the respective type of person, and the lack of knowledge how to perform this action successfully. One man who is lethally sick from cancer suggests in the movie that there should be hospitals prepared for people who want to end their lives. As a matter of fact, there are none in Europe, and active euthanasia is prohibited by law (and passive euthanasia in several countries as well). From an ethic standpoints for humans and not for an abstract and unknown "god", it is not understandable that such institutions do not exist. Every child has to go almost twenty years through education in order to be ready to cope with the problems of everyday life. But nobody teaches adults even for twenty minutes what is to do if somebody cannot or does not want to go on living anymore. The results of this deplorable lack of information are lifetime invalids, crippled limbs, brain damages, visible cord-marks around the neck, scars around the wrists, etc. Everything concerning death, and not only suicide, is still tabooed, on both sides of the Ocean, and as far as I know on all five continents. The same people who have no problems to set children in this world do not even come to the idea that not everybody fits into this world. However, if they must or want to stop living, they are let alone. This movie should be shown and discussed in the schools around the globe.
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Who says movies have to be expensive to enrapture the viewer?
jpilkonis17 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The appeal of "reality television" is, on the surface, easily explainable: there's an undeniable intensity to any viewing experience where the viewer can't tell himself, "it's only a movie" (or TV show). It ups the ante for the viewer, and is infinitely more compelling. Since this intensification is applied across the board, its presence in television is a match made in heaven, since it allows lazy producers to present half-baked contents and still make them effective.

This movie eschews the aforementioned ineptitudes and presents an already compelling topic and cranks up the intensity meter almost past the level of endurance. The "Blair Witch" way in which this film is presented - is it real, or isn't it? - is brilliantly done and genuinely convincing, and the first viewing of this movie, particularly if the viewer is unfamiliar with any of the production details, can be harrowing. To our mind, this really is happening on the screen.

And here's the spoiler which sums up the way the movie affected me personally: All through my first viewing, I couldn't get it out of my head that this all could be the real thing flickering on my screen. This movie never "blinks," it never tips its hand to let you in on a camera trick, or a jump cut...until the very end.

The very last scene, where the filmmaker himself seems to get murdered by his partner, looks as real as all which has come before it. Unless, that is, you focus your eyes on the trees in the background, and you see the tiniest jump of the leaves where the real footage and the fake death were masterfully spliced together. Watch for it, and instead of seeming like a flaw, you realize just how brilliant the cutting was.

However, considering that, immediately before this scene, the two filmmakers are discussing faking the death in that exact way, it still doesn't represent a break in the film's veracity. Masterful. Really masterful.

This isn't a fun film. But it's a film you won't soon forget, either.
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Criminally Underrated
pearson-9618726 November 2021
Suicide is a film that is not for the faint hearted. It takes the idea of suicide and places it directly under a magnifying glass and forces us to view something that is essentially a taboo topic. Let's start with what the films does right. The film is essentially a series of short movies with an plot that interconnects them all. We are introduced to a variety of people, each with their own unique reasoning as to why they have chosen this decision. There are subtle things in each scene that build the emotionality of each individual scene, and only adds to the overall atmosphere of each scene. While not fully flushed out, we empathize with these individuals who are literally at the end of their rope. As the movie progresses, we see just how the second hand effects of suicide can effect people, specifically in this case the male lead. The music is haunting and used sparingly which only strengthens its emotional impact when it is used. Here is what it gets wrong: The two main characters leave you apathetic at best. They are the merely to drive the plot. Structurally, the biggest flaw is that it feels like the writers didn't seem to know how to end the film. The knocks about the film being "obviously fake" are elementary at best. Of course the film is fake, as are 90% of every other motion picture.

Overall, it is well done, but should only be watched if you are prepared to be bummed for the next few days.
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