Speed Demon (2003) Poster


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No, Speed Racer, Nooooo!
stmichaeldet5 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Every so often, a director steps forward and exceeds the boundaries of our expectations, showing us a new and startling vision of how bad a film can be. Such a film is David DeCoteau's Speed Demon. Even now, I'm not sure what to make of it. What about it leaves me with this feeling that it's one of the worst films I've ever seen? Let's go back to the beginning.

Speed Demon looks, on the face of it, like a simple exploitation concept: "Let's do The Fast & The Furious as a horror film!" Ah, if only they had stopped there and left well enough alone. It would have been a nice little time-killer, a one-off on the video store shelf waiting for a week where no new big actioner is released.

The plot, while inane, at least does us the favor of staying fairly simple. Evil Otto wants to be the Fastest Man Alive (I always thought that was the Flash), and to that end he practices Satanism and collects gothy pentagram pendants. This gives him control over a Speed Demon (yep, they actually call 'em that), an ancient Sumerian bogie with power over all things speedy.

Our Hero, Jesse, also has a pendant, that he inherited from his daddy. (I guess that makes him a Satanist, too. Huh.) So, Otto kills Jesse's little brother in the only real car-racing scene in, like, the entire picture, and sets his sites on Jesse. He does this by performing a semi-naked "Rite of Purification" on one after another of his underlings, and sending them out to do his dirty work. Unfortunately, each time he does, the poor stooge is slaughtered by a mysterious driver in head-to-toe black pleather whom we'll call Racer X. No one seems particularly disturbed by the killing spree, and the gang members go one by one to their deaths as calmly and willingly as any third-world dictator could wish for in a presidential guard.

Meanwhile, Jesse's kinda half-dating Otto's blonde girlfriend, a development so inconsequential to the rest of the plot that I can't even recall her name now. With Otto rapidly running out of minions thanks to Racer X, soon Jesse and Otto have to come together for their climactic battle. Who will get the pendants? What is the true identity of Racer X? If, at this point, you care, you're way ahead of me.

But what makes this movie transcendently, even innovatively bad, are the small touches. Things like the lack of continuity, the stating-the-obvious narration, and the plodding, numbing pace combine so that the strangeness of this movie descends on you in stages, like a series of blows to the head.

The first thing you notice is that none of the guys wear shirts. Well, OK, sometimes they put on a t-shirt, but they make up for it by taking every opportunity to dance around in their Michael Jordans. Oh, and there are a couple of women in this film, but apparently someone forgot to tell the cameraman. I'm not trying to make any trouble, but let's just say that Speed Demon makes Jeepers Creepers look like Barb Wire, and leave it at that.

Next, the setting starts to sink in. Everything happens in industrial parks - heavy, concrete buildings surrounded by undesirable scrub land, with chain-link fences, stairways carved into hillsides, and random mechanical debris. No houses anywhere to be seen; Jesse has a place that is either an apartment above his father's garage, or a very cheap motel room, or a family homestead with what looks like a nice patio outside the window; you couldn't really tell from one shot to the next. On the whole, it's nicely filmed, all gray and geometrical in the noonday sun, but after a while, the stark monotony brings a new meaning to the word "oppressive."

But the strangest thing is, apart from Our Hero and Evil Otto's racing gang, there's no one else in this film. And I don't mean no secondary characters; I mean no signs of human life whatsoever - no extras, no cars on the streets, no signs of movement caught in the background. OK, there are two diners in a restaurant scene, and I may have blinked and missed a waitress. So that makes, let's see - about a dozen people LEFT ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH?!? And yet, rather than live in the nice, empty houses of the... oh, let's say, raptured public, most of these people choose to make their homes in abandoned tool & die plants at the edge of town?

All of this is served up on a big, steamy bed of rock-video style direction, with impossible intercuts, swooping pans, and the by-now-inevitable twitchy-head stop motion effect. This, combined with the staggering awfulness of this film, made me want to chalk it all up to a lack of experience on the director's part. But, I looked up David DeCoteau's filmography, and found an impressive amount of work in B-movie horror and softcore fare, under half a dozen names, dating back to the mid-eighties. Final Stab, the Brotherhood series, several Puppetmasters, and even Dr. Alien. (Anybody else remember good ol' Dr. Alien?) Now, many if not all of these movies are pretty bad, but Speed Demon stands alone as a terrifying leap into new and dizzying realms of badness. If you share my masochistic streak, track this movie down and watch it immediately. Otherwise, don't say I didn't warn you.
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One of the worst movies of all time, which i could have overlooked but. . .
jh1keener10 March 2004
I saw the movie in the video store, knowing i had to see it, i'm a huge car guy. And the 1970 chevelle SS pictured on the front is my favorate car ever. I collect 70 chevelle memorabilia. I knew the movie would be horrible and it was, down to the film making the cars swap sides of the road as the camera changed locations. or typical car movie sudden burst of speed when you should have the pedal mashed to begin with. The homosexual overtones, the horrible acting and plot (plot, what plot?) ALL COULD HAVE BENN FORGIVEN. IF. . .

They got the freaking car right!!!!! it is a 71-72 chevelle rearend and a 70 chevelle front. horrible, just horrible.

this movie has no redeeming value
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Would be a geat joke...if only it were in on it.
ThrownMuse16 November 2005
A college kid returns to his FastCar hometown to find that his chums have turned to the supernatural to make their wheels go faster. This movie could be seen as a parody of testosterone-fueled jokes like "The Fast and the Furious," but it is played so damn straight-forward that it is impossible to take that way. DeCoteau's genre gender play is amusing and appreciated--for the first 20 minutes, all the male characters are topless, just chillin' at the garage with their buddies, and the two female characters are fully clothed. However, his fascination with buffed 'n waxed torsos is more than a little boring. I don't understand why he just doesn't go all out and make his films gay with lots of nudity instead of making these straight-forward movies where straight male characters in their scanties rub blood all over each other. Make a real homo-horror, dammit! Nobody wants to watch this crap.
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I rented this movie...
redrose818111 January 2004
I rented this movie and boy was I wrong to...this movie was definitely not worth the money. It looked like and sounded like it might be a good movie, but sure as heck wasn't. It started off somewhat decent..but then, I noticed that throughout the whole entire movie there was only a few scenes where the males actually had clothes on. This wasn't a X rated movie, but I was awfully disappointed also by the acting and the script. I was too busy laughing throughout the entire movie. The best thing about the entire movie was the 1970 Chevelle SS that was black and had white racing stripes. The other part that was really disappointing was the race at the beginning of the movie. It was so boring and staged...
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Horrible Waste of Time!
waynerd111 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If you enjoy watching a handful of rejected male underwear models who can't act walk around pretending they have the slightest clue about cars then this is a movie for you.

Being a huge muscle car fan, coming from a hot rod background and also being a huge movie fan I have to say this is the worst "car" (and I use that term loosely) movie I've ever seen. I can't possible write a spoiler here as there was no plot to spoil, the screenplay is awful. Find me one muscle car mechanic that would rub ANYTHING (let alone blood) on the bare chest of another mechanic while prancing around in their ginch and I'll recommend them this waste of 75 minutes.

This movie was classified as a "high octane thriller" on my movie channels visual guide. My grandmother could have done better stunt driving in the one scene that actually had some action. The rest of the movie consisted of horrible acting by bare chested college boys, excruciatingly lame dialog and 3 minutes scenes of these morons walking in slow motion to some substandard death metal.

The story reeks, the acting is painful to watch and the directing was downright embarrassing. Watch how many times the "evil" chick has to watch where she's walking in the "oh so suspenseful" girlie stalking scene, ridiculous! Thank good I didn't pay anything for this waste of time.
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Stuck in 1st gear...
RockatanskyZ7 January 2007
What a hunk of unmitigated recycled poop.

I have seen other DeCoteau movies...and...yes, they are bad. But not THIS bad.

This is horrible.

Main character finds his dads Satanic supplies for worshiping the car demons...and says...are ya ready?? "I'll be damned."

Plenty more cheesy lines that smell worse than Limburger cheese.

Bad...ooh..bad...bad oh.bad...stink...bad..

I need 10 lines of text to submit to tell you this is bad.

Bad. Bad. Bad. Worse than bad.
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Bigtip13 January 2004
Part fast and furious part satanic teen homo-erotic thriller with a mind blowing twist ending. Nobody wears a shirt in the first hour of this movie except for the 2 female actors, which left me wondering when DeCoteau would just give up and turn this one into a porno. Glacial acting skills as one would expect from the director of such fine films as Creepozoids, Voodoo Academy and American Rampage.
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wow.....a terrible waste of resources !
theRealEnAr8 January 2007
When I saw the words "muscle-car" in the TV guide write-up I thought "all right, not a bad way to spend a wintery afternoon." Cripes, was I wrong ! Who wrote this piece of crap, preteens jacked up on CoCo Puffs?? This piece of crap has a bad story line (son finds dead-dads amulet which drips blood and apparently is capable of making you drive faster - no evidence of that as there were no racing/speeding scenes to speak of), horrible acting, silly dialog with equally bad presentation. The worst dialog comes from none other than AUTO or is Otto. Who cares.... Apparently the word "muscle" in the title refers to Auto's overtly-gay gang members, who every 15 minutes or so, sensually rub blood onto someones bare muscular chest while dancing around a pentagram drawn onto the floor of their ....'hideout'.... The more I watched this piece of crap, the more it became clear that I was watching some sort of homo-erotic film. All in all, the best part of this movie were the sweet sounds emanating from the Chevelle's mufflers when the engine was revved. Otherwise, a terrible waste of time and probably rates as the worst movie I have ever seen.

If you have 85 minutes or so to spare, visit a lonely senior citizen and chat it up with them, they'll enjoy the company and you'll have done something worthwhile.
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Director's Commentary
brando760426 May 2005
Going in I knew how bad Decoteau was. I accidentally saw The Brotherhood and The Killer Eye. If you like bad movies, and are prepared for Decoteau's style, you will find the movies entertaining in that they are so laughable. One thing about Speed Demon, in the director's commentary he says he wanted to make a possessed car movie, which is totally not what this movie is about. Found that funny. Also, read an interview with him and he keeps producing these straight to video movies because he has made a lot of money off of distribution via blockbuster. He has a somewhat cult following. There's rarely any blood and no cursing as he said he wanted to avoid R ratings. He is openly gay and thought it would be interesting to put a homo-erotic spin on horror movies since it is usually women who are objectified. Signature Decoteau elements: usually one 4 max 5 locations; extended slow motion scenes, gratuitous crotch shots of guys in boxer briefs; very limited dialog (scripts can't be more than 4 pages long); group casts; holes in the plot; and random scenes. Film students should write a paper on his work and how bad it is. I actually kinda like the guy's stuff now, well except Wolves of Wall Street - that one was lame. :)
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what the...?
disdressed1215 December 2007
I can honestly say,this was the worst movie(?)i have ever seen.i did laugh my ass of at random intervals at the stupidity of it all.it's basically a bunch of wannabe poser who don't realise they're in a movie.but wait,they're not in a movie.i don't know what you'd call what i just witnessed,but movie is not the word for it.proof that the world is coming to an end,is probably more accurate.but at least i can now say that Dracula 300 is not the worst movie ever made.it had to happen sooner or later.the worse news is,if you subject yourself to this-whatever it is,you probably won't forget it for awhile.i know it's seared into my brain for all eternity.this thing is a real achievement.i can't in good conscience give this dreck a positive score.my vote for Speed Demon:-10*
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Let this be a warning to young actors (Spoilers Ahead)
Hunter111417 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw the movie 'Shock Waves' (1977), I thought I had, without a doubt, seen the worst movie ever made. I must now apologize to director Ken Wiederhorn for having thought so. Director David DeCoteau's 'Speed Demon' (2003) is worse. DeCoteau can do good work but this isn't an example of it.

(Potential Spoilers Ahead)

Let's start with the setting. Wherever this town is that these kids live, there is almost nobody else living there but them. The film was very shy on, almost devoid of, extras to give the feel of an actual living, breathing community with some depth to it. Perhaps this is because the director moved from his familiar campus settings, with a heavy student population to draw from for extras, out into a wider world where extras cost more money. I can understand wanting to keep costs down, but the lack of a believable population gives the movie an odd feel to it.

This town also, apparently, has some odd ordinances that require men under the age of, say, 25 to all wear sunglasses but mostly prohibit the wearing of shirts, except to funerals and other public functions. It's a shame that the story was not as well built as the bodies.

Good horror depends on proper setup in order to make the viewer suspend disbelief and buy into the world that the director is creating. A brief mention of a 'Speed Demon' near the beginning of the film does not suffice. Flashbacks, or some other device, could have been employed at the beginning to set the stage and give more depth to the premise. When the lead actor talks about the speed demon before a fateful race, it rings hollow, more like high school gossip than urban legend.

The fateful race was entirely predictable and came too early in the film to allow the viewer to develop any empathy for the unlucky character or his brother. It had none of the tension of, say, any of the race sequences from 'Rebel without a Cause' or even 'The Fast and the Furious' and 'The Wraith', which were the most likely inspirations for this film.

The characters were shallow and did not elicit the empathy, sympathy or strong dislike that good characters have to do if the movie is going to work well. This was due in no small part to the fact that, generally, the acting was poor and distracted from what story there was. As an example, the lead villain delivered his lines in a consistently stiff, emotionless manner that was guaranteed to cure insomnia. To anyone who has seen other DeCoteau movies, the villain's wooden delivery would remind one of Bradley Stryker (The Brotherhood, et al), except that Stryker's tone of voice occasionally varied.

However hokey the supernatural premise, almost any occult ritual scene can be made to work on some level if the lead actor has enough charisma to pull it off; think Michael Des Barres in 'Ghoulies' (1985). Des Barres performance was definitely over the top but it definitely didn't put the viewer to sleep, either. The lead villain in Speed Demon's occult ritual sequences leant no charisma whatsoever to the scenes and they came across as tedious frat initiations. This was not helped by DeCoteau's now-familiar, and tired, device of massage, to say nothing of underwear, either by doing it to one's self or with the help of a friend.

Forgive me for picking on the lead villain...there's plenty of banality to go around for the whole cast.

And the twist ending? Please. Not believable. The dark driver should've just driven off into the west, leaving them wondering about 'his' real identity similar to Eastwood's Preacher in 'Pale Rider'.

Let this be a warning to young, aspiring directors: Well developed pecs and abs are no substitute for a well developed story. To you young actors out there: There's absolutely nothing wrong with developing one's body, but pay attention in drama class; don't just sign up for it and then head for the gym. Develop and work at your craft or you may someday find yourself living back home with your parents while trying to scrounge money for head shots and wondering why your agent doesn't return your calls.
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This Movie Was...Super? (Spoiler, Most Likely)
tia_bowens19 October 2005
Okay, so this movie...certainly made me smile. For many reasons, I shall list them all.

1. No one wears a shirt! Except the women. Normally when my friends and I rent cheesy horror films, it's tits tits tits tits. And there were none. Only shirtless men.

2. The homo erotic scenes when the men devoted themselves to their god, or whatever. Oh my goodness, my absolute favorite part of the movie was when the guy who looks like Tarzan was smothering himself in blood with jerky, awkward movements.

3. Jesse. He has got to be the hottest crappy horror movie film actor ever. Holy crap, that man..every shot of him is amazing!

4. Jesse's brother's huge nipples. Ha. Those made me giggle.

5. Tarzan's nipples. They were hard all the time. Icky.

6. Tarzan's sweeeeeeeet vinyl pants that he wears during the end.

7. When people get run over by the car, there is absolute no blood on their body, and they still look perfect. Okay, if you get hit hard enough by a car that it knocks you out, you'd be a little bloodied, and certainly broken.

8. How I guessed who the killer and was right. :)

9. The lack of acting of EVERYONE in this movie. The man who played Otto made Vin Diesel look Oscar worthy .And that ain't saying a lot. These men were simply hired because they looked hot with their shirts off, and the women were only hired because they were hot.

10. How in the sex scene, the girl still had her bra on! Yay! YAY! YAY! And oh my goodness...this movie was super.
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Demonic dreck!
TheLittleSongbird6 January 2013
The concept was sort of intriguing, which drove me to watch Speed Demon in the first place regardless of what the quality was like. Apart from that and that it started off alright, there is nothing really to recommend about Speed Demon. I hated for starters how the movie looked, the camera work and shots would work well in a rock video but it was far too obtrusive and nauseating here. I wasn't expecting the effects to be particularly great, but the look of them in Speed Demon gives the impression that the makers didn't even try. The sound effects were bizarre and destroyed any kind of suspense or any kind of terror as once the sound effects were incorporated the movie just became even more predictable than it already was. The story has no atmosphere or life to it with too many ridiculous moments to name or count, giving no distinction whatsoever to the characters so they became cardboard cut-outs that you could feel no empathy for. While the script reeks of enough cheese to fill the biggest and tallest cheeseburger you'll find in the world. The acting is atrocious, there's the vibe that the actors knew the script and movie would be bad and the consequence is that they take things far too seriously. The direction is similarly inept, concentrating too much in making our heads ache with the camera work and editing used and paying no attention to the pace or to the credibility of the characters and story. Overall, apart from an intriguing concept and an alright start Speed Demon is unwatchable dreck. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Bad Movie Night: Speed Demon
Captain_Couth27 February 2009
Speed Demon (2003) is about some young dude who comes back to town to take care of some old family problems. He meets some of his old friends who are involved in a weird automobile club. The problems get even weirder when he finds about about what happened to his Dad and his ties to some local mumbo-jumbo. Can the dude find out the truth behind his father's strange extracurricular activities? What kind of shenanigans is this automobile club involved in and can he spend enough time with his old lady?

David DeCoteau wrote, directed and produced this film. If you know what kind of movies he makes then you'll like it. But if you're not a fan of his like me then stay away.

Not recommended
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Serious Skid-marks!
frightfan200425 January 2004
This film is excellent! It's Fast and the Furious meets Ryan Idol bikini waxer! From the minute it started, I was glued to my seat...which is amazing because my panties we're so damn wet!! This movie is 68 minutes...85 with credits and titles...of pure turbo-powered terror! Long live the director of this cult classic!
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I give it a Y rating.
wolfchevy30 June 2019
As in Y did I watch this!! Wasted an hour & half of my life! Plus they don't seemed concerned that their friends are dying. And the front of his car is a 1970 Chevelle & the back is from a 1972 Chevelle
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Yes Virginia there is a Devil and his name is David DeCoteau.
nunley756 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Yes Virginia there is a Devil and his name is David DeCoteau.

From the moment we meet Jesse, our hero of the film, we know we are in for more of the classic DeCoteau treatment. You see Jesse is returning from "Who the Hell really cares?" to do something shirtless. Yes like all of the Devil's movies Jesse walks into town shirtless. When there is no plot or good actors the Devil gives you shirtless men.

As Jesse walks into town he runs into his archenemy Otto and his crummy little toady Chain Gang. Guess what? They're shirtless too. Imagine that. After the typical "You'll better stay out of my way College Boy" crap we move on. (unfortunately) At Jesse's family garage we meet his little brother Mikey, also shirtless. Mikey is an interesting character because when you meet him you'll notice his giant saucer nipples.

Then we meet the rest of Otto's gang. Clutch Axle, Road Rage, Wiper and Chopper. Road Rage is about the only one with a cool name. But the name doesn't fit this movie. It needed to be stupid like the other. How about "Hood latch" or "Brake pad?" Maybe "Dipstick." Yeah that's it. But let's move on to Wiper. Wiper? He must have drawn the short straw when Otto was handin out names. Ooops! I almost forgot to say that Clutch, Axle, Road Rage, and Wiper is also shirtless.

And then there is Chopper. Peppermint Patty all grown up and working on cars. "Sir." We also meet Otto's girlfriend and Jesse's one true love. But who care.

Otto shows up challenges Mikey to a race which ends with Mikey getting killed in a car crash when Otto summons the powers of his Speed Demon. The Speed Demon is this necklace that connects Otto to his Speed Demon, Mikaleth. (love the name) So with his brother dead Jesse tries his best to act stricken by the loss. When low and behold Jesse finds a Speed Demon necklace that belonged to his father. Now with the necklace Jesse unknowingly sets a murderous Speed Demon ( a guy in an black jacket, pants and helmet riding around in a car running the bad guys over or making magical chains wrap around their throats) loose on Otto's gang.

Meanwhile in Otto's hideout he and the guys (minus Chopper) perform their ritual to praise Mikaleth. This consists of them stripping down to their underwear and rubbing oil or blood??? on their bodies. Wow shirtless and rubbing stuff on their bodies. Wow.

After all this is over Jesse's Speed Demon begins killing Otto's men. Somewhere in there Jesse and the girl fall for each other and Otto and the gang perform the Mikaleth half-naked-oil-rub-down-ritual two or three more times.

In the end Jesse and his girl have to battle Otto and Chopper to the death. Otto gains control of Jesse's necklace and becomes all-powerful. Now that Otto is all-powerful Jesse's Speed Demon driver shows up. Turns out it was the girl Jesse loved and Otto had been "Boffin". But what chance do they have when Otto is all-powerful? What do you do to stop him? She runs him over with the car "Austin Powers" style and that's that.

85 minutes of torture from the Devil of movies Daivd DeCoteau. If movies like this can get made then I know I can make a movie. And you can too.

Perhaps DeCoteau needs to team up with Uwe Boll. Could you imagine the "Horror"?
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What a lurid, execrable waste of time.
stormruston7 May 2008
Appalling, Awful, lame, Things like that come to mind after sitting through this steaming turd, it took 2 days Just to watch this. David DeCoteau is a name I am going to avoid, I just watched his "leaches" days before and it is just as bad. Pretty faces with no acting ability at all.

Everything about this movie except the story concept is bad, Lousy action acting and sets. The special effects must have been a kindergartens class project, great for 5 year olds embarrassing for a "real movie production".

Its rare i can find so few redeeming or watchable bits in a movie as I love "B" movies, but I really have to say avoid this one and "Leaches" too
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speed demon is a hoot
justinbog16 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
didn't know what i was getting into when i watched Speed Demon the other night.

i laughed throughout the entire, campy, homo erotic, supernatural, racer movie. the acting was stilted, the dialog worse, the concept a rip-off of so many other horror/suspense/action films,

but the film is so recommendable because it turns the tables on the 'straight' horror film whose only purpose is to show gratuitous female sexuality and pain. what's wrong with male eye-candy? absolutely nothing. it's a double- standard in the film business where the women are allowed to take it all off but the men should never reveal everything because it makes the straight male audience uncomfortable.
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reeves200226 February 2007
I rented this movie because of the interesting sounding plot.I have to admit I didn't really enjoy the brotherhood series at first because of the soap opera camera style and cheesy acting, but then realized it was the B- rated style of movie the filmmaker was going for so i put my expectations aside and found it very entertaining.I have seen better movies, but have also seen far worse.I knew what to expect from seeing the brotherhood series so it wasn't as bad.There is an entire audience out there who really enjoy and collect these type of movies.The plot may not please some ,but the actors are easy on the eyes.I am open minded and am not offended by nice male bodies.
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