Feeders (1996) Poster


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Worse than you can imagine
Trooper8-211 January 2001
This has to be, hands down, the cheapest movie I have ever seen. They couldn't have spent $50 on this turkey. The computer effects look like an Atari 2600 game and the alien creatures look like sock puppets. I found it amusing that the puppet-aliens were always eating people even though they did not appear to have mouths. Fans of really bad movies will probably enjoy this, as I sort of did, but everyone else is advised to stay far away.
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Paper Mache Condom Aliens With TV Antennas
quinntune15 January 2001
What do you get when you combine the acting/directing/scriptwriting of John Polonia and John McBride, along with the stunning visual effects of Phillip Ogden?

A steaming fen of cinematic s**t, that both amuses and enriches all movie watching after seeing this movie. I've rented this movie 8 times, and I have had all of my friends watch it, as well as my mother and uncle. It seriously is probably the funniest movie I've ever seen. You can't beat special effects that consist of someone drawing stuff on the film with a crayon...

And to all you guys who watch this movie...I have a few funny things you should watch for. Watch John Polonia's socks throughout the movie, especially during the scenes in which they run through the forrest. Watch closely the scene when John McBride gets out of the car to run into the doctors office. Watch closely the scene when they listen to the radio report in the car. Notice the pictures that John McBride takes at the flood site, and pay attention to what he says and than does in the next scene.

This movie is simply fraught with mistakes and bad effects...Just go rent it, you won't stop laughing.
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What's that smell!? Oh, it's Feeders!!
phatsausage22 June 2001
I first discovered this truly amazing movie when my friend, Geraldo, came to me crying like a baby, but yet pausing between sobs to spit out, "This movie, it's, a gift from the heavens." But not till now, as I sit on the toilet, wondering what the jiminy craps it was that I just ate, did I understand just how deep Feeders touched me. From the tense, yet emotional opening scene involving character actor Gary LeBlanc's brilliant portrayal of the hopeless romantic Ranger Gordon, to the nail biting finale involving Broadway veteran Mark Polonia (who just recently wrapped up starring in the national tour of CATS as Rum Tum Tugger) and the amazing Jon McBride, the 1987 Acadamy Award winner for Best Actor as Locker Room Guy #24 in "The Running Man". This movie also has a strong supporting cast, like Grant McDoogle as Skip, the lovable, but aggressive swim coach who just can't seem to get past the fact that he hates the water or Pepe Johnson as Alien #12, who strangely resembled Rocky Alexander as Alien #42, but who cares, this movie was spectacular. A must see for all fans of such movies as "CRAP", "CRAP II: THE CRAPPIER", and "COMPLETE WASTE OF FILM". Don't miss this historical cinematic treasure, this film that will one day be called an epic, this film that us mere mortals know as "FEEDERS".
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This is it. Number One with a Bullet. Maybe to your head.
Mr Pan Cakes15 February 2003
Ohh, Feeders.

I've posted some other comments here, but for some reason (though I've referenced this film in them) I haven't come back to this little beauty.


It must have been 96 or so, because dates escape me in my age (and from all the gasoline-milk mixtures I've had over that time), and my sister and I saw this . . . apocryphal miracle in the new releases section of a more-than-common video rental chain. How could we not have rented it?

Feeders. How I miss thee.

It's been a while since I've seen this, so bear with me. Lemme see. Some Commodore 64 special effects, hastily scribbled onto the film strip, signal that aliens have arrived . . . with the noble intention of brutally eating everyone they come across . . . or to burst out of their bellies . .. or to use 'lasers' to raze the whole planet . . . or to impersonate one of the heroic characters . . . any one, or all of these may be their master plan. Since obviously a higher power spurred the creation of this film, who am I to question the intricacies of the plot, me a simple heathen?

My absolute favorite scene is the one with the fat truck driver (well, he might not drive a truck, but I do recall him being obese). This man gets mauled by a 'feeder', and is rescued by the 'heroes', who rush him to a 'doctor', where he 'dies'. I say 'dies' because, as the doctor ceremonially intones 'I'm sorry, this man is dead', and reverently pulls a sheet over his body, THE MAN IS STILL OBVIOUSLY BREATHING -- QUITE DEEPLY! YOU CAN SEE THE SHEET MOVE, PEOPLE!!! Oh, but maybe that's a signal that the alien inside of him is about to burst out, via the magic of uber-superimposed (uberimposed?) post-production editing. The wound, literally, does not overlay the body. It is uberimposed.

Feeders . . . the one. The only.

Two other points -- one being the blowtorching of a 'feeder', which must have been the final scene, seeing as though the feeder puppet is totally ruined, which must have made the special-effects whiz who made it cry like a baby for hours and hours, what, not being told ahead of time that his hand-crafted buddy would be cauterized in such a horrible manner. And the straight-out-of 'Night of the Living Dead' scene with the corpse at the top of the stairs . . . and I mean that as in 'This Scene was directly sheared from the reel of Night of The Living Dead and messily inserted into Feeders', straight-out-of Night of the Living Dead . . .

Feeders . . . where for art thou on DVD? For I would own thee, verily, in a fortnight.

I heard there's a sequel. Taking place during Christmas. But I'll be a Warlord of the Deep if I can't find it here. Or something.

In summary, I would like to say that this movie is apocalyptical; to be collegiate (if at all), I use that term in it's original Greek sense, meaning, rending of the veil. If you see this film, firstly consider yourself lucky. That also means you might have seen other beauties, such as Parts: The Clonus Horror, or Judgment Night, or Rana: The Secret of Shadow Lake, or some other, horrible poison that I haven't sampled yet. And two, realize that, having seen it, you can never go back to how it was before. Now your veil has been torn asunder, and the guttural truth of life pours through . . . Feeders will ruin you, like it did me, with the fact that there are movies like this, being made by people, for some reason or another, and that the only solace comes from either seeing more or drinking the ever popular milkoline.

Feeders. God how I miss you.
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Teenagers borrow parent's videocamera and make a movie
HellYesItsVince3 September 2001
I am not sure how this movie even made it into the legitimate movie rental store I got it from. This is quite possibly brings the standards for amateurs to an all-time low. Grainy picture, acting that would have a middle-school drama teacher in tears, and "special-effects" that could be reproduced on a computer from the 80's. HOWEVER, this was also one of the funniest things I have ever seen, and I would recommend getting it if you get a kick out of terribly done movies.
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This film makes Ed Wood look like a cinematic genius!!!!!
HUD-616 December 1999
Ed Wood wrote a script over the top and cheesy-Feeders script is downright bare-bones stinky and laughable. Ed Wood took at least a few actors with some ability and ended up with a bunch of Michael Kaines compared to this film! I work at a video store and this is the only film in the 4 years I've worked there where someone came in upset saying they wanted their money back---To quote the gentleman "This is the worst piece of **** I have ever seen" Because of that, I checked it out-and have done so numerous times to show to friends and watch the disbelief on their faces.
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feeders is to movie like bubonic plague is to life
generic_eric17 January 2004
this movie left me with my brain on fire. my nose was melting and my eyes were glazing over. puppets that look worse than puppets i could make while drunk. acting that was more like actors who weren't good at improv, trying to improve. drama that was about as dramatic as watching paint dry. UG
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They're coming to eat us! Oh my God!!!!
Aaron137516 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There have been films that have screamed terrible such as Trolls 2, Ed Wood films and things such as this. Then there are films made by complete amateurs that make films such as those look a bit better. This one is such a film, though as bad as it is, it has enough merits to garner a two score from me, mainly because I have already seen Feeder's 2: Slay Bells and while this is bad, that one is much worse in that it attempts to be a comedy too. This one tries to play it a bit more straight and while it looks like hell, at least we do not have untalented actors trying to spout out comedy. This film is also way better than Suburban Sasquatch! So, it is bad, but as I have said, sadly I have seen a lot worse.

The story, aliens are invading earth and two guys who seem to be taking the longest way possible to the beach are caught in the middle! The creatures come from an advance race that scurries on the ground like groundhogs to make their kills and successfully kill numerous people until one plucky lady finds their weakness! Just fling them upon the ground and stomp them! Unfortunately, the two guys are drama queens that like to stretch things out to the max as they peer around every corner and look closely upon the walls even though the creatures attack from the ground as you have to pad your film immensely when you only have a 1000 dollar budget!

The film has some kills, but nothing all that graphic as it just looks to cheap and corny to provide anything but some laughter. We have the two main guys looking like Hall and Oates in their younger days stumbling around, you have random woman whose hair seems to be right out of the 70's along with her huge rimmed glasses and you have a woman who disappears from the film as I imagine she fled screaming when she caught a glimpse of the supposed aliens of the film that look like they were made with sticks and clay...

So, terrible? Heck yeah, it's bad! However, it is also kind of entertaining to watch, though it would be more entertaining had they sped things up and filled this thing with more kills or something rather than parking, peeking and peering. Moments of absurdity are plentiful though, so if you like riffing films, this is a good one to do that to as you have a friend slicing into his buddy who may or may not be a clone, he literally had no way of knowing which was which, but he hesitated not at all. You may wish to hesitate watching this, but if you have some friends over it would probably be a pretty fun watch. I also found it very reminiscent of the film, Things, though this one is a bit more easy to follow than that one; however, it is not as interesting.
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Torgo-723 November 1999
One would have to travel for a lifetime, making stops only to use the bathroom and an occasional meal, to find a film that even resembles the genius of this film. The Polonia Brothers are the (and to paraphrase Roger Ebert)"Thinking man's Coen Brothers". Ripe with the essence of Life's little idiosynchracies, "Feeders" succeeds where lesser films such as, "Ordinary People", "American Beauty", and "Terms of Endearment" failed. If you only see one film for the rest of your pale life, die with a shred of dignity and view "Feeders".
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Painful!!! Not sure how this movie made it pass MST3K.
turtlkky14 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately the scale only goes down to 1 from 10. If possible this would be rated -10. One day while working at Blockbuster, a movie magically appeared on one of the shelves on the New Release wall. I picked up the box and it looked like an interesting movie to watch and I thought it was a twisted version of the movie "Critters". To my amazement I watched "Feeders" and it turned out to be the most awful movie I have ever come across. I could not even finish the movie and that is saying something. When I absolutely could not stand to watch this movie anymore, I immediately called my best friend and told him he has to watch this too. We are avid movie watchers and strive on trying to find really, really bad films and this one sure topped the cake. In fact, I had to black out this movie from my mind because it really truly was the worst movie ever made. I had to call my friend 10 years later to find out what it was called again. At the time it was not very hilarious but now it is. If you would really like to watch one of the worst movies ever made watch this one. I would be surprised if you could make it through the hole thing. The best, I mean, worst part of the film was the special effects. A school full of special education students could come up with something better for the special effects than the effects artists for this film. The aliens look like walking turkey legs. The previous comment explains it pretty well too. Whoever edited this movie forgot to delete the scenes that needed to be deleted. Needless to say, if this movie is to come out on DVD, I would definitely buy it. The only thing is if they were to build the DVD correctly, they should put the entire original film in the 'deleted scenes' section.

This movie is a must see for those in this world looking for absolutely the world's worst movie. After watching this film, the IMDb's Bottom 100 are actually appealing. No other film can even touch this. If you think one exists, please contact me. This film should have a disclaimer. Please exercise caution if you wish to watch this film. It could be psychologically damaging and may cause a 10 year blackout period. This is not meant to be seen by movie rookies (Trust me, the truth has been spoken).
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snelson-126 May 2001
This movie makes my brain hurt. It NEEDS to be on the worst movies of all time list. I fear that one day, someone might accidentally pick this movie up in the store without reading the review, and be forever mentally damaged. The only other scary thing about this movie is that it has a sequel. With santa.
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Paper bag puppetry meets the pavement in this Proustian display of brute farce
tim_sparks16 December 2003
This film is the very definition of "b movie," and this isn't a bad thing (for that, see the sequel).

Little Feeders come to terrorize, and no one is safe...from this ridiculous film. It's the Citizen Kane of Paper Bag Puppet films. Take a paper bag, dip it in goop, and use sticks for arms and you've got yourself a bona fido Feeder.

What can be said about this film without laughing? The best scene of all involves photos of stuff to try to fool the watcher into thinking those places are in the movie.

This movie has to be seen to believed. Just don't continue the madness and see the sequel unless you hate yourself.
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Bad, But In A Good Way
Humdinger6926 September 2013
This right here folks, this is what you call a quality bad movie. Everything that's shoddy about this movie only serves to making it more entertaining. At the time of (re)writing this review, I recently finished my second viewing of this cinematic marvel in order to properly compare it to its (inferior) sequel. It was every bit as good as I remember it being, if not better.

There are a myriad of elements worth mentioning: the acting, the time captions that make the movie look like a news report, the poorly CGI'd UFOs, the paper mache aliens, one which kills a guy by poking him in the neck (the sticks used to move his arms are too clear to miss), the abduction, the iconic hospital scene, the... actually... I should probably stop there. It's better you see this for yourself to fully grasp the power of these scenes anyway.

The only flaws are some drawn-out scenes where nothing happens, and the alien's growling which gets grating on the ears after a while.

Still though, I cannot comprehend how it is possible for any human being to hate this movie? Do you hate fun? Do you hate laughter? Joy? The fact that the Polonia Bros. were even born is solid evidence pointing towards the existence of an Almighty creator - or maybe two!
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This was bad movie ever
BethR1 May 1999
This was probably the worst movie I've ever seen! Or the best bad movie. Either way, it was hilarious! The alien puppets and super-cheesy computer effects make this a sci-fi/horror movie not soon to be forgotten. Not since Ed Wood has someone achieved this level of filmmaking.
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This movie really is so bad it's bad
one4now410 April 2005
Sometimes, I have to admit that I've fallen in love with a piece of crap. Fred Olen Ray's "Scalps" is a damn fine example. But, listen and listen well: "Feeders" really is every bit as bad as people say. What does one need to know? Aliens invade to eat people, and the budget is so low that they couldn't even afford to do fake-ass gore right. I hoped there would be some humor, at least. People making movies featuring obvious stuffed toys as threatening forces out to devour the Earth... these people should know that with a comical twist, it could have had a chance at being at least a grade-Z classick. But what is there to "Feeders"? There's no entertaining elements OTHER THAN those damn alien dolls with big plastic eyes. Even the gore is at such a bare minimum (as well as an ultimate pinnacle of ineptitude), that it loses all its effect and just becomes another boring, crappy part of this boring, crappy movie, with one of the worst scores EVER in a film. I know porn scores that would've worked better. In fact, I know of porn MOVIES that worked better, and, no, there is no nudity or sex, either. There is ABSOLUTELY no reason to see this, unless you just have to, like I did. Just make sure you rent it at a VERY reasonable price, because you will live to regret doing anything other than making yourself sit through it once for your cash. A real turd!
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Holy Smokes
spookyhead5 September 2005
Words cannot describe this film; until 'Feeders' I thought I could handle anything, you name it. I love horrible, campy flicks but this one really just blew me away. Shot on a budget of 50 bucks (I watched the commentary), the film was literally made by 3 guys. The aliens were made out of stockings sprayed with latex, and the entire movie was shot on videotape. The two main actors were the directors, cameramen and pretty much everything else. They actually had to add fake names to the end credits to make it seem more legit, but really, the movies is just horrible. From a cinematic standpoint, the movie just blows, but if you love cheap sci-fi that you can just have a good laugh with, this is really kind of an entertaining film.
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Feeders: A Rare Cinematic Treasure
sj_sulli095 January 2008
Lo and behold fair film viewers, just when you thought low-budget films couldn't get any more low budget, a little gem named "Feeders" happens along just in time. To be perfectly fair, the budget could not have been any more than $100 maximum, and the alien puppet visuals are so absurd they make for a laugh-out-loud riot fest of epic cinematic proportions. This is one of those movies you see at a local renting chain and feel the urge to rent it to see if it really is as bad as that reviewer told you it was. Believe me, this film really is terrible in every sense of the word. I hope for the love of God that the entire cast and crew was stoned each day while making it, otherwise it would've been a tedious experience for the hapless actors working on this celluloid waste (wait--VHS tape waste). There are a couple of rubber aliens who go mincing around the park area in the film, and they kill many things in the way, and they also attack two bozos on a road trip to the west. That is, I regret to inform, the extent of the plot for the cinematic travesty that is "Feeders". But please, if you insist on seeing this film, do so in the privacy of your own home where no one can see you watching this and blackmail you for it.
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This movie killed my soul
GrampsSeth11 July 2005
Try and imagine all of the positive things one could possibly associate with a movie. Exciting plot, suspense, humor, good acting, cool looking special effects, etc. Its a very rare thing to find a movie that unintentionally contains absolutely NONE of these things. Feeders (and its sequel) are such movies.

I love watching bad movies. I usually find that the really bad special effects and the inept acting found in a lot of movies are hilarious. Although Feeders certainly contained horrible special effects and incompetent acting, there was nothing funny about this film.

After what seemed like five hours the movie finally came to an end. I wasn't angry that the movie sucked. I wasn't sad, or disgusted, or anything else. I wasn't really feeling any emotion at all. It was as if my soul had been killed. And for the rest of that day all of the happiness and color and joy in the world was dead to me.

Don't watch this film just to see how bad it is for yourselves. I did and I regret it.
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This Exists?
mcjensen-0592426 November 2023
Crazy that this mess ever got onto film so people could watch and be disappointed and even angered at the sheer atrociousness of it. The stupid soundtrack is the least of the problems with this vomitous mass of putrid nonsense. The two losers on the road trip obviously have no acting ability at all, and their mindless conversation, jokes and bantering will indude you to nausea. The constant closeups on their vacant faces was too much. But no worries, as not one member of the supporting cast seemed to have a clue that they actually had to portray emotions and deliver dialogue with some sort of credibility. The aliens were the least imaginative things I've ever seen. It's like they tore a page out of the crappy science fiction movies from the 50's and slapped it into their movie.
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The 1 is for the UNRIFFED version.
mhorg201827 December 2019
How did I ever miss this when it (if it did) came out on Video? I used to haunt every video store within miles for movies, I would surely have fast forwarded through this! What an utter waste of video! Horrible childish SFX, worse acting and just a terrible story. In truth, if I had rented this, I'd have fast forwarded through it in about five minutes. The Riffing by Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett make this crapfest hysterical! Best line: Character says, There's a camp site eighteen miles down the road. Mike: I hope it's camp crystal lake! But our hopes were dashed.
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Camcorder sci fi thrills
Leofwine_draca18 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
FEEDERS is another cheap indie science fiction flick, made with literally a couple of friends and a video camera. They shoot out in the woods for an adventure which extensively copies that EVIL DEAD prowling camera that Sam Raimi invented, but the rest is more horror-focused as cheesy-looking aliens hunt random folk and messily devour them. Expect grainy footage and VERY wooden acting, although there's enough amusing incident to stop this being the worst of the worst.
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The parts without Polonia are actualy good
gacsogergely21 January 2022
The Polonias were never good actors. Unfortunately one of them is taking most of the space in this flick.

I actualy like the effects. The aliens look perfectly fine for me, especialy for lower budget. The ufo looks pretty decent if you ask me. There are some pretty corny effects. My fav kill is of the coroner's.

The problem is the wasting of time in the car with Polonia and his friend. P plays a duche, and we never get free b00bs on the beach they planned to reach. That's a hugh problem, also that nothing happens with these two, they can't converse, and even the music is bad (both too loud and bad choice of track).

Strangely the bad quality only hurts the scenes with John P and his friend in their cabrio. The rest is perfectly fine, could have been a decent movie.
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cinematic masterpiece!
owenlovato4 January 2015
This revolutionary creation from the Polonia brothers defines budget- indie movies. Sure, the aliens are condoms with papier-mache, and yes their hands are radio antennas, and maybe some of the acting could be improved - but it's a really enjoyable film.

The acting quality makes it comical, but it's also quite suspenseful. Also, the special effects, (courtesy of paint), to show the wounds are something else. On a positive note - the CGI isn't half bad - considering it was done in the 90's by 2 people with a low budget...

It's definitely worth the watch as it isn't really as bad as people make it out to be.
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A B-MOVIE worth watching
caspian197812 March 2001
If you're a fan of B Horror films, why wouldn't you like this movie? This film has it all. From the corny but predictable story to its average yet acceptable acting. Feeders was worth making a sequel and hopefully another to complete the trilogy. Keep your eye open for John McBride who shows off his giant 80's hair style in this soon to be classic low budget flick.
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Low Budget
nogodnomasters28 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Feeders is made by the Polonia brothers, Pennsylvania's answer to Ed Wood. The produce, write, direct and star in their own productions known for their sci-fi nature and bad props. In this feature, ET looking aliens come to Pennsylvania and start feeding on the local population similar to vampires. The aliens are fragile and easily killed.

The film has the jerky movement of a handheld camera. It is not that this is "found footage" film, but rather because tripods cost money. The acting and sound track is on par with what one would expect from a mid level corporation to produce.

F-bomb, no sex or nudity.
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