Showdown in Little Tokyo (1991) Poster

Tia Carrere: Minako Okeya



  • Minako : [laughs] 

    Chris Kenner : What?

    Minako : That time I heard you coming!

  • Minako : This is a nice place.

    Chris Kenner : I built it.

  • Minako : [Seeing her friend Angel smoking meth]  I thought you quit that stuff.

    Angel Mueller : I heard something.

    Minako : It's the sound of your brain frying.

  • Yoshida : [Yoshida walks into Minako's change room]  Minako?

    Minako : Yes?

    [Turns around and sees Yoshida] 

    Minako : Mr Yoshida?

    Yoshida : [Unwraps a box of flowers and gives them to her]  For the beauty.

    Minako : [Hesitantly]  Thank you.

    Yoshida : I enjoyed your singing. Any other duties?

    Minako : I sing.

    Yoshida : I don't understand my countrymen's obsession with these other women. Forbidden fruit, I guess.

    [Leans down close to Minako] 

    Yoshida : I find the apple outside my door is the sweetest.

  • Chris Kenner : [Showing Minako how to use a shotgun]  Point this in the direction that things are, pull the trigger, and they'll fall down.

    [Answers a telephone call, then goes to leave] 

    Chris Kenner : Shoot anything you see move!

    Minako : But what if it's you?

    Chris Kenner : You won't see me coming.

See also

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