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A crappy film that happens to be pretty good
BrandtSponseller4 June 2005
This was a really tough one to rate. I want to say that it's a crappy film that happens to be pretty good, but that might only make sense to a select group of people who have already seen Chillers. If I try to better pin down what I mean, I suppose it's that the performances in the film tend to be terrible, the directing and editing tend to be awkward at best, and the film tends to have a structural problem overall. On the other hand, the stories tend to be pretty good, the film tends to be impressive for its budget level, and one tends to sense a lot of passion and ambition from the crew and cast. I said "tend/tends" a lot above. That's not just because I don't know what the hell I'm doing as a writer--it's because none of those things are absolutes. For example, the acting tends to be terrible, but it's not always. Some of it passable. Some admirable. Really, it's difficult to say exactly why Chillers is a crappy film that's pretty good, but I'll try to flesh it out more.

The plot, on the "forest" level, is pretty simplistic. Late at night, a group of five strangers end up in a backwater bus station in West Virginia. Because of travel delays, they have missed their connecting bus and they're going to be stuck in the lonely station for hours. To pass the time, one of the five, Lindsey (Marjorie Fitzsimmons), tells the rest of a bizarre dream she had (we see her dream in "real time", so to speak--she's sleeping when we first meet her). Mason (Jesse Emery) then says that he also had a bizarre dream the night before, and tells the rest. It turns out that each passenger had a strange dream with similar themes. Thus, Chillers is constructed as an anthology film. Each dream is a short horror story that we see acted out in "real time".

So on a "trees" level, the five-fold plot (six, really, if we count the bookends) is a bit more complex. Lindsey's dream has to do with zombies and a pool. Mason's has to do with psychos and a camping trip. Sharon (Laurie Pennington) tells a dream that involves vampires and her infatuation with a news reporter. Ronnie (Jim Wolfe) dreams of being able to bring back people from dead. And Professor Conrow (David Wohl), an anthropologist, dreams of lecturing about the supposed Aztec god of war, Ixpe.

The fact that Chillers is an anthology film, with five different stories plus bookends told in less than 90 minutes, creates some problems. It makes the stories feel a bit incomplete. The potential isn't realized. Each segment is a pretty good story, even if director/writer/producer Daniel Boyd runs into some roadblocks as he tries to tell them, like the music video/romance sequence of the swimming pool tale. But it feels like he's shortchanging his ideas. Each segment could have easily been developed into a feature. There are plenty of untapped avenues in each.

Maybe that's being a bit unfair, as we could argue the above for most anthology films. But with a film like Twice-Told Tales (1963), or Creepshow (1982), none of the segments feel unfinished or untapped. In Chillers, the rapidly changing stories make it difficult for the viewer to become immersed in the film, and the basic idea of each segment is good enough that you want to become immersed in that world.

Of course, it doesn't help that the performances are so uneven. Some dialogue--for instance, most of the conversation in the bus station--tends to sound like amateur actors reading their lines for the first time. It's even more surprising given the patches of competence that shine through. Maybe it's just that at this budget level, it's not easy to even get everyone to show up on the same day, forget about extensive rehearsals. In light of this, though, it's amazing just how many extras are floating around in some scenes--there are tens of extras in both the pool segment and the college classroom segment.

At times, Chillers can become unintentionally funny. It is firmly ensconced in a 1980s ("fashion") style and vibe, which became dated and ridiculous quicker than just about any other decade. It doesn't help that the pool segment, which is first up, is mostly unintentionally funny. It's full of people that you're not sure you want to see in a bathing suit, and they're supposed to be aspiring professionals. Swimming burns off a lot of calories. If you're trying to be a professional, you don't tend be extra-"thick" or have a lot of cellulite (or a big Whitesnake hairdo).

It also doesn't help that Boyd used such a mishmash of music. The score ranges from super-sappy 1970s After School Special-sounding tunes to Path Metheny and Jaco Pastorious-influenced songs that are actually pretty hip. The problem with such a wide range is that it further undermines any aspirations for tonal or atmospheric unity .

The best segments are probably the camping and Ixpe stories. I can't say that either are scary, as I don't think that any films are scary, but both of those segments are at least well constructed, have good usage of locations, better acting (which is more remarkable in that three of the five actors in the camping segment are kids) and they're both somewhat creative. The bookends are probably a close third in quality, even with the rough dialogue delivery in the middle.

But no one watching Chillers is likely to be expecting Hamlet. Or, they'd probably prefer Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D. (1991) to Hamlet. While Chillers isn't quite as outrageous or gory as many fans of low-budget cheese-horror would like, it's worth a watch if you're into the subgenre. Just make sure you go in with zero expectations.
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Now that was scary
bigwig_thalyi28 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Found this film one night on the horror channel and for a cheap by the numbers horror film it wasn't half bad. Basically the plot goes something like this.A group of strangers are stuck at a bus depot and they while away the time by telling each other nightmares that they have had and decide which one is scariest.The second nightmare,the little boy's,is by far the best of the best of the bunch and was basically the only one that slightly creeped me out.The other nightmares were just re-tellings of stories that we have seen in better movies than this.The one involving the woman and the newsreader was the weakest of all and you could see the outcome a mile off. This was an amuteur production and it showed.Apart from the little boy,the acting was very poor and i personally wondered how they had managed to find such poor actors. In conclusion this was reminiscent of a cheap 50's horror movie but if you like that sort of film,as I do,then this film is worth watching and I can think of worse ways to spend an hour and a half of my time.
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"There are three steps to initiate a proper dive, all of which require water in the pool." Awful anthology with pointless stories.
poolandrews23 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Chillers starts on a cold, dark stormy night as a bus drops off three passenger's outside a bus station, a young boy named Mason (Jesse Emery), a college professor Dr. Howard Conrow (David Wohl) & a woman named Sharon Phillips (Laurie Pennington). Inside they discover that they have missed their connecting bus & are stranded for the night. In the waiting area they find two other people, Ronnie (Jim Wolf) & a sleeping woman named Lindsay (Marjorie Fitzsimmons) who is currently having a terrifying nightmare...

While swimming in an indoor pool Lindsay encounters & befriends guy named Billy Waters (Jesse Johnson), the next time Lindsay sees Billy he dives into the pool & then seemingly disappears into thin air before he surfaces. Shortly after Lindsay discovers that Billy Water died in a diving accident 5 years ago...

Lindsay wakes up & tells the others about her nightmare, everyone else responds by saying that they too have suffered disturbing dreams recently & decide to share them to pass the time...

Next up is Mason who tells a story of how he & two friends, Scott (David R. Hamm) & Jimmy (Will Tuckwiller), are terrorised during a camping trip...

Then it's Sharon whose story revolves around a newsman named Tom Williams (Thom Delventhal) who she phones up, in no time at all Tom is at her front door but he actually turns out to be a Vampire...

It's Ronnie's turn next & he describes how he discovers that he can bring the dead back to life, unfortunately he brings executed mass murderer Nelson Caulder (Bradford Boll) back to homicidal life...

Finally Dr. Conrow tells a tale of how two of his students brought an ancient Aztec war-god named Ixpe (Kimberly Harbour) back to life...

Then it's back to the bus station for one last (predictable) twist...

Written, produced & directed by Daniel Boyd Chillers is one of the worst horror anthologies I've ever seen & I usually really like this sub-genre. The script by Boyd lacks what is needed for films such as Chillers to work, you can see the final twist coming a mile off & each story is really lame. The first one is totally pointless & didn't seem to have an ending & the best thing about these anthologies are the short snappy stories that are rounded off with a neat twist. The second story is predictable &, again, just ends without any payoff. So it continues throughout Chillers that each story is deeply unsatisfying to watch & have no reward for doing so. The character's & dialogue are poorly written, the stories seem to have no original ideas of their own & as a whole the film totally sucks. At least each story doesn't last long & I liked the idea behind the linking segments.

Director Boyd was obviously working with a very low budget & it shows. All I can say is if you want to watch a 15 odd minute short story set entirely within a swimming pool then Chillers is for you. The stories are neither clever, scary or have any sort of tension or build up to anything. Having said that it does have a few nice scenes & some surprising competence shines through on occasion. Violence & gore wise there isn't much happening in Chillers, a ripped out heart, a decapitated head & a bitten off hand is as gory as it gets.

Technically Chillers is poor stuff that won't impress anyone. Basic cinematography, bad music, cheap special effects & below average production values. Chillers also features one of the worst closing theme songs ever, period. The acting is also of a very low standard.

I am sure a lot of effort was put into Chillers as a low budget film & at least the filmmakers tried so I will give credit for that at least, but that still doesn't stop me from thinking it's crap. Similar anthology films like Tales From the Crypt (1972), Asylum (1972), The Vault of Horror (1973), Dr. Terror's House of Horrors (1965), Creepshow (1982) & Tales From the Darkside: The Movie (1990) are far superior to Chillers so watch one of those instead.
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My favourite movie...Sad really.
rifler199421 June 2002
I don't know what it is but Chillers by Daniel Boyd is my favourite movie. Not because of any cinematic genius of directorial kufuffle but it is a very entertaining movie to just to watch or fall asleep to. Me and this movie go way back. I remember back in ot '97 I would rent it everyday from my local video store. After not returning to the store once school started again I found that my dear Baldie's Video had gone out of business. This enraged me to the point average annoyence and vowed that I would meet that movie again someday. Months passed and my birthday rolled around. And it was on that day my friends that my friend Ryan purchased me my very own copy of the film in question ordering it from a shoppe in D-Troit. Now I am complete, Chillers and I later married (as legally as we could) in a chapel in Singipore where rice was thrown as well as minature chocolate doves which melted in a rather ironic tribute to me and my multi-media lifemate.

See it!
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atinder18 April 2013
Chillers (1987)

The whole movie was very strange, no of these were really that good at all, Five passengers in a bus depot are waiting for a bus that is overdue. To pass the time, they start telling each other horror stories.

First story The first story which I think was just about decent, being the best of the a lot, this story is about girl who fallen her swimming instructor.

There was a twist to the story, nice but It was not creepy or scary at all and then she wakes up at bus station. tells everyone she just had a really bad dream.

The rest also seemed to a really bad dream as well.

The next story was about boy scout being terrorized by his scout master deep in the woods , very boring and wasn't really scary, had bit of blood in and one Jump scene

The third story tells the tale of a woman with a crush on a TV weatherman who shows up at her crib after sending him a lover letter, I forgot how that ended, as this bored me to sleep.

The next, which as got to worst acted story ever, It hard to take it serious, Bringing back people of dead and Funny silly twist end of this story!

The next story wasn't about was really decent, not as bad as the other stories, a professor who accidentally brings an ancient Spanish demon, Ixpe, into the present which proceeds to possess one of his students to disastrous results.

This story was really well done and really enjoyed that out of all those stories.

I was confused with ending of the movie, As they didn't really make clear at all, I didn't like how that movie end at all 4 out of 10
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ilovejameslafferty16 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
OK well i found this movie in my dads old pile of movies and it looked pretty good from the cover but the movie actually sucked!! OK the first story with the swimmer was pretty good but it took a while to get into, then the one with the boy was completely retarded! It wasn't even scary! His dream sounds like a little kid's bedtime story. Then the news girls one was completely retarded too. I'm sure someones going to call up the news guy and ask him to go out with you. But that one ended cool where she stabbed him and she was in the hospital and she saw him on t.v and he said all that junk to her. Next was that pretty gay story about the guy who brought back the dead people..OMG its so stupid I'm not even going to say any more about it.The last one was the best. It wasn't that scary but the idea of the story was pretty cool..uh yeah the girl gets possessed and she kills all her classmates or something. Then when they're all done telling their dreams to each other the losers get on the bus (TO HELL AHAHAHAH) and they see all the people from their dreams on the bus(Ha). The End.
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Dismal horror flick.. SPOILER
anxietyresister18 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Five passengers at a bus depot tell each other their scary dreams while waiting to be picked up. But is there more to these nightmares than meets the eye?

Lucky me, five bad movies for the price of one! Each segment features the very worst in acting, special effects, make up and music. And these were supposed to be scary? Hmm.. I think I've been more freaked out during an episode of Teletubbies. I swear, you'll sit there like I was, bored to tears waiting in vain for something interesting to happen. Don't bother. It never does. In fact, I even stopped fast forwarding the commercials, as they were a good deal more entertaining than the main feature. AND the ending is the ultimate cop-out. Yep, none of this actually ever happened. If only the same could be said for the day I set my VCR to record this cobblers.. 2/10
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Cutesy Horror
pcsarkar8 April 2012
An entertainer, with most of the actors seemingly determined to act campy. Cheesy special effects and poor cinematography. But an entertainer, nonetheless.

Amongst the several sub-plots, the one with the kids is really cutesy and the story of the girl student possessed with an Aztec evil spirit is scary enough. The vampire-in-the-bedroom story is a bit confusing, though. The end is predictable enough, but still brings a smile on one's face.

Its surprising how such low-budget horror anthology flicks can deliver the goods, but many high-brow, high-tech and high-budget horror flicks fail miserably.
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FUN and entertaining
ethylester4 August 2004
Quite enjoyable and never dull. I like the fact that this movie has a bunch of little movies in it so that it never gets boring. All the little movies are good, none of them suck.

My favorite, however, is the first one with the diving ghost guy. I love how all the people who ever died in the pool are there. I never thought I'd see a horror movie about a guy who died in a diving accident. It was so odd that it made me smile the entire time.

This film is made exciting by creative and original stories. I love the story about the newsman who ends up being a vampire. It makes sense that a newsman would be a vampire because he only works at night! And the rebelious little kids in the woods are great, they have the best lines.

Truly creative stories with a campy/humorous side. This movie is a keeper.
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God Awful piece of crap!
kevinclark1988-122 January 2008
Going into this I was expecting anything really good, but after the damage this inflexed on me, I'm just happy to think strait. It's hard to think what the film-makers( HA!) this was a good movie. the stories, and I use the world loosely, are incoherent and do make any sense at all. There just stupid things that happen at random. the acting, if can be called acting is horrible I've seen batter acting in toy ads! I know it's a low-budget video-bin garbages, but still even it's not like they tried. Will after stetting thought it, I feel very sleepy and still #yawws# do, I'm going to go lie down.

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One of My Favorites Horror Movies, But Unfortunately Very Underrated in IMDb
claudio_carvalho21 March 2005
While waiting for their bus, five passengers have just had horrible nightmares and decide to tell them to each other to help killing time. A swimmer, who has lessons in a swimming pool with a dead swimmer, tells the first one. A young boy, who goes camping with two friends and a crazy man as a leader, is the next. Then, a lonely woman, who has an infatuation with the anchor of a late night show, and finds that he is indeed a vampire. A young man, who finds he has the gift of bringing dead people back to life, brings a cold blood criminal back to life. Last, a skeptic professor of anthropology tells to his students about an evil Spanish creature from the Middle Ages called "Ixpe", and a young woman embodies it. When the bus arrives, they have a huge surprise.

"Chillers" is one of my favorite horror movies, but unfortunately it is very underrated in IMDb. I do not know how many times I have seen it, and I still like it very much. It looks like five episodes of "Twilight Zone" joined in the same movie. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "Chillers – Passagem Para o Inferno" ("Chillers – Passage to Hell")
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Not too shabby
libco24 February 2002
Intended to be slightly cheesy this film is fun. Locals will be more amused than others but it does have some laughs and scares. Especially effective is Brad Boll's performance as a crazed undead redneck. Definitely worth a rental.
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* out of 4.
bigpappa1--231 May 2002
People waiting at a bus terminal tell each other horror stories from their lives. Film has some good moments, but is hurt considerably by a low budget, poor effects, slack direction, mediocre performances, and a surprise ending you will see coming from miles away. Not nowhere near as bad as some of Troma's previous efforts though. Rated R; Violence, Sexual Situations, and Profanity.
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Bus depot of the damned!
A group of strangers stranded in an eerie bus station in the middle of the night, decide to swap scary stories until the bus to their final destination arrives - and I DO mean final! I find this a lot of fun and quite lovable despite, or perhaps because of how cheap and corny it is. I remember first seeing this macabre oddity many years ago late at night on the uk Horror Channel and for whatever reason I'd always find myself watching it and getting a weird Twilight Zone feeling because of just how bloody strange a little movie it is! It's a cobbled together mess for sure, technically awful, but still something about it speaks to me, it has an earnest kind of joy about itself, it wasn't just plodding through the motions and you feel like they really were trying to make a fun scary silly time, and for the most part, I do find it a fun and charmingly silly anthology to sit through, despite its many shortcomings! So about the stories, well for me none of them are all that good exactly, they're very stunted and held back by the production values and the acting, some actors more so than others, and the punchlines of the stories are hackneyed and delivered very clumsily and without the right kind of macabre flair, but what they do all have is a colourful ghoulish villain in them, like the evil ghost of a dead swim champ, a demented escaped maniac posing as a scout leader, a sexy charming vampire and his goth rock chick partner in crime, a psycho killer unwittingly brought back from the dead, and a girl possessed by the vicious bloodthirsty spirit of an Aztec goddess on the rampage! The stories are all really quick and to the point and pretty fast paced so they're usually over before you can get really sick of them. The ones I liked the most were the one with the haunted pool, I thought it was really creepy at points, and the one where the guy had the hokey power to bring someone back to life he sees in the obituaries because the acting of the gentleman that played the very ungrateful resurrected serial killer was so hilarious, his hammy delivery and facial expressions were on par with the great Eric Freeman of Silent Night Deadly Night Part 2 fame! I love the setup of the wraparound segments and how it very much seems like they're all in purgatory on the road to hell but at the last minute there's a neat twist upon the twist where it's revealed that everything was just one big nightmare of a very imaginative little kid! Way to pull the rug out from under your audience but I do love that ending, Came as a genuine surprise! So while there are many more beloved and far better made horror anthology movies out there to enjoy, Chillers is nevertheless what I'd call a minor hidden gem and it is a nice little window of sorts into a weird shot on video anything goes vhs horror era that doesn't really exist anymore, everything's so wonderfully tacky and cheesy, compared to the bigger budgeted classic stuff movies like this are like the real troll films hiding under the proverbial bridge, but they need a little love to ya know! I like this kooky little anthology movie, it's cheap and goofy but overall a fun surreal time, one that you lean to love! X.
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Reminiscent of the 60's B horror flicks.
primus81 October 2000
Horror is the genre, but not exactly the effect this movie evokes. Not an "even" film (pacing, transitions) and very reminiscent of the 60's B horror flicks, but it has some stellar moments. Those moments captured something that made me recall the grand horror movies that, as children, our neighborhood gang would plot all week long to watch on the TV's Friday night horror show. For nostalgia and some craft, I give it a score higher than many others.
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Finally on DVD (as part of Toxies Triple Terror 2)
Ton_O20 September 2004
Is certainly the best looking from this set, rare for such an obscure gem. Very clear picture and sound. Chillers is an episode film, and usually these don't work too well because not enough time is given in the short segments to build up tension, get to know the characters a.s.o. Here, however, in the 87 minutes the film lasts we are treated to no less than 5 stories that build up very well and involve many unexpected plot-twists. We get zombies, vampires, psychopaths, ghosts and possession plus an unexpected surprise ending (which is given away in the trailer that is included on the DVD, so watch this after the film). A group of travellers are stuck in a bus-depot that has all the hospitality of the one in Rock Bottom, where Spongebob Squarepants and Patrick Star get stranded, and in order to kill time they somehow wind up telling each other their worst nightmares. I won't give away any of the stories here, except that they range from very entertaining to truly frightening. Winner of the prestigious Silver Scream Award by the Acedemy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films, and rightfully so, Chillers is a very good horror movie that is one of those examples where a limited budget enhances the creativity of the filmmakers. A truly original visual paperback of great stories.
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great film
benmckenna-15 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers

this is a great movie its scary and funny at the same time. story one a girl falls in love with a diving instructor who turns out to be dead and when she accidentally dives in and dies she sees all the people who died in the pool

story two my favourite three kids and a camp instructor go camping but it turns out the instructor is a phyco who feeds people to the wolves but after he gets his hand cut off he jumps out at the kids and it ends.

story three a woman is lonely so she starts dating a news anchor man and hes a vampire but she fights back(with a hairbrush).

story four a man can bring back people from the dead when he puts his hand over a picture but he brings back a phsyco and kills him but blanks himself from existences.

story five an archaeologist accidentally lets a student be possessed by an ancient curse and she starts killing people and rips his heart out.

at the end they all get on the bus and all the people from the dreams are there.

hope this helped and really this is a fantastic film ENJOY
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It's hard to fathom that an amateurish anthology like this could be such a hoot
callanvass22 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Five strangers who are completely unacquainted with one another are waiting for a bus at a bus stop that is way overdue. They all have one vital thing in common. They've all had abnormal nightmares, and tell their nightmares to pass the time, in this anthology from Troma. I'll give you some thoughts before I give you a rundown of the stories. I saw this many years ago when I was younger, and I loved it. Being as oblivious as I was back then, I didn't really care how painfully amateurish it was. I still love Horror movies, so I decided to revisit it. Much to my surprise, I had an absolute blast with this low budget anthology. Some are better than others, but they all had some fun in them. It has astonishingly poor acting, and laughable dialog, example… "Looks like we're in for stiff backs, and sore butts" But I had a lot of fun. It's very well done for such a low budget. I give kudos to the director and writer Daniel Boyd.

Story #1 Lindsay gets swimming lessons in an indoor pool from a mysterious man named Billy Waters. They fall for each other. He says he'll teach her how to dive, and mysteriously vanishes after a dive. Lindsay searches frantically for Billy, but he is nowhere to be found. She is told that Billy died tragically in a diving accident, 5 years earlier. Lindsay has an accident of her own, and enters the realm of the dead with the ghost of Billy Waters. This story is actually pretty creepy. It's efficiently made for the low budget that it has, with decent twists and turns. Marjorie Fitzsimmons is our heroine, and did relatively OK, despite an amateurish quality, and she kind of looks like a guy. Jesse Johnson hams it up as Billy, and had some decent makeup on. For some reason, a dark indoor pool gives me the willies. I really liked this story overall, despite that it doesn't make much sense. The love story was cute as well. After all… they only have an eternity!

Story #2 Mason (Jesse Emery) goes camping with two young boys, around the same age as him. They have a seemingly normal leader in Scoutmaster Bob (Creepily played by Gary Brown) they all get the caveat to leave from a hunter, but they refuse to be warded off. Bob turns out to be a former mainstay at a mental institution and sadistically kidnaps the three young boys for his twisted enjoyment. This isn't as good as the first one, but it's pretty damn decent, nonetheless. It's effectively disturbing as well. Two boys smoke cigarettes in this movie, swear, and the stuff scoutmaster Bob does hits pretty close to home with indecency. It was pretty taboo to say the least, but I expect nothing less from Troma. It also gets nasty at times, with some gory wilderness traps, a knife in the leg, and a severed arm. The ending is good as well. Pretty decent stuff overall

Story #3 Sharon (Laurie Pennington) is a lonely woman, pining for companionship. She has the hots for a local newsman named Tom that she watches at 11:00 every night. She decides to call the newsman, after a mysterious voice that sounds like Tom talks to her. She feels a bit silly, but gets an unexpected visit from the newsman. The newsman turns out to be a vicious vampire, and makes Lindsay his next target. This was a very creative episode, and highly entertaining. Sharon's hilarious speech cracks me up. "You don't send me flowers, or take me out to dinner. But you talk to me. Every night at 11, you look right into my eyes, and you talk to me. I love you newsman" Laurie Pennington is probably the best actress in this film, and shows semblance of talent. The goriest moment is probably a slashed throat. It has a great twist ending as well.

Story #4 involves a man who somehow manages to conjure up dead spirits and bring them back to life, via a simple wish. It starts off well for him. He reunites a dead little boy with a family, including his brother. He makes the mistake of accidentally conjuring up a dead serial killer, and that's when things go downhill. This one is thoroughly ludicrous, but entertaining, anyway. As long as you kick your brain to the curb, you should have a blast like I did. The acting is wooden beyond belief, but I was too busy having fun to let it bother me.

Story #5 A bombastic professor of anthropology tells a story about a dangerous Spanish creature from the middle ages called "Ixpe" A young classmate named Gloria embodies it, and starts killing off classmates. The professor is the main suspect, according to the police. This was the worst story in this anthology. It's rather dull, and lacking in entertainment. Despite the amateurish qualities, the previous episodes managed to be so creative and entertaining that it was able to overcome that all. This was just plain boring and awful. David Cohl is thoroughly conceited and snobbish, so it was hard to enjoy. At least we get a nice severed head.

We get a fantastic twist ending, where it all comes full circle. I actually clapped at how well done it was.

Final Thoughts: Did I seriously watching something from Troma that is so entertaining? I guess I did. It's hard to believe, but it's true. 4 of the 5 stories are tons of fun. I don't understand the low rating. If you're able to track it down, pick up a copy! I hope you enjoy it

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Awesome movie!
gothic_warrior_christian24 October 2006
I thought it was creative to come up with something like this. It's quite rare to find. Truth to be told, I found this at a pawn shop called "Big Boys." Not only did I like the movie, but the music was awesome, especially during the time, the man telling his story about bringing back dead people he felt bad for. I still would like to know who made that song. It's very 80'sish and I love it. Most horror movies made during the 80's are my favorite. This was better then a lot of movies I've actually seen. It was quite interesting in my opinion. This kind of reminds me of "Tales From The Darkside" the movie somewhat because they are basically telling short stories about people. It's not just one main character.
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Nifty low-budget indie horror anthology winner
Woodyanders5 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Five folks stranded at a remote bus station late at night tell their nightmares to each other. The tales are: Aspiring champion swimmer Lindsey (winningly played by attractive Marjorie Fitzsimmons) falls for a hunky guy (handsome Jesse Johnson) who turns out to be a ghost, a troop of little boy campers are terrorized by deranged psycho Scoutmaster Bob (deliciously essayed with lip-smacking wacko gusto by Gary Brown), lonely young Sharon (a touching performance by Laurie Pennington) develops a crush on a dashing TV news anchorman (a charming portrayal by Thom Delventhal) who's really a vampire, psychic Ron (affable Jim Wolfe) discovers he can resurrect the dead and inadvertently revives vicious ax murderer Nelson Crowder (a frighteningly intense turn by Bradford Boll), and a college anthropology professor accidentally brings deadly Aztec war god Ixpe into our world with lethal consequences. Writer/director Daniel Boyd relates the various creepy anecdotes at a constant brisk pace, effectively creates and sustains an engaging and entertaining ooga-booga carnival spookhouse-style atmosphere, delivers a handy helping of graphic gore (a guy chewing his own hand off after he gets his arm caught in a bear trap rates as the definite grisly splatter highlight), and tops everything off with several nice touches of amusingly twisted black humor. The surprise grim ending is admittedly predictable, but still enjoyable just the same. The competent acting by the game no-name cast helps a lot. Michael Lipton's shuddery score, Bill Hogan's polished cinematography, and the cool rockin' soundtrack are all likewise up to par. A fun fright flick.
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Way better than it has any right to be
BandSAboutMovies11 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
By all rights, a 1987 Troma anthology film should be the worst thing I've ever seen, but about midway through Chilers, I felt some level of awe. I was actually enjoying something from my least favorite studio, one that makes Full Moon look like Orson Welles before Hollywood kicked him in the dick.

Now, is it "one of the most horrifying movies ever made" as the artwork loudly screams? No. But "This is on the level of Night Train to Terror in a good way" would sell that movie to, well, an audience of me.

While waiting for their bus in a station that looks like a rec room complete with pinball machines and an Elvis tapestry, five passengers wake up from horrible nightmares and pass the time by telling one another that they had too much to dream last night.

The first story is about a swimmer who had dreams of being a star athlete but can barely qualify for the team. A diver who is coming back from an injury attempts to help her get back in form - and aardvark her in the shower along the way - before she learns all urban legend-style that her flip flopping loverboy has been dead for some time. Instead of that being the reveal - Chillers is nothing if not through - he comes back as a zombie along with everyone else who ever died in the pool, including a guy who dropped a drill into the water and someone who dove in with no water.

Up next, a scout troop hates their leader - except for one boy who is the one telling the story - but he ends up being stranger than someone who demands that everyone call him Wolf. Yes, he's a killer and every child must pay.

The best story of the lot is about a lonely woman who can't connect with humanity. Her only relationship is with the anchor of the 11 o'clock news, who she talks to every night through the TV. Somehow, he starts speaking back to her and better still, he ends up being a vampire. Honestly, this story could have been a movie in and out of itself, as the woman slowly gains confidence with each moment she spends amongst the undead.

Then, a young man who is obsessed with those who die young in the obituaries learns that he can bring them back from the other side, but nobody really wants to come back to our world.

Finally, a professor of anthropology decides to teach his students about a Spanish demon that ends up possessing one of his students. And then, the bus arrives, bound for Hell, with all of the villains of every story sitting next to the storytellers in an ending - before the fakeout - that really brings this all together.

Chillers isn't great. The acting is really bad, the sets are horrible, it barely looks above being shot on video and it has all the energy of a high school play. But actually, it is great in its own way, being exactly the movie you want it to be in spite of the challenges of budget, the studio that produced it and attempting to do so much with so little.

To be perfectly honest, this is exactly the kind of movie that I love.

Director, producer and writer Daniel Boyd made this in six months while moonlighting as a college professor at West Virginia State University. He's made a handful of movies since - Strangest Dreams: Invasion of the Space Preachers and Paradise Park along with a few documentaries - but he's succeeded in other ways. As a U. S. Fulbright Scholar, Boyd taught the first filmmaking and screenwriting classes at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania during the '98-'99 academic year in East Africa. He followed that up by winning a 2002 Fulbright Alumni Award for his work with that university on a pilot program called TeleDrum which teaches filmmaking to American and African students while producing films for international aid organizations. Two of the films that came out of this program, Duara and Sound of the Drum, won awards.

The moment I saw a Rax cup in the background of a scene, I kind of knew that I was going to love every single moment of this movie. I'm debating a new genre of horror: bus station horror. All I have right now are The Similars and this movie, but genres have started with less.
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Not Scary
JimBond18 August 1999
I don't recommend this movie to anyone although my uncle is in the movie I must say this is not the best. Well this might be close to the bottom 100. Like I said this movie is not scary at all, it put up a good try but couldn't make it. So don't see it.
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Amateur night anthology
lor_28 March 2023
My review was written in November 1988 after watching the feature on Raedon video cassette.

"Chillers" is a so-so example of regional horror filmmaking, heading to the home video market in time for Halloween plus theatrical exposure on its home turf at the West Virginia film fest.

Five-part anthology resembles a road company version of classic "Dead of Night" with folks waiting at a bus station, soon to be en route to Hell where there's definitely room for one more.

The passengers' tales, punctuated by plenty of blood but unimaginative makeup effects, include a young girl romancing a diver who actually died five years ago. Another woman falls for a tv newsman, imagines him talking back to her through the tv set and ends up involved with vampires. Most elaborate fantasy deals with the Ixpe demon of the ancient Aztecs, but suffers from cheap, unconvincing sets.

Lack of interesting twists and absence of name actors sink this one.
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drhackenstine11 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A group of strangers waiting for a bus tell each other their nightmares. What we get is a bunch of horror tales. A young boy is terrorized by a crazed camp leader, a college student is possessed, a woman encounters a haunted swimming pool, a guy can bring back the dead, and a lonely woman has a crush on a news-caster who happens to be a vampire. Bad acting and half-baked story-telling is masked by the tight pace and good production values. The movie moves along fine, and each story starts off promising, but eventually, each one fails due to a stupid conclusion, unconvincing shocks, and an awkward way of just telling the whole story. Not hard to sit through. Just nothing great. Two Stars.
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