Devil Fetus (1983) Poster


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Holy Fetus, Batman!
daustin13 November 2002
Wow! This movie was so inappropriate. Incredibly funny stuff, albeit unintentionally. An ugly lamp humps, possesses, and slaughters it's way through an entire family. The (non-gore) highlight for me would have to be the wild and tacky 80's dance party that stuck in the middle of the film. None of these people should ever be allowed to dance or act in a movie again. Was that dog doing what I think he was doing during the party? The sorcerous fight scene using Atari-era special effects and teleportation via the simple expedient of turning the camera off and on was also classic. The only disappointment is that the titular fetus only really appears onscreen in its "fetus" incarnation for a few seconds, in a scene stolen straight from Alien. Don't miss this one, it'll mess you up and loosen your bladder.
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A supernatural horror film made in HK!
RectalGORE9 March 2005
Devil's Fetus is certainly one of the weirdest films that I have had the pleasure to watch.

The story is very strange, I still cannot figure it out out fully. The film starts with a public sell in which a young lady obtains a desired product which is some sort of a lamp. Later, she arrives at her home, and starts enjoying herself with that lamp, then a very strange demon f**ks her before her boyfriend comes and later discovers that his girlfriend's dark side, then the demon disappears and the boyfriend breaks the lamp and gets hurt, and then they both die heh. This description is just the first five minutes from this obscure little film. It becomes much nastier, crazier and odder later on.

At certain moments this flick can be similar to a supernatural kung fu flick, however , this film combines no fights, just wacky supernatural incidents like those of the Evil Dead.

Devil's Fetus contains gore, nudity, supernatural content and ghosts, demons that rape young girls, crazy religious people and so on.

I can recommend it to fans of supernatural horror movies and fans of Asian cinema. Recommended 7/10
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Early, relatively tame CAT III
Groverdox8 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Devil Fetus" is one of the few movies that was retroactively rated Category III when that infamous rating - roughly equivalent to the US NC-17 - was introduced. As such it's not anywhere near as gratuitous as latter flicks that got that rating, but still far from family-friendly.

A young woman finds an ugly vase for sale and takes it home with her, where it morphs into a hairy demon and makes love to her. She is killed, and the demon's baby comes to term during her funeral, apparently escaping and possessing a dog, which then goes to a man, possessing him.

The "story", despite many unmemorable characters, is more or less nonexistent. The movie jumps around too much, so you never get a feel for anything you're seeing, and will only come away with a memory of a few nasty scenes - such as the aforementioned demon sex scene (still nothing shocking to anyone who saw "Rosemary's Baby"), and a cake scene. The nasty bits are too few and far between when nothing else in the movie generates interest.
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Solid and enjoyable if structurally weak Hong Kong effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder14 September 2020
After buying a strange vase at an auction, a woman finds a strange demonic being inside and quickly gets the being out of the house, but years later when her sons accidentally release the creature again they turn to a Taoist priest and his teachings to get the demon under control.

Generally, this one is a pretty straightforward offering. This wastes no time at getting to the point of the film, which is unleashing wild and over-the-top moments every chance possible. The opening arrival of the demon and his seduction of the wife where her husband arrives and attempts to interfere only to be turned into a hideous worm-faced figure who then kills himself by jumping out a nearby window in the matter of a few minutes allows for a taste of what's on display throughout here. With later scenes featuring a flying cat knocking a person off a balcony ledge and a funeral being interrupted by the sight of a woman's belly swelling up and about to erupt into a giant pulsating fetus, there's a strong start to a fantastic series of gross-out attacks. With a birthday cake filled with worms, disemboweling a dog to eat its uncooked remains and scenes of the possessed family member playing with the body of a victim all giving this a series of shocking and somewhat obvious sense that something's going on, there's a great foundation for the crazier action here. With a standout wizard battle that's become the norm for these movies, attacks by levitating furniture and teleporting bodies flying around the room, the film packs in plenty of fun action just as much as the over-the-top elements. Still, even with the wildness out of the way, there's more to like here. The idea of incorporating elements from outside the usual sphere of influence for these kinds of films adds hints of class that shouldn't be here in a sleazy gore-fest like this, such as the rather impressive suspenseful camerawork featured here for some of the attacks by the possessed individuals. A night-time stroll through the courtyard of the family house showing the spirit floating along waiting for the opportunity to strike is quite creepy, much like the use of the dog's point-of-view walking through the house into the bedroom before attacking the girlfriend. Also quite impressive is a nighttime drive home from the hospital which includes the car coming under attack by supernatural means as the lights go out and are afflicted with a supernatural storm before meeting an unexpected end with a possessed body, making this quite enjoyable in that sense when it tries. As well, this one goes overboard with the pacing and tempo here, featuring these frantic scenes and ideas at such a frantic pace that there's little stopping this one once it gets going which takes place incredibly early. The boundless energy and momentum this carries is infectious at a point, making for such a wholly engrossing effort with plenty to like about it. That said, there are some issues here. The most obvious flaw is a chaotic and discordant storyline that fails spectacularly at making cohesive sense. Very rarely does anything happen within rational means, as the impetus for how the demon is trapped inside the vase to start with or how the creature's release affects the family once it's been released, which are important parts of the initial setup to get into the story. That this just bounds from one scene to the other with little regard to how anything makes sense, ranging from how the possession travels from animal to person and how the basic idea of the actions presented doesn't cause any concern in the family to leave the house quicker. How they end up defeating the demon makes no sense and the general idea of figuring out we're even in the future after the initial attack has to be inferred making for a truly confusing mess of a storyline. Lastly, it's hard to overlook the abysmal special effects work, utilizing hand-drawn animation for laser beams and energy weapons that resemble third-tier video-game work and the wizard battle is so laughably filled with wire-work, frame-skipping and immobile puppets that all look out-of-date the moment they were filmed. Combined, these elements are enough to hold it down.

Rated Unrated/NC-17: Extreme Graphic Violence, Language, Nudity, a sex scene, violence against animals and themes of necrophilia.
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cheesy in all ways but a must see
trashgang14 October 2013
Hong Kong horror from the eighties but as cheesy as it can get. And due being cheesy and having laughable conversations it became a cult classic and it shows because it's becoming really hard to get this flick. It was available in Cantonese language with English subs on DVD but it vanished the earth and it rather goes for a lot of money when it pops up on the internet.

But it's worth the hunt if you can dig cheesy horror. The effects were indeed laughable and were done in stop motion or the use of green and purple lighting or with editing but you will keep watching it and it never becomes boring. I can't even say that it is a supernatural flick or a ghost story because it has elements of all kind of genres from the world of horror.

Of course it's famous for a few scene's, the eating of the intestines of a dog aren't for the squeamish and there's also some bit of animal cruelty with an eagle.

It starts rather good with the vase giving one's man a curse that makes his face immediately change into a face full of maggots and puss. From there on it takes a while before things go wrong but once the possession is in the house you will have some fun while watching it. And you must be prepared for some effects. Seeing is believing. I also liked the wizard or priest having his fight against the possessed body. It starts so nice and turns into the cheesiest moments of Mo Tai or Devil Fetus.

There's no nudity to spot maybe some will say the raping at the beginning contains nudity but nothing is shown. There's not that much of blood but the animal cruelty and the scene with the walls will deliver for the gorehounds. A must see and I admit that I never heard of this flick until a week or two ago, shame on me.

Gore 1,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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Cheap and derivative supernatural horror, Hong Kong style
Leofwine_draca6 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
DEVIL FETUS is a Hong Kong horror yarn very much in the mould of the films made by Shaw Brothers such as BLACK MAGIC, MO, and the like. It was produced by Lo Wei, the guy who once directed Bruce Lee in the likes of THE BIG BOSS and its ilk a decade beforehand. The film is lower budgeted than Shaw additions to the genre, but still manages to pack a great deal of ickiness into the running time, even if the titular spirit doesn't appear much.

The story is about the purchase of an antique vase that releases an evil demonic spirit that impregnates a young woman before killing her. The spirit emerges from her stomach before being captured and subdued by a Taoist priest for a decade or so until an unfortunate accident sees it released to attack the woman's family members. Initially a dog is possessed before the spirit enters the body of a young man and all hell breaks loose from there.

Films like DEVIL FETUS are quite predictable and tend to borrow the majority of their scares from Hollywood hits like POLTERGEIST and THE ENTITY while adding a distinctly Asian vibe all of their own and this is no exception. The cast give nondescript performances and the direction is nothing special, but there's a high level of cheesy special effects mixed with the odd bit of unpalatable animal cruelty (a German Shepherd and an eagle being ill served by this film's plot). Expect flying beds, apparitions, nudity, the vomiting of worms, and an outlandish climax packed full of supernatural mayhem. It's lowbrow stuff, but sure to delight horror fans regardless.
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Not quite 'feeling' this supernatural HK horror flick...
gorepump8 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I had heard a few good things about "Devil Fetus", but unfortunately it didn't live up to any of the hype for me. Pretty much Dullsville without all the gore people had mentioned in the reviews I had read a while back.

There's something to do with a vase that is bought at some Chinese auction. The chick who buys it starts getting all horned up and when her businessman hubby comes home to find her getting boned by a demon, he smashes the vase and his face gets all rotted and maggot-covered. Then he jumps out the window. Cut to years later, there's some spells, a couple of brothers who were around when the sh|t at the beginning went down and a love interest. One of the brothers becomes possessed by the malevolent demon from before and some random sh|t happens...

The plot of this thing was SO f*cking arbitrary and disjointed. Definitely a weak example of CATIII cinema that did nothing for me. You got a worm-filled birthday cake, a dude munching on the guts of his dead German Shepherd and some ridiculous 'showdown' between the possessed guy and a samurai wizard - complete with laser-beams shot from eyeballs. It's all just so stupid and boring. Avoid.

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Nonsensical horror film filled with gore and " don't believe it-thats so cool" moments
dbborroughs13 August 2005
The plot of this movie doesn't make a great deal of sense. Part of the problem is that the subtitles on the print I saw were very small, (the VCD that I have is a widescreen print with the subtitles from the actual film itself so they end up being very tiny). Another part of the problem is that this movie wouldn't make sense under the best of circumstances.

It all begins when two women buy a vase at an auction. The younger of the women takes it home and becomes "possesed" by it. What this means is that a big ugly monster comes out and has sex with her and changes her personality so as to be obsessed with the vase. One night hubby comes home and sees his wife with the monster and is killed by the beast. The wife, now pregnant soon gives birth to a mini monster and dies. The mini monster is caught and then things get less clear. (Thats about the first 12 minutes of screen time.) From here the "monster" jumps from body to body killing people and eating dead bodies, he keeps under a bed.

I can't really tell you much more about the plot than that, except that the movie has several great set pieces mainly battles with the monster in human form, one with a priest who uses mini statues and the final one in the cellar of a house (That one had me murmuring "oh s#&%" a couple of times). There are numerous gore effects and moments of gross out horror. Best of all at times the movie achieves a wonderful nirvana when you're sitting there with a combination of being grossed out, a desire to laugh at the cheesiness of the visuals and a deep admiration at a film that is over coming everything to have a "really cool" moment.

Understand, though, this is a mess of a film. It doesn't really come together well. There is the slenderest of threads keeping it all together (and it could be argued its not very together). The strength of the movie is its parts, the set pieces and gross out horror bits, this is the reason to see the movie and not for any hope of a clear plot. As a whole this film is really probably a 7 or 6.5 so giving it an 8 I'm over selling it on the basis of its parts, but I was really impressed by the parts. If you like gory horror and don't mind a lack of sense try it.
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The title is a bait
phanthinga22 March 2019
Devil Fetus on it own two feet is a entertaining early 80s Hong Kong horror flick but when you compared it to Seeding of a Ghost a movie with a similar concept and come out in the same year it definitely look pale in every aspect as possible. Devil Fetus not only got the most laugable Taoist exorcism sequence I've seen in my life and for a movie called Devil Fetus the lacking of the monster in the tile is truly way more disturbing than the gore in this movie. This review may sound more lile I'm slamming this movie just because it not met my expectations but if you watch both movie back to back like me you will feel the same. In conclusion, if you want to see some real Devil Fetus in action then watch Seeding of a Ghost because you will not find it here despite the obvious title
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Sounds great. But it isn't.
BA_Harrison15 July 2007
With a terrific title and its Cat III rating, I was hoping that Devil Fetus would be the ideal antidote to some of the dreadful US horror output that I have seen recently. Unfortunately, with an incomprehensible story and risible effects, this low-budget Hong Kong effort is hard-going, even for a fan of bad movies like me.

A woman buys a strange jade vase, which the seller says will bring her good luck. However, in reality, a nasty randy demon resides within the ornament and emerges from time to time to get it on with its new owner. When the woman's husband comes home to find the slimy creature banging his missus, he smashes the vase, releasing the monster in a cloud of smoke. The husband's face rots away and both he and his wife wind up dead.

At their funeral, a priest witnesses the dead woman giving birth to the demon's offspring and attempts to trap it using magic. This works for a while, but inevitably, the 'devil fetus' is eventually freed and sets out to cause all sorts of trouble...

From hereon in, things get kind of confusing (thanks to dreadful direction and lousy editing), with the creature possessing various people (and animals) and 'jumping' from host to host when necessary, and I found it a struggle to remain interested. When the viewing of a film takes me three consecutive nights to complete, I know it's a stinker! For those who manage to stay the distance, there is some half decent gore (my favourite moment being a head which is squished against a pane of glass), a couple of iffy moments involving real animals suffering for their art, and a whole shed-load of shonky visual effects (which include laser-beam eyes, flying furniture and what I can only describe as a multiple tentacled-head attack!).

But for those looking for truly a satisfying outrageous and gory piece of Cat III fun, I would definitely recommend trying elsewhere.
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An all-time classic of inept gross-out cinema!
bastardx30 December 2000
Coming across as a manic and unholy mix of 'The exorcist', 'Amityville horror', 'Plan 9 from outer space', 'Evil dead', 'Poltergeist', 'War of the gargantuas' and Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' video with a single-digit budget, this brilliant and idiotic Hong Kong flick keeps the freak-outs coming fast and furious throughout. Acting is non-existent and the, uh..."minimal" plot apparently exists only to provide a framework in which to present gratuitous scenes of worm-vomiting, demonic possession, decapitation and nubile starlets making congress with giant, grunting, slimey green Sasquatch-looking monsters. Generally pointless film features some of the worst special effects ever seen but is never less than massively entertaining-- by no means miss the opportunity to catch this on a big screen, as I was fortunate enough to last night!
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If You See This Vase On Bargain Hunt, Leave It Alone. 1-2-Watch
P3n-E-W1s325 May 2022
Greetings And Salutations, and welcome to my review of Devil Fetus; here's the breakdown of my ratings:

Story: 1.50 Direction: 1.25 Pace: 1.25 Acting: 1.25 Enjoyment: 1.50

TOTAL: 6.75 out of 10.00

Chinese horror is growing on me like decomposing flesh on a corpse.

I loved this film chiefly because of the story. What the writers give the audience is an inspired concept. A woman buys a jade vase. Supposed to bring luck, it bestows a curse upon her, and she is visited nightly by the Devil of the West. She transforms from a loving aunty into a harridan. Her husband is killed when he breaks the vase, and soon after, she too is killed. But the hex isn't defeated; even in death, she will bear the Devil's child. Luckily a priest at the funeral service observes the curse at work and quickly tries to counter it. Several years later, an accident unleashes the curse once more. Now, this is the ingenious part. The hex follows them home and begins jumping between the family members, including their pet pooch - For me, it was these occurrences and transferences that increased the film's drawing power. I appreciated the extra detail and complexity; it was nice to have an engaging storyline in a horror film.

The direction is more than acceptable, though some special effects appear dated, which is no surprise as Devil Fetus is thirty-nine years old. I enjoyed how the director used colour, especially adding shades of a sickly yellow-green whenever the possessed person acted evilly, signifying that the Devil was in control. He also has a fine eye for using dark shadows to build a creepy atmosphere and mount the tension. The only thing that irked me was the final Good-v-Evil battle. He uses a few substandard effects, such as the double exposure to represent the Devil in ghost form. It would've been better if he'd not just used a still image of the ghost to glide into the hero. It looks unrealistic and fake, and he employs the technique too many times. He implements stop motion animation when we watch the Devil's head decompose. Sadly, there are not enough frames used to show the action smoothly. It looks Jumpy, and then when the skull moves around, it's too jerky - Harryhausen would be rolling in his grave. Another disappointment was the direction itself. He is talented, there's no arguing the matter, but he doesn't do fight scenes too well. He could have gotten away with the poor directing if they had saved more funds for the finale's FX.

The cast is okay, although a couple of the more minor players could have been better, especially as you believe they're the leads. The Aunty who buys the vase is too stiff and expressionless in her role. And her sister's husband could have done with showing more enthusiasm, especially in the sinister scenes. Though I'll say, I totally love the Grandmother, the actress portraying her is superb.

I would happily recommend Devil Fetus to all horror fans out there. But be warned, Devil Fetus is for the gorehounds. Some segments may make you squirm like the worms under the husband's face. And when you get to the trash-compacting sauna, you may be im-pressed. It's not as good as Bewitched, but it is well worth your attention, especially if you've not seen it. I would also suggest hunting it out; it is that entertaining.

Please feel free to visit my Absolute Horror list to see where I ranked Devil Fetus.

Take Care & Stay Well.
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More Early 80's HK Weirdness...
EVOL6666 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
DEVIL FETUS is another in the line of strange horror films that came out of Hong Kong in the 80's, before the big Cat III boom of true "roughie" exploit-style films. This one is pretty strange, as you would probably hope to expect from a film called DEVIL FETUS...

This one starts off with a chick buying a strangely phallic vase at an auction. The seller advises her that the vase is meant to bring "good-luck" and she heads home with her new acquisition. Well, I think if I was her, I'd want my f!cking money back...Vase-owner becomes obsessed with the thing and when she starts fondling herself with it, a demon (that looks pretty much like a guy wrapped in bed sheets and covered in sh!t...) comes out and humps her. Her husband who's been away on business catches her at it one night, gets mad, and smashes the vase on the floor. Of course this isn't a good thing and the demon is released in a cloud of smoke that rots the husbands face off. Husband and wife both die, and at their funeral a priest notices the wife "give birth" to the offspring of her union with the bedsheet-demon thing. They try to contain it with some spells but apparently it doesn't work too well. From there on out, the demon's spirit jumps from host to host causing general mischief and un-merryment. It all gets kinda hazy from there, but there are some EXTREMELY ridiculous fight scenes (including some of the worst editing I've ever seen on film...)as various people try to exorcise the evil spirit...

DEVIL FETUS just didn't live up to the hype for me. I had read several reviews claiming that the film was "gory" and "fun" and what-not...but I didn't get it. It's not really gory at all and it's more dull than fun. It may be that I've become slightly (or severely, depending on your viewpoint...) desensitized to this sort of thing because I had watched most of the truly rough Cat III HK stuff and "extreme" Asian ultra-gore films long before I got my hands on this one. I think if I'd have seen this 15 years ago it might have had more of an impact - but as it is, it just didn't. This would be a good starting point if you've never delved into strange Asian horror, but if you've seen any of the more "hard-core" HK/Japanese stuff of the last 10-15 years then you will probably just be bored. Recommended only to those who really have to see every strange film out there, or those who have never watched any Asian horror and can stand the $12 FX, editing and acting. 5/10
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Gore Mongral Movie Review: Devil Fetus
ChiefGoreMongral28 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Hey pygmies it is I back again with another for you. Well up to this point you have seen a lot of positive reviews from me and are probably thinking "this guy thinks everything is good" well your in luck because we are about to buck the trend with this film Devil Fetus.

Title sounds cool right and the story to a point, is about a women impregnated by a demon complete with demon hump scene. Now your thinking monsters and sex GREAT...WRONG BIG TIME. Here is the skinny in a nutshell. Women buys a Jade Statue which carries a demon inside of it, women uses Statue as a sexual gratification devise, demon pops out, gives her a pounding,impregnates her then kills her and her husband. At the womens funeral the priests see that the womens stomach is swelling like a turkey on Thanksgiving, the beast comes out of her stomach and the priests seal it in the womens coffin.

Time passes and the womens two nephews who were very young at the death of their aunt have become strapping young men who always say "mom" or "mommy" every other word. The oldest gets the hots for a family friend and takes her to see the grandmother who has been trying to help keep the evil forces surrounding the deaths at bay. They go into the room were his aunt who was freaking the demon and his uncle died. Inside the room is a monument to their deaths that is not to be messed with, guess what ...they mess with it.

From there all sorts of weird shiznit happens, a dog gets possessed and tries to get some up skirt action on a women who is already making out with a guy, the younger brother gets possessed starts eating on the family dog and starts a brief cross dressing masturbation spree complete with cut away coke can opening sequence to imply that his load has been blown and a crazy Japanesse early 80's synthesized disco party where everyone dances like they are having grandma seizures (and they are not possessed). This all leads to a laser light show so trippy it would make Kiss meets the Phantom of the Park look like a ground breaking tour de force and a really goofy fight scene with the demon and the older brother at the end for good measure.

You may say at this point it sounds like cheesy fun....its not. In fact this was nearly unwatchable. I've seen tons of "so bad there goods" but this is "so bad it makes me want to gouge out my eyes with a rusty nail". The sad thing is even if this movie tried to ham it up it still would blow harder than Pam Anderson on Tommy Lee. How about gore you ask, well there is a few scenes (guys head gets crushed was the best) but nothing that I haven't seen down 20 times better in other movies and really there is not a whole lot to write home about anyway. Even if there was mounds of blood the way this movie played out it still would not have helped.

As you can see this movie has scarred me from its horrible effects to its crappy story which really could have been wrote by a 10th generation inbred with no arms of legs (think about it), it serves as a poster child that not all J-Horror is good, in fact some is down right horrible. Decent start, horrible and boring middle with a painfully bad ending make this a film that every copy in the world should be gathered together for a mass burning with free clinics for people to help get through the traumatic experience of watching it.

2/10 Painfully bad in a bad way. Someone should have aborted this Fetus before it popped out in the theaters.

At this time there is no DVD release (THANK GOD) of this film. I was warned by my friend who let me borrow this but I thought it will be a cheesy fun monster fest like a lot of you are thinking right now. Please avoid like the plague you will thank me for it.
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Fetus de la Devil
ElijahCSkuggs16 September 2008
The story of a demon spirit (or devil) possessing and terrorizing a very unfortunate family. There's a little backstory to this but basically this is the main theme. And even though it's a simple story, the flick delivers more than enough fun for any fan of HK craziness.

With a certifiably evil spirit, some sorcery battles, and even some genuine chills, Devil Fetus delivered a whole lot more than I was anticipating. Just a couple parts where the movie dragged and a possible, stupid Eagle slaying (if real), had me bored and kinda upset. But with a horny, disgusting, slimy devil trying to get some missionary action with any chick on the menu, it easily makes you forget about any boring parts.

If you're a fan of weirdo hybrid genre flicks, this is almost a must-see. Give it a look-see if you're hunkering for a Devil, a Fetus, and some Hong Kong sorcery magic. Also, the ending ain't too shabby either. Oh, one other thing, if you have the ability to watch it with surround sound, don't hesistate. This flick has some awesome sound effects and music that will shake the hell outta you and the room you're watching it in. 7.5 outta 10
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if it weren't for that dead dog....
coffeyaddict24 October 2003
This movie would have been better without the actual dead German Shepherd. Did they kill the dog for the movie, or did they just happen to have one? It's not a fake prop, it's just sad.

There is a great scene with the monk trying to exorcize the demon.
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Devil's Foetus: The Anti-Koyaanisqatsi
Dolph_Aircontrolsupply16 April 2006
A birthday cake full of worms; a possessed maniac eating the entrails of an (real) exhumed German Shepard; a slimy green demon forcing himself on helpless women; a man squished to death by the walls of a sauna. Few other movies… OK, no other movies can boast the awful but inventive gross-outs in Hong Kong filmmaker Hung Chuen Lau's Devil Fetus.

The madness begins when a woman is compelled to buy a rather phallic-looking jade statue at an auction. When she brings it home its demonic sexual power takes hold, and her husband catches her fondling it in bed. After making quick work of him, it turns on her. An old mystic finally imprisons a baby ant-eater in a shrine, but years later one of the couple's sons' girlfriends accidentally breaks the seal, reawakening the curse. The demon possesses the family dog before literally beaming into the younger son, who sets about killing, molesting and eating whoever he can get his mitts on. There's something kind of admirable about the way it just charges ahead with its nastiness, leaving plot details behind, like "we could explain this, but isn't the unknown scarier, anyway, and, besides, it would waste valuable time that could be spent revolting you."

Influenced by UNCLE SAM (1997) and shaped by early-'80s special effects, Devil Fetus also features a have-to-see-it-to-believe-it exorcism full of fiery swords, animated eye laser beams, and flying puppets. It's a must-see for fans of good old-fashioned low-budget special effects and fearless Asian cinema.
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bombersflyup22 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Devil Fetus is bizarre, annoying and worthless.

It holds the interest to begin with in amusement, but quickly becomes tiresome. You've got silly effects and characters with absolutely no value. It's also bit of a tease.
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Clawing into CAT III
morrison-dylan-fan9 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
On the IMDb Horror board (RIP) I would see the regs on the board talk about seeing CAT III films from Hong Kong. Whilst very interested in seeing these movies, I could not decide where to start. Taking part in a poll on ICM for best films of 1983,I found a title which allowed me to finally grab the CAT III tail.

View on the film:

Rolling this devil fetus in any Horror sub-genre they could get their hands on, the screenplay by Wen-Hua Cheng & Ging-Jiu Lo goes for a wonderfully bonkers slap-dash approach which leaps from gross-out body horror to husky monster movie action in a blink of an eye. Withholding the chance for the flick to settle by keeping the demon/monster always on the move with the family,the writers use the lone thread of the demon jumping from victim to victim,to string together weird set-pieces from a cake packed with worms, to a woman getting intimate with the devil.

Playing Keepie uppie with the head of CAT III, director Hung-Chuen Lau goes all-out to embrace the freedom it offers, via rising above the low budget with tracking shots and whip-pans springing out from each demonic possession. Whilst the dark synch score (sadly uncredited) casts a brooding mood, Lau shoves it aside to go for delicious gore that has the set-pieces bursting with rubbery monster effects and lashings of slime spread across the devil fetus.
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A fun, wild ride and effects spectacle
I_Ailurophile8 October 2023
I don't think it's unfair to criticize how highly variable the storytelling is. It starts out incredibly prompt and direct - leaving nothing to the imagination, introducing ideas very forthrightly in imagery or dialogue, and advancing the story in precise, concrete steps - before becoming just as incredibly, weirdly vague. As viewers we just have to kind of blithely accept on faith that everything is happening because of the jade vase seen at the beginning, and the evil that was attached to it is subsequently jumping from person to person. The storytelling switches back and forth, too, and meanwhile Lau Hung-chuen's direction is simply very straight; in the acting and in how scenes are orchestrated generally, there's not a lot of nuance to be had. Then again, in this case the predominant ethos isn't impactful drama, creeping horror, or even so much sinister vibes (though we do get some of those) as it is a spectacle of effects. 'Devil fetus' opts rather simply for shock value, and while some facets come off better than others, I'd be plainly lying if I said it weren't a wild, entertaining ride. This won't appeal to everyone, but for those open to all the wide possibilities of what horror has to offer, this is great!

There's a lot that gets thrown at us at one time or another, from the more straightforward horror-thriller approach of a person being pursued by an antagonist, to tinges of suspense and dark atmosphere; from supernatural splendor and madness, to the one-on-one showdown between priests or mystics and demons or practitioners of black magic, as we've seen in the likes of 1981's 'Bewitched,' or 1983's 'Ghosts galore.' Some of this is realized with stop-motion animation, stunts, and major moving set pieces, and at other times we get extensive blood, gore, special makeup, and gross-out effects. Sometimes we're treated to post-production digital additions that are more than a little outdated, and accompanying sound effects that are A Choice; sometimes this is realized through lighting, or tricky editing and cinematography. The preponderance of these are tangible creations, I should note, but one way or another, they all mostly look great! It's primarily through this that the horror element is realized, though even as the writing is variable, Wen-Hua and Cheng Ging-Jiu Lo whipped up a tale of violence, death, and otherworldly possession that's a wicked good time.

In all other capacities this is pretty well made, from art direction and costume design to the music. It may not be a title that wholly demands viewership, but it sits somewhere on a spectrum between B-movie and low-budget romp, and whether one is familiar with other genre flicks out of Hong Kong (be they from The Shaw Brothers, Golden Harvest, or as in this instance, Lo Wei Motion Picture Company), or like-minded fare like Sam Raimi's first 'Evil dead,' there's a recognizable kinship with other works. For the inelegance of how it presents it carries some rough edges, yet by and large 'Devil fetus' is fun, gnarly, well made, and satisfying, and even if it's not the most visceral of thrill rides, I think most anyone who appreciates horror will find it enjoyable. Don't necessarily go out of your way for this, but if you have the chance to watch 'Devil fetus,' these eighty-six minutes are well worth anyone's time!
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1 hour of bordem and finally something fun to watch
tvcarsd23 September 2020
So chick buys vase, vase is possessed, chick has sex with vase inhabitant (her name is Suk btw) and boyfriend (his name if Fuk) finds out. Either way they both die (both Suk and Fuk that is) and the vase is broken. So something or a rather and the dead boyfriend ends up getting cursed to remain a ghost and reeking havok on the living. Oh, but before that back when the boyfriend breaks the vase there is an hilarious body horror scene worth checking out for gore fans. You don't want to skip that.

So anyhow now we have a dead Fuk who starts off possessing animals then a human who becomes like a super nasty possessed being that is near unstoppable. I mean this bad boy can literally teleport himself around anywhere where-ever he wants and almost kill anyone he wants to anyway he wants, talk about unfair advantage. He's got telekinesis, can divide himself, become ethereal, stretchy body, flying, lasers and much much more. Btw, the priest fight was excellent, that happens around the 64 minute mark.

It's a pity it takes an hour of viewing until things ramp up. There isn't a great deal of intelligent dialog either. The music was good to awesome which made up for a lot of the poor acting and sound effects. The special fx are inline with most Asian horror's of its time or maybe a fraction better. Just a pity there was so much boring stuff to get through before it really took off. All of this said I absolutely freaking loved the ending especially the music that went with it. Wow, nice!
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