Lupin the 3rd: The Mystery of Mamo (1978) Poster

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Proper animation at its finest
Muldwych18 September 2007
The first film version of the long-running successful manga series 'Lupin III', 'The Mystery Of Mamo' is non-stop action, adventure, and humour, brought to life with some brilliant animation, an excellent script, and some very good voice acting.

Lupin is the greatest thief since his grandfather Arsene Lupin, but his lifestyle never affords him a moment's peace, especially with maniacally-determined Interpol Inspector Zenigata pursuing him anywhere and everywhere across the globe. Aided by his two friends, Jigen, who prefers a quiet life, sombre samurai warrior Goemon, and on-again-off again girlfriend and equally-skilled thief Fujiko, Lupin finds himself drawn into the world of Mamo, a mysterious billionaire, intent on achieving immortality. But is Mamo exactly what he appears? And how does the fabled Philosopher's Stone fit in?

Now *this* is what animation is *really* about. It's about as far removed from the billion dollar cgi rubbish one usually sees in cinemas as it's possible to be. Every frame in 'Mamo' exudes genuine artistry, whether it's a peaceful Parisian cafe scene, or frenetic car chase through a sewer - yes, a sewer. Every musical motif creates genuine atmosphere, and every line of dialogue is there because it should be - it's not just a collection of lame one-liners for a cynical audience. If you find yourself on the edge of your seat, it's not because you're trying to fend off sleep from Disney-drawn dreck, but because you really find yourself wanting to see what happens next.

There are imperfections within the story - certain plot points that are not entirely followed up, but nothing that ruins the central story. There is also a certain trade-off between characterisation and action, but Lupin III stories are not meant to be deeply introspective character pieces, just a lot of first class fun. They are also an ongoing series, so further revelations are to be had elsewhere.

Probably the most well-known Lupin outing is 'The Castle Of Cagliostro', in many ways a more straightforward adventure with a more traditional action film-type ending. I think they're both excellent, but they're different beasts in temperament. 'The Mystery Of Mamo' takes a left-turn into the surreal, but it's still a cracking film that shouldn't disappoint - and definitely accessible to a Lupin novice.
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A memorable, and pretty enjoyable Lupin movie.
psychogoatee9 October 2009
The Secret of Mamo is a crazy, memorable, and pretty enjoyable Lupin movie.

The first theatrical Lupin movie, this has some very solid animation for 1978, and some very interesting direction. Very colorful and lively. The soundtrack by Yuji Ohno is a blast too, and of course the original voice cast delivers.

The story in this one is pretty crazy, and by the end it's pretty much pure nonsense. Lupin is up against a psychotic diminutive man with a god complex, and it leads to some very strange things. Including a cameo from Hitler, naturally.

This movie has a fairly brisk pace for the most part, bad things just keep happening to the Lupin gang. One minute they're on the run from a freakishly large truck, the next they're being bombarded by bombs.

Where this movie gets really weird is the characterization. Lupin is less cool and laid back in this one, in general he's pretty irritable and annoyed, even with his loyal gang. I have to admit, this makes Lupin less likable to me in this one.

Fujiko has a pretty big part in this one, she's quite entertaining, although she does make some questionable decisions. Jigen makes out well in this, and Goemon is pretty cool like usual. Zenigata is great in this, tirelessly hunting Lupin down. But again, seeming a bit out of his usual anime character when he actually wants to kill Lupin.

The movie in general is closer to the tone of the manga, with it's insanity and less likable characters.

So, pretty much, this is a very memorable movie, it goes above and beyond into the realm of insanity, and it's quite entertaining. The classic dynamic that the characters usually have in the anime is somewhat skewed here though, and the story itself is not entirely satisfying.

None the less, this is a wild ride that I recommend checking out.
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Fun and has a pretty good amount of comedy
Angels_Review26 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It starts out with Lupin dieing… I kid you not; this is really how it starts. The guy had the same fingerprints, DNA, and even looked the same as him. And yet, after a while, you see him rather fine and alive moments later. It's rather creepy in a way. Then when we get to the story with Mamo, it gets even creepier and action packed with one chase scene after another.

Lupin is none to bright, though he is a rather lucky guy. His addiction to women even breaks the trio up for a time when he picks Fujiko over his partners. He's irrational at times when not seeing the full picture and so it tends to get him into a lot of trouble that the others have to bail him out of. Fujiko is actually a rather good counterpart, using her sex appeal to make him do as she wants, and yet in this movie, it appears she actually does care for him a lot. It's rather interesting and changes a couple things, giving insight into why she pulls him around. In the end though, it seems that she is just a little to greedy.

One thing that is actually rather interesting is that they did a rather good job at mimicking the idea of a Samurai in Goemon. I know people are going to go 'well hey! It's Japan and they know about samurai' but really, all the other times I see samurai in anime, they are actually not as well done. If you look at the long line of anime samurai, name one person that is the very idea of a true samurai from history. Can't get many, right? With one strike, he tries to take down an enemy, which is much closer to the original idea.

I cannot believe that Zenigata is still alive after all he's gone threw. That guy gets into more problems then ever including surviving bombs being dropped on him.

The opening starts with something rather odd, a women's egg being used for what I would think of as a cloning experiment. A good way to start if I must say for something that seems to be a cloning experiment story line. The artwork is rather lacking in detail and the characters become rather exaggerated with arms stretching out or legs turning into something close to stick figures threw parts of the shot. Still, it's not actually a bad thing. It gives the show character and comedy which works well with how the script is created. This is one of those shows that I'm actually saying the script is better with the somewhat cheap animation they have. It fits! Now another part of the show was a bit interesting as Lupin has a chase scene threw famous pieces of artwork and then runs into clones of both Hitler and Napoleon.

The English voices are rather interesting, and I can't believe they really used Lupin's voice the way they did. I don't know exactly which version I watched on Hulu but I believe it's the Geneon version which has him played by Tony Oliver with a rather weasel like voice. He's cocky and annoying in most cases, not sounding like he was the majestic thief although, as you keep watching it, it does tend to grow on you. Inspector Zenigata has a rather good voice for a bumbling detective though he has a bit of a Texan accent. The script is pretty cheesy, though I heard it's like this for the Japanese dub too. I had to rather laugh when one of the American characters actually calls Jigen a democrat when he stands up to them about their politics.
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The first "Lupin III" movie
cpm627 December 2000
Lupin III is Japan's longest running anime series, spawning five movies, three television series, annual Television specials which continue to this day and even a live-action movie. One of the films, "Castle Of Cagliostro", in fact, is considered an animation classic by most critics on both sides of the Pacific. However, before "Cagliostro" there was "Mamo". Mamo is based more on the traditional Lupin as created by manga artist Monkey Punch-so those who are used to the kind anti-hero in COC might be in for a slight shock. This Lupin is more of a womanizer and a trickster than Miyazaki's version. The plot doesn't flow as well as COC's, and is kind of drawn out with a couple false endings. The visuals aren't as good as COC either, with some rough-looking animation in spots and action scenes that don't flow as well. Anyway, it's still a good movie, especially for fans of Monkey Punch's take on the character(as opposed to Miyazaki) just overlong. A word to the wise though-the DVD doesn't have the Japanese track, something which some anime fans might not like. The dub is OK voice wise, but the script has obviously been rewritten slightly-something which becomes blatantly obvious when you hear, over a radio, George Bush and Boris Yeltsin chatting, something really out of place in a 1978 film....
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the first ever Lupin the 3rd Anime movie.
emasterslake28 July 2005
This is the first Lupin the 3rd Anime Movie. It was made 1 year before Castle of Cagliostro. The plot and character designs are similar to the way they look in the manga series.

It has some funny moments to it. But wish it had some improvements to it in some parts.

If Miyazaki did this movie then we would see a more enjoyable Anime.

Comparing this to Castle of Cagliostro, it seems it was made 5 years before that movie.

in other words it's worth viewing. Just a reminder the animation is nothing compared to the kind in Castle of Cagliostro.

Not bad for being the first Lupin Anime film.

I give it 7/10 for almost perfect.
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Certainly no Castle of Cagliostro
CuriosityKilledShawn28 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, what a huge difference a director makes. Where Castle of Cagliostro had atmosphere, inventive visuals, coherence and plot Mystery of Mamo has blandness, cheap backgrounds, confusion and silliness. It IS good for a single viewing and features a couple of pretty good action scenes but, I'm afraid, beyond that it's just as forgettable as any other random Japanese cartoon.

Lupin III has been cloned and killed and the ever highly-strung Inspector Zenigata rejoices but it turns out that some being from another dimension in the form of a dwarf freak and a huge disembodied brain is behind the whole charade and involves the real, living Lupin III in some cockamamie plot. Don't even think about trying to follow this tripe.

There's no charm or appeal to Mystery of Mamo and while there's plenty of visual humor and the characters we love, they deserve a better film. Go watch Castle of Cagliostro instead.
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Psychological Lupin
enricoshapka8 October 2022
Lupin iii film 9

A very different film. This time Fujiko is the main protagonist. There's lots of action, but the film is more centered on the psychological side. The story is just crazy, nonsense after a while honestly. The whole film is abstract. I personally like the drawings, especially Fujiko, despite the difference from the usual.

I really like some things in this film; the fact that they as a team quarrel for Fujiko, so Lupin has to choose his friends or Fujiko; and Fujiko character is great in this film, both her and Lupin give up on immortality for the other. For the first time you can feel both love each other at the end.

There's lots of nude parts and fan service compared to other films.
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A great movie that stays true to its roots!
Lupin The Third15 June 2002
Mamo Karano Chousen ('Mystery of Mamo' or 'Lupin Vs. The Clone') is the best adaptation of Monkey Punch's Manga. Unlike the acclamed 'Castle of Cagliostro', This film is very true to its original form. The main characters often quarrel, which is rarely or never seen in any other of the Lupin III films, this is something that is present in the Manga that never made it to the movies. It also has higher Sexual content then most of the other Lupin films, again this is almost eliminated totally from the other films. It has a great artistic style, its not as ground breaking as 'Cagliostro', but it by far is better animated then most other Anime titles of the era. I've shown this film to many of my friends, and they have become Lupin fans as well. The sad part is this great film is rare and hard to find, even in the Anime community. This is by far my favorite Animated Film, and my favorite Lupin adventure! The english Dub is wonderful as well!
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The first Lupin film is weird, but fun.
musukogoji12 October 2016
The Mystery of Mamo is the first movie in the Lupin the 3rd series. It's been a critically polarizing film ever since it's release in 1978. So, is this theatrical debut worth the time? Well, let's find out.

The film starts with the master thief, Lupin the 3rd, seemingly being executed. However, the police inspector Zenigata doesn't believe he's really dead. His assumption turns out to be true as Lupin steals the fabled Philosopher's Stone in Egypt.

The Philosopher's Stone is then stolen from him by his on-off lover, Fujiko Mine and she brings it to her mysterious benefactor, Mamo. But when they find out that the stone is fake, Mamo is determined to track down Lupin and his colleagues, the expert gunman Daisuke Jigen, and the warrior priest, Goemon Ishikawa XIII. But it becomes a three-way free for all with Inspector Zenigata determined to have them all arrested.

So what did I like about this movie? Well, the animation and the action is very creative and well executed. It blends in with the story and characters very well. Speaking of, the chemistry between the characters is probably the best part about this film. The villain, Mamo, probably has the most intimidating voice I've ever heard, regardless of whether you watch the dubbed or subbed version. And it's even better when you see what Mamo looks like.

So what didn't I like? Well, the third act was a little clunky. While the animation still made it visually pleasing, the plot seemed to spiral out of control and became a little too weird for me. Though I can't say much more without spoiling it. And I never thought I'd say this, but I didn't like the nudity. I just thought it was out of place with the rest of the film.

So, in the long run, The Mystery of Mamo is a flawed, but extremely well made Lupin film. If you're a fan of the manga, then this will probably be one of your favorite movies in the series. It's fun, it's weird, it truly is Lupin the 3rd
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A mysterious secret worth discovering and uncovering
TheLittleSongbird5 September 2017
Like most people, my first introduction to the character of Lupin was the most famous of his feature films, 1979's 'The Castle of Cagliostro'. That may not be the most faithful to the manga of Lupin's feature films but on its own it was nonetheless a great film on first viewing and still is a personal favourite animated film of mine on top of being my personal favourite Lupin film.

The first Lupin film, this film 'The Secret of Mamo' (its UK title), is a very good feature film debut for the character. It may not be the best overall of the films, but it is the very definition of first class escapism and staying true to its roots. Meaning that it is in some way the most faithful to the manga, being surprisingly risqué, with the sexual elements actually being present and not toned down, and actually having the characters quarrelling. 'The Secret of Mamo' is the boldest, the most ambitious and quite possibly the darkest Lupin film, and on the most part is successful in execution.

It is not faultless. 'The Secret of Mamo' is let down by the third act, which does feel muddled and convoluted, not everything feels resolved and tonally it did feel at odds with the rest of the film, close to feeling like a complete different film. Unlike the rest of the film it did descend into strangeness and the science fiction elements were nowhere near as well executed as the action and characterisation elements, they were on point, the sci-fi elements came over as clunky and confused.

Occasionally, the animation is a little rough. The character designs, like the somewhat odd one for Lupin, lack finesse and it doesn't always flow as well as it could have done.

However, most of the animation in 'The Secret of Mamo' is fine. It is quite creative in the action, the attention to detail is impressive and the colours are both atmospheric and ethereal. The music score is dynamic and groovy, fitting beautifully with the action and story atmosphere.

When it comes to the writing, 'The Secret of Mamo' is largely successful. It provokes a lot of thought and the wry humour and slapstick are genuinely hilarious. Apart from misgivings with the final third, the story is bold but also doesn't forget to be fun and exciting, particularly in the action-oriented parts (the helicopter, police and lorry chase sequence is terrific and classic Lupin). It is Lupin at his most ambitious, though you are also mostly admiring the execution rather than finding it overly-ambitious. Admired 'The Secret of Mamo' too for its tackling of interesting, mature and difficult subjects with cloning, honour, love and personal identity and doing it in a way that's thought-provoking and entertaining, with only the cloning aspect failing somewhat.

Characterisation is on point as is the character interaction, Lupin is not at his most likable, no, but he nonetheless a fun and commanding lead character that carries the film well. Mamo is a suitably intimidating villain and poses as a real danger. Particularly shining are the supporting characters, particularly sexy Fujiko and hilarious Zenigata, though Jigen and Goemen are very cool as well. The voice acting is very good, notably for Mamo.

In summary, not perfect but worth the discovery. Lupin's feature film debut is a very good one. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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Time and youth have limit that's why we feel they're valuable.
Aoi_kdr30 June 2019
I was traumatized with this movie in my childhood. But I couldn't understand a content enough for the first time because I was child. Now, I became an adult while keeping disliked creepy design. Although I was a big fan of Lupin the 3rd series, it was only a movie I disliked. Now I felt it was creepy absolutely.

Although I was afraid it why I didn't know before, I understood it now. I didn't think it had such a magnific theme.
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The Secret of Mamo
Tweekums10 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Like many people my introduction to the character Lupin III was Hayao Miyazaki's early film 'The Castle of Cagliostro', I enjoyed that so when I saw 'The Secret of Mamo' for sale I was keen to watch it. Once again I found the escapades of Lupin and his compatriots Fujiko, Jigen and Goemon to be both exciting and amusing even if the animation wasn't quite up to that of Miyazaki's film. While the tone is similar it probably isn't suitable for younger viewers as there are sexual references and Fujiko is seen undressed more than once which some parents might not be too keen on… although the '15' certificate given to the film in Britain and Ireland should be a clue to its suitability!

In this adventure it looks as if Lupin is no more as we see him hanged in the opening scene. His nemesis Inspector Zenigata isn't convinced that he is dead and soon finds him only for him to escape once more. Lupin then sets off to steal a jewel from the middle of an Egyptian pyramid, the jewel might not look like much but apparently it holds the secret to eternal life; a secret that the villainous Mamo is keen to acquire. Once he has the jewel Mamo's henchmen come after him in a long and exciting chase sequence featuring a helicopter, the police and a gigantic lorry. He also has to contend with the beautiful Fujiko who Lupin clearly loves even though she is working with Mamo and clearly isn't to be trusted. As the film reaches its conclusion there is more and more action and we learn how Mamo's plan works.

I'd certainly recommend this to anybody who enjoyed 'The Castle of Cagliostro' who isn't too young as it is a lot of fun.

These comments are based on watching the film in Japanese with English subtitles; the DVD I watched also features an English soundtrack for viewers who prefer their anime dubbed.
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Fun, but not as good as Castle Of Cagliostro
Don-1707 June 2000
I have just recently began to discover the Lupin III series. I purchased Castle Of Cagliostro(CoC) a few weeks ago. This film, while a fun adventure, lacks the fluidity of CoC. CoC builds up the excitement with subtle events as well as action filled moments. The Mystery Of Mamo seems to be rather disjointed at times. There are some high points followed by low points and back again, much like a rollercoaster.

One thing that I did not like was the animation style. I found the way Lupin was drawn and how he walked to be a bit...odd. CoC has better animation as well as more natural character movements.

Now, It may sound as if I did not like Mystery Of Mamo. That is not the case. The storyline is very enjoyable. More of a Sci-Fi theme compared to CoC. Watching Lupin constantly hit on Fujiko is quite humorous! As in CoC, Lupin shows some excellent ingenuity in how he deals with Mamo. Jigen and Goemon add their charisma to this film, more so than CoC. And the action is not missing from this film.

All in all, I would definitely recommend this film to any Lupin III fan. While not the fun-filled ride that Castle Of Cagliostro is, Mystery Of Mamo is still enjoyable to watch and does belong on the shelves of Lupin III fans.

One closing note. The car chase through the sewer with the helicopter, the hanging scene, as well as major amounts of footage from CoC, were used in a 1983 Laserdisc Arcade game titled Cliff Hanger.
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A great thief, a beautiful woman, a samurai, a gunman and a madman.
Siggy-O16 May 2023
A cult animation classic that still has a devoted fanbase in the Japanese animation world. Compared to its follow-up, The Castle of Cagliostro, the backstory of Lupin III is so neglected that it is hard to believe that they are the same character, so it is not surprising that the film is considered to be about a different character.

Lupin is intrigued by a female thief and spy, Fujiko Mine, and manages to steal the Philosopher's Stone from the Pharaoh's tomb in Egypt, but Fujiko uses it as a contract for her criminal business.

The man who gave the order was a mysterious man called Mamo. Calling himself 'God', the madman has been alive for 10,000 years, having invented a 'copy man manufacturing method'. On his Caribbean island, he owns human replicas of Napoleon and Hitler. And there are men working on humanity's dream of 'eternal life'. ............ Lupin's battle with Mamaw, his greatest enemy, comes to a surprising end.

Perhaps the greatest masterpiece of Japanese animation, with its surrealist and experimental elements, it was more popular than The Castle of Cagliostro at the time, but its reputation has now been reversed.
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Not bad for a film that was shown before The Castle of Cagliostro
Irishchatter7 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'll tell you this, Lupin definately was far different from "castle of cagliostro" because Lupin in this one was acting a lot more hornier and probably a lot more of being a enormous jerk then you ever imagine. Despite him being the usual clever goofball we know, he seriously wanted to get jiggy with Fujiko really badly and I'm being really serious here! They both would be cute together but both really have different personalities, so that it does show that theres a slim chance that they "might" end up together.

Anyways lets put the lovey dovey stuff aside and i have to say the action was not bad. I wouldn't consider this movie or the other Lupin movies I've seen to be part of the #1 as The Castle of Cagliostro. It had a lot more taste in car chases and a lot of serious action towards it then this one. Mamo was pretty much a rip off of yoda with a white wig and only a brain, nothing really exciting about the villains part lol.

This anime did however ketp me entertained like Lupin acting like an idiot was kinda funny to be honest. Definately wouldn't recommend children watching this at the same time! I give this 8/10!
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Bizarre film
Flaviaj199116 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Castle of Cagliostro is much superior, whether in animation, art, script and history; it's a more familiar and enjoyable. In this film Lupin is more faithful to the manga, acting like a more malicious guy, different from the gentle and gentleman version of Miyazaki. Characters like Jigen, Goemon and Fujiko gain more prominence in this film. Lupin's dynamic with Fujiko is a lot of fun, with her always seducing him and always ending up being cheated on by her. There are very sexual scenes, with lots of heavy adult jokes, plus shootings and a dark and violent tone. The problem in The Secret of Mamo is in the plot, which mixed an action / espionage with a misplaced scientific fiction, becoming a complete mess as it advances, with Hitler pops up out nowhere and then culminating in the most bizarre and cringe ending I've ever seen with a giant brain floating in space.
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A different look at Lupin(spoilers)
zack00724 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this film with an idea of what I thought Lupin was. I am a big fan of the second series that ran in the 80's, and I was looking forward to seeing this film. Of course, Mamo was made in the late 70's, but I thought the character would be the same. At first I was a little upset with how Lupin looked; his head shape was a bit different than I had seen with the other series'. Also, Goemon looks and acts seemingly out of character. In addition, he comes and goes whenever he pleases, arriving out of nowhere in crucial plot-points. But I can look past all that, seeing how long Lupin has been around. There are sure to be different interpretations of the characters. What got me in Mamo was the plot.

When we think of Lupin, we think of heists and fun little robberies. In this film there is this midget freak who wants to clone things. But wait, now he wants to take over the world! Good thing jigen shoots him in the face. Oh wait! That Mammo was a clone! He is on to bigger and better things. He wants to nuke the planet yadda yadda yadda but he dies dramatically. It must be the end, but noo Mamo is actually a Gigantic brain who is going to launch to space and return to be a god. Does this sound like Lupin? I don't think so. It sounds like a James Bond movie on crack. I came out feeling a bit surprised, I must say. Nevertheless, the film has some great action scenes and a waaay over the top Zenigata. I've heard Castle of Cogliostro is better, and after seeing "Mamo and his Gigantic brain", I should hope so.
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Lupin III and the Philosopher's Stone
JayWolfgramm21 May 2024
I'm going to start out by stating this as Cannon to the Lupin Mythos. The reason why Fujiko, Lupin and the gang have never aged after all these decades of being in animation is the fact that they used the Philosopher's Stone.

The fun with these Lupin movies is that they are just about throwing this cast of characters into a bizarre situation and seeing what happens. And truly a bizarre situation. This movie has clone Hitler, Napoleon and I think even Dr. Wheelo from DBZ shows up.

What I don't care for is the portrayal of Lupin in this film. This man is way too horny throughout the story.
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All over the place
Blazehgehg19 November 2023
My only Lupin experience is catching clips of various episodes here and there and watching The Castle of Cagliostro. The latter is a genuine masterpiece.

This... is not. A friend recommended I watch it just to see how completely insane it is.

It is, essentially, a very long TV episode. It opens telling you that the real, actual Lupin the Third has been executed. Killed. Dead. For real. Not a hoax, not a fakeout, not another one of Lupin's schemes. Lupin the Third is dead for really real.


And then he turns up in a coffin in Transylvania, alive and well. Folks, that's the first five minutes, and it's not even the weirdest thing in this movie.

The animation budget is not great. Again, this is basically just an extended TV episode, and it never really strives to be better than that. Which is weird, because supposedly this movie had an unnaturally high budget for an animated feature; more comparable to a live-action film. I cannot tell the difference.

The issue I have with The Mystery of Mamo is characterization. Everybody's morals are constantly flip-flopping and nothing really seems to matter. Lupin's horny antics start to cross the line into feeling like rape at least once, and the way Fujiko simultaneously seems to both care for Lupin and would also leave him for dead if it served her goals is something the movie goes back and forth on a lot.

Even Jigen and Goemon get in on it, completely unable to decide if they're terrified of this Mamo guy, want to help Lupin out, or something else. Nobody ever picks a motive and sticks to it except for maybe the villain.

And yet... because it's all so bizarre, so out there, so up it's own butt, there is at least some entertainment value to be gleaned if only to wait and see what the next wacky, nonsensical twist is. That's the real heart of this movie's value, and I suppose it does not disappoint, even if it's kind of ugly and weird.
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Remember that Castle of Cagliostro and not this one is considered the perfect introduction to the franchise?
I do, and there's a legit reason for it. Nothing makes sense in this "movie": the starting premises, the ugly and dispoportionate animation, the logic of what happens on the screen, the dialogues, it looks and feels like a bunch of rejected ideas and frames from the main series thrown together just to make a quick buck with no efforts whatsoever from the producers and creators. Avoid safely like the plague for the superior in all regards Hayao Miyazaki full lenght.
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