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(1973 TV Movie)

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Steel Magnolia
LomzaLady28 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
To my mind, anything with Hepburn in it is worth seeing. She brings an intelligence to every role she plays, and often brings out facets of a character we might not have seen in the performance of someone else. In this case, Hepburn is not the usual broken, defeated Blanche DuBois-type woman that is usually associated with interpretations of Amanda Wingfield. I have seen the Gertrude Lawrence version, in which she is very good, but brings to mind a downtrodden Auntie Mame. I also saw Maureen Stapleton play Amanda on Broadway. It was a sad and compelling performance, but that Amanda was lost before the action of the play commenced - there was no hope for her.

In this version, however, Amanda is definitely a fighter, and I think the performances of the other three actors have been taken up a notch or two more than usual to accommodate Hepburn's dominance. The arguments that Tom and Amanda have are truly terrifying, and it is evident why Tom feels that his creativity is being stifled - this Amanda drives him crazy.

Here is how I see Hepburn's Amanda: she was a very successful Southern belle, who is not imagining or augmenting her reminiscences. She really was the star of the show back home, but she made a grave error in falling for and marrying a completely unsuitable man. You can imagine that Amanda and her husband had the same kind of screaming fights that she now has with her son. Amanda regrets her mistake, and she sees her flawed and needy children as a sort of karmic result of her bad marriage. However, she refuses to give up, and she hounds them relentlessly to do something "better" with their lives. She is especially hard on her son because she fears that his wanting to be a writer will lead him to become the shiftless dreamer his father was. Additionally, there is a mild inference that Tom's nightly trips 'to the movies' may have some darker ulterior motive (perhaps gay sex?), and that Amanda suspects this.

Sam Waterston is a very strong Tom Wingfield. This Tom is conflicted in his feelings for his mother, and he is very guilty about his inability to do anything for his sister. In addition, there is an element of selfishness in this Tom, which he certainly inherited from his mother as well as from his absent father. Undoubtedly, Amanda's upbringing was of the sort that produces a vain and self-centered woman. As in the case in many families, Tom and his mother are very much alike, and that makes for a lot of friction. The last scene of the play, where Tom is anguished at his self-imposed isolation as well as his guilt in abandoning his sister and his mother, is beautifully played by Waterston. The play, certainly autobiographical, is also something of a metaphor, which Tennessee Williams used over and over, the acting out of his guilt at being unable to prevent his own sister from being lobotomized. It isn't likely he could have done very much as a young man to help her, but he never got over sharing her feeling of helplessness.

Michael Moriarity's performance as the Gentleman Caller is very interesting. He is a perfectly nice guy who gets caught in the mind games that the Wingfields play. It makes his ultimate rejection of Laura that much more poignant: he isn't the fast-talking, possibly dishonest guy that would be all wrong for her, but rather a decent young man who might have made a difference in her life, if he weren't faithful to his existing girlfriend. Then again, if Laura had really wanted him, she could have used all of the techniques she learned from her mother's tales of gentlemen callers to win him over. What we have in the Wingfields are three characters who don't like where they are, but who, because of weakness or psychological dependency, can't find a way out.

Joanna Miles' portrayal of Laura is especially interesting. In the first place, this actress was rather tall and robust looking, not the usual broken blossom associated with this role. But because of this, she very much looks like she could be Hepburn's daughter. Laura's fears and insecurities are shown very subtly by Miles. In this family relationship, the mother reads the cues of helplessness given by the daughter and lets her remain outside of society. However, for all of Laura's weaknesses and inability to cope, you sense a steely center. She does not do what she does not want to do, even though her brother does bend to Amanda's will to a degree. It was a common ploy in earlier days for women to pretend to be incapacitated so that they didn't have to participate in everyday life, and more particularly, so that they wouldn't be considered marriage material. After Tom leaves his family, you can imagine that the battle of wills in the Wingfield home will continue, but this those battles will be between Amanda and Laura.

With four outstanding performances, this version of The Glass Menagerie is a must-see. When I was a girl, such great American (and other) plays were broadcast every week, and not just on 'educational' channels. I am very glad that many of these performances are available on DVD, now that I am old enough to understand what I am seeing. Unfortunately, many of these transfers are not wonderful, and the video may not be of the best quality. Nevertheless, they are worth seeing to study and to enjoy. We were blessed to have a talent like Hepburn perform for us. I hope that each succeeding generation will view her work, which we are lucky to have preserved.
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Excellent acting
perfectbond17 November 2003
This is the only version I've seen but I enjoyed it immensely. The entire cast is superb especially the legendary Hepburn. You can't help but think that as you grow older you become bitter as you wonder what you've done with your life and how your opportunities to escape your station ultimately evaporate. A very sobering drama, 8/10.
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Review of "The Glass Menagerie"
t-grasscity-h-ninja-c29 April 2014
The Glass Menagerie April 24, 2014 Actors/Actresses: Amanda Wingfield: Katharine Hepburn Tom Wingfield: Sam Waterson Laura Wingfield: Joanna Miles Jim O'Conner: Michael Moriarty

1973's "The Glass Menagerie" directed by Anthony Harvey and written by Stewart Stern, was a televised movie. Based on the play by Tennessee Williams, the movie's runtime is 100 minutes. Rated PG.

"The Glass Menagerie" is a drama set in an apartment in St. Louis, and most of the story takes place during the night. The story takes a dark turn towards the end and seems to phase into a tragedy that adds a sense of sadness. The movie definitely has its changes from the play, but then again, no movie follows the book perfectly. The movie has is still very intriguing to watch because of the life the actors put into their work, specifically Katherine Hepburn. Katherine Hepburn portrays an awesome 1940's mother who hasn't let go of the past. She consistently refers to her younger days when she had many "gentleman callers" and seems to envy her daughters young age, yet she is upset that she is wasting it. Laura's glass menagerie, which is what the movie is titled after, plays a significant role in the plot. Laura's menagerie symbolizes her own fragileness and foreshadows future events in the story. The screenplay by Stewart Stern forms a clear image of the main points of the original story written by Tennessee Williams. The movie may not depict the story line perfectly, but no movie ever compares to the book.
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It really DOES belong on your shelf
tom_amity5 November 2005
The Glass Menagerie is to plays as Beethoven's "fuer Elise" is to music: it's short and it's seemingly easy to present (it has two female and two male roles, and its author is famous), so it often ends up being done by amateurs, and one gets used to not-very-good versions. So a generally well-done performance, such as this one, is refreshing.

To boot, if you're a fan of Katherine Hepburn, Sam Waterston, Michael Moriarty, or Joanna Miles - and what person in his right mind isn't a fan of all four? - then you need to be familiar with this production, which shows you not only the legendary Hepburn in an interestingly off-type role, but also three more of your favorite actors when they were budding.

Not that this production is perfect. Hepburn, as Amanda, dominates the action entirely too much for my taste, at times reducing the other characters to leaves swirling around the tempest she creates; Waterston sometimes alternates weirdly between a detached Hamlet-like cerebrality and raging tantrums worthy of a young Lear. In other words: the production does not well balance the two characters whose opponency is central to the drama. (It might be argued that Amanda is supposed to dominate the action, and that Tom is supposed to be wimpy, but I disagree. I think Tom's frustrated and repressed manhood needs to be portrayed in such a way as to convey a prodigious, if chained down, load of energy. Remember, this is a self-portrayal of the man who became Tennessee Williams!) True, if you concentrate you can catch some of the subtlety for which Waterston later became justly noted. But he is, so to speak, shouted down by Hepburn, who is entirely too much in focus. It is almost as if this production had been planned as a vehicle for her, and the character of Tom had been treated as a prop.

For my money, the real star of this show is Moriarty's masterful portrayal of the Gentleman Caller. Moriarty does not show us the power-tripping, manipulative bastard often associated with this role, but rather a nice guy who found himself in a compromising situation he never sought, and who tried naively to make the best of his ill-starred encounter with Laura, with the result that he bites off more than he can chew, and hurts Laura all the more by not intending it. The performance here really shines; I was very moved by his awkward feelings of guilt when he realizes his error.
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"Chew Chew Chew"
Lechuguilla11 December 2017
Early in the story, a loquacious Amanda (Katharine Hepburn) and her two twenty-something children, Tom (Sam Waterston) and Laura (Joanna Miles), are eating dinner in their dining room. In her long-winded, nervous chatter, Amanda abruptly notices that son Tom is eating too fast. "You must chew your food; animals have secretions … But human beings must chew their food; a well-cooked meal has many delicate flavors, so chew, chew, chew." To which an angry Tom shoots back: "Mother, I have not enjoyed one bite of this dinner because of your constant directions on how to eat it. It's you that makes me rush through meals with your hawk-like attention to every bite I take".

Later, Tom is sitting at a table writing. Amanda comes over and scolds him for his poor posture: "Now why can't you sit up straight … I know what that position does to your internal organs. Now you sit up straight; here I'll show you. Your stomach pressed against your lungs, your lungs pressed against your heart, and that poor little heart gets discouraged 'cause it hasn't got any room left to go on beatin' for you".

But that's Amanda: an overbearing busybody who means well, but dominates those around her. She is so sure of herself and her moral values. Tom feels trapped, not only by his mother but also because of his mundane job at a warehouse. Daughter Laura is crippled and has a dreadful inferiority complex, which makes her shy. She identifies with her tiny glass animals, as fragile as she is.

Set almost entirely indoors in a drab little apartment in St. Louis, "The Glass Menagerie" is a play that conveys a lot of human feelings: anger, guilt, regret, dependency, and emotional damage. There's also a bit of humor. The story takes place during the WWII era of the 1940s. Eventually, Amanda imposes her wishes on Laura as well, as the mother badgers Tom to bring home a "gentleman caller" for Laura, in an effort to prevent Laura from being an old maid. What follows is both inspiring and heartrending.

The claustrophobic script is talky as one would expect for a play. The drab costumes are appropriate given the family's financial straits and the time period. Camera is largely static and functions mainly as a fly on the wall. Casting is very good. Acting is terrific. Hepburn does a wonderful job, except that she talks too fast for a Southern woman. The ending leaves viewers hanging.

With minor exceptions, the script and the performances are marvelous. Yet I'm not sure I would want to watch the film again; it is so depressing, especially toward the end.
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The Best Version
tinman-77 November 1998
This 1973 version is better than the David Naughton/John Malkovich version. Katherine Hepburn does an excellent job playing the mother who is frustrated by the "generation gap". It also shows Michael Moriarty and Sam Waterston very early in their careers, both went on to win many awards. If you are able to get your hands on this version, it will be worth the search.
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Shattered glass
TheLittleSongbird24 October 2019
While, as has been said more than once, 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof' is my favourite Tennessee Williams play (also my first), 'The Glass Menagerie' is another one of his best and perhaps the most poignant. It is very much vintage Williams, with a compelling story that has a lot of emotion and bold themes, complex characters and realistic dialogue that hits hard (even if very talky) and a fair share of powerful scenes (he sure knew how to write hard-hitting endings.

Prior to watching this 1973 version with Katharine Hepburn, Sam Waterston, Michael Moriarty and Joanna Miles, there were two versions seen first. One was the 1987 version, which was my first filmed production of 'The Glass Menagerie'. The other was the Gertrude Lawrence and Jane Wyman film. Although the latter was a very respectable attempt despite the disappointing ending, the 1987 version is much better and of these three versions it's my favourite. This is a very worthy and really quite good production though where the detail and spirit is intact, with nothing toned down, nothing really tacked on and there isn't any re-ordering or re-working that affects any coherence (the case with the 80s TV film of 'Sweet Bird of Youth').

This production of 'The Glass Menagerie' is not perfect by all means. It is too dimly lit and makes the production a bit drab at times. Did feel that it could have opened up the drama more, the potential problem with television film adaptations of plays is being too much of a filmed play and being stagy, found that to be the case here.

In 'The Glass Menagerie', the dialogue is classic Williams. Just wished in this production that we had more time to hear it and take it all in and that the dialogue delivery wasn't as fast as it could be in places, especially with Katharine Hepburn.

However, lighting aside it is well and authentically designed and the photography isn't too intimate or distant. The audio adds to the atmosphere and doesn't jar with it. Despite the rushed line delivery at times, the dialogue may be talky but there is no denying its emotion. The staging also isn't perfect, but it's cohesive and just about avoids being over-heated and doesn't get dull. The ending like that of the play stays with you emotionally.

All four leads are hugely compelling with many moments of brilliance. Hepburn does indeed dominate but quite a lot of it is down to the character herself, she plays the heck out of the character and it's quite a towering portrayal overall regardless of some of the dialogue delivery and try-too-hard accent. Miles is very moving as Laura and pre-'Law and Order' Waterston is the embodiment of intensity. Moriarty is a different and interesting Jim and it was great to see a more likeable side.

Summing up, quite well done. 7/10
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A strong cast in a patented Tennessee Williams Southern family drama
eddax19 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers

What is it with Tennessee Williams and his determination to not provide a happy ending? For awhile, it looked as if he would permit painfully shy Laura Wingfield a stab at romantic bliss but once your hopes are up, he smashes it like so much glass in the titular menagerie. Granted this is just the third Williams play/movie I've seen - the other two being Suddenly, Last Summer and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof - so I don't know if all his plays have so melancholy an ending, but these three works are arguably among his best.

The Glass Menagerie, again like his other plays I've seen, takes place in the South and features a stable of fascinatingly unstable characters. Amanda Wingfield, the matriarch, is bitter for having given up "dozens of gentlemen callers" to settle for her drunken lout of a husband, who has since fled the family. She constantly vocalizes her high expectations for her children but it's all in a misguided attempt to better their lives. Her stifled son, Tom, bristles everytime she lectures him but hasn't really done much to rebel, till now that is. Her wallflower of a daughter, Laura, is so timid that she threw up in class when she had to take a speed-typing test. Since then, she's been content to stay at home everyday playing her old records and tending to her glass animal menagerie. The story takes place over two days, culminating with a dinner in which Tom's colleague, Jim, is invited, unbeknownst to him, as a gentleman caller for Laura. Literal and symbolic glass will be broken, as Tom announces his joining of the Merchant Marines, Laura has her hopes crushed, and Amanda sees her tenuous hold on the family lost.

This is Katharine Hepburn's first foray into television and she received an Emmy nomination for her masterful acting and the successful modification of her patrician New England accent to that of a Southern dame's. A young (and surprisingly good-looking) Sam Waterston of Law and Order fame also received a nomination playing her volatile son. A similarly young and good-looking Michael Moriarty took home an Emmy as dashing, aw-shucks gentlemen caller Jim, as did Joanna Miles, with her breakthrough performance as emotionally-crippled Laura.
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ashtaylorotte28 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The sorrowful solitary lives of Amanda Wingfield and her children come to life in this 1973 adaptation of Tennessee Williams' play The Glass Menagerie. At times the dismal St. Louis apartment of the Wingfield family seems more like a theatrical stage than a movie set. There is a very intimate quality about this drama that stays very true to Williams' original play script.

Amanda Wingfield (Katharine Hepburn) has never recovered from being abandoned by her husband and has created a life for her children and herself that centers on her past as a southern belle. Her daughter, Laura (Joanna Miles), lives in her own world of glass animals and old records, while her son, Tom (Sam Waterston), dreams of escaping from Amanda and his mundane life. Amanda's greatest desire is for Laura to marry. She coerces Tom into bringing a suitor home for Laura from his job at the warehouse. Jim O'Connor (Michael Moriarty) brings Laura to life when he comes to dinner. But Laura's happiness is only for a moment and we find that not everyone's story ends happily.

Under the direction of Anthony Harvey, Katherine Hepburn gives an amazing performance as an aging southern belle who hasn't lost her thick southern accent or the memories from her youth. Joanne Miles plays the shy, introverted Laura with subtle grace that captivates her audience. She also uses a southern accent to portray her character. Sam Waterston's character, Tom, has no trace of any southern roots and has a view of life that differs from his family's views. He flawlessly goes from being gentle and patient with his sister to annoyed and angry at the demands of his mother. Michael Moriarty's vibrant portrayal of Jim breathes life and hope into the drama. Moriarty's enthusiastic and expressive mannerisms rival those of Hepburn's.

The costumes of Amanda and Laura greatly contrast those of Tom and Jim's. The women wear old-fashioned style dresses, while the men look more contemporary in their suits. Harvey also uses the lighting differently among the characters. Tom is set into darkened backgrounds, whereas, Laura's character is lit by an almost-angelic light. "In Memory everything seems to happen to music," Tom tells the audience and the melancholy music, an original score by John Barry, blends perfectly with the scenery and characters.

The Glass Menagerie is a well-written, well-acted and well-directed drama that leaves its audience bit reflective and sad. In the words of Amanda Wingfield, " . . . the past turns into everlasting regret if you don't plan for it!"
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a masterpiece
jonathan-trapp7 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Deceptively simple, tragic four-character Tennessee Williams play set in St. Louis, with magnificent performances from Katherine Hepburn, Sam Waterston (yes, he did more than just Law & Order), Michael Moriarty (ill fated to later star in *Troll*, the worst film in history), and Johanna Miles (who deserves a greater reputation if only for this performance). Like a lot of his plays, happiness is just within reach but timing is just off enough to result in sorrow. Indeed, Waterston's character notes that "the greatest distance between any two points is time." If that were not enough, there's a million other great lines: "People go to the movies instead of moving"; "Science is supposed to solve all the mysteries of the universe only it seems like it just creates many more." Katherine also delivers a couple good lines about up-North Episcopalians being no good.
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The Glass Menagerie
kenziejane1624 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The Glass Menagerie Review

I recently viewed The Glass Menagerie which was filmed in 1973 by Anthony Harvey. The story begins with Sam Waterston, who portrays the moody dreamer Tom Wingfield, walking alone at night down a cold and wet city street. He begins to tell us a recollection of his home life, the life that he left behind. His memory begins with his mother Amanda Winglfield which is played by Katherine Hepburn, and his younger sister Laura Wingfield who is brought to life by actress Joanna Miles. Right away you can tell that Amanda is a demanding woman who wants reality to mimic her dreams, but more often than not they never match up. Laura immediately strikes the audience as someone who just wants to please everyone. Tom however is like his rebellious father who abandoned them for the "wild" world outside 11 years prior. Laura was afflicted with a disease when she was tiny that left her crippled, which also makes her extremely shy. So instead of interacting with the outside world and being as flirtatious as her mother, she hides at home and entertains herself with her collection of glass animals, aka her glass menagerie. Her world is as delicate as her glass; thusly Laura's mental state and personality are displayed through her menagerie. Of course that doesn't do for Amanda, and she at the beginning of the year had signed Laura up for classes at the local college, but Amanda soon finds that Laura stopped going after just 2 days, and hasn't been going the past 6 weeks. She is infuriated that her daughter's future has been tossed aside so she pushes Tom to bring home a "gentleman caller" for Laura to court. He does and to everyone's surprise, but Laura's dismay, the man he brings home is Laura's old high school crush; Jim O'Conner who is briefly played by Michael Moriarty. One thing leads to another and soon Jim & Laura are alone together. He soon finds his way past her cleverly designed walls, and they end up kissing. But he reveals that he is engaged and Laura's world is destroyed along with her brother & her mother's relationship with Tom leaving forever. In the end we find Tom begging Laura to "blow out her candles" and leave his mind, and she finally does.
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Incredible acting
HotToastyRag17 October 2017
The Glass Menagerie is my favorite play, solely because I love the 1973 taped and televised Broadway performance. I haven't seen any other version, but after watching this cast, there's no need to.

Katharine Hepburn stars as faded Southern belle who mothers and smothers her two children, Sam Waterston and Joanna Miles. Sam is passionate and dying to break out of his stifling environment, but he's protective over his crippled sister and is conflicted about leaving her alone with their mother. If you're a fan of his because of Law & Order, you need to see his stint on Broadway so you can see the first time he delivered a powerful, passionate speech. It's incredible, unnerving, and heartbreaking every time he goes head-to-head with Katharine Hepburn.

Kate had already starred as the overbearing mother in another Tennessee Williams play, Suddenly, Last Summer, but she shines even brighter in this one. Unlike the 1959 film, her character in The Glass Menagerie is sane and accessible. If you're a parent, your heart will go out to her as she tries to look out for her daughter, but Sam Waterston is the real hero of the story. He's wonderful and energetic from start to finish. I guarantee you'll become a lifelong fan of his after watching his breakthrough performance.
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Good, but quite depressing...
planktonrules10 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is the story of a dysfunctional southern family. The matriarch (Katharine Hepburn) is a bit deluded, a bit pushy and a bit too talkative--much like a reworking of Blanche Dubois from "A Streetcar Named Desire"--but without the sexual subtext. The daughter is completely incapable of dealing with life--possibly because her mother is such a dominant person, she's become completely ineffectual and meek. So, the more the mother bullies her into dating, the more it forces the unattractive daughter into her shell. As for the brother, he is a bit of a cypher--and seems angry at his mother but mostly avoids her.

It's funny, but the first time I saw this play and tonight when I watched this 1973 version, I couldn't help but think that the big unspoken secret in this film was that Tom was gay. It made perfect sense, as back when the play debuted, they couldn't talk about such things and often had to talked about it veiled in various euphemisms. So, when Tom disappears all the time and returns very, very late, although he says he's at the movies, I couldn't help but assume he was cruising for men. This is especially likely since the author, Tennessee Williams, was gay and homosexuality is the topic of several of his other plays (such as in "Suddenly Last Summer"). Seeing the film in this context makes it much more entertaining and gives it much greater depth--so when you watch the film, try looking at it from this point of view.

So is all this any good? Well, yes and no. Yes, the film is compelling and the characters and situations are interesting--and the acting is quite good. But the film (like many of the adaptations of Williams' plays) is high quality but unappealing at the same time---and the film may easily leave you depressed and drained. Well done overall but not exactly a bag of laughs! Just keep this in mind if you decide to watch--you need to have a pretty high tolerance for raw family dramas involving rather hopeless families.
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Sam Waterston is so very beautiful in this
holdencopywriting29 January 2011
Yes, I agree with other reviewers that Hepburn is screechy and everyone talks too fast for believability. It's not a well-done production overall. But I've watched this show several times just to see Sam Waterston as the adult son. He is strikingly beautiful in this version of Glass Menagerie, and he conveys such an air of deep sadness. You can really see the young writer trapped in the box factory or the young man loaded down with the mother, sister, and only the memory of a father. You can almost smell the factory on him, and the discouragement. I find him mesmerizing. His performance reminds me of Dean Stockwell in Long Day's Journey Into Night.
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Speed kills, and Miles doesn't limp
gmcvay@patriot.net16 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It's easy to see why Tennessee Williams himself preferred this version to the 1950 version, in which Gertrude Lawrence portrays Amanda Wingfield as a harridan caricature, often for laughs -- against Williams's own stage direction that "there is much to admire" in Amanda. This is definitely a step up, not least because of the divine Katharine Hepburn, who inhabits the role completely and is convincingly crushed after the Gentleman Caller leaves.

However, like another commenter, I'm amazed at the Emmy wins and nominations piled on this version. If you're looking for a really, really speedy (in every sense of the term) version of The Glass Menagerie, this would be it. Someone seems to have made Miss Hepburn's coffee with about eight shots of espresso to the cup; she plays the role at 45 rpm, with gusts up to 78. Although she's got the accent nailed (e.g. the pronunciation of "boy"), no true Mississippian would speak that fast. The result, too often, is complete unintelligibility, unfortunately in a few pivotal scenes where Miss Hepburn and Sam Waterston, two New Englanders, attempt to impersonate a Mississippi belle and her (presumably) St. Louis-born son.

And speaking of stimulant drugs and garbled lines: Michael Moriarty alternates between a curiously bland affect and jumping around freakishly in his scene with Laura. He, too, speaks so rapidly you begin to suspect he's on speed, or has been threatened with death by ABC studio execs if he runs over a certain time limit. Conversing with Laura is supposed to be like pulling teeth, yet within minutes he's actually hoisted her into the air, kissed her while she's up there, and then allowed her to slide erotically down his chest! That must have been some exciting yearbook photo.

I just don't buy Joanna Miles in this role. Yes, as another commenter noted, she looks like she could be Hepburn's daughter, and the director accentuates this by having them dress similarly and strike near-identical postures in several scenes. But Miles is too normal, too merely shy instead of truly hampered in interacting with the world. Karen Allen, opposite Joanne Woodward as Amanda, does a much better job of portraying Laura's inability to cope. Also, there is a profound flaw in Miles's performance: she doesn't limp. Even slightly. This isn't a PC complaint; it simply makes every line of dialogue about her shame over her old leg brace, or Amanda's diatribe about never using the word "crippled," seem absolutely ridiculous, and ruins our suspension of disbelief.

Waterston really comes out the best here, but his Tom is more hangdog than fierce, and the only way we know that he writes is because of the scene, whose staging is obviously left over from the live version (much like Hepburn's pointing to the portrait of her children's father in the first act on the words "your father," as if they'd be likely to forget who that guy in the photo was), in which Amanda disrupts him. Little is made of the difference between Tom and Jim, which is a much bigger scene in other settings of this play. Waterston gives a brave try at the "Killer Wingfield" speech, but it's still not a patch on Malkovich's.

Summary? Go for the 1987 version unless you're a Hepburn (or Williams) completist, or just enjoy watching actors talk like auctioneers.
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Not bad.
wamellx24 April 2013
"A Glass Menagerie" is a play by Tennessee Williams that has been adapted into various movies, namely a made for television edition starring Katherine Hepburn. The play conveys a captivating story that can only be described as Hepburn's thick southern accent. It just about made the movie for me. The play focuses on a fatherless, poor family featuring a daughter who is incredibly shy, a mother whose sole goal in life is to find a man for her shy daughter, and a son whose hobbies consist of getting drunk and going to see movies. Naturally, this creates some friction within in the family which is highlighted by the arguments between the mother and son, played by the wonderful Sam Waterston. No sarcasm, the chemistry between Waterston and Hepburn make this movie worth watching (and so do the accents). As with many other plays, "A Glass Menagerie" lacks in its climax, which directly precedes the curtain, though the play is by far not the worst offender in this respect. "A Glass Menagerie" blows away any expectations that I had for it, mostly because of the fantastic acting from Hepburn and Waterston, but I also had very little expectations going into the film. If you're a fan of theater I highly recommend this movie, if for nothing except the star power.
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The best film version of a timeless classic
adamsandel24 December 2020
When I first saw this on television and didn't know the play, I couldn't believe that it was scripted - the performances are so engaging and real.

Having seen other productions on stage and film, and directed the brilliant gentleman caller scene, this remains the gold standard production. The cast and direction are flawless and it's quite possibly the best American play ever written.

I'm grateful to BroadwayHD for making it available to a new audience.
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Glass Menagerie
taylorhemmert24 April 2013
The movie starts out by introducing a small family in the 1940's. Tom, Laura, and their mother Amanda live in a small apartment in what seems to be in a city. You then learn that the father of the family ran away when years ago and that Laura is painfully shy and doesn't like to be noticed. Do to her shy nature she dropped out of her classes in college because she didn't want to have to talk to anyone. Tom hates his job and wants to leave to find a better one but he also needs to work to support his family since he is the only provider in the household. After temporarily resolving the conflict between Tom and his mother, Amanda asks Tom to invite a gentleman over to meet his sister. The man that Tom brings over to the house turns out to be the man that Laura liked in high school, Jim. The two end up bonding together and in the end kissing each other. Jim then had to explain that he is already in a steady relationship with another women and plans to marry her soon. After learning that Jim wrecked Laura's heart, Tim was devastated and ran away from his family only to think about them every day while he is gone.
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Fixing up Laura
bkoganbing27 August 2020
The presence of Michael Moriarty and Sam Waterston of Law And Order has given this production of The Glass Mnagerie an interesting fat fr trivial pursit fans. But the presence of Ben Stone and Jack McCoy in the two male roles is far from the only reason to watch this producton.

Because you won't see Stone or McCoy here. These two along with Joanna Miles as Laura and the legendary Katherine Hepburn.are one finely tuned machine all working together to bring Tennessee Williams classic off. Hepburn more than fills the shoes of predecessors like Laurette Taylor, Shirley booth, and Gertrude Lawrence. And as always there's a lot of Hepburn in whatever she does,

Joanna Miles is a touching and tragic Laura all wrapped up in her own world of glass figurines and old Victrola records. It's a world she will never leave abd what will happen to her when the rest of the family is gone is something the theatergoer will contemplate.

The center of the play is older brother Tom layed by Waterston. He wants to get out in the world and see and do things. He's the support of the family in a dull job in a warehouse and his only escape is the cinema where characters areleading the life he wants. The play is written from Tom's point of view.

Michael Moriarty from the warehouse is whom Waterston brings home, giving in to Hepburn's demands that he bring home some men for Laura to meet as she'll never meet them on her own. Moriarty is a decent sort and Miles responds to him. But a relationship shall never be. Moriarty is also brimming with a post World War II optimism that Americans had back in the day.

This is one fine TV production that got Emmys for Miles and Moriarty and nominations for Hepburn and Waterston. Catch it by all means,
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jack-115-85359919 September 2019
I TOTALLY and THOROUGHLY agree with another reviewer that if Katherine Hepburn is in it, it's worth seeing! This is certainly no exception.

Tennessee Williams is probably my favorite playwright on so many levels the most salient being gay Southerners. And in that world, regardless of race, there are VERY FEW happy endings.

This is probably the most intensely autobiographical, with the 3 main characters representing his mother, his sister, and himself. The situation is painfully reminiscent of his own childhood.

This is the first version of the play I've seen in it's entirety and it is DEEP. The performances are simply to DIE FOR but admittedly I DEFINITELY plan to see the Joanne Woodward & John Malkivich version as well as the one with Jane Wyman, Arthur Kennedy & none other than Kirk Douglas.

Actually, Hepburn's performance is akin to Mrs. Venable in another Williams vehicle, Suddenly Last Summer where she was a neurotic mother unable to accept her dead son's homosexuality. The only difference is that Mrs. Venable wasn't as chatty.

It was a blast seeing Waterston and Moriarty in their pre-Law & Order days and they were just great together.

I hiiiiiiiighly recommend!!!!!!!!
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Katherine Hepburn miscast
ken-9397 February 2007
I am a big fan of Tennessee Williams, but I found that I could not even get through this production. While I think Katherine Hepburn is a great actress and love her in many of her other roles, she is seriously miscast as Amanda Wingfield (as she was as Violet Venable in Suddenly, Last Summer. While her Southern accent may have been technically correct in terms of pronunciation of vowels, her intonation and manner are completely wrong. Her New England high-WASPness shines through no matter what.

Also, the quality of the transfer onto DVD is terrible. With no subtitles, I also had trouble following a lot of the dialog because, as the previous commenter said, everyone spoke so fast.

Finally, the production is very "stagy" - which is inevitable to some extent when filming a stage play, and to some extent is appropriate given the theme of the play/film, but nonetheless, that, in combination with the other factors mentioned earlier, made this a tough slog.
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Disappointing Hepburn take on the Williams "classic"
Ripshin31 July 2005
Unfortunately, I am unable to "buy into" Hepburn's Southern Belle interpretation, being that her Yankee steeliness and resolve is simply too strong to overcome.

Furthermore, this presentation is far too static. Granted, stage plays are often difficult to translate to the screen, but this ABC TV-movie feels far too confined. Many of Williams' other plays have made the trip from boards to celluloid quite effectively, opening up with the freedom allowed by location filming.

Yes, this film is definitely worth seeing. However, I am now curious to see Gertrude Lawrence (1950), Shirley Booth (1966) and Joanna Woodward (1987) in the lead role.

Waterston is a bit of a scene chewer here, and I'm surprised at the Emmy wins for the other two leads, but in 1974, TV movie and series drama nominations were combined in the supporting categories. For Best Actress in a Drama, Hepburn was up against Tyson for "...Miss Jane Pittman," Elizabeth Montgomery for "A Case of Rape," and Leachman for "The Migrants." Tyson rightfully won.
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Average Film
spfellers24 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams is a play about a small family, the Wingfields, growing up in a small apartment in St. Louis. The main character and narrator, Tom, is an unhappy man working at a factory. Tom is forced to stay home in order to pay for his mother and "crippled" sister Laura. Tom and his mother fight almost constantly the entire movie. This leads him to enough rage to leave his home, abandoning his family. The only thing that happens in the movie is a man coming over for dinner, who Mrs. Wingfield tries to set up with Laura. Plot gets a 2/5 star.

Acting in the Glass Menagerie was an element that really was done well. Amanda Wingfield was played perfectly, she talks the entire movie. By about midway through the movie she should be strangled for how annoying her voice gets. Not only Amanda, but also Tom, you can really feel Tom's desire to get out of his house. He almost sounds suicidal during the movie because he shows true hatred for his current life. Acting gets 4/5 stars.

The overall direction that this movie took compared to what was expected after reading it is very intriguing to analyze. It was anticipated that Mrs. Wingfield would be a very, very, talkative women. However, I don't think it could have been expected that she could be THAT talkative. It was very hard to sit through the first section of this movie. Another odd direction this play took was how it portrayed Laura, Tom's 'crippled' sister. She is a very awkwardly shy girl who has a brace on her leg. She seems to have some kind of mental illness as well. I did not think that Laura would be played like that. I thought she would be more physically impaired than mentally. The director had other intentions however.
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Could be better...could be worse
b_vandevander29 April 2014
The Glass Menagerie / *** (PG) April 25, 2014 Characters: Amanda Wingfield: Katharine Hepburn Tom Wingfield: Sam Waterston Laura Wingfield: Joanna Miles Jim O'Connor: Michael Moriarty

American Broadcasting Company presents a wonderful play turned film directed by Anthony Harvey. Written by Tennessee Williams. Produced by Cecil F. Ford and David Susskind. Running time: 100 minutes. Rated PG

All of the actors and actresses are amazing in this film. They portray the personalities of their characters in a way that is easy for views to understand. Hepburn does a particularly good job grasping the dramatic mannerisms of Amanda. The action takes place in a small apartment in St Louis, where Tom Wingfield (Sam Waterston) lives with his crazy mother Amanda (Katharine Hepburn) and his sister Laura (Joanna Miles), who is both physically crippled, though they do not use that word in the house, and emotionally damaged. Tom is desperate to leave his warehouse job, while Amanda hopes for a career for her daughter and, for "gentleman callers" to come see Laura. Laura is painfully shy and has, retreated into her own little world of music and glass animals. Amanda asks Tom to try to bring Laura home a gentleman caller from the warehouse the morning after her and Tom had a huge fight. Tom arranges for Jim (Michael Moriarty) to come to dinner. Dinner is terrifying for Laura and with Amanda's distinct personality traits it is easy to see why. It is finally revealed that there is no way for Jim to be with Laura and he leaves. Amanda thinks that this was Tom's way of playing a joke on them. Amanda and Tom argue and he walks out the door. What would he do next? Stay with his overbearing mother and lonely sister, or pursue his dreams and leave? Watch the movie to find out. As for mechanics, the movie was all fairly darkly lit. It did not always soot the mood and I felt like at points I was squinting to see the action. On the other hand the music was amazing. It was perfect in every scene and helped with every mood.
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Problematical but OK if you want to see the play
michaeljayallen8 October 2013
This was of course done forty years ago, and expectations were a bit different, but Anthony Harvey also directed Hepburn in the Lion in Winter a few years before and that turned out pretty well other than a some British overly stage actorish speeches.

Tom's opening address to the audience is cut, although his concluding one was not.

In closeups the kids all look like they are a good forty. The actors were all their early thirties actually. The actors in all Broadway productions including the current one were around the same age, but Quinto for one who is Tom right now, even in closeups on Charlie Rose, looks more like mid twenties which makes more sense. If Laura is really 32, she has been nursing a wild crush on Jim for 15 years. And like I said, she looks 40ish. The situation in the play just makes no sense in any stretch of the imagination with 35 or 40 year old children, unless everyone is indeed certifiable Miss Havershams. Besides, although not set up that way without the opening monologue, it's all a dream world memory, not people's current (or future) age.

Sam Waterston and Michael Moriarty do pretty decent jobs as Tom and Jim otherwise. There is no hint however in Waterston (stand in for Tennessee) about how he's maybe spinning tales about what he's actually up to a lot of nights. You don't get the idea that he's maybe gay or at least making stuff up on the fly.

In the script: Amanda is worried that Laura is going to be a spinster? She's already a spinster. And has been for some years. Speaking of Laura, she's a totally sheltered emotionally crippled homebody who wears full professionally applied makeup at all times, including eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow, and blush. And Joanna Miles doesn't show much of the emotional fragility and vulnerability that is necessary for Laura, except once in a while doing something odd the director told her to do. Or as a lot of people have pointed out, even ever seem to limp.

The big problem, as others have said in various ways, is Hepburn. Also a decade or two too old. She was in Lion as well, but it worked anyway. Early in the play she is going on about Laura being ready for tonight's gentleman callers. Has this been going on every night for fifteen or twenty years with zero callers? Yikes. Even a year or two after high school, and she is living in a real fantasy world. Which she is.

Amanda is necessarily kind of delusional, even while she is at the same time nuts and bolts very much working in the real world. Hepburn just does not live in or create a fantasy world. New Englandish quavery cracked speed talking does not represent that aspect of Amanda, no matter how fast she talks. The Southern way is of course to speak slowly and musically and establish that aura of perhaps imaginary refined gentility. She is totally committed to her character as always, but it's just all wrong. Amanda is just not something she can do, or maybe could do at that point, or was not directed to do. She did play the Madwoman of Chaillot a few years before, and I think that character was brilliantly delusional.

The NY and Brooklyn public libraries only have this one and not any other versions on DVD, although I just saw the Boston/Broadway one on stage. They don't have the 1987 one with Joanne Woodward and it's only on VHS besides. PBS ought to pull a BBC and do modern TV productions of it, and all Tennesse Williams plays while they are at it. OK, I guess they never do anything like that. They should. And other great American plays also, instead of leaving it to the Beeb to do all the all British all the time dramas.
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