The Front Page (1931) Poster

Walter Catlett: Murphy


  • Irving Pincus : Can we help it if the people rise to support this administration's stand against the Red menace!

    Sheriff Hartman : Personified by Mr. Earl Williams. The guy who loses his job he's held for 14 years, joins a parade of unemployed, and, because he's goofy from lack of food, waves a red handkerchief.

    Irving Pincus : Williams is a dangerous radical! And he killed a policeman.

    Jimmy Murphy : Williams is a poor bird who had the tough luck to kill a colored policeman in a town where the colored vote counts!

  • [McCue is questioning a woman via the telephone] 

    'Mac' McCue : Is it true that you took the part of Lady Godiva for charity seven years ago? Hello? She cut off!

    Jimmy Murphy : What? Her hair? Tell her I'll be right over.

  • 'Mac' McCue : [on the phone]  Is it true Mrs. Margolyes that you took the part of Pocahontas in the Elks Pageant seven years ago? Hello! She hung up?

    Jimmy Murphy : Now I wonder who was peeping in her tepee?

  • Jimmy Murphy : Oh, look! He's in love! Tootsie-Wootsie!

    Kruger : Is she a white girl?

    Endicott : Does she got a good shape?

  • Jimmy Murphy : He's going to write poetry about me lady's drawers.

See also

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