
20 Reviews
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Glass Onion (2022)
Bad script, obnoxious characters
25 December 2022
There's an advantage with being 70 and having seen so many great films (and bad ones); the ones with flat and bad scripts stand out right away, like this one. So you pull the plug after about 20 minutes because time is more valuable to you now. Over the top/obnoxious performances and "big" casts never make up for a bad script.

Norton is looking good (all these people do is work out, I think) but he should have passed on adding this one to his mostly interesting resume.

Hoping to never see that Kate Hudson character again, reason enough to not watch this.

Liked the special effects for that invitation box at the beginning.
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The Old Man (2022– )
Enjoying the show
9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Enjoying the show quite a lot. Great acting and importantly, dialog. Interesting characters. Well filmed. Interesting storyline with some nuance. Glad it isn't all chases, with a fight to the death in every episode.

In a way, I'm disappointed hearing of the second season because I wanted a finality type of closing in the last episode of this season. If it's just continual chase stuff, I won't last that far into season two. Hoping they come up with at least a semi-resolving last episode for season one.
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Not as funny as it should have been
3 April 2022
Fan of the Seinfeld show (except for the increasingly stale later years) and of Jerry's earlier standup work which was full of great and imaginative observational humor.

You'd think that throwing together Jerry and other humorous people would be consistently funny but more often than not, it wasn't. There were great moments sure, but there was too much of Jerry or the guest laughing too much at things that were not that funny and not enough casual and funny real banter between two people. They probably should have done more footage and editing. I could have done without the car stuff too as it was largely a diversion.

It was a good idea for a show but with flawed execution.
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An ordeal to watch but timely portrait of delusional self interest
27 November 2021
Fairly well made documentary, which I guess is why we suffered the whole thing but it also had that accident you can't look away from feel. Lot's of interviews from the effected people, with some pretty intelligent commentary about the "villain."

A sign of the times in that we have a guy who just wants to do what he wants, and the heck with everyone else in close proximity. Then, he hides behind the "personal freedom" and "religious discrimination" covers.

I'm guessing this little film won't help his lawyering business but then, this is the U. S so who knows?
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Entertainingly Bad
1 July 2021
When I say that this film is entertainingly bad, that is a reach, since many of the scenes are ploddingly uneconomical and unnecessary, other than to fill the screen with these famous and watchable actors. But, that is why I watched it until the end. Big stars participating in awfulness.

In short, it suffers from a terrible script and the movie almost seems like a parody of bad movies with big stars.

It doesn't even have a brilliant visual style which is surprising since even average movies these days have that.

Obviously, the one likable thing was the period piece part of it, especially since I am 69 and 1969 was a very interesting year for my 17 year old self. Speaking of that, they should have paid some money and brought in more of the music from that year to mask this thing.

Oh yeah ..... predictably gratuitous ending.

Watchable but really bad.
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Vivarium (2019)
16 May 2021
A terrible and ugly little film that says nothing and offers nothing interesting, with a completely unsatisfactory ending.

It's the kind of film that maybe someone thought was a good demo exercise but ends of being one that you would not want on your resume,
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Watchmen (2019)
26 June 2020
Someone mentioned "trolls" and whiny reviews in their review. That's where a troll equals someone with a different opinion than you. People shouldn't use troll so inaccurately.

We sort of enjoyed the first episode. Well shot and decently acted, though that is a standard level of quality expected these days, and a fairly interesting story line. Liked the Nixon statue at the white trash trailer park.

The problem we ran into by the third episode is that extreme violence is pervasive in the series and continually hits you in the head. Pretty common these days but overdone here and we're not interested in being hammered with that in every episode. Pulling the plug.
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The Irishman (2019)
A very watchable, just another tough guy movie.
29 November 2019
An entertaining film to watch if a "bit" on the uneconomical side.

Maybe the last time we will get to see these actors together in a film and so that alone had some value for me.

Pesci's performance was my favorite (though good supporting character acting all the way around) as he was appropriately understated, especially for him.

Bob did his standard slightly reserved/diplomatic tough guy acting, which was probably appropriate for this character, in the situations he was in and based on Sheeran's character in the book.

Al's portrayal of Hoffa didn't work for me, as the over-the-top bit (which I know Hoffa did quite a bit of) reminded me too much of Al's other roles. The Hoffa haircut seemed a bit weird on him, on the nitpick side. It's hard to believe that Hoffa was that cocky with the mob but supposedly, he at least came close to what we see here.

The visual style disappointed me as I've come to expect to be able to feast on that in just about any Scorsese film. The scenes were well composed but nothing outstanding and I expect he toned down his usual flair so as to not interfere with the acting/stars or the story.

Overall, the film did a very good job of telling the tale of the book and was also effective in showing how mundane all of the mob activities and "shtick" could be.

In the end though, it's just another tough guy movie with lots of stars. That I enjoyed watching ....
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Falls far short of the potential
19 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I am a Norm fan (recent controversy aside) -- save some of his over reliance on blue material -- and like the concept/idea of a free-wheeling talk show where the host and guest might just say whatever the F comes to mind, just like in a real conversation and so, I had some hopes for this show.

But, this show has some major problems, all of them fixable and I hope they do. I have only seen the first three episodes. I guess the Drew show was my favorite because she was over-the-top and kind while dropping f bombs, etc, all around. I've read that the Jane Fonda episode was the best, so will probably watch that one.

1) The "sidekick" has a loud laugh that comes way too often, at stuff that isn't necessarily that funny. Guessing Norm has him out there for support and as a buffer but he is a big negative. Suggest minimizing his screen time as he is a distraction in a show that already has focus/time wasting problems.

2) Norm interrupts his guests too often and hurts the flow of the show. Judge Judy escaped this problem but Dave Letterman was a big victim of it. You've got Dave on, don't waste him, which Norm did.

3) There's no plan. You can make an argument that just winging it can work and I think that it can but Norm needs to do less and waste less time with interrupting and blurbs that aren't that funny. Use your guest more, be more of a straight man but still be weird.

4) I don't need to be shown that stuff is funny with all of the exaggerated laughing, both from Norm and the sidekick. Seinfeld has this problem on a lot of his "coffee" episodes.

5) Dump that card/joke/comment/questions routine, it doesn't work.

At 29 minutes, the show can not be this unfocused and rambling with not enough funny stuff; it won't survive. With Norm and the kind of people he can draw to the show, this should be much better than what I've seen so far.
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Twin Peaks (2017)
Tedious, lacking economy and completely uninteresting.
28 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Amusingly bad, with overly long, uninteresting scenes that add nothing to the story. But don't worry, there certainly won't be one, just like the original series with it's many threads going nowhere, multiple lack of resolutions and just plain lazy writing.

Yea, it's weird. So what? I only watched the first episode and am done, just like I should have been with the first series after about 1.5 seasons.
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Horrendously tedious
12 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A few random thoughts, not very well expressed .....

My gosh, if this wasn't the most tedious film I've seen in a while. Nicely filmed and edited but filled with overly long and lingering-too-long scenes, not to mention completely unnecessary (we had already established that he was troubled) ones, this film is the antithesis of cinematic economy.

Then there was the extreme over-use of flashbacks throughout the film. The back and forth in time thing has been done to death now and maybe "Manchester" was the peak of this technique. Having snow/no snow on the ground helped to figure out where the heck you were.

Surprise punching people really hard in the mouth (yea, I know, he was troubled) doesn't do anything to gain your main character sympathy with the viewer (which the story needed because there was virtually nothing positive to latch on to), especially when you stand around looking morose and mumbling for the entire movie.

The cause of his angst -- learned well into the film -- was a pretty big downer especially since the rest of the movie up to that point was so darn tedious and oppressive.

This movie tried way too hard to be like real life and not a movie.
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Suffragette (2015)
Cheaply filmed and jittery
17 March 2016
I had been looking forward to this film, mainly because of the actresses in it.

Content aside, as I wasn't able to finish it, this movie was unwatchable to me because of the jitteriness of the visual style, due to the usage of hand-held cameras throughout the entire film. Fortunately, most movie makers have quit using these things, except in small and select doses.

There is nothing realistic about the visuals from hand-helds when they are all that is used, with no scene composition. People do not see the world jumping around like that; they are a cheap and quick way to film and that is all. Boo.
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Animal cruelty
12 January 2015
Per flagpants review:

"What I found most disturbing, by today's standards, was the many examples of animal cruelty in the film. Including a tiger being harassed by 2 great dane dogs (potentially lethal for the dogs and distressing for the tiger), riding an ostrich and a zebra trapped in mud. All done with real performing animals."

Me too. I was into this film as a kid in 1960 and was going to add it to my collection until we re-watched it and saw numerous examples (more than flag mentioned) of animals being mistreated for the various scenes in the film. I found myself rooting against the Robinson's after about 30 minutes and we cut our losses.

Family film? No. Booo .....
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Hand held cameras
27 May 2014
Thankfully, hand held cameras have been used in fewer and fewer films the last few years, a trend I am glad to see broken. The only positive thing about handhelds is strictly from the producers viewpoint - they keep the film costs significantly down and eliminate the need to set up scene composition and do any skilled editing, things that normally add to my enjoyment of a movie.

The only reason given for their use is that they present a sense of realism but when you think about it, we don't see the world in such a jittery way and all they do is remind us that we are watching a movie, one filmed with handhelds. So there is that.

Beyond that, there is little to recommend in this film to offset the very bad visuals. Nick sleepwalks through a very uninteresting film. John Cusack, a personal low role - why is he in this; are there really no scripts?

No wonder it made it to Amazon Prime so quickly.
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Bleak House (2005)
Visual "style" ruins production
1 August 2013
My main comment is in regards to the visual style of Bleak House. I have a big hair up my butt about overuse of hand-held cameras and this production is particularly guilty of this, given that the look of the sets, actors, and period would be wonderful were it not spoiled by being filmed almost 100% by someone standing there with a hand-held, wavering, moving, too close in, no scene composition, good editing not a factor. Terrible. It is a cheap way to film though.

This is perhaps the most grievous use of handhelds in a film I've ever seen because the acting and script are so great.

Not a factor for some though ..... if so, very worth watching for the acting and script. As for me, I might not make it past the first episode.
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Well acted with good dialog, storyline degrades to standard Hollywood fare
2 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I started out liking this film quite a lot; it was quirky with great acting by Cooper and Lawrence and nice support work by all of the other players. I doubt though that it portrayed the bi-polar disease very well at all but that wouldn't have fit into the 'black comedy' flavor of the movie.

Then, the storyline weakened to standard Hollywood fare with the DeNiro Eagle's fan sidebar -- which I liked up to this point -- taken to an extreme with the betting angle, along with Cooper and Lawrence getting involved in the dance contest along with the other Pros, and being able to get above a five score, to win the betting Parlay. C'Mon.

The happy ending with them worked though.

The storyline weakening ruined the film for me; they should have kept it as a "small" film, where maybe not as much 'happens' as in the "bigger" movies.

But I still enjoyed the acting and dialog.
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Troll (1986)
Wonderfully bad
16 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, any movie that includes in its cast, Sonny Bono (Pre running into tree, skiing), June Lockhart, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Michael Moriarty doing a lip syncing dance to Blue Cheer's Summertime Blues deserves some consideration.

This 'film' really is a wonderful combination of bad dialog and acting, ridiculous situations and animated 'special effects.' Consider also, that any film that Sonny Bono appears in cannot be easily dismissed. I think the last movie I saw him in was an LSD/marijuana scare film from 1968, at my High School.

I gave it 2 stars here to underscore it's badness but for me, it ranks highly in the worst movies ever made list, which means that it's extremely entertaining.
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Flawed and exaggerated premise
3 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was 16 in 1968 and got involved with all of the 'hippy' stuff, which for me/us, mainly consisted of going to lots of concerts and getting altered quite a bit - we had a lot of fun in a (believe it or not) simpler time. I attended several peaceful (for the most part) anti-war protests in Chicago in 1969 and got involved with a group of students at my high school (Lane Tech) who were trying to change the dress code and several other restrictive parts of the setting there; a few kids were even involved in SDS (a pretty radical group).

I think this film, though well-made for the time and depicting a fairly accurate account of the conflict between true radicals and the 'establishment' (in the tribunal scenes) fails badly with the 'punishment park' part, a ridiculous and implausible scenario where young people convicted of conspiracy against the government are sent off into the dessert on foot and without water and then hunted down and executed by the police and National Guardsmen. In depicting law enforcement as such totally brutal cowards, the film does a disservice to the credibility of real events back then such as Kent State and the 1968 Democratic convention.

Anyway, for me, the totally black/white stereotypical portrayals of law enforcement in this film ruin the credibility of the message so I'll pass on saying this is a good movie.
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Surprisingly bad
6 December 2008
I go back to the original Raiders FILM and remember fondly sitting in the State Lake Theater in Chicago to watch it with a packed house - a great movie with a lot of style.

I was surprised at how bad this film was in just about every facet.

Terrible script with no interesting or coherent story, even in a comic book sense. Amazingly bad; Spielberg is going Woody Allen on us.

Lame acting but could have gotten by with that.

Visually boring, nothing of interest there, editing, scene composition - nothing there.

No boffo interesting special effects, in spite of a few good stunts.

Boring 'bad guys'.

Nothing outrageous or interesting happens.

Terrible, lame ending.

Did I say it wasn't even interesting visually? Bad, just really bad.

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Terrible evolution of Coen talent
19 April 2008
There have been a number of well written negative reviews of this film, any of which are pretty representative of my view.

I go back to the beginning with the Coen films and have enjoyed many of them very much - I always especially enjoyed the look of their films, the quirky scripts, the entertaining acting.

Visually, the movie was as I expected - brilliant; very well filmed and edited (probably the main reason I rented it). The acting of course, excellent; mostly 'understated' performances designed to convey realistic characters - those worked well.

The story - lazy. A character driven story (but hey, it's really a chase movie) to be sure but the dialog wasn't strong enough to support a mostly character driven story and the story was too 'realistic' to be interesting (this is a movie, not real life). Not interesting, in spite of the tension created by the 'chase'.

Worst of all, the Coens have wasted and bastardized their film making talent by focusing on ugliness, cruelty, and violence. I know that violence has been a key 'selling point' in many of their films but this movie takes it to a new level, it's not even darkly funny anymore.

This is not the kind of film I expect to see the Coens making at this point in their careers though I don't know why my expectations should be so high for them - I don't even know them.
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