
26 Reviews
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Such a fall from where he started.
18 October 2023
The Hainting of Hill House, whilst not perfect, was pretty amazing. Terrifying, heartbreaking, stylish and heart stopping. With the Haunting of Bly Manor we got a similar dispensation of horror and jump scares but this time it felt diluted and style over substance. Midnight was again, slightly wonky in pace and tension, but the setting, plot and acting made up for it.

Now with The Fall of the House of Usher we have reached a strange point of a series just being a series of set pieces, not a scare to be had and the most intriguing aspect being the FX make up on the dead bodies. I love Edgar Allen Poe, and I was ready to be taken on a new interpretation, ready to be horrified and emotional invested. I got the exact opposite. Interminable monologues, characters which were so one dimensional as to be mere cartoon drawings, plots that repeated themselves and went over and over the same thing. The acting was for the lost part so as to be laughable. So, so bad. 4 stars for the costumes, sets, and make up.
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Love Ari Aster but not this film
2 June 2023
I'm pretty disappointed. High hopes of a great director, great leading man and solid ensemble cast were dashed by a meandering surreal film that said very little and went nowhere. Little pockets of brilliance (the street scenes outside his apartment, the child's lamp Illuminating his mothers face in a sequence about the death of his father) are lost is turgidly slow scenes that meant nothing and go nowhere. Woefully underused / underacted Pheonix just looked bewildered. I left the cinema after 2 hours, unwilling to give up another hour of my life to such self indulgent rubbish. What a shame, Midsommar and Hereditary were so, so good. This didn't need to be as horrific as those, I was up for surreal black comedy but this was just, well, nothingness.
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Wolfe (2021)
A fun mixed bag which tries to be everything.
17 February 2023
I really liked this series but it doesn't really seem to know what it is. Is it a black comedy? Is it a detective thriller? Is it a realistic look at pathologists showing human frailties and fractured relationships or an over the top theatrical ensemble cast blurring fact and fiction? It's just so much of everything that it ends up skating over all of it and this never really settling on anything.

Babou Ceesay is magnificent and is so charismatic, and the actor playing his daughter is also excellent. The rest of the cast are great but it's a bit hammy and 'knowing' at times.

Still, it was a lot of fun and really gross sometimes which was unexpected, and the episodes are short and taut. No flab on this.
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Ok but not more than ok.
15 January 2023
I think there is an argument to say that the love people have for Brendan Gleason and Colin Farrell, the heart stopping gorgeousness of the island setting, the wonderful ensemble acting and the fact that Martin MacDonagh has an almost faultless resume of brilliant films and writing behind him, have given this film more value and prestige than it deserves.

Sure it's a strange little tale of abandonment and leaving (a theme in MacDonaghs work) of heartbreak and the consequences of extreme actions (another theme of his) and he captures the twin afflictions of claustrophobia and aloneness of rural village life (neatly contrasted by the wide open spaces of the island) but for me, there was an emptiness and lack of point to the film which made it hard to connect to. I enjoyed it but would never revisit it.
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Tár (2022)
Wonderful performances and a tightly told story
14 January 2023
I went in with little or no pre conceived ideas about this film, having stayed away from reviews. I was fully immersed in Tar's tightly controlled, rarified life where her narcissism was allowed to remain unchecked due to her prodigious talent and alpha power.

The film explores these themes as well as long term relationships, abuses of privilege and power, ego, callousness, reinvention, paranoia, fear and humanity (or lack thereof) But this is a nuanced, unfolding drama and the brush strokes are detailed and fine, until the last 20 mins when they becoming featured, jarring and dissonant. Much like the music that Tar inhabits.

I really enjoyed her cold sleek silent world, which made the film's stabs of music all the more impressive. I also enjoyed seeing a woman in the role of dominant unravelling predator as these parts have normally always gone to men and the trope can be some tiresome. This brought numerous new facets to a well worn idea.
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The Wonder (I) (2022)
Unusual and quietly moving
19 November 2022
Don't watch this if you like heavy plot driven action films. Do watch this if you are happy to watch small masterful films that allow you space and pace to immerse yourself in a slice of humanity. I was captivated throughout and although in some ways very little happens, so much actually takes place in the characters hearts and minds.

Stunning score, beautiful cinematography, gorgeous colour palette, wonderfully acted and surprisingly moving. A commentary on so many themes: religious delusion, familial secrets, girls carrying blame, loss and grief. I loved the fact that there was a universality to the themes of such a small specific time and place.
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Takes time to seep into your soul
2 August 2022
At first I was frustrated, then a little baffled, but then after sitting with the film for weeks and turning it over in my mind, I have come round to really liking it.

It's like going on a dark, murky acid trip. A journey into the soul. It doesn't always make sense, at times it's unsettling, but like Panos Cosmatos's ultra weird and violent film Mandy, this is a fever dream of consciousness. The images, score and sound effects are breathtaking, as are the costumes and sets.

The Green Knight is all about a boy becoming a man and the choices he is forced to make to achieve that growth (brought on by his mother's foresight that he isn't ready, and when the time comes to step up, he will mess it up) it's a slow and abstract journey both in plot and emotionally, and it took me a while to get that. I'm glad I did, and I'm definitely ready to watch it again.
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100 Foot Wave (2021– )
A moving, absorbing and breathtaking feast.
12 November 2021
A lot of surf documentaries are quite one dimensional and probably appeal to younger more hardcore surf fans. This is a thoughtful look at big wave surfing through the eyes of one of the elder statesmen, who was the first known international surfer to ride the waves of Nazere in Portugal. This six parter explores his motivation, his network of family and friends (who are all really interesting in their own right) the highs and lows of catching the biggest waves and the disastrous consequences of wiping out on them. I've been watching surf competitions for 30 years and thought this was a moving cinematic feast that has stayed with me for days after I finished watching it.
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
So much more than the sum of its parts
15 August 2021
I'd put off watching The Morning Show because I thought it would be a Sorkin-lite style Newsroom series set in a breakfast show and that felt like a tired format with nothing new to say. How utterly wrong I was. Yes it's got the big names. Yes it has clearly had a vast amount of money thrown at it, but that doesn't mean it isn't one of the most gripping tv series I've watched in years. The series builds and builds, the tension cranking up with each episode, literally at points, leaving me breathless. What I found particularly remarkable is that the #metoo movement is seen through so many different perspectives but cleverly the writers allow each perspective to live its own truth, whether or not that is a reliable truth or not, morally right or not, and in doing so it weaves this uncomfortable narrative that exactly reflects the rich and strange tapestry that is the real world. I thought that aspect of it was audacious. To not bring judgement and spoon feed an audience is a brave and risky thing to do. The performances are stellar, it's an ensemble cast with everyone bringing their A game. I devoured this first series in a couple of days and cannot wait for series 2. Can they replicate the clever and nuanced storytelling of this first series, I hope so.
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Plodding psychological drama
8 September 2020
Whilst a lot of people are focussing on whether or not this is a confusing film (it's not really once you realise the main premise) most people aren't discussing whether it's a good film. I found it to be clever, beautiful to look and brilliantly acted. However it lacked any drama or darkness, there was little or no tension and it just plodded on and and on. The ending was a little confused and a massive anticlimax. I see what he was trying to do here but as with much of Kaufman's work, he gets so wrapped up in his own intellect he forgets to try to engage the audience fully.
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Mrs. America (2020)
A tour de force
25 July 2020
The writing, the acting, the cinematography, the soundtrack, the costumes...... all are of such incredible quality that it was hard not to binge watch the whole series in one go. I had to limit myself to 2 episodes per viewing so I could fully appreciate the context, the storylines, the historical unfolding of two very real and very opposed ideologies that run so deep in America.

Absolutely fantastic viewing.
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Glorious and rush of emotions
30 June 2020
I loved this film! The pace was whip fast as there is so much to fit in from the source material but they chose wisely and edited which kept the pace fast but still with enough characterisation to get you caring about the characters.

I loved the colours, camera angles, music and slightly dreamlike direction. It reminded me at times of Terry Gilliam films. There was that richness and abundance of detail.

The acting was astonishing across the board but Dev Patel stood out and he has me spellbound. He so perfectly captured the emotionally bruised and deeply romantic nature of Copperfield. Wishaw was also perfectly cast and was the ultimate Heep.

It's not a perfect film but it made my heart soar and I forgot about he present world we live in as I stepped into the fairytale rendition of David Copperfield.
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Sneaky Pete (2015–2019)
Great idea - uneven execution
23 June 2020
The concept is interesting, a skilled confidence trickster/ card shark/ con man taking shelter within a cell mates family home. Double crosses and shenanigans ensue. Giovanni Ribisi is mesmerising, I could watch his elastic face all day long, and Margo Martindale is a class act (I loved her in Justified) but for the most part there is some atrocious acting From the rest of the cast, so hammy and overblown that it ruins the dark twisted nature of what could be an interesting series. Even the great Bryan Cranston is just cheesy and a bit embarrassing. A really mixed bag. It's the kind of thing you watch because you've run out of other great series and it's not terrible.
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Turned it off after 20 mins
23 May 2020
Apart from Lauren Lapkus who sparkles, fizzes and zings off the screen this film is so awful. The script is ok if really dated, but it's the acting which is laughably bad. And who, honestly WHO, would pick Spade and whoever played his weirdly 80's throwback best friend at work, to lead this film. They were like the worst kind of creepy sexist uncles that you didn't want to be left with at family weddings. Such a strange film to be released in 2020, it would have done really well in 1987.
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State of Happiness (2018–2022)
High Quality Scandi/ American Drama
14 May 2020
I had read nothing about this so I had no expectations (probably the best way to approach any film or tv series) and I feel really lucky to have stumbled across it. The writing is naturalistic, as is the acting, the plot isn't always neatly tied up and concluded (just like real life) and characters are multifaceted. I love the late 60's early 70's fashion and set pieces. The sound track and score bring a lot to the mix as well. I love how it is filmed, the feeling of this Norwegian town on the brink of something that could catapult it or destroy it is expertly captured.

I really hope they do a 2nd series. There is so much rubbish being churned out at the moment and I'm always really shocked that tv series like this and for example Press, often get dropped after 1 season, or 2 seasons like Mindhunter (which tonally, this reminds me of)

More please!
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Press (2018)
Wonderful. Why wasn't it recommissioned?
9 May 2020
There is so much drivel out there. So many tv series are poorly scripted, poorly acted and lack realistic plots. This was the exact opposite. The two central characters played by Charlotte Riley and Ben Chaplin are a master class in acting, perfectly matched and utterly believable. The story lines interesting and reflect what we see say to say in the British press. I can't understand why there is only one series??! Baffling. There is so much more scope for character and story development with the incredible ensemble cast of Al Weaver, Paapa Essiedu and Ellie Kendrick. What a waste!
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Giri/Haji (2019)
Funny, violent, stylish
30 April 2020
Great characters, beautifully shot, well acted, whip smart dialogue, good balance between past and present / Tokyo and London. Stylishly put together. Would highly recommend.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Incredibly Moving & Beautiful
30 March 2020
It's frustrating to see so many people give this film a low score based on the fact it wasn't what they expected. Don't people read reviews and do research before they choose what they watch?

This is a stunning film, seeped in amazing colourscapes, soundscapes, thoughtful exploration of relationships, ideas around purpose and loss. The Max Richter score is incredible, jarring at times, somber at others. There are also jump scares and surprises. It's doesn't talk down to the audience and leaves a lot to mull over afterwards.

In places you could say it was derivative but I saw it more as inspired by, giving homage to and then extending themes and ideas from other films.

I have felt completely rewarded by watching it and would 100% recommend anyone who doesn't need explosions and shouting to enjoy a film to give this a go.
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
Not bad but could have been so much better
23 February 2020
Great concept set around a large family, board games, a gothic house, a wedding and a race for survival. The cast is great and the house interior is fantastic but it felt like a wasted opportunity as the editing and sound track lacked tension. How films in this genre are cut, how suspense is ratcheted up, especially in a game of cat and mouse , are core to the audience feeling terrified and sitting in the edge of their seats. In this case I kept waiting for the tension to build but it just didn't. The same with the score; apart from the spooky song that is played the rest of the mood was not impacted by any noticeable score or music. The acting was good, the costumes were spot on, and the pace was ok, and there were some laugh out loud moments but it all felt a little 'meh' at times. A shame as it had all the right components.
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Dracula: The Dark Compass (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
The final instalment ruins what was almost perfect
4 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Episodes 1 & 2 were fantastic. They unfolded slowly and were layered. Characterisation was strong, dialogue was sharp and the acting was superb. I was equally terrified and entertained.

I wasn't put off by the twist of Dracula walking into the modern age 123 years later. I thought that could be an original twist....but the episode was shambolic and worst of all, utterly boring. Plot points were introduced then abandoned, massive gaping holes in logic appeared, time was spent on minor and pointless characters, the pace was all over the place, some of the acting was truly heinous (sorry LM but you actually sounded like you'd had a stroke at one point) and the end was rushed, non sensical and then ended up in a sex scene nobody wanted. WHAT HAPPENED??!

So utterly disappointed, what a missed opportunity.
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Succession (2018–2023)
Tedious and reliant on expletives
20 August 2019
If you've watched Billions and enjoyed it, this seems like a logical thing to watch. People with power and wealth at the top of their games. The big difference is that Billions is expertly written, with clever dialogue, fleshed our characters and a see-sawing balance of power and intrigue. This feels like it was written by Ivy League frat boys go have done too much coke and are entranced by their own cleverness and shockability. Sadly this series is neither clever nor shocking unless you find swearing shocking; I just found it predictable and boring. It is somewhat redeemed by some good acting.
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Mum (2016–2019)
Simply perfect in every way
19 May 2019
There has been few tv series that have made me both belly laugh out loud and cry with heart wrenching sadness as this. On the surface Mum is so simple and very little actually happens, but what that allows for is space and time to put the microscope on the humanity of the characters. Their flaws, their joy, their insecurities, their loss, their love. And it's what isn't said that is as impactful as what is said. The dialogue is a masterclass in sparse and layered conversations and meaning. The acting is second to none. It takes a lot of skill to bring so much pathos and humour to such a simple premise. I bloody love this series so much. I am genuinely gutted it has come to an end. I will miss Kelly, Derrick and co very, very much.
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Widows (2018)
Brilliant if you like a layered film not just explosions
5 May 2019
I think the main issue with this film (as is evidenced by the extreme scores in either direction here on IMDB) is that the marketing set the wrong tone for the film. It made it seem like some high octane heist film, and the reality is that it's a nuanced, layered film with character development which encourages the viewer to look at the 'why' of things. The heist aspect is relegated to just 15/20 mins of the film. The rest is building a picture and characters.

The thing that really stood out to me when watching this was how McQueen made us second guess pretty much every single character. Everyone has faults, everyone has the potential to double cross. I loved that. I was surprised several times at which direction a character ended up going in.

I thought it walked the line between drama, thriller and action film really well. It felt weighty but entertaining. I wish it had been a little longer and that there was more time to see people's story arcs through to a more conclusive end and so that some of the more minor characters (and the interesting political sub plot) was More fully realised. Overall though, this was an excellent film.
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a bit pointless and low budget
5 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Most people will watch this because a) there are some incredible actors in it b) they like horror films c) it's glossy and sexy looking d) it's 'free'. And they are all good reasons. However the film never makes the most of any of these 4 points.

The actors have a clunky and slightly cheesy script and have definitely decided to ham it up and just be silly with it.

The horror is not that horrible and seems more dark fantasy than a thriller style horror. The special effect are at times ridiculous and so cheap looking. The premise is confused and the idea that the art work is making other art work so bad things is never really explored not exploited.

It is set in a sexy glossy cold empty world, and that's what's both slightly intriguing and also equally off putting. It's shallow and full of awful people. I didn't care about anyone's death.

It's 'free' so I guess you can always double screen.... but honestly what a sad thing to say about a film.

What a wasted opportunity!
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Friends from College (2017–2019)
Perfect in every way
27 January 2019
This is one of the best tv comedy dramas I have seen in years. Intelligent, well paced, dry, goofy, heartbreaking and laugh out loud. The writing is superb! I felt that unlike so many other shows they never took the easy option and condescended to the audience. It's so unexpected and funny at times that I realised how much rubbish we are actually pedalled by other shows. The acting is incredible and everyone holds their own. I feel Invested in them as characters. Gah..... I'm so so sad I've just come to the end of season 2!!
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