9 Reviews
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Aquaman (2018)
14 December 2018
I read a bit of DC comics not particularly fond of Aquaman,but wow this movie will surely garner alot of new fans.The introductions of the characters,the different atlantean races,their abilities powers etc was handled so well,yes it does sound like they crammed up alot in one movie but no,it was handled quite well,making it very easy to follow unlike other DC entries excluding wonderwoman.The CGI was breathtaking ,it really makes you happy living in this modern era to see something so beautiful.The background music score,the costumes for each race,the weapon design,the atlantean ships,the main villains armor etc was so creative and great.The actors cast for the roles were perfect the beautiful princess Mera ,Ocean master,blackmanta,yes Aquaman is supposed to be blonde but Jason does bring a bit of his Hawaiian culture to the role which makes it a much nicer addition.All their acting was great.The only downside was some of the jokes were a bit cringy but don't let that deter you from going for the movie because that's just a tiny flaw in this movie.Me and my friends went for the movie not expecting much but we all left with a smile on our face,everybody involved in this movie wholeheartedly put alot of effort for this movie and yes I think it's a movie worth watching.looking forward to more DC movies like this now to fight toe to toe with Marvel.
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Bad Blood (2017–2018)
Good premise poorly executed
10 December 2018
A crime family series which starts quite well,but it has pacing issues,too many plot holes,not a complete story arc, some characters are not properly explained,so you don't feel anything when they die or do something. Overall you will feel no satisfaction completing this,quite a waste of time in my opinion.
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Good movie could have been much better.
16 November 2018
Well let me start by saying do not compare this to Harry Potter as that saga is a masterpiece based on books written with alot of time and effort.This movie starts of well with the prison escape scene which was quite entertaining but what it lacked is any sort of feeling of fear or dread for the main villain Grindelwald,the movie later picks up very slowly with scenes which were quite boring,introducing characters after characters and bringing other under developed characters from the previous movie expecting us to care about them.The previous movie had something nice which they should have concentrated more on in this movie,was newts relationship with his many creatures,they had quite a bit of that in this movie too but they introduced so many new characters thats they overshadowed the creatures.The plot was a bit odd,it felt kind of empty,like only Credence plotline was the only thing you cared about,which is weird because the name of the movie is crimes of Grindelwald yet Grindelwald motives ,the acts he does was hardly explained.Now the good parts they do bring up nicely is well the visuals,how even in the wizarding world people can be cruel,racist etc and people just want freedom from all this so they resort to even following a person like Grindelwald ,The sacrifices/choices you make for those you love.These parts were beautifully done,I am also greatful they didn't ruin any of the settled lore of Harry Potter like star wars did ,infact they expanded on it which was nice.i would recommend watching this movie as a complete saga as this one feels like an incomplete story,but other then the slow start the movie is fun to watch.
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A Masterpiece
10 November 2018
This anime is probably the only anime I'll recommend people who are new to anime to watch.the story ,the concept,the love between the brothers,the backstory,the concept of alchemy.There is so much to cover and they do such an excellent job.The villains are amazing here,Everytime their appearance caused a bit of dread.some plot points really break your heart ,this show is like an emotional rollercoaster that is a good thing.i rewatched it probably 3 times and every time I see it,I realise what a Masterpiece is.i don't watch alot of anime but this show is an exception ,do try it out and give it a chance.it takes a little patience to understand after all it's about alchemists in a fictional world.
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Naruto: Shippuden (2007–2017)
Great story to grow up
10 November 2018
Let me start by saying I am not a hardcore anime fan,I don't like anime in general because it's too cringy sometimes.but this show has so much depth and the plot is amazing.yes it's true,it's about fantasy ninjas weird you think,but then when you either read or watch it ,you will understand the depth.Each character has a great backstory,sometimes it quite sad but the way it all connects is beautiful.yes to watch this you probably have to commit alot of your time.but it's an amazing experience.it will take a bit of effort though to understand the Ninja moves and places etc.But take the time rewatch the anime maybe read the manga again,you will surely end up liking it. Give it a chance :)
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The Office (2005–2013)
Best comedy show ever
10 November 2018
I tried alot of comedy shows over the years,but nothing is as good as the writing here.the jokes are witty and hilarious,yes sometimes it isn't that funny but most of the time it is.The main reason this show is so great though is because of Steve Carrel ,he is such a great actor,that when he decided to leave the show I just couldn't complete it because I missed him so much. All the other characters are written so well too like Dwight etc. The references and office pranks are hilarious,I think everybody should grow up with this show,it's a must watch :)
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
Season 3...
20 October 2018
Let me start by saying Daredevil season 1 was so great it was the reason I got Netflix.Daredevil season 2 for me was ok,I really liked the punisher but I didn't feel much for the main plot.but wow season 3 ..I would probably get my memory erased to relive this masterpiece again... Every character which is introduced has a proper backstory.you actually care about each and every persons motives.you get to choose who you like.i love great villians and this show delivers not one but two.Wilson Fisk from season 1 itself was very impressive and season 3 he delivers an exemplary performance,but the person who stole the show was bullseye,his character development was amazing and the action scenes were phenomenal.usually shows have plot holes ,directors don't really care to fill them up but this show had no plot holes.It was really amazing ,they went for a bit unexpected ending which I really liked.usually multiple villains ruin movies and shows but this they did it so well.lol,this is probably how been afflecks Daredevil movie should have been.Must watch :)
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Venom (2018)
Venom is a good movie
5 October 2018
Venom isn't a great movie but it's good.the villain riot could do a bit more buildup,the relationship between Eddie and venom needed a bit more development to understand venoms motives properly other than that it was great. The cgi was spectacular,the dialogues were worth remembering,the plot was decent.how it got piss poor ratings on rotten tomatoes is beyond me.its way better than star wars as a movie yet it's review score is so low on rotten tomatoes.top critics are useless.if you want to watch a movie now just check audience reviews on imdb,filter it by total votes.avoid rotten tomatoes critics,try the movie yourself and see if I am wrong.
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Leave logic at home.
2 October 2018
Let me start by saying that I loved Johnny English 1,watching these movies you must understand you don't watch it for the plot or the logic.but this installment isnt has good as it's predecessor.the starting is a bit boring to pick up,the jokes are very boring or done too many times in previous installments.the movie does shine in a few scenes though like the dance scene and driving scene,but other than that it was quite boring.Some scenes at the end try so hard they become quite cringy.i would recommend watching this movie at home and not in theatre.
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