
18 Reviews
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Da Vinci's Demons (2013–2015)
Why did this show get canceled??!!
25 November 2023
It was beautiful and luxurious and fantastical and the acting was excellent and the imagery of the brothels and what could possibly be even entered my dreams. Certainly I wasn't based on facts and only lightly touched upon reality but I didn't give a good goddamn because I looked forward to every single episode and the he show even nudged me towards looking up the more boring truths behind the imagery and excellent storytelling of the show. But it was cancelled and now I am left bereft of another show that can't possibly take its place. Riario was my favorite, the sword of god, and they handled the rivalry between the sons of Mithras and the Labyrinth perfectly with neither being right. Why oh why did this show get cancelled. So damned sad like I'm mourning an actual death.
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Jeruzalem (2015)
Good horror movie
12 November 2023
Not sure why this film got such bad reviews as it was a lot better than the usual low budget fare put out there. I especially loved the setting and the backstory of judgement day and the resurrection. I felt the effects were good as well as the build up. The two girls were great as rich American tourists and the hatred between Omar and the IDF soldiers also gave the movie some realism while working towards the horror of an actual judgement day, demons and all. The ending also worked perfectly. I've watched this movie more than once and like it as much as As above so below which came out around the same time.
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Bad Writers Ruin Things
9 September 2023
This movie erred in killing off John Connor, not because it was a very bad story choice, but because for many, he was who they wanted to see save the day. I mean, I can't understand the point in that bait and switch myself. Also, bringing in two very non-memorable female characters completely turned off most of the fan base. I honestly had no idea why they were there besides the new terminator needing another target. I personally ignored them for the most part. That said, I loved the movie, but only because I got to see Linda Hamilton reprise my favorite hero Sarah Connor and listening to Arnold as the old terminator joke about drapes was just golden lol ! Too bad the writer forgot who the fan base was. The movie could have been amazing.
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Nefarious (2023)
Yeah, it was religious
18 August 2023
But it was still a rally fun film and oh so much better than garbage like Mallum. It's amazing how easy is was for them to make this.

The acting was very good and the story was good as well. The " message " didn't take away from the whole story unless you let it otherwise it was a very enjoyable horror flick and better than most. That days a lot.

For most the only problem will be about abortiion as so many people have had abortions these days. I looked at it in a clinical fashion. To be upset I would have to believe that the god Moloch actually existed in the real world. As a logical person it is all just good fun.
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Good Omens (2019– )
Why?!! Did they have to go there ?
4 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Why did they have to *go there* Did they have to make this whole season a damned romance? The first season was fantastic! This season... had to have an agenda. I liked it better when they were just friends and now it's kind of ruined. But these are the days where every show and movie has to be about gay or trans people so that's that.

I still loved the characters but this seasons plot was all about love and romance and relationships and I don't think the real fans of the book had any interest whatsoever in any of that. We just wanted a real story and plot line and not all this MUSH and really, seeing them kiss was pretty awful!
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The Creeping (2022)
Slow and cliche
5 May 2023
Don't look at the high ratings as they are fake. I just wasted over an hour of my life watching this trite, cliche horror flick with cgi straight from the 1980's.

The acting is fine, the cinematography is also fine. The story however has been done over a million times and I feel sorry for the actors getting stuck in this movie as they alone did a great job with the horrible material they were given.

You've got to wonder why it seems all the people with zero talent get to make movies like this. The story has been done so many millions of times and to much better effect. I really feel cheated.
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Not sure how the score is so high
11 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is was full of predictable jump scares and horror movie cliches. On top of that, the script was choppy and the acting wasn't all that great.

If the movie had gone in one direction instead of taken three unsatisfying avenues maybe it could have been saved, but every part of this felt halfhearted and unfinished. More like an exercise rather than an honest endeavor.

The main character constantly breaks down into crying panic attacks, the husband is obvious from the beginning. The only interesting part of this was the paranormal investigator being a bit different than the norm. Even the ghost was tired and dull. How anyone is giving this over a 3 is a mystery in itself.
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A college film project
27 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The story was cliche' and whoever filmed it should never get behind a camera again. Also, the person who decided a ghost in a rubber suit from a Halloween store would work... I really have no words for that one. The people who made this should be ashamed of themselves.

That said most of the acting was ok, besides the overacting done, almost to the point of parody, by the actor who played the land lord.

What I want to know is how does garbage like this get out to the unsuspecting public? I paid 2 dollars to watch this so I guess the joke is in me. Some rich kids with camera equipment fooled me into watching a rubber suited ghost story.
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Mayfair Witches (2023– )
Fun watch so far, but.. Lasher looks like an aging playboy
15 January 2023
I read the books long ago, and I don't remember much, but I do remember that Lasher was supposed to be hot and not overweight with a receding hairline.

Why would a demon pick such an underwhelming form? We all know if this were a female demon she would be the most beautiful woman in the room. So why does this male demon look like someone's dad trying to look young?

As it stands, I'm still going to watch the show and maybe even re read the book, but so far I really can't express how disappointed I am that women are getting ripped off in regards to a hot male demon. No eye candy here, and that's pretty disappointing.
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1899 (2022)
Mind binding roller coaster ride
24 November 2022
Just binge watched this over a few days and loved the roller coaster ride, the characters, and the entire premise of the show. Each episode keeps you wanting more and now I'm annoyed that it's over, and hoping the next season of this come quicker than the 2nd season of Dark.

The scenery is gorgeous, and the backstories of each character intriguing. The story is like a Russian doll that seems infinite.

One thing I like is that none of the characters seems hollow although not all of their back stories are shown, and some only alluded to. Each story has to do with guilt and wanting to fall into blissful ignorance because their reality is too painful to live with.

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Master (I) (2022)
THE MESSAGE got in the way
23 July 2022
Of this being the good horror movie it could have been.

We knew it was about race, but what happened to the back story about the witch that seemed to be targeting black students? Nothing happened. In the end it makes you think that the horrors were all delusions brought on by the stress of racist society. Nothing more.

A lot of good ideas were not fully realized. Pity.
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Horror as poetry
16 June 2022
This movie is not was I was expecting, but once I got past the realization that this movie was closer to something like Company of Wolves and not The Nun, I found myself loving it.

I know zero about Macedonian folklore but I enjoyed the gritty aspects of what their witch myths are like... At its core this is a coming of age story of an abused young girl who also happens to be a witch, and that your life is what you make it.
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Room 203 (2022)
Bad on every level
28 April 2022
The entire premise was idiotic.

The acting was OK but I still didn't care about any character.

The movie was so dull it literally put me to sleep.

Any good reviews for this movie are being paid or like wasting people's time.
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
Enjoying the ride
5 April 2022
This is my favorite show. Of course it's not perfect but it's damn good especially compared to everything else that's out right now in the realm of Sci fi. Hopefully they don't ruin it trying to tie all the threads of plot together. It will be impossible to please everyone.
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Not horror and barely a drama
5 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The whole movie is watching this one guy act like a boring mental patient because his girlfriend is gone. You don't even care about him or her enough to watch the movie in it's entirety.

Don't waste your time. The only *horror* is in the last 3 or so minutes, is badly done and no one in the movie even seems to care much either.
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Not what u expect
10 January 2018
I thought it was going to be a straight horror film, and some parts were very creepy and a bit scary but on the surrealistic side, but really it was a dark story about friendship and what you leave behind as you try to fit in and find yourself as you grow up. Every one of us has a story like this one and when you remember it will hurt, but hopefully in a good way.
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Bright (I) (2017)
Critics are wrong again
27 December 2017
This movie was very enjoyable. It was fast paced and when it was over I was left hoping for a sequel.

The synergy between Ward and his partner Jakoaby was very good and the fact that there was magic and elves in LA should have felt foolish, but it didn't, they pulled it off.

It was like the plot of an RA Salvatore novel set in modern times with a bit more humor. Good job I say and don't trust the critics. These days it seems as if they are paid off to like and dislike what they are ordered too.
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Happy I saw it but the original was the masterpiece *spoilers*
15 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge fan of the original but I liked this movie as well. It didn't have the heart rending scenes of the original, Roy and Pris's last scenes, or the interesting love story of Deckard and Rachel, but it tried. I think what this movie was really trying to do was set up for more sequels. That said, seeing the old Deckard see the remade replicant of Rachel brought a mist to my eyes. I guess I liked this movie because I loved the first one. I wanted more. More info on Jared Ledo's character and Luv for example. Why did she cry every time she killed for one. I wanted more out of this film than it gave, but I still think it's worth seeing.
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