
154 Reviews
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Convoluted contrived CGI
30 May 2024
I've never been a big fan of the Marvel movies, but I really liked the first Doctor Strange movie. This one was just confusing and underwhelming. The movie started out in the middle of a storyline, assuming the viewer already knew certain things which made it hard to follow. The plot itself was very convoluted and contrived, and I had a hard time following along at times. When the main plot of the movie became evident, it seemed kind of silly. The villain did not really have a strong motive for her actions. The CGI was good, but there was no heart or depth to the story. An entertaining watch, but not something that's memorable or worth watching again.
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12 Angry Men (1957)
Now this is acting
29 May 2024
Who would've thought? Take a film from the 1950s, show it in its original black-and-white and don't colorize it, have no action whatsoever and have the entire plot hinge on dialogue... Boring, right? Anything but! A brilliant film. Amazing how much characterization the Director was able to get from each role in just an hour and a half with simply dialogue. The acting was amazing. There was tension, there was a drama, and there were moral lessons everywhere. Truly very original and unique film, one that clearly stands a test of time. It was terrific, and I can clearly see why this is considered one of the best movies of all time.
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Emotionally uneven
29 May 2024
The concept of the movie is good, although very much formulaic. The execution is not very good, unfortunately. The emotional tone of the movie throughout is very uneven and erratic. Scenes will jump from one to the next with different tones. One scene will be funny, and immediately afterwards it will be a dramatic scene. The movie will then switch back to more of a comedic tone. It's as if the writers cannot settle on the mood they wanted to set for the film. The female lead is annoying, not endearing. Overall, the movie was good, but not great. Tom Hanks is a good actor and he does the best with what he has but he could've had more.
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Good middle, weird ends
20 May 2024
This is not your typical Indian movie. The concept itself is actually quite original and unique. It starts out very slow with very awkward pacing. The director definitely could've sped things up. Yet the middle portion of the movie is fascinating and intriguing. Very Hitchcockian. Then, the end. Utter nonsense. Unrealistic plot, unrealistic action, completely fell apart. After what was a very promising middle portion, the movie itself falls short of what it could've been. With a little bit better direction and a rewrite of the conclusion, this could have been an all-time classic. Instead, it leaves you wanting more and wondering what if the execution had been better.
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Trash movie
16 May 2024
I don't understand this movie at all. First of all, all the characters are annoying. The dialogue is frenetic and fast paced and meant to be funny but it comes off as annoying and grating. There's no attempt at creating chemistry between the characters, just finding multiple opportunities to expose as much of the lead actresses' skin as possible. The entire concept of the movie is stupid. All it would take to resolve things is for the bride to be to actually talk to her groom. And the conclusion of the movie is nonsensical as it ends up with the same result that the bride was trying to prevent in the first place. Trash movie. Not worth the time.
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What's the Hindi word for garbage?
9 May 2024
Knives Out is a quirky, original American whodunit movie that has an interesting plot with good acting and suspense. This film tries to replicate that vibe and fails miserably. The plot is convoluted and hard to follow. I don't think I still understand what exactly happened even after watching the film. There are gratuitous adult scenes for no apparent reason. The soundtrack is repetitive and annoying. The only saving grace for this disaster is that it was comedic in parts where it wasn't trying to be! Watching Indian actors try to get upset and curse in English is amusing to watch! This junk needs to be tossed out and is the worst movie I've seen this year so far.
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Entertaining time
2 May 2024
The movie is an Indian romantic comedy about matchmaking and meddling parents, and that pretty much summarizes everything. The plot is predictable, and the storyline is nothing original. You can see the evolution of the film coming from a mile away. Despite that, it works overall. The pacing is good, and there are some genuinely funny moments. It does help to be of Indian descent to get an inside look at some of the comments and jokes. The bride-to-be's fiancé is probably the most interesting character of the bunch. All in all, it is a fun film that has nothing unique to say but still says it in a fun and interesting manner.
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Stupid upon stupid
24 April 2024
Things start okay, and then the movie begins a slow crash landing. The beginning is interesting if not predictable, but then the writers get it in their head to add on ploy layer after plot layer with each twist even more implausible than the last. Every time it seems the surprise plot point has occurred, there's another supposed shock that raises its ugly head. That repeated attempt at suspense just makes things more convoluted and ridiculous. The premise is shaky enough, no need to make things shakier and shakier. Sometimes, less is more. The director and writers should have kept that in mind.
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10 March 2024
I am a big fan of the first Dune movie that came out two years ago, and this movie doesn't fall into the trap of other sequels of the past and reaches the same high-level as its predecessor. The acting is great, the visuals are simply stunning, the soundtrack is engrossing. This is a beautiful film to look at. There is simply no flaws in the direction or cinematography. The only thing that prevents me from giving a 10 is the fact that I believe it could use a little bit more exposition as the narrative became a little confusing at times , but it made up for it with stunning visuals and drama. I hope there's a third one, but if there is not, this is a fitting ending to the Dune saga.
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Will somebody please get Scorsese an editor?
2 March 2024
Oh my gosh, this is a loooooong movie. Length is not always a negative, but the pacing of this film is all wrong. The first 2 hours drag by, and I actually had to stop to read the plot to understand some points. The last 90 minutes are actually interesting, but it takes a while to get to the point where you care what's going on. The soundtrack was grating and off-putting. Something about the lead actress's delivery was odd and annoying too. Finally, after more than 3 hours of movie, Scorsese decides to wrap things up in a hurry in a very ill-fitting way. Someone needs to tell him to hire an editor, trim away the fat, and just tell the story.
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The Holdovers (2023)
Nostalgic film
1 March 2024
The movie hearkens back to a time when things were simpler and somehow more pure. It is shot to look like a film from 40-50 years ago and has a simple story which is done pretty well. Paul Giamatti is an excellent actor and puts his skill on display. A few things fell short for me. I felt like there could be a little more chemistry between some of the actors. Also, for a film trying to tug on nostalgic heartstrings, there's more cursing and adult content than I would expect from a movie from the 1970s-1980s. Overall, it was entertaining and had a good message. Best Picture material? I think not. But it's a good way to spend 2 hours and look back on the good old days.
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80 for Brady (2023)
Silly fun
26 February 2024
Let's face it, this was not the best written, directed, or acted film that you'll see this year. And I admit that I am biased, I am a huge football fan, and that might by itself make me rate this movie higher probably than it actually deserves. But it's just silly fun! It's ridiculous in its concept and in many of the events that take place during the film. But I found myself smiling, laughing at times, and entertained by the ridiculousness. Watching the football scenes also brought back memories of watching the Super Bowl in real time and just amplified things for me by reminding me of how much I love the game. It was for me a reminder of how much I love the game. It was fun, and that's what the movie was intended to be.
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Cobweb (2023)
Good concept, terrible execution
25 February 2024
The idea behind the movie is similar to another horror movie that came out in the past few years, whose name I will not mention. There are some tweaks, which make it more creepy than the other film. The idea itself is interesting and lends itself to tension and suspense. However, there are more holes in the plot than a cheese grater. The acting is wooden and bland, particularly by the parents. Some of the directorial decisions are awkward and make no sense whatsoever. The pacing is terrible. In the end, the film is entertaining and worth the watch, but it is definitely not one of the better horror movies I've seen and could've been so much better.
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Plane (2023)
Don't think too much, and it's good
19 February 2024
Plane is an action film with a plot that is quite original and features some scenes that are really well done and hit the mark when it comes to building suspense and tension. One key sequence early on stands out due to its lack of a soundtrack. It's a fun action film with energy and drama. It also has a lot of loose ends and plot holes which on reflection are ridiculous and completely unrealistic. The character development is a little weak too. Plane could have been absolutely terrific but falls a little short. It still is a fun time and worth a watch. Sit back and enjoy the flight. Just don't think too much about it.
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16 February 2024
I've never heard of or played the video game that this movie is based on, so maybe I'm losing something in the translation. Overall, this movie was awful. The plot is incoherent and rambles in a completely unfocused fashion. For a horror movie, it's not scary at all. It's actually silly and ridiculous. Every single scene had a plot hole. The acting was bland and boring. To sum it up, the movie was just complete garbage. If you want to watch a movie with somewhat of a similar concept that is better done, watch Willy's Wonderland. Or, just go to Chuck E. Cheese with a bunch of five-year-olds. That should scare you more than this movie does.
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Lift (I) (2024)
Lift is a drag
10 February 2024
The trailer of this movie actually looked quite interesting. Unfortunately, the movie then started. Kevin Hart is simply not a good leading man. The plot is all over the place and incoherent at times. The acting is bland and boring. I found myself falling asleep during the movie's first hour at times. There were logical inconsistencies and plot holes everywhere. The movie simply makes no sense, and the writing prevents the viewer from developing any sort of interest or likability of the main characters. The movie simply drags. Interesting idea, but it is a disaster as it tries to copy much better heist movies.
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Stop trying to remake the classic
1 February 2024
The original Exorcist movie was simply a classic. Disturbing, terrifying, stomach-churning, everything a horror movie should be. Numerous attempts, including this movie, have attempted to repeat that visceral sensation one felt by watching that classic and have failed miserably. There is nothing new to see here. The movie is bland and tedious at times. The actors are stone faced and show no emotion or chemistry. They are not believable in their roles. The only positive would be the make up effects that were used on the girls. However, even these are not good enough to enhance what turns out to be quite a boring exorcism scene with a twist that is just stupid and contrived. Leave the classic alone and find some new ideas.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Unfocused jumbled mess
28 January 2024
I thought this was going to be a movie about the Barbie doll. I thought it would be somewhat entertaining and funny. The beginning was actually brilliant with its ode to a previous classic film i will not name so as not to spoil it. And then everything fell apart. The movie gets lost in its own attempted message of feminism and gender equality. It doesn't make its point at all and becomes incoherent and scrambled. There was no message as the movie tries to make a statement but comes across heavy-handed and confused. I looked at my watch several times to see how much more of this poorly directed mumbo-jumbo I had to tolerate. Best Picture nominee? No way.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Almost unexplainably bad
27 January 2024
This may be one of the worst movies I've ever seen in the theater. I should've known better knowing I was going to see a Jason Statham movie. He has no talent, and he simply is known for his name and his action/fighting skills. But the reviews were so good! Apparently, the reviewers were paid off. The plot is ridiculous, and the acting skills were as bad as a high school drama club,. At times, I felt like I was watching ann episode of NOVA learning all sorts of things about bees. Statham has one facial expression in the movie, and it looks like boredom. Never again will I see on of his movie sin the theater... I'll wait to bore myself at home when it comes on streaming instead.
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Who wrote this garbage?
25 January 2024
The movie premise is actually very good, the lead acting cast is excellent, but everything else about this film is simply terrible. The actors are awful in their performances, and they clearly are simply mailing it in. The plot has more holes than a bundle of Swiss cheese. Things are so implausible and so unrealistic that it's laughable at times, even during the dramatic scenes. And the baby? The baby is one of the most annoying part of the entire movie, and his voice is obviously dubbed in afterwards which makes things look even more silly. Surprised that this was not any better than it was. Maybe someone should remake this down the road and actually do a decent job of making a film.
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The Creator (2023)
A very good movie on the verge of being great
21 January 2024
This was an excellent science-fiction movie. I loved the world building in the introduction. Other movies have commented on AI, but no other movies that I know of have expressed themselves from this perspective. The special effects were tremendous. The story line was good, although it felt a little muddled and confusing at times. I think the pacing could've been better, and some of the exposition could've been a little bit more developed. There are certainly a few plot holes, but overall the concept of the story and the creativity therein made this movie one that I would consider watching again to catch everything that I missed the first time around. Very well done.
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Moonfall (2022)
My IQ dropped 10 points by watching this movie
13 January 2024
The movie is directed by the same guy that directed Independence Day, but this film is stupider and more ridiculous. I need to call my high school science teacher and tell him that he got it all wrong. I wish I had made a list of all the scientific errors throughout the film, but I didn't have enough paper and pen in the house. The movie makes no sense whatsoever. The CGI is overdone and looks very artificial at times. The acting is stilted. It was one of those movies you kind of had a good time by mocking it with your family during the dramatic parts. Inane, idiotic, and dumb. No, those words are not negative enough for this film. It only gets this many stars because my son picked it for his birthday.
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Not a good book, and not a good movie
12 January 2024
I read the book last year and didn't like it. I didn't tenet the book and then started to watch this movie based on the trailer which looked fantastic. As the movie started, I remembered that I read the book, but decided to stick through it. Not good. The camera work is impressive, but the soundtrack is grating, the plot is slow paced and anticlimactic, and the acting is bizarre. People say and do things that they would not normally do in real life in their current situation. There's a whole lot of buildup, and no climax. I'm OK with open ended stories, but the entire movie felt like an open ended movie. Numerous scenes began and then ended with really nothing having occurred despite a lot of set up. Odd film that could've been a lot better, but then again, the book wasn't very good either.
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X (II) (2022)
Interesting premise, not well executed
4 January 2024
The idea behind the movie itself is interesting, and some of the plot elements are unique and original. However, there was just too much skin for me. I had to look away for large chunks of film as things that were just not relevant to the plot were taking place on screen. Also, the director has apparently never talked to a senior citizen to know that human behavior and abilities change as one ages and becomes older. Not to give too much away, but the villains in the film did things that simply would not be likely or possible given their stage in life. It was interesting enough for me to want to watch the prequel. It was OK, but could've been better.
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Santa Jaws (2018)
What did I just watch?
30 December 2023
This has to be one of the most stupid, awful, terrible, ridiculous, idiotic movies I've ever seen in my life. The acting is just plain awful. The dialogue is horrific. The direction is terrible. My children have made better animal models than the ones used in this picture. But to top it all off, it was so bad I laughed. It's one of those movies that is so cringe worthy that it actually is entertaining. It's a movie that is so bad, it's actually kind of good. I have no idea who thinks of these ideas and what actors are actually willing to stake their careers on movies like this. A one of a kind movie experience.
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